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Chapter 204 Black Hole!

Chapter 204 Black hole!

Time passed quickly.

Data processing is a long process. Although there is the help of the root search method, the root search method only completes the first step. The process of sorting these data and then performing various complicated calculations still needs to be carried out by their manpower, otherwise

Why has it taken Fermilab a year to measure the mass of the W boson?

The fact that Lin Xiao and the others are so fast now has a lot to do with Gen Chafa.

Of course, it is also related to the relatively high work intensity. Although in the first two months, because Lin Xiao had not yet developed the root search method, the staff of their project team were relatively idle. However, after the root search method was developed, they began to start from scratch.

Busy to the end.

Of course, the people in the project team are also quite willing. After all, they are working under Lin Xiao, and they are solving such cutting-edge problems, especially the matter of artificial black holes. They also want to confirm this matter.

So even Europeans who least like to work overtime began to work overtime.

So unknowingly, the time is gradually approaching December.

It's still in the computer room of the computing center.

"All the data of the W boson mass group have been input and the calculation can be started at any time."

"All the data for the microscopic black hole group has been input, and calculations can begin."

On both sides, two groups, each with more than fifty people, totaled more than a hundred people shouting in unison.

"Okay, let's get started."

Lin Xiao gave his instructions, and then he sat quietly in front of his computer, with expectation in his eyes.

Nearly two months later, they finally completed all the work and began the final step, which was to calculate the final results.

Moreover, they dedicated one day to the two tasks of determining the mass of the W boson and the determination of the microscopic black hole.

It would obviously be best if both tasks could be completed successfully, because it would mean that they would bring two important discoveries to the physics community on the same day.

The redetermination of the mass of the W boson is another verification of the multidimensional field theory, and artificial black holes are a dream pursued by all physicists.

Of course, they were not very sure about the latter, because the data they finally found that matched the speculation were not many, not even twenty, and the sample size was not large, which brought problems to the accuracy of the results.

greater instability factors.

But all in all, there is no chance. As long as their final calculation results can get a value of about 14TeV, it means that this is a black hole, because based on the proton collision energy of ATLAS, the black hole will release 14TeV after it dies.

energy of.

So everyone is looking forward to it.

As for whether the mass measurement of the W boson can be successful, they think the probability is high.

Each of them feels this way, even if the results haven't come out yet,

Of course, if the results come out, Lin Xiao's computer will be the first to receive the news.

At that time, it will be time to witness their achievements in the past five months.

The eyes of the two groups of people present also showed anticipation, and then the calculation began.

Time passed minute by minute, and about half an hour later, the results about the mass of the W boson appeared first.

Lin Xiao saw a result pop up in a box on his computer screen.


According to the standard model calculation under multidimensional field theory, the result should be 80436±3MeV/c.

Completely suitable!

His eyes finally showed satisfaction, and his body relaxed.

This is also another victory for multidimensional field theory.

At this time, the long-lost system sound also started to sound.

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed a great theory and obtained fifteen empirical verifications of reality. The multidimensional field theory is a true burst of inspiration belonging to genius. It is a major mark of your immortality and a way for the lost scientific community to find

A beacon of direction. In view of your outstanding performance, this reward: 4000 points of physics experience, 2000 points of mathematics experience, 100 points of truth, [Physics Master Halo]."

"Congratulations to the host for improving his mathematics to level 5 (0/10000) and physics to level 4 (3200/5000)."

"[Physics Master Halo]: When the host thinks about any physics-related issues, the chance of obtaining inspiration increases."

After hearing this series of news, Lin Xiao's face showed surprise.

Physics actually directly rewarded him with 4,000 experience points, which was the largest experience reward he had ever received.

Lin Xiao was slightly surprised to gain 2,000 experience points in mathematics. Does the system think that the mathematical methods he used in the process of demonstrating multi-dimensional field theory are more valuable than the root search method?

Of course, maybe it's because of the bonus of multi-dimensional field theory that there are so many. Anyway, wouldn't it be better for him to have more rewards?

Just because of these 2,000 points of mathematics experience, his mathematics level was upgraded by one level, and his physics level was also upgraded by one level. The aura called 'Physics Master' surprised him even more. He thought about anything related to physics.

Question, the chance of getting inspiration increases?

This is tantamount to an epic BUFF for him. For a scientist like him, inspiration is obviously the most important thing.

Sometimes an inspiration can allow him to break through a problem that he has been unable to solve before.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a dull feeling in his head.

This feeling... is very familiar.

There is no doubt that this is the development of his brain.

"However, this time it came a bit fiercely..."

He only had this feeling in his heart at this time.

If physics is upgraded to level 4, he will get 0.5% brain development, and if mathematics is also upgraded to level 5, the brain development he will get must be more than 0.5%.

This is equivalent to saying that he has improved his brain development by at least 1% in one go!

The first time he had directly improved so much, it put a lot of burden on his brain. At this time, he just felt as if he had stayed up for two days and two nights. His mind was extremely heavy and he urgently needed a good sleep.

So he couldn't help but ask in his mind: "System, how much brain development has been improved by math level 5?"

System: "The subject is upgraded to level 5, and the brain development is increased by 0.6%."

In other words, it has directly increased by 1.1%, so his current brain development is... 6.45%!

It is already comparable to the situation after using the sage state when he originally solved Goldbach's conjecture.

For this, he could only feel pain and happiness.

Finish things quickly and then go back to sleep!

Returning his attention from his mind to his surroundings, Lin Xiao looked at the other researchers in the room. At this time, everyone was cheering. The mass of the W boson was different from the original value, which showed that their kung fu was effective.

One-half can be sure that it was not in vain!

Likewise, this once again demonstrates the correctness of the particle model modified by multi-dimensional field theory!

Physics once again completed a historic breakthrough!

People hugged each other and celebrated, expressing the joy in their hearts.

Members of Lin Xiao's "Lin Group" also ran to Lin Xiao's side and congratulated him: "Mr. Lin, you succeeded!"

This was successful under the leadership of Lin Xiao, and of course this success can be attributed to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao waved his hands a little tiredly and said, "Success belongs to me and to everyone."

Seeing Lin Xiao's overworked look, Sterling and the others were stunned, "Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "It's nothing, probably... just a little tired. I need to take a good rest today."

This wave of brain development was a little too intense, and he didn't even feel any relief.

However, Sterling and the others certainly didn't know why Lin Xiao looked like this. In their opinion, Lin Xiao worked too hard for their project, which led to this, just like some people relax and lose their previous tiredness.

will appear.

Lin Xiao's appearance at this time is completely understandable!

For a moment, their hearts were filled with emotion. It was their blessing to be able to work with such people.

"Lin, thank you for your hard work!"

"Thank you, Lin."

Elizabeth Marcia stepped forward and said with concern: "Lin, why don't you go back and take a rest? We are here, so you don't have to worry."

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, knowing that they had misunderstood something, but he was too lazy to explain, and of course it was not easy to explain. He couldn't say that he had tired himself out, and in the end he had made rapid progress.

The classic period of weakness after a breakthrough?

He waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I have to see another calculation result to feel at ease."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

Lin Xiao and the others were stunned, and when they looked around, they saw everyone looking at the big screen above with great excitement, full of surprises.

Because, the calculation results of the microscopic black hole group appeared, and the final calculation result is:


Within the confidence interval, the final measurement result can reach 13TeV!

This also officially means that they have really ‘observed’ a black hole!

Artificial black hole!

It turned out that we were really so close to them!

That thing that represents infinite gravity has always been an elusive and mysterious celestial body for human beings in the past. Even the V723 Monoceros black hole, which is the closest to the earth, is 1,500 light-years away. But now, in their hands

, so many black holes have been created!

This is undoubtedly exciting news for those who study physics.


"Black hole!"

"We made it! We all made it!"


When Sterling and the others saw this scene, they jumped up excitedly.

Two sets of tasks, both were successful!

These two projects are both conclusions that can shock the physics world. They have come up with two of them, so of course they have to be excited about them, especially since they originally didn't have much hope for the success rate of black hole measurement.


“I bought it!!”

"We made it!"

Lin Xiao also had a smile on his face, he finally succeeded.

In the future, the physics community will be able to explore the mysteries of gravity by analyzing these data about black holes.

Maybe, analyzing these data can let people know what gravity is.

At this moment, the system sound sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host, I found traces of the microscopic black hole and received the reward: 1000 points of physical experience and 30 points of truth."

Hearing the sound of the system, Lin Xiao was almost startled. If this escalated to another level, wouldn't he collapse here on the spot?

Fortunately, he didn't show up. He still has 800 points left in physics before he can reach level five.

However, it seems that it is not far away. If you just get another achievement, you will probably be able to upgrade.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel speechless. He actually felt that he was 'lucky' that he didn't upgrade?

It's expanded.

Of course, let's ignore these problems for now. He has seen the results he wanted to see, and it's time to go back and rest.

Then he propped up his body and said to Sterling and the others: "Okay, I'm going back. As for the celebration, you can handle it yourself and don't worry about me."

Seeing Lin Xiao looking so tired, Sterling and the others quickly stepped forward and supported him.

At this time, they couldn't say anything to ask Lin Xiao to stay and celebrate together. Looking at Lin Xiao's condition, they might not be able to do it without a good sleep.

"Elizabeth, please send Lin back."

Sterling said to Elizabeth that it was Elizabeth who picked up Lin Xiao in the past anyway.


Elizabeth nodded, supported one of Lin Xiao's arms, and said, "Lin, let's go."

"Well, thank you very much."

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded at her.

For so long, it was Elizabeth who took him to and from get off work and served as his driver. Of course, this was also because Elizabeth was the only one in the nine-person group who bought her own car, but he was naturally very grateful to her.

Elizabeth smiled softly, stretched out her hand to smooth her blond hair on her temples, and said playfully: "It's not enough to just say thank you verbally."

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Then I'll treat you to a meal later."


Elizabeth smiled and nodded, and then she and Lin Xiao walked towards the exit.

Of course, people around him also noticed Lin Xiao's figure.

Those who celebrated before have certainly not forgotten Lin Xiao's core position in the entire project. Without his root search method, it would have been absolutely impossible for them to complete these two important results, especially the discovery of black holes.

at this point.

However, when they saw Lin Xiao's tired look, they were all stunned. What was going on?

Shouldn't Lin celebrate with them?

"Lin, what's wrong with you?"

The notoriously bad-tempered Professor Byron Winston couldn't help but ask.

Lin Xiao shook his hand and said, "I'm going to go back and take a rest. Maybe I'm a little tired recently."


People were stunned.

Elizabeth explained for Lin Xiao: "Lin has contributed a lot to our work for so long. He needs to take a rest now and celebrate with everyone later!"

After hearing Elizabeth's words, everyone in the audience could not help but stand in awe.

How can such a person not be respected by them?

Byron Winston bowed deeply to Lin Xiao: "Thank you, Lin. When you have a good rest, we will celebrate again."

Others also bowed to Lin Xiao and expressed gratitude from the bottom of their hearts: "Thank you Lin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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