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Chapter 280 Planned Completion Time: October

Chapter 280 Plan completion time: October

Normally, they use CAD to draw engineering drawings. Nowadays, unless they are taking exams or taking classes, no one would draw by hand. After all, hand drawing is not like computer drawings, which can be modified at any time, and it is very convenient.

It is far from being as easy as drawing on a computer, and it takes a lot of time.

As a result, Lin Xiao now showed them what it means to draw by hand faster than by computer.

Lin Xiao's words were just a straight line and a circle, and even the dotted lines were just like a timer.

Everyone present felt extremely convinced, even though they had been convinced many times.

But in the past, those things were all based on IQ, but now it is people themselves who rely on it. Everyone can draw work drawings on paper, but it is simply impossible to draw to the level of Lin Xiao.

Of course, let’s not talk about the latter now and continue to discuss the former, relying on IQ.

They have not forgotten that the thing Lin Xiao drew is not an ordinary thing, but a servo motor.

The various information inside is extremely detailed, and Lin Xiao even marked various details on the side, such as what materials need to be used, what internal parts need to be used, etc.

Basically, after they take this diagram, they can directly start arranging people to manufacture the servo motor.

Thinking of this, they quickly turned to look at Lin Xiao.

Looking at the picture Lin Xiao was drawing at this time, it seemed that a new mechanical mechanism had appeared between the lines and circles.

Everyone present couldn't help but look forward to it. What was Lin Xiao drawing this time?

So they all held their breath, waiting for Lin Xiao to draw the final result.

In this way, time slowly passed, and the things on the second working drawing gradually became clearer. Chen Yuanchun took a look and realized that this should be the base part of the double workbench.

The dual workbench is naturally two workbench. The previous lithography machine only had one workbench. This workbench needs to undergo preliminary scanning work on various sensors to ensure the position is aligned, and then it can be exposed under the light source.

This kind of efficiency is relatively low, and the dual workbench technology is to expose and scan at the same time. While one wafer is being photolithographed on one workbench, the other wafer is being scanned on the second workbench, and then the first

After the photolithography of the first wafer is completed and the scanning of the second wafer is completed, the two switch positions, one continues to expose, and the other continues to scan the new wafer.

This method greatly saves time and improves the efficiency of the lithography machine, so it can be said to be one of the essential structures for the lithography machine.

The base part of this double workbench is even more important, because the double workbench uses a magnetic levitation method to move. The magnetic levitation method is stable enough and can also avoid problems such as wear caused by excessive friction.

Of course, this also places great demands on the accuracy of the magnetic levitation. The magnetic levitation utilizes the effect of rejection and retention, and how to achieve precise control also places great demands on the structure inside.

Therefore, the base structure that Lin Xiao is painting now is very important.

However, Lin Xiao did not directly draw the entire base structure, but divided it into several parts to draw. After all, the base was very large and involved a variety of sensors, which he could not draw on a piece of paper.


In this way, the second work drawing is completed. This is the frame of the base structure. It mainly draws the position of the wiring and the position of the servo motor. In addition, there are also the specific positions of various other parts. Simple

Generally speaking, this is an internal structure diagram, but the structure of the internal structure is not detailed.

Of course, at this time people were surprised to find that the servo motor in the first picture can be perfectly embedded in the position of the servo motor in this picture. The two can fit perfectly regardless of the proportions or whatever.


This further shows that Lin Xiao had already prepared their overall layout before drawing these pictures.

At this time, they suddenly remembered something.

Didn't Lin Xiao just get their technical information?

And Lin Xiao shouldn’t have studied dual workbenches before, right?

Although Lin Xiao has studied machinery, and the eight-point structure is one of his masterpieces, the double workbench can be regarded as a delicate job, and it can also be regarded as a large project. As a result, Lin Xiao just got the information, looked at it for a few times, and turned around.

Can it be drawn on the engineering drawing?

Are Einstein and Newton together so awesome?

The people here couldn't help but look at each other. At this time, they all had the idea to take apart Lin Xiao's head to see if there was a computer inside, and then look at his body to see if it was there.

It's not a robotic arm. Otherwise, how could he do this?

We all look the same, and our brains are all about the same size, so why are you different?

At this time, they finally understood what the doctor who dissected Einstein's brain had in mind.

After all, everyone is curious when faced with such a person.

Of course, there was still someone present who was not curious, and that was Kong Huaan. At this time, he leaned on the back of his chair, stretched out his hand and yawned, looking like he was not interested at all.

Looking at this group of fussing people, each one of whom is at least ten years older than him, why can't he learn from him and be calm?

Isn’t this all a basic act for their Chief Master Lin?

Alas, although he looks older, he is actually still a little young.

He simply took out his phone and opened the takeout app, "What's for lunch today?"

This meeting lasted from 8:30 in the morning to 12 noon. In fact, there was no meeting. Lin Xiao spoke not long ago, and then it was time for Lin Xiaoxiu to operate. Of course, Lin Xiaoxiu did not delay their work until midway.

Time has allowed everyone in the other groups to leave, leaving only those in the mechanical structure group, including Chen Yuanchun, the leader of the dual workbench R&D group who replaced Shan Tianbo after he left, and several other major researchers.


Of course, even though he allowed others to leave first, some people still stayed and wanted to continue to worship Lin Xiao.

And when the time came to twelve o'clock, Lin Xiao just finished painting the last stroke.

Ten pieces of A1 paper have just been used up, and each piece of paper has been painted with printed patterns. The different color pens make the layers of these pictures extremely clear and easy to understand.

If you are graduating with a doctoral degree, the defending teacher will probably give you a high score just based on these engineering drawings. But now that Lin Xiao has done it, for people like Chen Yuanchun and others who often draw engineering drawings, this can be directly called

Say it as a teacher.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Lin Xiao twisted his wrist and said to Chen Yuanchun: "Okay, let's make it according to these drawings. Some of the parts inside can be directly used from the previous double workbench. The specifications are basically the same.

I have basically drawn the parts with different specifications, and if you have any problems later, just come to me directly."

"Okay... okay." Chen Yuanchun took the last construction drawing drawn by Lin Xiao, looked at the things on it, then swallowed again, and responded with some difficulty.

Lin Xiao picked up the water glass next to him, took a sip, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Yuanchun said helplessly: "Commander Lin, you just don't take action. Once you do, you scare people to death. How do you do this?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "That's how I did it. Didn't you see it? I just made the lines a little straighter and the circles a little rounder."

Chen Yuanchun: "...Then you are quite humble."

Lin Xiao smiled and didn't pay too much attention to it. For him, this was just a simple matter. What's more, it's not like there are no such masters in painting who can easily draw straight lines and circles like him.

As for the fact that even the proportions are exactly the same, it is not a big deal. When his brain development reaches 6%, he can easily see the proportions of various objects around him, not to mention that he is now

After reaching more than 8%, this kind of thing becomes even simpler, and he can even see the length of a line segment, and it is directly accurate to the millimeter.

All in all, if he has the strongest brain, he can take first place in any project.

Of course, he will definitely not participate. Who knows if someone will create a shady plot and then directly use him as a stepping stone to become famous in order to praise someone.

As for why he can draw things casually, it's even simpler. After all, the knowledge exchanged with the system exists directly in his mind. When he draws pictures, he just draws what is in his mind.

So it is not difficult for him.

"Then let's get here first today. It's dinner time now, so we can get ready to eat." Lin Xiao said, "We will build it based on this later. The speed must be accelerated and the quality must be guaranteed at the same time."

"Now 40% of all our parts have been completed, and the remaining 30% are on the double workbench, and the remaining 30% are other parts adapted to the optical system. Now

The RDX pure silicon crystal has been manufactured, so the 30% will be completed in a short time. The final task will fall on your team."

Chen Yuanchun nodded, patted his chest and said, "General Master Lin, don't worry, I promise to build the thing within three months!"

Just kidding, now that he has the drawings and even the split structure, it is much more detailed than Lego. If he still can't build it, he might as well just quit his job.

"That's good. Then I look forward to your good news."

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded.

"It's definitely no problem."

Chen Yuanchun smiled.

"Okay, that's it. Are you hungry? Let's go to the cafeteria for a meal together."


Then without further words, they left here together and headed to the cafeteria.

This meeting is officially over. At the same time, it also determines the future direction of the X-ray plan. No one could have imagined that this meeting was going to discuss how to solve the problem of the dual workbench research team.

It was a human problem. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao came up and directly drew the double workbench structure they needed, and even completed the servo motor technology inside.

As mentioned before, they have been able to build a servo motor that meets the requirements, but the compatibility between the servo motor and the dual workbench is not good enough. There are some mechanical problems, so Lin Xiao drew a new one.

Servo motors to them.

The next step is to wait for all the 100,000 parts to be completed and shipped to them. Dingguang Research Institute is building a dust-free workshop, which will also be responsible for the assembly of the first machine of their Hua Guo lithography machine in the future.

"Well, if Chen Yuanchun can complete it within three months, it means that assembly can begin in June."

After eating, Lin Xiao returned to his office.

After recalling today's meeting, he began to think.

In July, he is going to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians. When he comes back, he may be able to complete the assembly. Of course, after the assembly is completed, it will still take a period of debugging.

"Then... try to finish it before National Day,"

Lin Xiao made a decision.

He wants their X-ray engraving machine to emit the first light on National Day.

Of course, during the next period of time, he will basically be idle, because now all the technical problems have been solved, and the last piece of the puzzle, the double workbench, has been completed. The next step is

Put all the puzzle pieces together and build their photolithography machine.

"However, the International Congress of Mathematicians..."

Suddenly, Lin Xiao remembered this matter again.

He still has to submit the one-hour report he plans to make in April.

And today, it is already late February.

He scratched his head and said helplessly: "I didn't expect that I would also face a deadline."

No, when he attended the International Congress of Mathematicians last time, he also faced a deadline. He can still remember those days of staying up late.

Shaking his head, he took a scratch paper from the side and was about to think about what he should say at that time, but suddenly, several mathematical formulas flashed in his mind.



It was exactly the two formulas he captured in his mind when he spent his truth points just now!

This chapter has been completed!
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