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Chapter 274 One of the last two puzzle pieces is complete!

Chapter 274 One of the last two pieces of the puzzle is completed!

The New Year begins after New Year's Eve, and 2022 is the Year of the Tiger.

There are two trees in the yard of Yanbei Garden, one is an elm tree, and the other is an elm tree.

This New Year was also the first time for Lin Xiao to spend it away from home. He did not stay at home and spent it with his family, which made him quite emotional.

Of course, fortunately, he also had a place to eat. He had a New Year's Eve dinner at Zheng's house and took Zheng Ronger for a fun trip on New Year's Eve.

However, this New Year has not been peaceful either. Shan Tianbo’s affairs are still being discussed online.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another thing that has aroused discussion among many netizens.

That was the scarf Lin Xiao released that day.

[Please continue to think about why we are not number one]

This scarf, just like the words he said to Dawson Edinson, can easily resonate with people.

Then, coupled with the fact that the fans of Lin Xiao's scarf are all real people, and there are so many people following him recently, as soon as he wore this scarf, it once again attracted many comments and likes.

After that, this scarf naturally became a hot search, and two days later, this hot search is still on the list, and it has never gone down, and the total number of comments and likes below has also easily exceeded the number.

One hundred thousand.

Probably, in the entire country of China, Lin Xiao is also the only person who can post a scarf and get a hot search, and the number of interactions can directly reach six figures.

Among those who responded, there were even some well-known Internet celebrities and celebrities. Although some of them were just trying to gain popularity, it was obvious that some people responded sincerely.

For example, Uncle Damo, a certain South China Sea lord, and even Brother Zhao from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed their heartfelt support.

In addition, many media also forwarded Lin Xiao’s scarf.

It is precisely because of the attention of so many media that Lin Xiao's scarf can still remain on the hot search list.

In the end, more and more people paid attention, and public opinion gradually heated up. The self-media never let go of such a popular news point. There are also several UP owners with millions of fans on Station B who released some comments about this matter.

a key.

As a result, Lin Xiao's scarf became known even abroad, and eventually, it was even brought to a meeting by foreign dignitaries for discussion.

White House.

"President, president?"

Hearing several voices in his ears, the president opened his eyes.

After seeing the situation around him clearly, he realized that he was currently in a meeting.

"Huh? Oh...ahem, where are you talking about?"

Seeing the president like this, everyone around him was surprised.

Anyway, just don’t come to the big ones.

"What we are discussing now is the matter of Lin Xiao. His recent remarks on the bib platform have aroused resonance in their country."

The Secretary of State said: "Last month, Asmail poached a key expert in their

From the information collected, Lin Xiao seems to have solved a key problem they are facing, which is the lens technology for X-ray lithography machines."

"We have analyzed before that once they can really create that kind of lens, they will probably really create an X-ray lithography machine that is comparable to the EUV lithography machine we control! Even due to the characteristics of X-rays, their X-ray lithography machine

The lithography machine may be even better than our EUV lithography machine!"

Having said this, the Secretary of State's expression was very solemn, "Coupled with Lin Xiao's recent reactions and remarks, this makes me even more suspicious that this matter may be true."

"And once this becomes true, we may have to consider Plan C."

Hearing the Secretary of State's serious words, everyone present also showed solemn expressions.

The president even showed a surprised expression: "What? Can they really conquer this technology?"

At the beginning, he had read the evaluation report of China's X-ray program by their scientific expert consultants.

According to the evaluation of these experts, the success rate of the X-ray plan is less than 5%, and the main reason for this success rate is this lens.

Even those experts at the time assured themselves that even if Lin Xiao solved the problem of the double workbench technology and assembled all the parts, there would be no mistakes or incoordination due to structural problems, but

It's impossible to make their lenses either

They even believe that this is fundamental and can never be created.

However, they had only guaranteed this for a few months, and now there is news that Lin Xiao is suspected of having created this kind of lens material?

The president just wanted to say: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

The Secretary of State sighed and said: "We don't know the specific situation yet. We just learned a piece of news for the time being. Although most of their X-ray plans are public, some key information is still hidden."

The president frowned and finally said simply: "Let Jack Theros come over and ask him again."

Jack Theros was the lithography machine expert who originally evaluated the success rate of the

Development, until the first EUV lithography machine was developed, he retired and enjoyed his subsequent fame and status.

The president invited Jack Theros, who happened to be still in Washington, to come to the White House and into the conference room.

"Dear Mr. President, why did you come to see me?"

Looking at the room full of senior White House officials and the president, Jack Theros did not appear restrained. He saw an empty chair, and knowing that it was reserved for him, he sat on it directly, then tilted his head.

Erlang asked with a smile.

The president ignored Jack Theros's casual look and said directly: "Mr. Theros, we recently received information that Lin Xiao may have manufactured the kind of lens that can use the diffraction effect of crystals to achieve stable amplification and reduction of X-rays.


"This is different from the last evaluation report you gave us."

Upon hearing the news, Jack Theros' originally smiling expression suddenly froze, and then he stared and said in disbelief: "How is it possible! That kind of material that has no reason at all,

How is it possible to create it?”

Seeing Jack Theros's reaction, the president and others looked at each other. At least this showed that Jack Theros really didn't believe that that kind of material could be made.

Why don't they just ignore Jack Theros if he doesn't believe it? After all, he is an expert and they are not.

Then the president smiled and said: "Don't be anxious. Didn't I just say that it is possible? Strictly speaking, it should be suspected. This is the intelligence we have received."

Hearing what the president said, Jack Theros breathed a sigh of relief. Suspicious?

That means it hasn’t happened yet!

His expression finally returned to normal, and then he waved his hand and said, "That's no problem. I guess, after the news broke out some time ago, they deliberately released the news like this, just like a smoke bomb, specifically to confuse you guys.

Yes, there is no need to get into trouble, as I have said before, this kind of material is impossible to produce!"

"If you want to accurately control the diffraction of X-rays, you first need to design the molecular structure of the material, and then calculate the molecular structure that allows these molecules to stably diffract X-rays. Next, such a lens, at least

One centimeter thick, right? And one centimeter thick means that there must be nearly one billion atoms, and then calculate its volume, oh! It would be measured in billions and billions at least. With such a huge amount of calculation, if

Even if the Summit supercomputer doesn’t know how long it will take to calculate, let alone we don’t know how many times it will need to be calculated!”

"The time required for this will probably be measured in ten years! What's more, even if this structure is determined, we don't know how long it will take to prepare it. It must be a new kind of

The structure is different from the structures we have discovered before, so it will take an unknown amount of time, and the cost involved, I estimate, is at least hundreds of billions of dollars!"

"They want to do it so quickly? Unless a miracle happens, it's simply impossible!"

"So, Mr. President, you don't have to worry about such completely unnecessary things."

"If they can build something like this in five years, I'll eat this table right away."

Jack Theros pointed to the large conference table in front of them and said humorously.

Everyone laughed, and Jack Theros's relaxed look also made the president and others feel relieved involuntarily.

This analysis is indeed not unreasonable. It is indeed possible that Lin Xiao and others released false news to deliberately pretend to be calm and confuse them.

Thinking of Lin Xiao's recent performance, he was not worried at all because of Shan Tianbo's incident. He even had Xian Xin to argue with them. It seems that if understood from this perspective, it can be regarded as that they have been strong on the outside, and Lin Xiao is on the scarf platform.

The text published can also be seen as being used to stabilize public opinion.

With this thought, the president relaxed completely.

That Lin Xiao was quite cunning, and actually did something like this to scare him.

In fact, the president knew, but he just didn't want to admit that Lin Xiao's various deeds in the past made him really believe that Lin Xiao could succeed at first.

However, of course he would not admit such a thing.

He changed the topic and stopped himself from thinking about this embarrassing thing: "Haha, Mr. Theros said that, then I'm relieved, but I'm quite curious about what kind of miracle it would take for them to

Is the X-ray plan successful?"

Jack Theros smiled, stretched out his first finger, and said: "The first thing is to find a mathematical formula that can completely describe the diffraction law of waves, so as to reduce the originally extremely complicated calculation amount to such a formula.

can perfectly describe the calculation amount of diffraction, so that multiple solutions can be found in a very short time. Of course, such a formula does not exist. After all, this obviously requires us to understand the essential reason why diffraction occurs, and

This is something that the world of physics has not been able to do yet. I admire Lin Xiao for coming up with such a great theory as multidimensional field theory, but this theory is obviously impossible. What’s more, if he had really discovered such a theory, he would have put it to the test long ago.

The paper was given to Science. I don’t believe anyone would give up such a huge honor. This is another theory that can win the Nobel Prize.”

"The second is to find a process that can prepare this material by an incredible coincidence, and this is obviously impossible. The luck required for this is, well... how should I put it, probably buying a lottery ticket every day,

Each lottery ticket has a chance of winning a million dollars, and it lasts for a year."

Hearing what Jack Theros said, everyone present laughed again, and the conference room was filled with a happy atmosphere for a moment.

Even because it was time to get off work, the president greeted them, clinked glasses together, and discussed with Jack Theros to set up a semiconductor technology advisory group to provide Jack Theros with funds and other activities. Of course, in name only

It was an activity fund. In fact, it was completely given to Jack Theros for his personal use. Jack Theros naturally agreed happily. Although he had already made a lot of money, who would think it was too much money?

So just like that, both parties got what they wanted, and they no longer worried about whether the X-ray project would succeed. Since it was impossible to create that kind of lens, there was no need to worry.

Until two weeks later.

Huaguo, inside the Dingguang Research Institute.

"We have successfully developed a new material that can stably utilize the diffraction effect of X-ray crystals. When X-rays pass through this new material, very stable and uniform diffraction will occur internally, ultimately achieving the goal of

Zoom in and out.”

Facing the reporter from Xinhua News Agency, Zhao Sheng pointed to a gray-black round solid object placed in a soft cloth tray and introduced it with a smile.

"And this is one of the last two pieces of our X-ray plan."

"This means that the X-ray project is not far away from success."

[There will be another chapter at two o'clock]

This chapter has been completed!
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