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Chapter 394 The collectively silent physics community

Chapter 394 The physics community is collectively silent

"Oh? Are these the only basic rewards?"

After hearing the rewards given by the system, Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows.

He thought that such a powerful conclusion would lead to a special reward.

He was thinking that he had been rewarded with such powerful technology before, and this time he solved an important problem in physics. Maybe he could be rewarded with something powerful?

Of course, although he was a little regretful, he still felt quite satisfied with so much experience.

Is 15,000 points of physics experience enough to improve his physics level?

The next moment, the system's voice confirmed this: "Congratulations to the host, the physics level has been upgraded to level 7 (1000/60000)."

Then, Lin Xiao closed her eyes and felt a swelling sensation in her brain.

Upgrading to level seven rewards 0.8% brain development. At this moment, his brain development has gone from 12.05% to 12.85%. (The 11.25% in Chapter 368 is less than the math level 7, which is discussed here.


As this feeling of swelling ended, when Lin Xiao opened his eyes again, the world in his eyes had changed slightly.

"Becoming a little smarter again."

He felt a little emotional in his heart, and then he lowered his head and looked at the result he had obtained again.

"Then, the gap between the current theory of relativity and quantum mechanics is no longer as unbridgeable as before."

At least, from a mathematical point of view, the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics have changed. The relationship between the Einstein field equations and gravitons was like enemies meeting each other with jealousy. At this time, the Einstein field equations

The equation has been rewritten by Lin Xiao, and the relationship between it and gravitons can be said to be exactly the same. Perhaps in the future, this brand new equation will be called the Einstein-Forest Field equation.

"However, maybe those who study the theory of relativity still don't want to admit it?"

Lin Xiao touched his chin, it was indeed possible.

After all, in the eyes of some um... you can call them die-hards, if gravitons cannot be discovered in experiments, they probably will not recognize the unity of relativity and quantum mechanics no matter what.

Of course, this is understandable. Although theoretical physics plays an extremely important role in physics, in the end, theoretical physics must still be proved by experiments, just like M theory. Otherwise, who is still studying fixed light?

Why hasn’t Professor Edward Witten left yet?

"Gravity... gravitons..."

Lin Xiao touched his chin and suddenly remembered something.

Now, it seems that he can use this new Einstein field equation to calculate the energy required to collide with a graviton?

The reason why people were generally helpless about gravitons in the past was that they did not know how much energy was needed to knock them out.

Obviously, gravitons must exist in anything with mass, but if this thing is small enough, the energy required is high enough.

In addition, there is another possibility. In order to discover the Higgs particle, scientists directly built a large hadron collider for this purpose, including the CEPC that China is building, and the "" that Europe plans to build in the future.

"Future Circular Collider" is all to better discover the Higgs particle.

So this reflects the huge collision energy required by the Higgs particle.

As the Higgs particle is the particle that gives things mass, the existence of gravitons must have a huge connection with it. Maybe it is precisely because of this that we want to find that the energy of gravitons is also very large?

Lin Xiao immediately picked up the pen and began to calculate.

Now that he has the theoretical guidance of the theory of relativity, he has great confidence in calculating the energy required for gravitons.

After all, compared to the research results of quantum mechanics on gravity, the theory of relativity is more successful in interpreting gravity. Now that both are embedded, it is equivalent to the theory of relativity filling the gap in gravity in quantum mechanics.

So soon, Lin Xiao got the result he wanted.

"Does it take at least 70 TeV of energy to make stable discoveries?"

After calculating this energy, Lin Xiao couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips at it.

70TeV is obviously an extremely huge energy. Even the highest collision energy in CEPC's original plan is only 45TeV, while the highest energy of Europe's Large Hadron Collider is only about 10TeV.

If you calculate it this way, according to human scientific research plans, you will have to wait at least about thirty years, because the future circular collider that Europe plans to build in thirty years will have a maximum collision energy of 100 TeV.

In other words, if there are no variables, it will be at least thirty years before human science has an opportunity to discover gravitons. It can only be an opportunity, because without theoretical guidance, it will be difficult for scientists to start from that point.

To find this extraordinarily different graviton in a large pile of experimental data, unless there is a physicist who is extremely sensitive to data, he can see this thing from so much data.

Of course, this situation is limited to the case where there are no variables.

And now there are two variables, that is their room temperature superconductor, and this new field equation given by Lin Xiao

Room-temperature superconductors will bring huge upgrades to the CEPC they are building. By then, the new CEPC will be able to easily knock out energy of up to 100TeV. For gravitons that require at least 70TeV to be stably discovered, CEPC will be able to easily


This new field equation will fill the gaps in theory. Physicists can study this new Einstein gravitational field equation just like they originally studied the Higgs mechanism, and then better discover gravitons.

Just like the results calculated by Lin Xiao, 70TeV is needed to stably discover, but this does not mean that energies below 70TeV cannot be discovered. After all, the energy of graviton itself is not high, so if from the previous collision data

If you look hard, you might find some clues.

"However, I'm too lazy to do this work. I'll leave it to those high-energy physicists."

Lin Xiao put down his pen and smiled on his face.

It's like a bounty. Once he sends out this result, high-energy physicists will surely rush to try to find particles that are suspected to be gravitons.

The winner, like Lin Xiao, will leave his name in this high-energy physics feast and chronology of gravitons.

"This feels good...Forget it, let's not say more, let's write the paper first."

Turn on the computer, create a new folder, and then create a new WORD document. Then, Lin Xiao began to write a paper, writing in all his results for so long, and then warned physicists that before, it was only the theory of relativity.

He has established a relationship with Graviton, and now, he wants to make the two live together in harmony and never be separated!

Time passed quickly, a week later.

April has passed and now it is May.

The editorial department of "Science" magazine is working at a fast pace as always. The editors review the manuscripts and then send them to reviewers very quickly. After all, they are a weekly, and the review needs to be fast enough.

Of course, there are sometimes papers that cause difficulties for these editors, but these are not worth going into detail.

Among these editors, there are also editors who specialize in reviewing well-known experts. When faced with well-known experts, their service attitudes are naturally different.

Especially some top bulls.

For example, at this moment, the manuscript Elson is reviewing.

"Oh, my God, how long has it been? How long has it been?"

His exclamation attracted the attention of colleagues around him.

"What's wrong? Elson?"

Elson shook his head and said: "That Lin Xiao sent a paper, and guess what this paper is about?"

Colleagues present were immediately interested. Lin Xiao’s paper?

Being able to see such a super-powerful paper for the first time is a special interest for editors like them.

In particular, Lin Xiao, a great expert, interests them even more. Who knows what else this genius has come up with?

Another editor thought for a while and then said: "We are in charge of physics, so it must be physics-tsk, only this Lin Xiao needs us to consider which paper he published."

Everyone present nodded in agreement. It was indeed true. After all, who didn’t know that this great master had performed in mathematics, physics, materials science, and even biology last year?

Then the editor thought for a moment, and his eyes lit up: "Didn't he publish a paper on gravitons and relativity some time ago? Could it be that... his paper is about this again?"

"Bingo! He actually unified gravitons and relativity in this paper! How long has it been since his last paper?" Elson snapped his fingers and sighed, but then he

A look of helplessness appeared on his face again: "But now there is a problem. I don't understand part of his paper at all."

Everyone present suddenly became curious.

Elson can’t understand either?

Elson is a professor of physics at the University of Cambridge. After all, he specializes in reviewing the manuscripts of those powerful people. They all have a very high level of knowledge.

So then, they all gathered around to see what Elson didn't understand, but in the end, they all fell silent.

They didn't understand it either.

And this part is exactly the part that Lin Xiao used supercomputing to verify.

The results verified by the supercomputer can be directly substituted into the original formula, and its correctness can be easily detected, so there is no need for their reviewers to find a supercomputer for verification.

However, the mathematical method used by Lin Xiao, which required the use of supercomputer calculations, really made them all feel a sense of absurdity.

The mathematical derivation of their theoretical physics can actually be completed using supercomputing?

What papers have these editors not seen in all these years? What methods have they not seen in all these years?

They have never seen this method before.

But the result happened to be correct.

So, the editors held a meeting specifically for this purpose. Finally, considering that this was Lin Xiao's paper, and that at least no problems could be found in the process, they gave the paper a pass.

It wasn't until half a month later that a new issue of "Science" was released.

The physics community, which had been buzzing with Lin Xiao's previous paper, suddenly lost its voice.

This paper silenced these physicists.

This chapter has been completed!
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