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Chapter 307 Resignation

Chapter 307 Those who resign resigned, those who were fired were fired, and those who were arrested were arrested.

Netherlands, Asmer.

When it is eight o'clock in the evening in China, it is two o'clock in the afternoon in the Netherlands.

This time was Asmail's working time. However, while other employees were working on this afternoon, the president's office fell into silence.

Dawson Edinson put down his phone in disbelief, with a look of shock on his face.

"How can this be!"

That Lin Xiao really built an X-ray engraving machine?

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

It was already deduced at the beginning. Without Shan Tianbo, the X-ray project would be very difficult just to study the dual worktables. Moreover, they have not announced any progress for so long. How could it suddenly succeed now?

He couldn't believe it at all.

However, considering that the person who called him just now is one of their important shareholders and also an important figure in the White House, the news from him is definitely not false.

What's more, everyone has said it, and the Chinese official media has reported this matter. In any case, it can be confirmed that this matter is true.

Therefore, at this time, Dawson Edinson felt in his heart that the sky was about to fall, and God said that they were no longer wanted.

He is probably more anxious about this kind of thing than anyone in the White House.

Compared with the White House's violent reaction to the success of the X-ray project based on political considerations, Asmail, as the only company in the world with EUV lithography machine production technology, can be said to be in line with the X-ray plan.

The only competitor, so in terms of economic interests, the success of the X-ray project is full of threats to them.

Because politicians can "have nothing to do today" and "don't care about the flood after leaving office." But for companies like them, they may be anxious if they lose even one dollar, let alone a menacing one.


This means that from their original position as the sole monopoly in the world, they are suddenly no longer the sole monopolist. They have an opponent that can threaten their position, especially since this opponent has a huge backer.

It is impossible to eliminate this competitor through acquisition.

How could he accept such a gap?

They can't even comfort themselves with the manufacturing process, because they are not a foundry per se, they only produce photolithography machines, and they have no process as a retreat.

All in all, now he seems to be able to predict that their stock price will plummet tomorrow.

The more he thought about it, the angrier and more anxious he became. He realized that he needed a vent to vent his anger on, so he directly called his secretary and called him over.

It was this guy who self-righteously concluded that the X-ray plan could not succeed at the meeting half a year ago, which led to his misjudgment.

Recalling how this guy seemed to have control of the situation in the meeting, Dawson Edinson just wanted to kick him in the butt and tell him to get out.

In fact, he did exactly that. When the secretary ran over to him with a flattering look on his face, he told him the news indifferently, and then when the secretary looked shocked and confused,

, just kick this guy in the ass and tell him to get out of the company and never think about coming back again.

When the secretary saw such an angry CEO, how could he dare to say anything? In the end, of course, he ran away quickly and prepared to find another job.

And seeing the face that disgusted him finally left the office, Dawson Edinson finally felt a little better.

Sitting back in his seat, he calmed down and recalled the whole thing.

China built a lithography machine from scratch, and it was all inseparable from that person.

That person named Lin Xiao.

China's X-ray plan started in the fourth quarter of last year.

But in fact, they started trying to produce photolithography machines in March last year.

The person named Lin Xiao just returned from studying in France in January last year, and then devoted all his efforts to the research and development of lithography machines, from CMP polishing materials to the most critical servo motors. Until now, those in China

With the Lin's structure encoder, it has successfully entered the ranks of high-end servo motors at low cost.

Then later, this guy continued to achieve breakthroughs, leading China to break through various technologies, and even mastered the top polishing technology mastered by Zeiss.

Later, he proposed an X-ray lithography machine, a solution that was completely impossible in the eyes of almost everyone in the West at that time.

But obviously, they have all been slapped in the face by now.

X-ray engraving machine!

He leaned back on his chair a little dejectedly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

In the past, he felt that scientists were useless in the face of capital, just like Shan Tianbo, who he spent a lot of money to poach.

Of course, in addition to Shan Tianbo, he has also hired a lot of scientists through spending money many times.

He believes that he has seen clearly very early on that it is impossible for scientists to compete with capital, let alone the power of a scientist.

But now, this guy named Lin Xiao, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, finally made him realize that a scientist can really compete with capital, or even defeat capital.

He sighed deeply, not even thinking about how to deal with the next situation.

However, at this moment, the office door was suddenly opened.

Dawson Edinson suddenly frowned, who doesn't understand the rules so much?

Don’t you know you have to knock on the door to enter the CEO’s house?

However, what surprised him was that three people he knew came in outside.

It's from the FBI.

The man in the middle, Holland Stein, came to him to investigate Lin Xiao's visit to their photolithography machine assembly factory.

"Mr. Edinson, we meet again."

Holland Stein said with a smile.

"Agent Stein, why are you here?"

Dawson Edinson frowned, what do these plague gods want to do when they come to him now?

Holland Stein raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Mr. Edinson, did you forget something?"

"Forgot what?" Dawson Edinson wondered.

"You said in Chapter 225 that if Lin Xiao helps China build a lithography machine, you will surrender. Have you forgotten?"

Dawson Edinson was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned ugly: "Don't tell me that you came to me because of this matter? I was just joking at the beginning."

"Haha, are you kidding me? Let's talk about it after you go to our bureau."

Holland Stein said with a smile, and then his expression became serious.

"Now we suspect that when you invited Lin Xiao to visit your lithography machine assembly factory, you leaked the technical principles prohibited from leaking in the Wassenaar Agreement. Now, we need to invite you to our place for a few cups of coffee."

Dawson Edinson's face changed drastically: "Are you crazy? They are building an X-ray lithography machine, and I leaked the secrets of the X-ray lithography machine? Are you kidding me?"

Holland Stein smiled, "So I said, you can talk about these things after you enter the bureau."

Then, he signaled to the other two team members, and they walked up, controlled Dawson Edinson, and dragged him out regardless of his struggle.

The employees outside were shocked when they saw it. When they were about to go up to help, they saw the FBI ID that Holland Stein took out in his hand, so they had no choice but to step aside and let their president be taken out.

Then, everyone looked at each other in shock.

Just now, the president's secretary was fired by the president, and seemed to have been kicked. But not long after that, their president... fired himself?

Of course, no matter what, even though they still don't know what happened, it is obvious that today's incident will definitely make headlines tomorrow.

So they all took out their mobile phones, took photos of their president being taken out, and started grabbing headlines.


Dingguang Research Institute, in Lin Xiao's office.

"What? The U.S. Secretary of State resigned? And then Dawson Edinson, the president of Asmail, was arrested by the FBI? And there is another rumor that before Dawson Edinson was arrested, he first took his secretary


Lin Xiao looked at the news with great surprise.

Could it be that these three people were all unlucky because they built the photolithography machine?

This is quite interesting.

Of course, two of the people who lost their jobs were fine, but Dawson Edinson, how did he get in?

On the other side, Kong Huaan was also sitting on a chair, looking at the news in his hand, and said: "According to the news from Europe, it is said that this Dawson Edinson leaked the lithography machine technology to us."

He couldn't help but laugh: "Is this guy probably being pushed out to take the blame?"

But Lin Xiao shook his head and said: "There is one reason, but there is another reason."

"What's the reason?" Kong Hua'an was stunned.

Lin Xiao said: "They want to use this matter to make others think that we are not completely independent in research and development, thereby reducing our weight in it."

Kong Hua'an frowned: "I see, these little tricks are really disgusting."

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "They've always been like this."

Then he looked at the time, stood up, and showed a slightly sarcastic look: "Okay, get ready to share the cake."

Kong Huaan was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently.

Now that the X-ray plan is completed and even the process has been solved, it is time for all parties to share the cake with the huge benefits that will be brought about.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

Lin Xiao said: "Let's see if their plan satisfies me."


Kong Huaan nodded.

Then the two of them left the office and walked towards the conference room.

This chapter has been completed!
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