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Chapter 174 People will only remember the winner, not the defeat

Chapter 174 People will only remember the winners, not the losers

Even if he only uses theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics to understand the creation of the universe, it will be of great help to him in understanding the truth of the world.

However, there is obviously no such good thing.

"The universe is not one thing." The system replied: "At the same time, it is recommended that when the host's brain development rate has not reached more than 50%, do not try to explore the celestial bodies in the universe. This will have an impact on the host's brain and may cause serious consequences.

As a result, it is recommended that the host scan things with a volume of less than 100 cubic meters."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, and it really didn't work.

But think about it, it is indeed as the system said, the universe is so big, if you try it yourself, you may die instantly.

However, for objects with a volume of less than 100 cubic meters, there are still a lot of things you can ask for, such as...


Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up. If he used the chip himself, would he know how the chip was made?


The chip is not the focus, the focus should be the photolithography machine!

The most advanced lithography machine at present is Asmail's EUV lithography machine. EUV refers to extreme ultraviolet light. The wavelength of this light source is 13.5nm. After the design of the light source circuit, this extreme ultraviolet light will

It can carve lines as narrow as 1nm on a silicon wafer.

This also means that only extreme ultraviolet light sources can produce chips below 7nm.

This year is 2020, and 5nm chips have entered the market. However, China still cannot produce DUV lithography machines that are even one level below.

If the [Request for Cash] rewarded by the system can really scan the entire EUV lithography machine, then it seems that it will not be difficult for China to build an EUV lithography machine.

Of course, the production process will still be a problem in the future. For example, TSMC can use DUV lithography machines to produce 7nm chips, and China can also purchase ASML's DUV lithography machines, but there are still certain problems in the process.

Until now, we can only produce 14nm chips.

In addition to technology, there are also production raw materials and other things, which also have certain problems.

However, developing a photolithography machine first is obviously the top priority, and other issues can be considered later.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's mind immediately drifted to the Netherlands, which is only separated from France by Belgium.

Asmail's EUV lithography machine production factory is right over there!

But obviously, it is impossible for him to run over directly and say that I want to visit your EUV lithography machine factory.

The other party will definitely refuse. Why do you, a Chinese, want to go there?

Although it was a photolithography machine and it was impossible to study the technology inside it at a glance, they were obviously wary of Lin Xiao's application.

Therefore, we can only wait until we have the opportunity to talk about this kind of thing in the future, but there is no need to think about it now.

Lin Xiao shook his head and no longer thought about such distant matters.

It's better to have a good sleep, rest and refresh yourself, and then start organizing your thesis.

So he simply washed up, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

However, after he only slept for about an hour, he heard a fierce knock on the door, accompanied by the voices of people outside.

"Lin Xiao! Open the door quickly!"

Lin Xiao sat up from the bed with a sleepy look on his face. Hearing the sound outside, what happened?

He carried Mimi, who was lying on his stomach across the quilt, to his side, then got out of bed and came to the door.

Opening the door and looking at Alex outside, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"That Cayman said he proved the twin prime conjecture!"

Alex said anxiously.

Lin Xiao was stunned, "He proved it?"

"Yeah." Alex nodded, "He just accepted an interview and said that he successfully proved the twin prime conjecture four hours ago and will publish the paper on arxiv tomorrow."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is a bit surprising. Did you actually complete the proof at the same time as him?

In other words, the other party should have proven it three hours faster than him.

Of course, his proof results have been systematically affirmed, while Cayman's proof results still need to wait until his paper is released before they can be verified by everyone in the mathematical community.

However, it is not in line with Lin Xiao's philosophy to place hope on the fact that the other party's proof will be wrong.

So, I can only send congratulations to Professor Cayman first.

Although he is not very popular as a person, in terms of mathematical research, he is still worthy of praise for proving the twin prime conjecture.

"I understand, thank you for telling me the news."

Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't react at all and remained calm for a year, Alex was helpless: "Why aren't you in a hurry?"

"What's the rush?" Lin Xiao spread his hands, "This is good news for the mathematics community!"

"good news?"

Lin Xiao smiled slightly: "A top problem in mathematics was proved by two people within one day. This is of course good news."

Alex was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and asked: "You also proved it?"

Lin Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes."

Alex was immediately pleasantly surprised, and then said hurriedly: "Then you should be the first to send out the paper!"

Lin Xiao spread his hands helplessly: "It will take a long time to sort out the paper. I'm not like Cayman. He probably has his own students to help."

"But you still have us!"

At this time, several voices suddenly sounded, and Lin Xiao saw a few more people suddenly appear from both sides of the door. He was stunned. Among these people were Henry Bernard and the boys from other dormitories next door.

Although Lin Xiao and Alex were the most familiar, it was obvious that he also knew all the friends in the surrounding dormitories.

Moreover, the people who live in the surrounding dormitories are basically majoring in mathematics, physics and chemistry. For them, it would be a pity not to know a super boss in the field of mathematics living next to them, so they are now considered


In this case, isn't it natural to help friends?

Looking at them, Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel moved in her heart.

The professor may have students to call on him, but he can call on his friends.

He smiled, nodded, and said, "Then, thank you all."

"What's there to be thankful for! We are all Coturne!"

"Yes! We are Coturne!"

Alex and the others said one after another.

Hearing the word Coturne, Lin Xiao had a smile on his face.

This is a unique word that belongs to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, and can only be understood by those who studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.

As for its meaning, it can be understood as roommates. Although they live in single rooms, they can also call each other roommates.

In addition to this unique word, they also have many unique words that outsiders cannot understand, but they can communicate without hindrance.

This can be regarded as the tradition of the Normal School of Paris, and this tradition has also made their relationship with the students of the Normal School of Paris become closer.

So, Lin Xiao smiled and said: "Then, please coturne, come and help me."

"No problem at all!"

They walked in one after another and began to help Lin Xiao organize the paper, trying to finish it before tomorrow!

The time came on the second day.

For ordinary people, today is nothing, but for the mathematical community, there is a big event today.

Professor Cayman, who previously broke through the twin prime number conjecture to 128, today will publish his paper that completely proves the twin prime number conjecture on arxiv.

Although his previous behavior of touching Lin Xiao made many people a little dissatisfied, if he can really prove the twin prime conjecture, then people still have to express their admiration.

After all, such an achievement is truly outstanding.

Of course, the premise is that his proof is correct, and in order to verify this, many people are already preparing to download Cayman's paper on arxiv.

However, when they opened arxiv and searched for relevant papers, they were surprised to find that two papers proving the twin prime conjecture were published on that day.

One of them is from Professor Cayman, and the other one is actually from Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao actually proved it?

People were a little surprised for a moment.

Compared with Cayman completing the proof, people are more willing to believe that Lin Xiao completed the proof.

In any case, a mathematical genius who successfully proved Goldbach's conjecture, and a person who completed a staged breakthrough in the twin prime conjecture based only on the former's research results, and this person still doesn't want to admit it, people are more interested in it.

Willing to believe that the former completes the proof.

As a result, most people in the mathematics community first downloaded Lin Xiao's paper and then read his paper.

After reading it, everyone was once again amazed by Lin Xiao.

His proof process is still so rigorous and the structure is complete. When reading it, they feel a comfortable feeling of extremely smooth logic, just like when doing a math problem, there is no obstacle from beginning to end.


And until the final result, everyone was convinced that Lin Xiao's proof was successful and they could not find any loopholes, at least, they could not find them for the time being.

Then, they closed Lin Xiao's paper with satisfaction, and when they were about to express their opinions on the relevant forum, they suddenly remembered that there was another paper that they had not read.

Based on a responsible attitude towards mathematical truth, they opened Cayman's paper again and read it from beginning to end.

However, after reading it again, some people with low level felt that Cayman's proof was successful, but those mathematicians with real level and voice fell into silence.

"When this person introduced the theorem, didn't he know how to verify the theorem more?"

In Terence Tao's office, looking at Cayman's paper in front of him, Terence Tao shook his head.

In the lemma of the third part, the theorem introduced seems correct, but in fact there is a contradiction in the proof process. It only needs a simple contradiction to deduce that it is not true.

In mathematics papers, all the formulas and theorems before and after must be perfectly integrated, and a single move affects the whole body. This contradiction still determines the death penalty of this paper.

"As expected, you still can't have high expectations for this kind of guy."

Tao Zhexuan closed this paper and deleted it to avoid taking up computer space.

"I haven't seen anything that can be improved in his method before, unless there is another theory like Lin Xiao's sieve circle method that can provide a perfect direction. However, this is already impossible.


Then, he opened his ins and sent a message to Lin Xiao.

"Lin Xiao, congratulations, you succeeded again. Sure enough, I guessed it last time:)"

Then, he posted another update.

"Sometimes I really envy Lin Xiao, because he can always get close to the truth of mathematics, but I often miss the truth."

After posting this post, he thought about whether to express his opinion on Cayman's proof, but finally gave up, lest Cayman would feel that he was persecuting him.

After all, it is undoubtedly a huge blow to publicly claim that you have proved a difficult mathematical problem, only to have someone point out that you failed.

So forget it.

Anyway, in the future, people will only remember the winners, not the losers.

Smiling slightly, he suddenly remembered that he had a number theory class to teach undergraduates next. It was just in time to share this surprising news with his students.

Please give me a monthly pass.

This chapter has been completed!
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