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Chapter 170 Lin Xiaotian is One!

Chapter 170 Lin Xiao, heaven and man become one!

In the dormitory, Lin Xiao stopped writing and looked at the lines of formulas on the draft paper.

Shaking his head, "It was almost something."

After more than two weeks of research, Lin Xiao still had no success.

Of course, this is also expected. If the twin prime conjecture could be figured out so easily, then mathematicians all over the world might be ashamed.

Still unable to find the direction below, Lin Xiao decided to temporarily turn his mind away from thinking about the problem and return to the real world.

Suddenly I remembered what Professor Searle said that day, although learning is the first thing, it is not everything.

I took a look at the glass jar placed on the corner of the table. The pebbles, gravel and fine sand inside were lying quietly inside. It is likely that this jar will not be opened again for a long time.

Standing up, he stretched and said, "Let's go for a walk outside. Maybe we can find some inspiration?"

Looking back at Mimi who was still lying on the bed, he walked up and buried his face in the soft hair, then took a deep breath, took a handful, and said: "Mimi, you stay at home and look after the house.


Then he couldn't help but take another handful, and amidst Mimi's protest, he left the door refreshed.

I walked out the door and looked at the time. It was now eleven o'clock in the morning.

When he went out to play, he had to find a friend to go with him, so he went to Alex's dormitory across the street and knocked on the door, but got no response.

"Ask where he went."

With this thought in mind, I called Alex.

Soon, Alex answered the phone.

"Lin, is something wrong?"

"I encountered some difficulties in my research, and I plan to go out for a walk. Do you want to come with me?"

"Relaxing? That's just right! Come to the atrium garden. Several friends and I are here. Let me introduce you to it."

"Okay, I'll be right away."

Lin Xiao said, and then walked towards the atrium garden that Alex mentioned.

The atrium garden is located inside the Normal School of Paris. It is not small, but not big either. However, it is just right for the somewhat rare Normal School of Paris with a small number of teachers and students.

This place is called a garden, and there are naturally a lot of flowers inside. All kinds of flowers are in bloom, such as the French national flower iris, lilacs, gorse, etc.

Paris is the most beautiful in April, but now that it is the end of March, you can still appreciate such beauty.

Smelling the fragrance of flowers, Lin Xiao crossed the path, admiring the scenery here, while recalling the Weiming Lake view in Beijing Dazhong. There were two different styles, one seemed more natural, the other seemed more tranquil.

However, no matter what, people feel comfortable everywhere.

Soon, he came to the middle of the garden and saw Alex.

Next to Alex, there were four girls and one boy.

Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly. He should have guessed the four girls.


Hearing the sound, Alex turned his head with a smile on his face: "Lin, you are finally here!"

He stood up, put his arm around Lin Xiao's shoulders, and said to his five friends with a smile: "Come on, let me introduce to you. This is the prover of Goldbach's conjecture, the most powerful genius in our mathematics world.

, Lin Xiao! Ladies, if you want to have a boyfriend, I highly recommend him!"

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry: "Alex, that's enough for you."

However, when these people saw Lin Xiao, they all had smiles on their faces. Several girls' eyes lit up and they stood up to greet him.

For girls from any country, what can attract men is nothing more than money, appearance and talent.

When I was a student, I had not yet understood the society, so money was secondary, and appearance and talent became the first criteria.

Needless to say, Lin Xiao's talent is perfect. As for the prover of Goldbach's conjecture, Lin Xiao's appearance is more handsome than Peng Yuyan after all, so even if he has no talent, it is enough to attract these people.


The second half is what Lin Xiao thinks about himself.

Looking at these exotic young ladies, Lin Xiao seemed to be able to feel the dire straits Alex was in.

"Hello everyone, let's not be so enthusiastic."

Lin Xiao avoided their enthusiasm and said quickly.

Alex said with a smile: "It is our habit to treat our friends with enthusiasm."

"It's too much enthusiasm."

Lin Xiao spread his hands, looking helpless.

Next, these friends of Alex also introduced themselves to Lin Xiao.

The boy's name is Henri Bernard, a student in the Department of Physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, studying for a master's degree. The other four girls are all undergraduates, two from the Sorbonne University next door, and two from Paris.

As students in normal colleges, these girls study a wide range of majors, including chemistry, literature, mathematics and art.

In addition to the girls from the mathematics department who showed special admiration for Lin Xiao, the girl from the chemistry department also admired Lin Xiao. After all, Lin Xiao's original paper caused a shock in the chemical world.

, she admired this kind of big guy who could interdisciplinary and be so awesome.

However, what interests Lin Xiao even more is Henri Bernard, a French guy who is a master's student in physics, and his research direction is high-energy physics.

"Do you and your supervisor go to CERN often?"

"Yes." Henry Bernard nodded: "Some time will pass. Of course, we have no experimental plans in the near future. Since 2018, our Large Hadron Collider has stopped operating.

Maintenance and upgrades are being carried out, and it will probably be started again at the beginning of next year. Now our work has been analyzing the data of past experimental results."

He smiled and said: "To be honest, our theoretical physics research has a huge demand for mathematical geniuses like you. If you are interested in doing research, I believe we at CERN will not refuse."

Lin Xiao nodded: "If there is a chance, I would also be happy to see it."

Henry smiled and said: "Okay, I will definitely call you then."

At this time, Alex suddenly asked: "By the way, Lin, how is your research on the twin prime conjecture going? That Cayman talked nonsense in an interview some time ago, which is really annoying."

"Now I have encountered some problems, so now I want to look outside for inspiration."

"Lin, can inspiration be found outside?"

A girl from the Department of Mathematics said: "I only find inspiration by reading other people's papers."

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Mathematics itself comes from nature. When you understand nature, you may be able to capture key points that are difficult to discover."


After hearing what Lin Xiao said, several people were confused.

Henry Bernard's eyes lit up: "Is it like what you say in Kung Fu, that heaven and man are one?"

When Kung Fu was mentioned, the eyes of several others also lit up, and they all looked at Lin Xiao.

The unity of nature and man in kung fu sounds very powerful. Is this the reason why Lin Xiao is so powerful?

Lin Xiao shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Okay, since you have guessed it, then I admit it, it is indeed because of kung fu."


"Sure enough, everyone in your country knows Kung Fu!"

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, the six foreigners actually believed it, with exaggerated expressions on their faces. Alex even said directly: "Lin! I want to become a disciple! Please teach me!"

Seeing this, Lin Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or what to do.

Some foreigners' stereotyped impressions of Chinese people are annoying, but the fact that Chinese people know Kung Fu makes Chinese people find it funny.

"There is no need to become a disciple. You can go back and search. The times are calling, and there are also two sets of kung fu that every student in China must learn, Dancing Youth."

Seeing these people immediately taking out their mobile phones to search, Lin Xiao couldn't help but wonder, has he completed a cultural export now?

After playing in the atrium garden for a while, they did not stay here forever. Since Lin Xiao was here, they took Lin Xiao around Paris, from near the Normal School in Paris to near the Eiffel Tower. Paris, as France

The core city has a very rich cultural heritage and historical customs. Lin Xiao, who had never visited Paris before, finally experienced that feeling for the first time.

Until later, they came to the Louvre Museum.

When entering the Louvre, the first thing you can see is the world-famous glass pyramid.

That perfect geometric shape has a total glass plane area of ​​approximately 1,000 square meters and a total weight of exactly 200 tons.

For people who are accustomed to the decimal system, a number followed by several zeros always has a pleasing feeling.

Lin Xiao stood in front of the glass pyramid, looking at this perfect building, and suddenly had some insights in his heart.

If each intersection point is regarded as a prime number, its three edges represent the twin prime number pairs, and the even number between them...

Lin Xiao felt a flash of inspiration flash in his mind.

However, he didn't fully capture it, there was still a little bit missing.

"Lin, let's go in."

At this time Alex called him, "Let me show you the treasure of our Louvre Museum!"


Lin Xiao responded, then quickly followed and entered the Louvre.

It is filled with various exquisite sculptures, showing the spiritual outlook of the ancient Roman era.

There were no sculptors in ancient China, or there were many sculptors. The terracotta warriors and horses in Xijing are all sculptures handed down by the famous craftsmen of that era.

However, the Chinese state cares more about "intention" and does not care about "form", which also makes the Chinese artworks appear more abstract.

The sculptures created by these medieval European artists in front of us appear to be more substantial in terms of shape alone.

In this way, after seeing the Venus de Milo and admiring the Statue of Victory, Lin Xiao finally saw the Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci.

The mysterious smile of the woman in the portrait made people wonder, and until Lin Xiao laid his eyes on the Mona Lisa's eyes, he seemed to feel a sense of wisdom that spanned centuries.

His brain gradually produced endless associations, from the Mona Lisa in front of him, back to the glass pyramid just now, and then back to the pieces of papyrus.

If there were special effects to represent it, mathematical formulas and symbols would probably have appeared behind him.


Seeing Lin Xiao didn't move for a long time, Alex asked doubtfully.

However, Lin Xiao did not respond.

Alex was about to pat him, but Henry held Alex back.

"Now Lin has entered a state of harmony between man and nature, let's not disturb him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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