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Chapter 192 Look at the high dimension with low dimension!

Chapter 192 Using low dimensions to spy on high dimensions!

After such a meeting, Lin Xiao successfully received a lot of honorary titles.

Later, he also received interview invitations from various media.

However, he declined all the interview invitations from these media because he was temporarily unavailable to accept these interviews. He had to go back and post his paper to arxiv. Otherwise, the physicists would probably be anxious.

So after returning that day, he posted the paper on arxiv again.

Obviously there is not just mathematics papers on arxiv.

Physics has the most research, and even the number of physicists is far more than that of mathematicians.

This can be seen by just comparing the impact factors of top journals in mathematics and top journals in physics.

Therefore, there are quite a few physicists paying attention to multidimensional field theory recently.

However, when people come to arxiv and want to find Lin Xiao's "On Multidimensional Fields and Their Situation Superposition", they will unfortunately find that Lin Xiao has not published this article on it.

This makes many people feel helpless. Of course, this is limited to those who want to do it for free, because the papers on arxiv are all free, so for some people, they can use arxiv to read those free papers. Of course,

More people purchase resources and journals through institutions and go directly to the papers they want to read.

However, people have also paid attention to Lin Xiao. Maybe he will publish other papers related to multi-dimensional field theory in the future?

On this day, people were not disappointed because Lin Xiao released a new paper.

This paper is titled "Particle Model in Multidimensional Fields".

The title is very simple, but it makes everyone feel a heavy feeling in it.

Just like Einstein's article "The Relationship between Inertia of Objects and Energy", which reveals the important thing of the mass-energy equation.

Obviously, the mass-energy equation is a new formula developed based on the theory of relativity, and Lin Xiao's paper is also a new theory developed based on multi-dimensional field theory.

Moreover, Lin Xiao actually directly combined particles and multi-dimensional field theory, which made everyone pay more attention to it.

So what important truths is revealed in this paper?

What is the relationship between particles and multidimensional fields?

Everyone had this idea. Even the physicists who attended the meeting that day and heard what Lin Xiao said also had expectations and downloaded the paper.

Then, when they read the summary, they once again felt like the world was crazy.

[By substituting the standard model into multi-dimensional field theory through mathematical methods and discussing the standard model of particles under multi-dimensional field theory, we can see that in order to ensure the stability of the three-dimensional universe, there should be more standard models in three, four and five dimensions.

particle of:……

Finally, the standard model of multidimensional particles was used to calculate the mass of the current elementary particles. There was an error between the W boson mass and the actual measured value. The masses of three neutrinos were measured. The sum of the masses of the three neutrinos was 0.13.

eV/c, consistent with the prediction in (doi:10.1103).]

Just from this summary, everyone seemed to feel that their outlook on life had been impacted again.

Even the physicists who had a meeting with Lin Xiao before did not expect that Lin Xiao would directly pull off a big move again.

They originally thought that Lin Xiao had just found a new method to calculate the mass of particles, but they did not expect that this new method of calculating the mass of particles could be called the least important content of the entire paper.

The previous content is the most important.

The most important idea revealed here is to discuss elementary particles from a multi-dimensional perspective!

Their previous framework for discussing elementary particles has been limited to the third dimension. Of course, this was also limited by previous theoretical limitations, preventing them from discussing from more dimensions.

Now, Lin Xiao has successfully introduced the original standard model into the multidimensional field theory, immediately combining particles with multidimensionality, allowing them to understand some problems in the particle world from multidimensionality.

For example, this paper solved how the Higgs mechanism allows particles to gain mass. In the past, people only knew how it happened, but did not know why it happened, which is the essence of the Higgs mechanism. This paper uses

Rigorous mathematical methods prove that this is also related to multi-dimensional space.

In addition, one fact pointed out in this paper makes everyone feel even more amazing, that is, the higher the dimension, the more particles there are.

Their three-dimensional space has more basic particles than their two-dimensional space, and the two-dimensional space has more basic particles than their three-dimensional space. Similarly, the four-dimensional space also has more basic particles than their three-dimensional space. The prediction of particles in the higher-dimensional space in the paper is more

This brought great shock to all physicists.

Doesn't this mean that their small earth civilization, a low-level civilization in the universe that cannot even explore the star system it is in, has managed to spy on high dimensions with a low-dimensional consciousness?

The previous multi-dimensional field theory only allowed them to know the existence of higher dimensions, but now, they even understand the basic composition of higher dimensions.

If, just if, if there are some relatively backward civilizations in higher dimensions, and this civilization has not yet realized the development of science, does that mean that this high-dimensional civilization does not have low-dimensional civilization like them?

Know more about the world they live in than they do?

Of course, although this is destined to be a conclusion of little practical significance, its significance to the entire human science is even more important.

Science has infinite possibilities because this conclusion has been proven!

Everyone couldn't help but think of the author of this paper again.

Lin Xiao.

They are lucky to have such a genius in this century.

There was Newton in the 18th century, Maxwell in the 19th century, and Einstein in the 20th century.

And now in the 21st century, they finally have a top scientist who can challenge their predecessors.

Amid thousands of emotions, all the scholars came to the Internet or in their own circles to promote this another great achievement to everyone.

In order to show its importance, "Physical Review Letters" put "On Multidimensional Fields and Their State Superposition" and "Particles in Multidimensional Fields" together separately and republished a special issue.

When Einstein published his theory of relativity in the "Annals of Physics", it directly brought the "Annals of Physics" to the top and became the world's top physics journal.

"Physical Review Letters" is already one of the top physics journals, and now Lin Xiao's two papers are published in their journal, which even allows them to remove "one", although this may only be temporary

, but it obviously also has extraordinary significance to them.

As for the two top journals "Nature" and "Science", even if Lin Xiao did not publish the paper in their philosophy, they still invited top physicists to give extensive introductions to these two papers, and even "Nature"

" also published multidimensional field theory as the cover of the current issue, but "Science" did not do this, and its editorial department was reportedly reprimanded.

"Times" also published the previous interview with Edward Witten with the title: [Looking at high dimensions from low dimensions].

All in all, media all over the world are once again rushing to report on this new achievement, and even gossip news has reported on this news, making it a hot topic.

Of course, the response to this matter in China was even more intense and enthusiastic.

Almost all official media reported on this incident, and proudly declared to people that this was the theory of relativity proposed by the Chinese!

[The Chinese’s own theory of relativity!]

[Chinese mathematician and physicist Lin Xiao reveals the secret of multi-dimensional space]

[A feast for the world of physics! Multidimensional field theory!]

[my country has another top physicist in the world, and multi-dimensional field theory peeps into the mysteries of high and low dimensions]

[Shocked! He published a paper and actually...]

"Just kidding, what about the Chinese's own theory of relativity? Multidimensional field theory is multidimensional field theory, and there is no need to compare it with the theory of relativity."

At Peking University, Professor Zheng Ren looked at the titles of media reports on the Internet and shook his head.

Multidimensional field theory does not need to use the theory of relativity to demonstrate its status. Physicists all over the world know the importance of multidimensional field theory, especially the release of Lin Xiao's second paper, which has provided evidence for this.

Seventeen particles were calculated, and except for three neutrinos, which had no actual test data that could be confirmed, thirteen of the other fourteen particles were very similar to the previous measurement data.

And their calculation of the mass of the W boson pointed out the gap with their previous measurement results.

Which of these results does not surprise the physics community?

After all, these calculations of particle masses are equivalent to confirming the correctness of multi-dimensional field theory.

Therefore, most physicists now believe that the mass of the W boson is indeed an error in their experimental measurements.

In short, the current multi-dimensional field theory, in the eyes of physicists like them, is already a theory comparable to the theory of relativity.

Thinking back to the young man who lived downstairs, in the blink of an eye, he transformed from a young master in mathematics to a top physicist who could be compared with figures like Einstein.

Regarding this, Zheng Ren could only lament that things in the world are impermanent.

Then he looked at his class schedule, oh, he needs to go to class.

As a substitute teacher of high energy physics at the School of Physics at Peking University, he still has to teach undergraduates.

Soon, we arrived at the classroom.

Looking at the undergraduates below, even if Zheng Ren was standing on the podium, he could hear many of them discussing things about multidimensional field theory.

He smiled slightly and then said: "Today, let's continue talking about Pauli's principle."

Soon, the class came to an end. Zheng Ren stopped the class and then said: "I believe everyone knows what a big event has happened in our physics community recently, right?"

"Multidimensional field theory!"

The students below shouted almost in unison.

Zheng Ren smiled and said, "Yes, it's multidimensional field theory. Let's take the next little time to briefly talk to you about what multidimensional field theory says."


The students below immediately cheered.

Zheng Ren also turned around and started writing on the blackboard.

"Multidimensional field theory proves for us the existence of multidimensional space..."

Although the students below were still a little confused under Zheng Ren's narration, they all felt a sense of inner satisfaction when they heard Zheng Ren's very lofty conclusions.

Until the end, "So, now we can confirm that there are different particles in different dimensions, and even high-dimensional particles also play a role in the stability of low-dimensional space."

"Well, let's just talk about this. Do you have any questions?"

Suddenly someone below raised their hands.

"Teacher, does multidimensional field theory mean that we can become four-dimensional creatures?"

"That's not true. It just tells you the existence of high-dimensional space. As for how to connect with higher dimensions, there is currently no theoretical support for this."

"Teacher, is Lin Xiao now the world's top physicist?"

Zheng Ren smiled: "Basically, I can say yes."


All the students couldn't help but exclaimed.

This chapter has been completed!
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