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Chapter 195 Bah! Disgusting!

Chapter 195 Bah! Disgusting!

A few weeks passed.

In Kong Huaan's room.

At this time, he was on the website he built, looking at various private messages sent to him.

These private messages included the names, addresses and phone numbers of strangers.

A few weeks ago, after Kong Huaan's reward was issued, some people in his shadow organization quickly responded to his reward and went online to investigate those who specifically spoke ill of Lin Xiao behind his back.

However, most of these people are trolls, and they will eventually point to certain online troll companies.

After these online troll companies investigate, it is often of no use because they also don’t know who hired them.

Therefore, Kong Huaan has not received any useful news.

As for why these naval forces would take on such a mission, wouldn’t they think it would be harmful to the future of their country?

Kong Huaan has not thought about this at all. As for the social scum of the Internet trolls, they can take it if they have money. As for harming the country, they have probably never cared about it, and they may even be complacent about it, just like these Internet trolls.

When trolls have been hired to harm other people's reputations in the past, they have apparently never considered their feelings.

Maybe they have also been hired by some foreign forces to spread rumors on the Internet that slander their country.

Kong Huaan had nothing to say to such people who had no father or mother. He would directly investigate the information of these people. As long as they had spread any rumors and information that could constitute illegal facts in the past, he would directly report it to one of his uncles.

That uncle worked in the Ministry of Public Security and had a good relationship with his family. He was very kind to Kong Huaan, so he helped him with all his requests.

However, there is currently no way to deal with those people who say bad things about Lin Xiao online, because the news posted by these people is not considered rumors, but just insults, and some of them may also be criticized by those who are real because they do not have the ability to distinguish the facts.

The navy set the pace.

And if he was arrested just for insulting someone online, it would not only be a pressure on the network management department, but also create a certain amount of public pressure on the management department on the Internet, so Kong Huaan did not bother his uncle.


So what he has to do now is to find out who is behind the hiring of these online trolls. This kind of hiring and instigation is illegal.

Although he hasn't gotten any useful information so far, Kong Hua'an is not in a hurry about it. Anyway, there is still more time. When the time comes, he can deal with that guy before Lin Xiao comes back, and it will be treated as a gift to Lin Xiao.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face.

I don’t know how Lin Xiao is doing in Europe now.

He never told Lin Xiao about the things he did for Lin Xiao behind his back, and he always did it secretly.

This is what he can do because he regards Lin Xiao as his only friend. After all, he cannot provide any help with the research Lin Xiao has done.

No longer thinking about it, he continued to look at the private messages in the background.

However, one of the private messages attracted him.

"The person suspected to be behind the scenes...the director of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Wang Yi?"

Seeing this, he raised his eyebrows.

This is finally a useful piece of news.

It seems that the Institute of High Energy Physics can indeed be related to Lin Xiao. After all, the physical theory Lin Xiao is currently engaged in is related to high energy physics. His colleagues are enemies. Maybe Lin Xiao will influence the Institute of High Energy Physics.

To their benefit?

Kong Huaan's family background is not simple, which allows him to sometimes easily find out things that ordinary people don't know, such as interest disputes in academia, which are particularly common.

So he clicked on the private message and read it.

However, this information does not give any substantive evidence, it is just inference.

Of course, inference is enough. For them, a logical and reasonable inference is sometimes enough for them to grasp the final clue.

"CEPC, which is led by the Institute of High Energy Physics, may have a conflict of interest with Lin Xiao? In the future, after Lin Xiao returns to China, he may compete with the director of the Institute of High Energy Physics for the dominance of CEPC? So the Institute of High Energy Physics is very likely to do this


Looking at the news, Kong Huaan deduced in his heart that such a possibility was indeed possible.

This message also included the news that Mr. Yang believed that Lin Xiao could fill the talent gap for the Chinese physics community, not to mention the conflict between Mr. Yang and the Institute of High Energy Physics.

All in all, these inferences are very reasonable. Later, this person even found the recent expenditures of CEPC. One of the expenditures was network expenditure. Although it claimed to promote CEPC on the Internet,

There is obviously a problem with the amount of expenditure, so it is completely doubtful that this part of the expenditure is used to hire navy troops.

"Is it really that director?"

Kong Huaan had doubts.

This inference is reasonable and convincing, but it is just speculation.

Of course, he can also try to hack into the other party's computer or mobile phone to query directly, but the risk is a bit high.

Because the other party is an academician, God knows how thorough the country's information protection work is for such academicians. Even he doesn't know. Once discovered, the consequences will be serious, and he may even be regarded as a spy.

This is why this person only gave a clue and did not directly find relevant evidence. He must also have this concern.

However, Kong Huaan only thought for a moment and thought of a neglected place.

Although it may have been instigated by Wang Yi, maybe it was done by someone else in this research institute?

After all, for them, this is a matter of both prosperity and loss.

For a huge project like CEPC, I don’t know how many academicians it can produce. And if Lin Xiao competes with them for the dominance of CEPC, it may have an impact on some academicians who are not selected.

So if it was really Wang Yi who did it, then he most likely had communicated with other people in the institute.

So now Kong Huaan only needs to start investigating from those other people, and maybe he can find clues. As for those who are not academicians, such as the deputy directors, Kong Huaan is not so worried.

Because they are neither academicians, the Institute of High Energy Physics nor the National Defense Research Institute is an important unit, but more of a basic science research institute, so there is no need to worry about the information protection of these non-academicians.

What's more, Kong Huaan is doing it for Lin Xiao. As long as he helps Lin Xiao, he is willing to do it even if there are risks.

Then he checked the information of the deputy directors, and based on alphabetical order, he determined his first target, Fan Min.

After five.

Looking at the various information on the first target that was investigated, it included the people Fan Min had contacted before and some of the things he usually did.

As for the source of funds, he really couldn't find out. The information security of banks has been strengthened a lot compared to a few years ago. It is very difficult to do things in this area.

What's more, hackers are not omnipotent. It is already very difficult for Kong Hua'an to achieve what he is now. Some of them were not obtained by hackers at all, but also benefited from his various connections and richness.

His family and strong background are the keys to his ability to achieve this level.

Funny things like that where a 'hacker' bribes the doorman to unplug the network cable, making other companies mistakenly believe that they have been hacked. It is not unheard of in reality.

However, the information collected so far is enough.

Kong Huaan also didn't expect that the first person he investigated would be his desired target.

Judging from the information he has now, it can be determined that Fan Min hired an Internet troll, and then publicized on the Internet that Lin Xiao was abroad and could not return to the country, forming such a public opinion, and then using this public opinion to arouse some indiscriminate people.

The indignation of netizens eventually lowered Lin Xiao's image in the eyes of the public.

As far as the act of hiring is concerned, Fan Min did it alone. No one else instigated it. He also didn't tell Wang Yi, the director of the research institute. It seems that Wang Yi also asked Fan Min if those people who hacked Lin Xiao on the Internet were the same.

He did it, but Fan Min denied it.

Therefore, it means that only Fan Min knows about this matter at present, and his purpose has not been disclosed to others, and Kong Huaan has not investigated it. He just guessed in his mind that the other party planned to make Lin Xiao unwilling to come back?

If this is really the reason, it would be really annoying.

Who doesn’t know what Lin Xiao means to China?

If a top scientist is driven away through such despicable methods, it will be a tragedy for the entire Chinese country. Even Kong Huaan wants to punch that person a few times.

And now, judging from Kong Huaan's inference, that Fan Min is indeed very likely to have such an idea.


Anger flashed in his eyes, and he logged into his 'Shadow' website again, published the investigation information, and wrote the text: "Make this person famous"

He doesn't have a navy, but everyone in the shadow organization is his navy, and spreading this kind of news online is too easy for computer experts like them.

Moreover, his 'Navy Army' is not like those who only want to make money and have no bottom line. His Navy Army has beliefs and bottom lines. They all know the significance of Lin Xiao to China, so the last time he issued

Bounty missions can receive information investigated by so many people.

Therefore, he also believes that many people will take the initiative to do this task now released.

All in all, this Fanmin will soon become 'famous'.

About the next day.

On many social platforms in China, the same thing began to be discussed.

That is the case of Fan Min, deputy director of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who hired trolls to slander and insult top physicist Lin Xiao on the Internet.

Suddenly, the crowd was excited.

"I never thought there would be such a person. Are you trying to destroy science in China?"

"It's not easy for us to have a scientist of this level, and we actually hire navy soldiers to do this kind of thing? Bah, disgusting, disgusting! Disgusting!"

"Deputy director of the Institute of High Energy Physics? Just one sentence, disgusting!"

This chapter has been completed!
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