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Chapter 201: The First Use of the Root Check Method

Chapter 201 The first use of root investigation method

"Professor Witten."

At the door of CERN, Lin Xiao walked towards Edward Witten who was standing at the door and greeted him with a smile.

"Lin, we meet again."

Edward Witten also nodded towards Lin Xiao.

After shaking hands with Witten, Lin Xiao said: "Have you eaten? Let's go have a meal together. If we have anything to do, we can just talk by the way."


Edward Witten did not refuse, "It just so happens that I haven't eaten yet."

Then they left here, found a restaurant nearby, and ordered a few meals.

However, after ordering the meal, the waiter probably recognized Lin Xiao and exclaimed: "Are you the Lin who discovered the multidimensional space?"

Lin Xiao smiled and waved his hand: "It's probably me, but I didn't discover multi-dimensional space. No one can discover it. I just proved the existence of multi-dimensional space."

"That's the same."

Of course the waiter doesn't care about the difference, as long as it's awesome.

Then he took out his mobile phone and asked, "Can I take a photo with you?"

"Of course, but I suggest you take a photo with the two of us." Lin Xiao gestured to Edward Witten, who was sitting opposite, "This is Professor Edward Witten, our greatest physicist."

Edward Witten waved his hand with a smile: "Lin, this is your title now, I'm sorry."

Lin Xiao smiled: "They're all the same."

But the waiter was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Witten in surprise and said, "Are you Edward Witten? Wow! I've heard of you too! Goddess Minerva blessed me, and I actually met two super physicists today.

Scientist, can I take a photo with you?"

Witten smiled and said: "Of course, it's my pleasure."

Then the waiter took a photo with Lin Xiao, and then said happily: "I will ask the kitchen to prepare your food as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

Lin Xiao said OK and after watching the waiter leave, he sighed: "People around CERN seem to know a lot about the physics world. I have encountered them many times."

"Indeed it is."

Witten nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some dangerous elements that may pose a threat to the LHC."

"That's true."

Lin Xiao couldn't help but nodded when he thought of those interesting things.

The LHC has indeed been obstructed by some people, because some physicists once said that the LHC might create a black hole, so that some people felt that the LHC was full of dangers and wanted to prevent the operation of the LHC.

In addition, some people are worried that the LHC may produce unknown harmful substances, which will put the world in danger and other very science fiction ideas.

This led CERN to set up a safety assessment team specifically to evaluate the safety of the LHC and then answer questions from the public.

But obviously, this did not satisfy people. One Nobel Prize winner in physics, Frank Wilczek, even received death threats. At that time, he had actually retired for six years, and he was completely lying down.

Of course, there is no conclusion as to whether the LHC will produce some dangerous substances that are harmful to the world. After all, they cannot imagine any substance that can directly harm the world after its birth. However, as to whether it can create black holes,

It does have a theoretical basis.

According to theory, when particles collide, there will be a certain probability of creating a micro black hole. Of course, according to the black hole evaporation theory, such micro black holes will evaporate the moment they are born, and there is no possibility of affecting the surroundings.

So it won't cause any harm.

Therefore this worry is unnecessary.

But some people just don't believe it. Some people even sneaked into the orbit to stop the LHC when it was about to start.

So, why are there so few foreigners?

Without further discussion of these anecdotes, Lin Xiao asked: "Okay, Professor Witten, can you tell me why you came to me now? You told me on the phone that you wanted to talk about the root investigation method?"

Witten nodded and said, "Yes, Genchafa."

"You said that through calculation, the root investigation method can reduce the impact of noise to more than 88%?"


Lin Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "If we use some of our other noise processing methods later, we can probably stabilize it at more than 90%. If we are lucky, 99% is not impossible."

Witten sat forward a little, got closer to Lin Xiao, and asked solicitously: "So, do you think it is possible for us to find... strings from the experimental data after most of the noise has been processed?"


Lin Xiao was stunned, and finally he knew Witten's purpose.

He thought for a while and said: "This may be difficult. After all, we all know that if we want to find the string directly, it may require a lot of collision energy. Of course, we can also try to find it indirectly.

For example, when heavy ions collide to produce a closed string, a certain amount of energy will be taken away. If we can verify this lost energy, we can probably find it."

Speaking of this, he smiled: "And, now that we can reduce the impact of noise to this level, maybe we have a great chance of discovering this part of the lost energy?"

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Witten nodded: "There is indeed this opportunity, I have considered it before."

Lin Xiao: "However, the mass of the W boson we study uses proton collision data, not heavy ion collision data, so in our project, we may not be able to help you verify it. I'm sorry."

Witten smiled and said: "It's okay. I'm coming here this time. I also want to witness with my own eyes how the root search method works for the first time. I'm very much looking forward to whether the more 'clear' experimental data will reveal deeper insights for us."


Lin Xiao nodded slightly: "I'm also looking forward to it."

Whether the birth of the root investigation method is meaningful depends on the actual situation that follows.

"This is the golden potato pancake you ordered."

At this time, the waiter came over with the food they ordered.

"OK, thanks."

The two nodded, took their food, and began to eat.

More than a week has passed.

In the computer room of the W boson mass measurement project team.

"Now test the program again to prevent bugs from appearing again."

Sterling greeted the young programmers present and asked them to conduct tests.

Because of the complexity of the root search method, bugs often appear in their programs, so they have tested the program four times, and this test is the fifth time.

The test started quickly, inputting a mark, then importing a bunch of data, and then the program started. But this time, no bugs finally appeared, and the program ran smoothly until finally, the data was output, and a lot of data was

Marked, because these data contain the characteristics of that mark, and then were identified under the action of the root search method.

Now, they can process the labeled data.



“Finally done!”

The programmers present finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then cheered.

In the past few days, they have worked so hard on this thing that they are almost bald.

Now it's finally successful.

"Okay, everyone, thank you for your hard work. Let's take a day off. We will still be busy for a while."

Sterling clapped his hands and said with a smile.

After hearing this, the programmers who had just breathed a sigh of relief became helpless again. Now that the program was completed, the experimental data will be officially processed in the next few days, and there will be even more data to be processed.

Of course, although it is a bit troublesome, they are still looking forward to it. After all, that is their purpose. Although they are programmers, they also pursue physics.

So when the time comes, it’s time to witness history.

In this way, time has come to the end of October.

In October in Geneva, the average temperature is around 10 degrees Celsius.

Today is about to enter November, so it is even colder, only 5 degrees Celsius.

People at CERN wore thick cotton-padded jackets. Of course, since cheap heating from Russia was provided indoors, they didn’t have to worry about the cold outside.

In a computer room of CERN's computing center.

This computer room is large and can accommodate many people, and there is a large screen hanging on the wall in front of it, which displays their experimental data.

At this time, quite a few people were already standing in the computer room, including many well-known physicists, such as Peter Higgs, the proposer of the Higgs mechanism.

Because today is the day to clear the 'noise'. All procedures have been completed and all data has been entered. All you need to do is press a start button. This computer room is connected to more than 100,000 processors in more than 140 research institutes around the world.

, will respond to the calculation request, and then process all proton collision experiment data within ten years after the LHC was built according to the root search method.

It would probably take a long time to process the data generated by billions of collisions, so they used so many processors.

Even the Sunway TaihuLight only has 40,960 processors.

Of course, this project is supported by so many research institutes because it is the first application of the root search method.

Since the birth of the root investigation method, it has attracted the attention of countless researchers around the world. Everyone wants to know whether it can be successful. In addition, out of respect for Lin Xiao, so many research institutes have

joined in this incident.

However, everyone has not started yet, but is waiting for the arrival of Lin Xiao, because this is the person responsible for pressing "Start".

Not long after, the door opened and Lin Xiao and Edward Witten walked in.

"Oh, thanks to technology, we can enjoy the warmth."

After closing the door, Witten couldn't help sighing at the warmth inside the room and took off his coat.

Lin Xiao also took off his windbreaker and said with a smile: "Yes, long live technology."

When the people in the computer room saw the two people coming in, they all shouted to them: "Mr. Lin, Professor Witten."

Both of these are considered to be the top figures in theoretical physics in the current world, and everyone present must show respect to them.

The two nodded to these people and responded with a smile.

At this time, Elizabeth Marcia came up, took the coats for the two of them, and said to Lin Xiao with a smile: "Mr. Lin, we are all ready and waiting for you to come."

"Well, then don't keep everyone waiting."

Lin Xiao smiled at her, then came to the front of the computer room, turned around, faced everyone present, and said loudly: "Sorry to keep everyone waiting, then let's take a look at the 'Mathematical Vaccine'

'The power of it, believe me, today will open a new era of high-energy physics experiments. If I can, I would like to call it a 'high-energy physics revolution'!"



People in the computer room cheered.

Yes, this is a revolution in high energy physics!

In the future of high-energy physics, the accuracy of experiments will be greatly improved. This is of course a new era!

"Well, without further ado, let's get started now!"

As Lin Xiao spoke, Sterling came to him holding a laptop and handed the computer to him.

Lin Xiao took over the computer. The screen of this computer was what was displayed on the big screen on the wall behind.

There are several wave spectrum and energy spectrum images on it. If the data on it changes after the calculation results come out, and the error correction program does not report an error, it means that they succeeded, and the processing efficiency will be estimated later, then

It's time to truly witness the results.

Next, as long as you control the mouse and press 'start' above, the calculation will start.

Lin Xiao raised his head, glanced around the people present, then no longer hesitated, controlled the laptop's touchpad, placed the mouse on 'start', and pressed it.

On the big screen, with the click of the mouse, a progress bar immediately popped up.

The progress bar starts to jump, and there is an estimated time below, 67 minutes.

This is the computing efficiency of more than 100,000 processors. Compared with billions of particle collision data, 67 minutes is already very short.

Then, everyone started to wait.

Of course, as a few minutes passed, people began to chat about their own things. After all, more than sixty minutes is indeed a relatively long time.

Lin Xiao also sat with Witten and several professors and chatted.

A professor said: "This year's Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Penrose and Genzel."

"Well, the Royal Swedish Academy also sent me an invitation."

Another professor nodded.

"It should be Lin's turn next year."

They all looked at Lin Xiao.

Even if the existence of multi-dimensional space has not been experimentally proven, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to Lin Xiao in this name, but just because he solved the problem of vacuum catastrophe, it is enough for him to win the prize, not to mention the root search method he has pioneered now.

What it means to the high energy physics community.

Although the root search method is a mathematical method, its significance to physics is enough to win a Nobel Prize in Physics. Therefore, if the Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to Lin Xiao in this name, he will be regarded as a mathematician.

A scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Of course, there are quite a few scientists who have won the Nobel Prize in Physics as mathematicians. For example, Max Born and this year’s Roger Penrose both won the Nobel Prize as mathematicians.

However, there are still some differences, because the root search method is a more purely mathematical method. It can not only be used to solve physical problems, but also plays an extremely important role in the field of mathematics.

Max Born and Roger Penrose were different, because they both used mathematical methods to develop physics. For example, Max Born gave a statistical explanation of the wave function, while Roger Penrose discovered

The formation of black holes is a language of general relativity, which is different from the root search method.

Of course, this will not be determined until next year.

Maybe the Nobel Committee thinks Lin Xiao is too young and will wait a few years before awarding him the award.

However, this quota will definitely not be available.

Thinking of this, these physicists couldn't help but cast envious glances at Lin Xiao.

The Nobel Prize in Physics is a recognition for physicists like them.

"Lin, I heard that you don't have a girlfriend yet? Although we are engaged in academics, we also need a love life." An old professor said with a smile: "My granddaughter is a master's degree in economics from Harvard University. She is very beautiful.

Do you want me to introduce it to you?"

"That's enough, old Jimmy. Didn't you complain to us before that your granddaughter had five boyfriends in college?" Another professor next to him said without hesitation the dark history of the professor's granddaughter, and then smiled.

He said to Lin Xiao: "Lin, my granddaughter is studying history at Cambridge University. She is the same age as you. Do you want to consider it?"

"Byron Winston!"

The previous professor immediately shouted angrily at this professor.

So the two professors started to quarrel, making Lin Xiao next to them dumbfounded.

However, Edward Witten on the side quietly said to Lin Xiao: "Lin, I also have a granddaughter..."

Lin Xiao spread his hands helplessly and said, "Mr. Witten, let's not dwell on this issue."

Edward Witten shrugged: "Okay."

When Sterling and the others next to them saw this scene, they couldn't help but find it interesting. Professor Byron Winston was very aggressive in front of them at the beginning. Looking at his current attitude again, it was really interesting.

Time passed quickly, 67 minutes passed without realizing it.

Finally, the progress bar on the big screen reached 99%, and the remaining time was displayed next to it: 1 minute.

Everyone stopped chatting and stared with bated breath. There were even more people in the computer room than before, because many people who had learned the news also ran over, wanting to witness this historic moment.

The remaining time also jumped from 1 minute to 59 seconds.

58 seconds.

57 seconds.

Until the last ten seconds, someone couldn't help but start reading the seconds.




More and more people were shouting, like a rocket being launched.

And time has finally come to an end.


This chapter has been completed!
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