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Chapter 336 EDA Software Sanctions

Chapter 336 EDA Software Sanctions

This competition lasted for a long time. For everyone present, the value of room-temperature superconductors was too great.

As for the Industry and Information Technology Bureau and the Reform and Development Commission, what they need to do is to prepare for this matter in advance. The Industry and Information Technology Bureau, in particular, needs to make overall arrangements for this matter in advance.

For the time being, the fact that they have mastered room-temperature superconductors is still classified as top secret. Of course, it can be announced at an appropriate time in the future.

At that time, they can use this thing to exchange some other technologies with foreign countries.

Although room temperature superconductors are very precious, they cannot escape the nature of a commodity. Since it is a commodity, it can be used for exchange.

The preciousness of room-temperature superconductors will also allow China to obtain more political and economic resources in the future.

For example, in the pricing of some commodities, there are also some areas that have been targeted.

At least, when room-temperature superconductors come out, if foreign countries want to engage in riots, they have to consider the consequences.

Room-temperature superconductors have this ability.

Of course, considering the preciousness of this technology, even the production process must be strictly guarded in the future and treated as a strategic national defense material.

In this regard, there is no need to worry. After all, it is all top secret. There is no need to worry about the confidentiality measures of the national security.

In this way, the meeting came to an end. When the time was almost up, Ma Gaoliang was about to announce that the meeting was over. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Ma Gaoliang frowned and asked his secretary to go out and take a look. Soon, his secretary came back with surprise on his face after going out. Then he came to Ma Gaoliang and whispered: "Here comes the one who wants to

I want to see Professor Lin."

Ma Gaoliang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being surprised. Then he didn't say anything to conclude, and hurriedly said to the people present: "That's the end of our meeting. Let's adjourn."

Then he took Lin Xiao out and told him about the incident.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but be stunned. Is that old man here?

Want to see him in person?

So soon, Lin Xiao was pulled into the reception room.

The old man was already sitting in the reception room.

After seeing Lin Xiao walking in, the old man stood up with a smile, took the initiative to step forward, shook Lin Xiao's hand, and said, "Professor Lin, we meet again."

Lin Xiao couldn't help being flattered and said quickly: "Please sit down."

"Let's sit together, sit together."

The old man took Lin Xiao's arm, and the two sat down together.

Then the old man said to Ma Gaoliang next to him: "Gaoliang, let me have a few words with Professor Lin."

Ma Gaoliang immediately woke up and said, "Okay."

Then he left the reception room.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao became even more curious as to what the old man wanted to talk to him about.

In the room, the old man's secretary was still there, preparing tea.

Soon, two cups of tea were placed in front of them.

"Drink some tea first."

The old man pointed to the tea and said.

Lin Xiao nodded, and both of them picked up their teacups and took a sip.

After putting down the tea cup, the old man smiled and said: "It's quite good tea. It's bitter at first and then sweet. It has an endless aftertaste."

Lin Xiao didn't feel this way after drinking it, but she felt that the old man's words had some meaning.

So he didn't speak, but waited for the old man's next words.

When the old man saw that Lin Xiao was silent, he smiled slightly, and then said: "It's like our country has suffered in the past. Science and technology have always lagged behind, and we have been bullied everywhere. But now, we are gradually getting better.


"This is the end of all hardships."

"There is a poem that goes well: the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold."

"Moreover, the sword we sharpened is sharper than imagined, and the plum blossom we picked is more fragrant than imagined."

The old man looked at Lin Xiao with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Professor Lin, you are the sword and plum blossoms in this."

Lin Xiao finally realized that the old man had gone round the corner to praise him, so he smiled modestly and said, "You are so complimentary."

"How can this be considered a compliment?"

The old man shook his head and held Lin Xiao's hand, "Professor Lin, after the success of the lithography machine, I never had time to say thank you. Now that Professor Lin has solved this room temperature superconductor, I feel that no matter what

No matter what, I must come and formally express my gratitude to you. Having Professor Lin in our country is truly the greatest luck in our history."

Lin Xiao quickly waved his hand: "You don't need to thank me, I just did what I should do as a Chinese."

The old man smiled and said, "That's what you should do, and thanking you is what I should do."

Then, he sighed again and said: "However, I also have to apologize to you. Although we have investigated who did the 117 incident, I am sorry that we cannot use reciprocal means.

You are angry."

Lin Xiao was startled for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I know, and I understand."

There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Among the five permanent members, they are the only ones who have never started a war.

To a certain extent, internationally, they are like inheriting the "gentleman" character in cultural heritage, and a gentleman can be bullied.

Although it is very frustrating, it can only be faced helplessly, and this is the image that China has always established.

If we really fight back the way others treated Lin Xiao, what we will lose in the end is the image that took many years to build up.

Of course, this is based on the premise that nothing happened to Lin Xiao.

Once something happens to Lin Xiao, something big will definitely happen.

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, the old man looked pleased, then smiled and patted Lin Xiao's hand and said: "You can understand, that is naturally the best."

"And, as the saying goes, after the suffering is over, the joy will come."

"Professor Lin, the room-temperature superconductor you developed is our upcoming GAN."

"I already know the report on this technology, and I am very much looking forward to the time when this technology will really show its prowess in the future." The old man said with a smile: "I didn't believe that any technology could become an opportunity for us to take off, but

Now, I have no choice but to believe it.”

But when he saw various reports on room-temperature superconductors, he was already surprised.

However, this is also what it should be.

Every industrial revolution of mankind is a revolution in energy technology. The steam engine of the first industrial revolution allowed mankind to master heat energy. The electrical age set off by the second industrial revolution allowed mankind to master a universal energy source.


The significance of room-temperature superconductors to the electrical age is probably equivalent to version 2.0 of the second industrial revolution. All the shortcomings of electric energy are made up for by room-temperature superconductors. How much electric energy is sent out, how much electric energy is received, it can be said that "

What you lead is what you get.”

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "If there are three core technologies that humans must master in the future, then I think the first one is room temperature superconductors. Therefore, we have mastered a future core technology, and it is inevitable to take off."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, the old man became interested: "Oh? What about the other two core technologies?"

Lin Xiao replied: "As for the other two, the first is nuclear fusion, and the second is space navigation technology."

"Nuclear fusion will completely solve human energy problems and increasingly severe environmental problems, and space navigation technology will give us the ability to truly look forward to the future thousands of years."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but imagine what the world would be like in a thousand years.

Is it the wasteland flow or the interstellar flow?

Or maybe, cyberpunk flow?

The old man's face also showed an expression of fascination, and then he asked: "Professor Lin, what problem do you plan to solve next? Nuclear fusion?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, "The material requirements for nuclear fusion may be higher than room temperature superconductors, so I will not study this technology for the time being."

Materials for nuclear fusion need to face messy neutron bombardment at hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius. He cannot yet imagine how materials based on the influence of electromagnetic interaction forces can face this kind of energy.

"That's it." The old man nodded, and then asked with a smile: "Then what technology do you plan to research next?"

Lin Xiao said: "Artificial nerve."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly without asking "why". Of course he also knew what Lin Xiao and Qi Shangao said back then.

Lin Xiao attaches great importance to emotions, which is what the country needs.

Then he stood up and said with a smile: "Today, I have finished what I want to say. I am sorry for you. We will use normal temperature superconductors to regain this place later. We will not suffer this dumb loss forever.


Lin Xiao nodded and said, "I know."

"Yes." The old man smiled, and suddenly asked: "By the way, Professor Lin, do you want to be an academician?"

Lin Xiao was stunned.

You asked this...

I don’t want to be one because there is no need to be one, but if one can be one, it would definitely be better.

Then he smiled and said: "If you can, then think about it. If you can't, then don't want to."

The old man laughed and said, "What you said is really interesting. Okay, let's do that. By the way, have you eaten? Let's have a meal together?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders!"

"Haha, let's go, then let's go together."

So, Lin Xiao went to have a meal with the old man. The meal was at an official restaurant and did not attract any attention.

During the meal, the old man would pick up food for Lin Xiao from time to time. Just like that, until towards the end, the old man's secretary suddenly walked up and said a few words to him, and the old man's brows suddenly frowned.


Although Lin Xiao was confused, he didn't ask.

However, the old man took the initiative and said to him: "Professor Lin, our EDA software has also begun to be used by foreigners."

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard the news.

EDA software?

EDA software is software specifically used to design chips. The domestic EDA software market has always been dominated by **.

As a result, now, they are actually doing it again?

"But why not start with semiconductor raw materials?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but wonder.

Compared with EDA software, semiconductor raw materials are obviously more deadly.

The old man said: "Probably, they think you can research those raw material technologies, right?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh: "Then they are saying that they think that I am not a programmer, and it is impossible for me to make some noise in EDA software?"

However, he is not a programmer. He has a good friend who is a top programmer.

Moreover, what his good friend, a top programmer, has been working on recently happens to be EDA software!

This chapter has been completed!
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