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Chapter 422 The derivation of pure theory!

"The result is out! It's out!"

In the research team led by Lin Xiao personally, when the final calculation results came out, everyone present suddenly fell into excitement.

"After screening, we found about a hundred sets of data with collision energies around the 110 TeV range. These data were substituted into the equations for verification. The equations were completely established. So based on the results of this experiment, basically

It can be proved from the above that we succeeded!”

A man was holding a laptop in his hand and excitedly announced to everyone present.

Upon hearing the news, everyone present showed excited expressions.

This is the unification of the three forces!

And it was verified through a rigorous experimental process. How could this not make the people present excited about it?

Strictly speaking, physics is an experimental science, and this experimental verification has undoubtedly brought the most powerful proof to Lin Xiao's unified equations for the electroweak and strong interactions.

Next, we are waiting for Lin Xiao’s papers and reports to complete the final rigorous theoretical proof.

And everyone present will be a witness to this historical event!

Thinking of this, everyone present once again turned their attention to Lin Xiao sitting aside, and the excitement in their eyes turned into admiration.

The person who announced the results before said: "Chairman Lin, you are right again!"

Correct again!

The last time was when Lin Xiao proved graviton.

Lin Xiao had a smile on his face and nodded to everyone present, "Thank you for your work these days. Thank you for your hard work."

"Hey, what did Chairman Lin say? This is something everyone is willing to do! We all study physics."

"That's right, we have to thank Chairman Lin for inviting us to participate in this research."

"Chairman Lin, you..."

Everyone present laughed and said.

Then there were some polite words, and finally Lin Xiao terminated this meaningless conversation and said: "Okay everyone, now everyone can prepare and announce the news. This kind of joy should also be shared with everyone.

More people should listen."

"Chairman Lin is right!"

"Let's go, let's tell them the good news now. Hey, this is the unification of the three basic forces. I'm afraid the others are impatient, right?"

The people present suddenly became excited, and then left here one after another to go outside to promote the good news.

However, Lin Xiao was not as excited as these people, and asked the person who just announced the results to stay.

"Please send me the final settlement results and related data."

When he said this, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with a little expectation.

Determining the unity of the three forces is only the first step, and the next thing is the focus.

But this person did not notice the expectation in Lin Xiao's eyes. After hearing Lin Xiao's instructions, he immediately said: "Okay, I will pass it on to you now."

Then he took the laptop in his hand and sent their calculation results and experimental data to Lin Xiao.

"Okay, thank you."

After receiving what he wanted, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and thanked her.

"You're welcome. If you have any further instructions in the future, just ask me."

The man smiled and nodded, but at this moment he saw Lin Xiao looking deep in thought while browsing the things he had just sent, so he left knowingly.

At this moment, Lin Xiao looked at the data displayed on the computer and once again entered a state of immersion.

The data of one hundred 110TeV collision energies is actually very small compared to all the collision data they collected.

After all, tens of millions of collisions can occur every second. Even if the final data collected is very small, as so much time has passed, the final total amount of data is still quite large.

However, there is a reason for the small amount of data collected. Although the maximum collision energy of CEPC is 118TeV, the final collision energy is obviously different depending on the collision angle. It is like playing billiards.

The intensity of the ball collision is different, and the energy generated when the balls collide is naturally different.

The one hundred pieces of data they have found now are just a few found among a large amount of data. The collision energy generated by the collision angle happens to be 110 TeV.

"However, although it is a little small, it can still be used."

Looking at these data, Lin Xiao gradually found what he wanted.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Xiao found a USB flash drive and copied all the data into it.

Then he turned off the computer and walked outside the institute.

Next, after his papers and reports on the unification of the three forces are completed, he will enter into a long period of research.

However, it's not a big problem.

Lin Xiao has basically decided on the scientific plans to be carried out next at CEPC, and the time can basically be studied until the end of the year.

And all the goals he needs to achieve at CEPC have been achieved.

So in the coming time, he will continue to work hard to improve the level of earth's civilization.

In this way, he walked out of the CEPC research institute. Along the way, other researchers or a famous physicist greeted him from time to time and sent him congratulations. Basically, they already knew what they had verified based on experimental data.

The system of unified equations of three forces.

Of course, there are still many people asking Lin Xiao about papers and academic reports. The experiment has been completed to prove the results, but for the most important process, basically everyone is impatient to wait.

This is not an order from the leader to only look at the results without looking at the process. For scientific research, the process and the results are sometimes equally important. Even in proofs similar to mathematical conjectures, the results are not necessarily as important as the process.

The same is true this time, especially when many people discovered that Lin Xiao suddenly disappeared after the first run of CEPC and entered the so-called retreat research. After the results came out, he said that he had completed three

Unity of force.

It is hard not to wonder whether Lin Xiao found some special data that no one else found in the data of the first CEPC run, and based on this special data, the three forces were unified.

Almost everyone is curious about this, so they are basically waiting for Lin Xiao's paper.

Maybe based on Lin Xiao's method, they can discover other important results?

So amid such expectations, Lin Xiao finally posted the paper to their CHEPRO official website again, and announced the time of the academic seminar, just one week later.

The publication of the paper on the unified theory of three forces and the confirmation of the academic report time immediately excited the physics community. We will discuss the issues of the academic report later. They have been waiting for this paper for a long time.

Everyone wants to know whether Lin Xiao really discovered something from the first run data of CEPC that no one else has discovered.

However, when these physicists, whether they were top physicists or physicists who were about to become top physicists, fell into silence after reading this paper.

"This... is actually deduced based on pure theory? This hypothetical situation... can be assumed like this?"

University of California, Santa Barbara.

In the office of the director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, David Gross looked at this paper with a look of disbelief.

As a Nobel Prize winner in physics and a theoretical physicist, David Gross can be regarded as one of the greatest living physicists.

After all, just as one of the founders of quantum chromodynamics, his status in physics deserves to be included in the great seats.

In addition, the important result of asymptotic freedom in quantum chromodynamics was also discovered by him.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that he also conducts a lot of research on high-energy physics.

Of course, to a certain extent, there is not a huge gap between theoretical physics and high-energy physics, and the relationship between the two is still very close.

Therefore, David Gross has always been very concerned about the trends of CEPC.

Especially the unification of the three forces achieved by Lin Xiao that came out some time ago, and their verification based on experiments, made Gross visit the CEPC official website almost every day.

Finally, he waited for Lin Xiao's paper.

Like others, he also thought that Lin Xiao might have found some special data from the CEPC data, thus achieving the unification of the three basic forces.

But now after reading it, he found to his disbelief that Lin Xiao was not as they thought, but relied entirely on pure theory and mathematical derivation to finally complete the unified theory of the electroweak and strong forces.

Just like the electroweak unified theory completed in the last century, the electroweak unified theory is also completely realized by theoretical derivation.

But the difference is that the realization of the electroweak unified theory took decades to finally be completed. It was almost an important achievement that took the efforts of several generations of physicists to complete, so much so that it is called the most important achievement in physics.

One of the successful theories.

And what about this electroweak-strong theory?

Although research in this area has been going on for many years, including the asymptotic freedom of the strong interaction force, he also discovered it himself.

But what he also needs to admit is that it would be too unfair to Lin Xiao if he had to calculate the time to unify the three basic forces from before he discovered asymptotic freedom.

Strictly speaking, it took Lin Xiao exactly one year, or even less than a year, to complete the unification of the three forces.

In less than a year, Lin Xiao has achieved a leapfrog process from proving the quality gap to proving the unification of the three forces.

And these results are roughly equivalent to 60% of the unification of the three forces... no, at least more than 70% of the work.

This chapter has been completed!
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