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Chapter 427 Science and Metaphysics

Chapter 427 Science and Metaphysics

After this four-person team received 400,000 yuan in funding from Lin Xiao and formally established the project, they began serious research.

As of today, many months have passed and nearly a year has passed since their research.

Of course, for their kind of research, one year is quite common, and it is not uncommon for some projects to take several years in total.

However, they were limited by the funds they could use, so they managed to spend until now through various frugal measures.

Of course, this "frugal and frugal" is just an adjective. The main reason is that they spent the 400,000 yuan very frugally. In terms of daily life, the treatment at Dingguang Research Institute is still very good. Food, food and accommodation are basically free.

Unless they go out to eat by themselves, even if they go out to eat, they have the money within the subsidy, so they don’t have to worry at all.

Otherwise, they will either have to be really frugal with their own money, or they will have to ask their families for money.

Today is the most critical moment in their research.

In order to complete this experiment, they spent half of the 400,000 yuan - a full 200,000 yuan - to rent a materials laboratory in the institute for a few days - for laboratories in the institute, whether it is a laboratory

The land and the experimental instruments and equipment inside are all public, so if you want to do experiments, you need to spend money to rent them, which is where the funds are spent.

Of course, 200,000 yuan can only rent a materials laboratory for a few days. It is naturally a top-notch laboratory, and even 200,000 yuan is still cheaper.

When they went to talk to the director of the laboratory, the other party probably saw that they were young, and Lin Xiao personally approved their funding, so he exempted them from tens of thousands.

The rent of 200,000 yuan was the largest amount of money spent by this four-person team, and it was also the last money of their 400,000 yuan budget.

However, there seems to be a problem for them now.

Seeing this result, which was somewhat different from what was expected, several of them scratched their heads.

"Why do the behaviors of these electrons always feel a little strange? Is there some problem inside?"

Chen Gong said.

Li Xiang also nodded. He adjusted his glasses. He was holding a notepad in his left hand, which was full of calculations and drawings. Then he said: "According to the energy spectrum results of ARPES, the electron

Why does the energy seem a bit high? And the structure of these electrons... If calculated based on the electron topological bonding theory, it shouldn't be like this."

Ma Bin had a look of despair on his face, "What should we do now? Did something go wrong during our experiment? Shouldn't we have chosen this material?"

The other two people shook their heads, no one expected that such a thing would happen.

Of course, when it comes to the experimental materials they used, they are indeed quite special.

Their experiment was to verify the realization process of key topological bonding in Lin Xiao's electronic topological bonding theory. To this end, they used the ARPES in the laboratory, which is the angle-resolved photoelectron spectrometer, to realize the internal analysis of the sample.

Observation of electron conditions, thereby verifying the electronic topological bonding theory.

As for the samples they used, their origins are not simple.

This sample is a "retired" tungsten plate from a controllable nuclear fusion reactor that they paid for.

Tungsten is the metal with the highest melting point, and it is strong enough, so it is often used as the inner wall material for controlled nuclear fusion. Of course, tungsten plates cannot withstand the high temperatures of controlled nuclear fusion.

As for how they obtained this sample, that is very informative.

Although the only well-known controllable nuclear fusion devices in the country are the Oriental Hyperring of the Institute of Plasma, and some tokamak devices such as the Circulator No. 2M device developed by the Nuclear Industry Group, in some universities, it is also possible to

There will be an old experimental tokamak.

The tungsten plate they obtained was made from this old device.

Of course, it took them a lot of effort to get this thing. The main reason is that this kind of thing will bring residual radiation due to neutron irradiation and other issues in the nuclear fusion reaction. Even if the radiation value is not very high, generally

They are not allowed to be sold.

Otherwise, if one accidentally passes into the hands of ordinary people, then ordinary people will be exposed to the radiation without knowing it, and they can be charged with the crime of releasing dangerous substances.

After all, this kind of radioactive thing can really kill people invisibly, and radiation homicides have not never happened.

Of course, for ordinary people, this kind of thing is very deadly, but for researchers like them, as long as they are operated properly, these problems can be avoided. Even if they are trading, they can just have an experimental name.

, so it’s not a problem to conduct transactions.

However, this requires a person who knows the basics. After all, you can't just sell it to someone you don't know.

So Kang Chengning, the leader of the four-person group, made good use of his personal connections and bought this thing after being recommended by three people.

And the cost in between is probably the second largest cost after renting this laboratory.

As for why they spent so much effort to get this thing, it was still because of the advice Lin Xiao gave them.

That is to say, let them try the relationship between the strong interaction force and the electromagnetic interaction force.

But they don't know how to move in this direction.

Even if they spent a month trying to understand Lin Xiao's paper, even if they bought books on quantum field theory, particle physics, etc. to try to learn on their own, it was of no avail in the end.

After all, Lin Xiao's paper was completely beyond their level's ability to understand.

If you don’t understand it using scientific methods, you can only start from the metaphysical direction.

So they thought, wouldn't something like this in the fusion reaction perfectly meet their requirements in a certain way?

Fusion reactions are all kinds of damage to the strong interaction force. For example, the fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium is the collision of deuterium and tritium atomic nuclei, which leads to the suspension of the strong interaction force that maintains the protons and neutrons in the nucleus, and then the strong interaction force is terminated.

The energy possessed by the force is released.

This is like the breaking and forming of chemical bonds. Chemical bonds formed based on electromagnetic interaction force absorb energy when the bond is broken, and release energy when the bond is formed. This thing that can be regarded as a "strong bond" for the time being is released when the bond is broken.

Energy, coupled with the fact that the strong interaction force is one hundred to one thousand times stronger than the electromagnetic interaction force, the energy released is even more.

Of course, what is externally manifested is the reduction of mass caused by fusion, and all of this mass is converted into energy. Then according to the calculation of the mass-energy equation, we can know how much energy the missing part of the mass has been converted into.

And for this four-person team, since this thing is related to the strong interaction, maybe a wave of metaphysics can produce something very scientific?

Unfortunately, the final facts proved that their ideas seemed too metaphysical.

But just when the other three people were a little distressed, Kang Chengning, who had been thinking with his head down next to him, suddenly said: "No, maybe we should think about it from another aspect."

"What's wrong? Lao Kang, do you have any ideas?"

Others couldn't help but look at Kang Chengning. They chose Kang Chengning as the person in charge. Naturally, they believed in Kang Chengning's ability. Maybe Kang Chengning also had some ideas?

Kang Chengning looked calm and said: "I think we might as well think about it. Although the current experimental results are inconsistent with our goals, there are only three possibilities for this situation to occur."

The faces of the other three people suddenly showed curiosity.

"Which three?"

"Speak quickly, speak quickly, don't be shy."

Kang Chengning smiled and said, "The first is that there is a problem with our instrument."

The other three were stunned for a moment, and then Ma Bin said: "It is indeed possible."

Chen Gong nodded and couldn't help but said: "If that's the case, that would be great."

But Li Xiang next to him said very calmly: "No, this is not good at all."

He adjusted his glasses, then slowly raised his head. The laboratory light reflected a wise light on the lenses, and then his tone became sad: "Because, this means that we may all be in the next life.

I have to run around to pay off my debts.”

Chen Gong and Ma Bin were stunned and immediately realized what Li wanted to say - this meant that this expensive ARPES was most likely damaged by them. After all, when they applied for the laboratory, this ARPES

But nothing is bad at all.

Chen Gong immediately covered his heart, with an unbearable expression on his face, and his eyes seemed to reveal despair.

The price of such a top-notch ARPES can reach hundreds of millions!

"Old Kang, please tell me about other possibilities, otherwise Lao Chen won't be able to hold on any longer!" Ma Bin hurriedly said to Kang Chengning.

Kang Chengning shrugged, and then said: "The second possibility is that the electronic topological bonding theory is wrong."

This sentence immediately woke up Chen Gong.

He immediately became serious. He looked at their experimental results, calmly analyzed and thought carefully. After a while, he clapped his hands and said: "It is indeed possible. After all, our experimental results are quite different from the electronic topological bonding theory."

The more he talked, the brighter his eyes became, and in the end he even jumped for joy.

"Hey, it's entirely possible. Even if Einstein came up with this theory, I still have to question it."

"Brothers, whether we can become famous depends on this!"

Li Xiang, who was standing next to him, reminded him quietly: "But this was caused by Lin Shen."


Chen Gong was stunned for a moment, as if he just remembered, "Yes, that was done by Lin Shen, how could it be wrong?"

So he covered his heart again, his face was ashen, and he fell into despair that he was about to bear millions of debts.

But this time, without Ma Bin's reminder, Kang Chengning said the last possibility: "The last possibility is that our metaphysics has succeeded, and we have found a field that is not covered by Lin Shen's electron topological bonding theory.


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