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Chapter 460 Makoto Matsushita, who is inflated by good news and bad news

Obviously, Lin Xiao had more things to do next, and none of them were simple.

But to him, it makes no difference.

It’s just that the next work will be a little busier.

The newly added qubit control model of quantum computers, since it is a purely mathematical problem, is relatively convenient for him to study.

Of course, there is another main reason why he was able to agree, that is, according to what Pang Wei said, as long as this control model can reach the expected level, a true quantum computer can be realized.

That is to say, like an ordinary computer, you can run whatever program you want to run.

The reason why I say this is because in past research, although quantum computers can achieve nearly a hundred qubits of computing power, they can only run some specific programs, which means that these quantum computers cannot be used like ordinary computers.

, run whatever engineering software you want to run, and run 3A masterpieces if you want to run it.

However, quantum computers cannot achieve such capabilities because they are limited by the control of qubits.

As we all know, a qubit is a superposition state that simultaneously represents 1 and 0. This is different from ordinary computers. The classical bits of ordinary computers can only represent either 1 or 0, and then many classical bits are added together.

It is whether the transistors in the processor are powered on or off to form symbols on the computer.

Because qubits can represent 0 and 1 at the same time, two qubits can represent four different groups of fame and fortune, namely 11, 00, 01, 10, and three qubits can represent 8, that is.

2 to the third power. In this way, one hundred qubits can be expressed as 2 to the 100th power. This exponential improvement brings about the super computing power of quantum computers.

However, precisely because we want qubits to stably express the simultaneous presence of 0 and 1, and to control the commands they express, we need a mathematical model to achieve control.

In this way, the goal of making quantum computers capable of running a variety of programs like ordinary computers can be achieved.

Lin Xiao is naturally very happy to see that such technology can be realized. After all, although in his opinion, quantum computers are not among the three major technologies that humans must master in the future, but who said that the three major technologies do not include quantum computers?

What about four kinds?

So quantum computers are the fourth hidden type.

However, it is obviously difficult to solve this last problem, but for Lin Xiao, as long as it is included in the scope of mathematics, solving it will not be that troublesome. As for whether it is difficult or not, this kind of

He has never worried about things.

So then, Lin Xiao went to their research institute on the day they made an appointment with Pang Wei, and after several days of communication, he learned from them about the current status of domestic quantum computers. In addition,

Know what you want to do next.

After that, he once again devoted himself to his research.

Time also passed slowly.

However, news about China's realization of superconducting chip technology also spread at the same time, and shocked many people abroad.

Obviously, for foreigners, the world seems to have changed in these years.

In the past, they had never thought that the world's leading country in science and technology would become the backward and poor country reported in the media.

But now, various technologies that should have been born in science fiction movies, such as room-temperature superconductors, controllable nuclear fusion, etc., have all been born in this country. However, looking back at them, it seems that the development of science and technology has completely stopped.


For the citizens of some countries who have enjoyed technological hegemony in the past, and who have punished others if they wanted to, and bullied others if they wanted to be bullied, this situation now is obviously unacceptable.

In the White House.

"Fake! These bastards, if scientific research was really that simple, they wouldn't be living on the earth. Every one of them would have to be driven to Mars Mountain to eat sand!"

The president couldn't help but cursed when he heard what the people below reported about the current widespread dissatisfaction among the people.

And such a speech was obviously full of danger, so much so that the people below looked at their president in horror.

But obviously, the president was still a little dissatisfied, and went on to say: "Just like those homeless people living on Walton Street, they are ridiculous and cannot be driven away. They are simply a moth in our country. As long as I take their unemployment benefits

If the money is stopped, every one of them will have to go to work!"

At this time, the door of their office opened, and the Secretary of State who walked in suddenly changed his face when he heard the president's words, and quickly stepped forward and said: "Oh! My Mr. President, you must not say this.

Speak out and be aware of every possible open microphone around you."

The president snorted coldly: "Isn't what I said the truth?"

The Secretary of State smiled and said: "Of course, it is precisely because it is a fact that we cannot say it. After all, the first priority of our government is to never tell the truth, because once we need to tell the truth, we must

This is a very critical moment."

"Okay, don't say any more nonsense. If you have anything to do, just say it."

"That's right, there are two pieces of good news here." The Secretary of State said with a smile, but after thinking for a moment, he added: "...Well, there is also one piece of bad news."

When he heard two pieces of good news, the president relaxed his frowning eyebrows. But when he was about to ask, he heard there was another piece of bad news. He frowned again, waved his hand and said:

"Let me tell you the good news first."

"Well... the first good news is that Japan's Panasonic Group has once again achieved a technological breakthrough in hydrogen fuel cells, mainly in hydrogen storage materials. Now, they have

Preparing for mass production."

When the Secretary of State said this, he showed a slightly relaxed expression on his face. Finally, they had succeeded.

When the president heard the news, he also showed a satisfied expression on his face, "Well done. It seems that this time, we have taken the lead. Then we will continue to promote this technology."

"Well, okay, I know." The Secretary of State nodded.

"So what's the good news?"

"There is another good news..." The Secretary of State hesitated for a moment and then said: "Lin Xiao, he is no longer mainly studying battery technology. Now he has begun to study quantum computer technology again. In other words,

He may not be able to focus all his attention on battery technology next, and this will have an impact on his research to a certain extent."

The president's face suddenly showed a smile again, "Yes, this news is good."

"In this way, his research progress is affected, which is more meaningful for us to seize the opportunity in batteries."

Probably because he felt very satisfied with these two pieces of news, the President patted the Secretary of State on the shoulder and said: "Sit down first, let's talk about the bad news slowly. Compared with these two good news, this bad news

The news is no longer a big problem."

Then he sat back in his chair and said, "Tell me what the bad news is."

"Well, I'd better talk standing up." The Secretary of State rejected the president's kindness and then broke the bad news. "The bad news is that Lin Xiao has started researching quantum computers."

The president couldn't help but be stunned. The secretary of state repeated the question. Why?

But after a moment, he suddenly reacted, stood up again, and cursed: "Oh, Shet, Fake!"

Lin Xiao started researching quantum computers again!

Perhaps this is great good news for batteries, but as far as this matter is concerned, it is undoubtedly great bad news.

Because...what if Lin Xiao really researches something?

If this is the case, that would be terrible...

This is a quantum computer. If you want to choose some star technologies in science fiction movies, quantum computer technology can definitely be selected as one of them.

The president can now imagine that when Lin Xiaozhen develops a quantum computer, their poll support may drop by several percentage points.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became angry: "This is really the worst news I have heard in a while."

Then he thought for a while and said: "I remember that Google is the largest company in researching quantum computers. Go and ask them how their research is going."

"Yes, Mr. President."

Seeing the president who was obviously very angry at this time, the Secretary of State was not willing to stay here any longer, so he immediately responded and quickly left the place.

But when it came to discussing countermeasures with Google, he finally sighed. Others had already developed superconducting chips, but they had not yet purchased room-temperature superconductors. He didn't know Google at all now.

Have you bought it?

Thinking of this, he could only complain in his heart about his ex and his ex-predecessor. The car accident they had caused was so stupid that they were now completely passive in various discussions.

Such a mess will probably have to wait at least several decades, either after they regain the absolute upper hand or completely lose their status as the world's leader, before it can be resolved.

Shaking his head, he left here and went to Google to do something that was probably destined to have no good results.

At the same time, at a banquet in Japan, senior executives of the Panasonic Group and researchers like Yosuke Tanaka who have contributed a very important role in hydrogen fuel cell technology are celebrating their success.

Because they have achieved very significant breakthroughs in proton exchange membranes and hydrogen storage materials, they will be destined to make waves in the battery market before another better battery technology officially appears in the world.

And this can be said to be a major driving force for the future development of their group.

At the banquet, Makoto Matsushita, who is in charge of the energy technology business of the Panasonic Group, was also smiling. At this time, he was thinking of the praise that the head of the Panasonic family, his grandfather, had just given him.

This will play a very important role in his future succession as head of the family.

Thinking of this, he also raised the wine cup filled with sake and said to the two researchers who made great contributions to this study: "Professor Tanaka, you did a great job, and Professor Hirata, thank you very much.


Yosuke Tanaka developed the proton exchange membrane, and another Ichiro Hirata developed the hydrogen storage material. These two materials are the core materials of hydrogen fuel cells, so the two of them were able to compete with these Panasonic products.

The direct descendants were sitting at the same dining table.

When the two of them saw Matsushita Makoto's actions, they quickly raised their glasses in return.

After finishing the wine in the glass in one gulp, Matsushita Makoto encouraged the two heroes again, but at this moment, two more people walked over.

"Mr. Matsushita, we have something we want to talk to you about."

Seeing these two people, Matsushita Makoto smiled and said, "It turns out to be Mr. Toyota and Honda. What can you do?"

This Mr. Toyota and Mr. Honda represent the two major car companies in Japan, Toyota and Honda.

At this banquet, many people from Japanese car companies came over. After all, in the future, new energy vehicles are destined to be a path, and now their domestic companies can achieve such a major breakthrough in hydrogen fuel cells.

Breakthrough is obviously a big deal for them.

Because it means they will have a chance to avoid decline in the future.

Then, Mr. Toyota said with a smile: "I mainly want to know about your future specifications and models of hydrogen fuel cells, and of course, the price. I believe you have achieved a major breakthrough in technology and price.

It shouldn’t be as expensive as before, right?”

"Of course, Mr. Toyota, just rest assured." Makoto Matsushita said with a smile: "As for the specific specifications, they are still confidential to us for the time being. Of course, as far as our technology is concerned, it is definitely worthy of your trust. Otherwise,

I won’t invite you with such a big fanfare like now.”

"Haha, since Mr. Matsushita said so, I won't ask any more questions." Mr. Toyota nodded.

However, Mr. Hirata next to him raised his own question at this time: "Mr. Matsushita, after learning about the important results you have achieved, our Honda Group is naturally very happy for you, but you should also know that

Lin Xiao is also researching battery technology now, right? If...I mean if, he really develops any important battery technology, will your hydrogen fuel cell still have an advantage?"

"I'm sorry to raise this question. Of course, I believe everyone knows that this is a problem we must face. Otherwise, just like the hydrogen fuel cell we promoted in the past, it ended up being useless in front of other people's lithium batteries.

The power of resistance, I don’t want to experience something like this again.”

Hearing Hirata's words, everyone else present was silent for a moment. It was true that the original failure was a huge blow to them.

Can they really make a comeback now?

At this time, Matsushita Makoto just smiled indifferently, and then a confident expression appeared on his face.

"Everyone, all I can say about this matter is please rest assured. According to the information we have received, Lin Xiao has now begun to study quantum computers again. He is so contemptuous of our competition in battery technology. In the end, he can

If you get it, it will only be a disastrous defeat."

"So, please be happy. Lin Xiao is certainly a powerful scientist, but as their country has a saying, arrogant soldiers will be defeated. Now he is arrogant. So, on behalf of Panasonic Group, I will just say one thing now.

, we will give him the first failure in his life!"

When people present heard such a heroic declaration from Makoto Matsushita, they all believed for a moment that Makoto Matsushita could really do it. Of course, the most important thing was his aura of "the bottom overcomes the top".

For them, Lin Xiao is the highest mountain in technology, which is the "top", so Matsushita Makoto's declaration touched their souls.

Then, applause suddenly sounded, and everyone cast admiring glances at Matsushita Makoto.

Someone even shouted: "You're right, that Lin Xiao dares to be so contemptuous, he must regret it!"

Looking at this scene, Matsushita Makoto also smiled. Under the praise of everyone, he also despised Lin Xiao even more, and even began to feel that they would definitely win this round!

At this time, an old man sitting in the front seat also encouraged him: "That's right, Cheng. I believe you can succeed."

Hearing the old man's words, Matsushita Makoto's smile became even brighter, and his body seemed to lighten up, and then he said respectfully: "Yes! Grandpa."

And he was certain in his heart that this time, he must make that Lin Xiao regret it!

This chapter has been completed!
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