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Chapter 387: The Bridge Between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity

Chapter 387 The bridge between quantum mechanics and relativity

Time passed quietly.

Lin Xiao's research has not stopped, but the progress of the research is not as overwhelming as it could be.

Although the Seven Millennium Problems are all placed in the same position, if we want to use numerical values ​​to describe their difficulty, it is obvious that the difficulty of these seven problems is not the same.

1 Among them, the problem of the existence of the Yang-Mills gauge field and the mass gap can obviously be ranked at the forefront, because it requires not only a sufficient understanding of mathematics, but also a sufficient understanding of physics, such as particle physics and quantum mechanics.

understanding, and at the same time, its requirements for mathematics are also very high.

However, there is an obvious problem that physicists who can study the Yang-Mills gauge field tend to devote their minds to physics, but do not do much research on mathematics, so this leads to

Most of the people who study the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium are physicists.

Therefore, this has become a restrictive threshold, and it has also led to the fact that there are not many current research results on this issue.

Therefore, Lin Xiao's current research cannot even refer to too much content.

"The Yang-Mills equation field equation is nonlinear and is a generalization of the linear Maxwell equation."

"And Maxwell's equations include all electromagnetism, so the electromagnetic interaction force is embedded in it."

"Including the original electroweak unified theory, it was also completed based on this premise."

"Huh...is it non-linear and linear again?"

When thinking came here, Lin Xiao sighed softly.

Is the gap between linearity and nonlinearity really so difficult to bridge?

At this time, he didn't know. Just like the claim he made to unify linearity and nonlinearity, it originally made the mathematical community agitated. However, nearly a year later, the Lin Program

The craze has also subsided.

Because for all the mathematicians who have spent time researching, even if they have achieved results, it is just a superficial promotion of the special case given by Lin Xiao, and no one has found any valuable breakthrough direction.

The original Langlands Program was by no means like this. On the contrary, there were always important progress results and it was full of vitality. Compared with the current Lin Program, which seems quite cold, it is completely different.

In the end, Lin Xiao shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Of course, this brief thought also gave him a suggestion, "To solve nonlinear problems, you can try to solve them by approximating them to linear problems."

"Then, let's go back to our own problem. If we want to solve this problem, we need to introduce new content from both physics and mathematics..."

"The new content in mathematics... let's not talk about it for now, the new content in physics?"

Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"The latest content in current physics is my multidimensional field theory."

"Although I have not tried to use multi-dimensional field theory to describe major interacting forces in my previous research, it is not difficult to do this."

As soon as his heart moved, he picked up his pen and started writing. At this time, he already had some inspiration.

"Start with the electromagnetic interaction force."


In this way, in just a few steps, Lin Xiao described the three forces of electricity, weak force and strong force using multi-dimensional field theory.

"There is also a gravitational force..."

Lin Xiao frowned. Gravity is the thorn in these interactive forces. It is not difficult to express it using multi-dimensional field theory. But the most important thing is that the physics community does not have a generally accepted view of gravity.


It's like the debate between quantum mechanics and relativity.

Although in his standard model of multidimensional field theory, a prediction has been made about the existence of gravitons, which at least mathematically proves that there is a particle similar to gravitons, regarding this point, physicists studying the theory of relativity have temporarily

But they are still unwilling to admit it, and indicate that unless it can be proved experimentally, they will still not admit the existence of gravitons.

However, regarding the graviton-like particles predicted in the standard model of multidimensional field theory, even Lin Xiao and other physicists who study this thing cannot make a conclusion at this time, because they are only like, but not completely

Yes, no one can make assertions about this kind of academic rigor.

"Well... let's get it out first and take a look. It won't waste time anyway."

So soon, Lin Xiao wrote a description of gravity based on multi-dimensional field theory.

However, looking at this result, Lin Xiao fell into hesitation for a moment.

Because he found that this final description seemed to correspond to the description of gravity in the general theory of relativity.

"What the hell is this?"

Lin Xiao felt that he discovered something unexpected during his research.

General relativity and gravitons are incompatible, because in general relativity, once gravitons exist, general relativity will be overturned.

But the result he gave was based on the existence of gravitons, just like the other three forces, which are all forces that can only exist with particles.

"Could it be that?"

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with light.

If his idea is right, then this will lead to the realization of a grand unified theory in another sense, which will be of great help to what he is currently trying to accomplish.

And his idea is to unify quantum mechanics and relativity first before unifying the four fundamental forces.

The unity between quantum mechanics and relativity is a grand unified theory in another sense, and may also be called the theory of everything.

For the latter, one purpose is to unify quantum mechanics and relativity.

Of course, both the grand unified theory and the theory of everything can be regarded as one thing, because their ultimate goal is the same, which is to unify the four fundamental forces.

So, after Lin Xiao thought for a moment, he decisively suspended his original plan and started trying this step instead.

Once his attempt succeeds, his original plan, which is to solve the quality gap problem, may even become overwhelmingly simple.

"So, first write down the description of gravity in the theory of relativity."

"That's the so-called distortion of time and space... Hey, in terms of imagination, Einstein's imagination was really ahead of its time, at least for that era."

Lin Xiao sighed slightly in his heart, and at the same time, he quickly wrote out the expression of gravity in the theory of relativity.

He accomplished this as if it came easily.

Soon, relevant content appeared on his paper.

"Then what happens next..."

Lin Xiao's eyes were fixed, and after comparing the two, his face was slightly amazed for a moment, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

"Finally, I found the most crucial point."

"The bridge between quantum mechanics and relativity?"

This chapter has been completed!
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