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Chapter 343 So close to the artificial nerve?

Chapter 343 So close to artificial nerves?

At the beginning of the operation, the anesthesiologist first administered anesthesia. After waiting for the anesthesia to take effect, Chen Xuan picked up the scalpel from the tray next to him and started operating on the patient's spine.

The blood flowed out instantly, but Chen Xuan was naturally prepared for the means of stopping the bleeding and immediately stopped the bleeding from the wound.

In neurological surgery, the surgical field of view is very important. After all, the nerves are so delicate. If the blood blocks the field of view, even the most powerful doctor will be unable to do anything.

Of course, great doctors don't have to worry about the means to stop bleeding, otherwise they wouldn't be called great doctors.

And obviously, Chen Xuan is also in this group.

Soon, the blood was sucked away, and the red flesh and white spine were already visible.

As someone who entered the operating room for the first time, Lin Xiao still felt uncomfortable when looking at such a scene.

However, he quickly used his powerful brain to divert his attention away from the discomfort and came to the patient's surgical wound.

At this time, he could already see where the spine inside was damaged and broken into two parts.

There are many filaments in the two broken vertebrae, and the broken threads are connected.

There are blood vessels and nerves in them!

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed to make his vision more focused.

Now his brain allows him to easily see these extremely small things.

In addition, his computer-like brain also allows him to quickly distinguish which two disconnected nerves or blood vessels are the same.

At the same time, Chen Xuan said: "Magnifying glass."

Then, a nurse next to him put a head-mounted thing on Chen Xuan. This was a head-mounted magnifying glass specially designed for surgery. It was very suitable for this kind of surgery.

After Chen Xuan put on the thing, he started to perform the nerve surgery with a serious face.

However, Lin Xiao showed a strange expression.

In this case, he also has the ability to become a top neurologist?

After all, his eyes can now distinguish things as small as 10 microns. In addition, his hands can achieve positioning accuracy of less than 10 microns. This ability is completely god-level for a doctor.


Of course, he was just thinking about it in his mind. After all, being a doctor still requires certification, and he had no interest in doing such a thing.

No longer thinking about it, he began to think about what artificial nerves needed to be based on his past understanding of neuroscience and the real nerves in front of him.

"Perhaps fiber materials would be a good direction? After all, they are nerve fibers..."

He rubbed his chin and thought.

Just like that, time passed quickly.

In the first two hours of the operation, no one chatted. Of course, the main reason was because Chen Xuan didn't chat, and others naturally didn't dare to chat.

However, as two hours passed, Chen Xuan took the initiative to speak: "Xiao Liu, how was your last calf nerve surgery?"

A doctor next to him was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Not bad. The patient recovered well after the operation. I heard that he can already walk."

"That's good. Anyway, you just watch and study hard while I'm doing the surgery. I'm still waiting for you to help us share the burden in the future."

Dr. Liu said: "Haha, I will work hard and try to do it."


Chen Xuan nodded.

And as Chen Xuan spoke, the somewhat dull atmosphere before the operating room suddenly became relaxed.

As the saying goes, in the operating room, if you don't say a word all the time, it means that the operation is in trouble and it is difficult to handle, especially when the surgeon is silent. And if you are chatting with Hiroko, it means that everything is under control.

During the operation, if it is a local anesthesia operation and the patient is still somewhat conscious, the doctor may even tell some funny jokes to make the patient feel more stable.

Next to Lin Xiao was a nurse, who also said to Lin Xiao: "Director Chen is really amazing. He got it done so quickly."

Lin Xiao came back from his thoughts and said with a smile: "Yes."

After looking at Chen Xuan's movements, he saw that he was almost finished. He was repairing the last severed nerve. He was very skilled and worthy of being the chief physician of Union Medical College Hospital.

Nerves are branch-like structures. As the main trunk, the central nervous system will branch out into many branches. What Chen Xuan needs to do is to find these disconnected nerves and connect them all. If one of them is not connected, it may cause sequelae.

appear, and these nerves are very small, which makes this kind of surgery even more difficult.

However, basically the problem is gone.

At this time, the nurse took another look at Lin Xiao's eyes under the mask and surgical cap. She always felt familiar. Before the operation, she didn't tell them who the person who came to visit the operation was or what his name was, so she asked

He said: "By the way, which hospital do you belong to? Are you a doctor from the 301 Hospital?"

She had been to Hospital 301 before, so she thought she had seen Lin Xiao there.

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "No."

The nurse was even more confused, then why did she think Lin Xiao was familiar to her?

But at this time Chen Xuan said hello again. It turned out that the last nerve had been connected and the finishing work was about to be carried out. He asked the nurse to prepare.

The nurse responded immediately and then went to do her work.

After this operation, Lin Xiao also gained a lot.

He knows how to choose materials.

A slight smile appeared on his face, and a confident face appeared on his face again.

At this time, the finishing work also began, mainly fixing the spine and then suturing it.

Whether the patient can successfully regain mobility depends on whether the ability of nerve cells can be used to complete the recovery. During this period, medication will also be needed.

Lin Xiao estimated that this was the end of today's surgery observation, and this experience was also a first for him.

However, when he turned his attention to the patient's wound again, he was suddenly startled. He clearly saw that when the spine was fixed, there was a broken bone deep in the gap of less than 0.1 micron between the broken spines.

The nerve is not connected!

Seeing Chen Xuan and the others about to fix the spine, he immediately said: "Wait a minute!"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at Lin Xiao.

What does this person who came over to observe the operation want to do?

How dare you call stop when Director Chen is about to finish?

Aren't you afraid of being taught a lesson by Director Chen?

Although Chen Xuan usually smiles and is very kind, he is never soft-spoken when he scolds people, even those from the outer courtyard.

However, what surprised them even more was that Chen Xuan was not angry. Instead, he asked: "Professor Lin, what's wrong?"

These people were stunned. Is this also a professor?

Judging from the eyes exposed on his mask, he is obviously quite young, right?

Lin Xiao didn't say anything. He walked up and down, held the operating light, shined the light on the gap in the spine, and said directly: "There is still a nerve that is not connected here!"

Everyone present was stunned.

So what can you see in the gap?

However, Chen Xuan's face became serious and he asked the nurse to put on the head-mounted magnifying glass again, and then looked at it carefully. After a while, he suddenly said with emotion: "Yes! There is indeed one more!"

This nerve is hidden too deep, and it is a very delicate nerve, so it is difficult to find.

If it weren't for Lin Xiao's reminder, this nerve might not be able to connect.

Although based on the location of this nerve, it is not a critical nerve, but if it is not connected, it will inevitably have some impact on the patient.

So Chen Xuan immediately stopped fixing the spine, began to re-expose the surgical field, and then began to try to connect the nerve.

Because this nerve was too deep and close to the location of the split in the spine, even Chen Xuan spent a lot of effort to finally connect it.


Chen Xuan let out a long breath, and the nurse next to him quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Chen Xuan also expressed his gratitude to Lin Xiao at this time: "Professor Lin, thank you very much."

If it weren't for Lin Xiao's reminder, this nerve would probably have been missed like this, leaving sequelae to the patient, which Chen Xuan didn't want to see.

Lin Xiao smiled and waved her hands: "It's okay, it's all for the patients."

Others in the operating room also cast surprised glances at him.

How sharp are this man's eyes? Can he see everything?

The surgical wound was not large, and it had a single door. In addition, even if the bleeding was stopped, some blood would flow out from time to time. It was almost impossible to see it under such circumstances.

With these eyes alone, he has the potential to become a top doctor.

The other doctors present all felt envious in their hearts, but this was a talent, and there was no way to envy him.

Then, this operation was officially concluded.

The spine was quickly re-fixed, the surgical wound was sutured, and the patient was allowed to lie flat on the bed again.

The whole process took more than three hours and was very complicated, but it was finally over.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the doctor who was called Xiao Liu by Chen Xuan walked up to Lin Xiao, took off his mask, stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, Professor Lin, I am Liu Deqiang, your eyes are

How do you practice? I'm very curious."

Lin Xiao smiled, took off his mask, stretched out his hand and said, "I don't know, it's probably because I was born with it."

Then he shook hands with Liu Deqiang.

However, when he took off his mask, the people in the operating room were shocked.

"Lin Lin Lin Lin... Are you Professor Lin Xiao?"

Seeing this young face, Liu Deqiang immediately stuttered for a long time, and didn't shout out until the end.

This was even more true for others, including the nurse who just talked to Lin Xiao. They never expected that the person who came over to observe was not a doctor from another hospital, but a genius scientist that they knew almost all over the country!

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "No, no, no, don't do this."

Chen Xuan, who was standing next to him, walked over with a smile and said: "Professor Lin, your name is loud throughout our country. They are all excited when they see you, so I suggest not to reveal your identity before the surgery."

, so that they will not be distracted during the operation.”

Lin Xiao smiled helplessly, so sometimes being too famous is not a good thing.

"Have you gained anything from coming to see this surgery?" Chen Xuan said at this time: "Speaking of which, I still don't know what you are going to do with this surgery."

Lin Xiao said: "Artificial nerve."

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then became extremely surprised: "You actually want to study this thing?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes."

Chen Xuan was even more excited. As a neuroscientist, he really knew the significance of artificial nerves. He quickly asked: "Are you sure now?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "It depends on luck."

Chen Xuan nodded: "Okay, if you have anything to do with your research, just ask me. Although I don't know much about materials science, if it is something related to nerves, I will definitely be able to answer you.


Lin Xiao smiled and nodded: "Thank you very much."

"There's nothing to thank you for."

Chen Xuan shook his head, "If you research this, I would first have to say thank you to you for the countless patients in the world who have suffered from neurological problems."

I wonder how many paraplegic patients will be blessed by this?

He knows it too well.

When the other doctors and nurses around heard their conversation, they couldn't help but be surprised in their hearts.

Lin Xiao actually wants to research artificial nerves?

When this thing comes out, it will save them a lot of work in the neurology department.

Problems such as nerve rupture caused by accidents such as car accidents and falls, as long as the artificial nerve is connected, nothing will happen.

They all immediately looked at Lin Xiao like a saint, and silently hoped in their hearts that Lin Xiao could really solve this technology.

At this time, Lin Xiao also looked at the time, and then said: "Okay, it's time for me to leave. Whether I can succeed or not depends on my next research."

"Well, I'm waiting for your good news." Chen Xuan nodded and watched Lin Xiao leave.

Then he turned his head and saw the doctors and nurses who were also looking at Lin Xiao's back. He laughed and cursed: "Okay, stop looking and continue working. When Professor Lin really comes up with artificial nerves, our work will be over."

It can be much more relaxed.”

Everyone else nodded in deep understanding.

Lin Xiao returned to Dingguang Research Institute and continued to study related content.

"Fiber materials are the most suitable. They are thin enough and very suitable for wrapping superconductors."

But thinking of this, Lin Xiao suddenly slapped his head: "Damn it, why didn't I think of superconducting fibers?"

Superconducting fiber materials were made of niobium-titanium alloy in the past.

But now, he can definitely find a way to make the CCD-I into a fiber shape, and then directly connect it to the nerves. This is much more perfect than the solution he thought of before!

Because his previous plan still had some unpredictable resistances, causing unpredictable changes in neural signals.

Now that nerves will be directly connected to superconductors, the nerve signals will not change at all!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but laugh and cry: "How dare I be so close to artificial nerves?"

This chapter has been completed!
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