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Chapter 471 Strange computing power occupancy rate

"Congratulations to the host, the informatics level has been upgraded to level 5 (3500/10000)!"

Hearing the system prompt, Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

The system has been approved, doesn't it mean that this quantum computer has basically been confirmed to be successful.

It's just that he was a little surprised that the reward was so generous, and he didn't contribute more to the research.

But after recalling what the system had just said, he became a little clearer.

The success of this quantum computer is inseparable from its normal temperature superconductor, chip technology, etc. Without these technologies, Qiankun No. 1 obviously cannot be completed, so his contribution to it is relatively large, so he also

So I gave him such a rich reward.

Of course, having more rewards is naturally a good thing. As a feeling of dizziness spread in his brain, he felt that the world became a little clearer again.

The informatics level has been upgraded to level five, which rewards 0.6% brain development. Now his brain development has reached 17.85%.

Although the improvement was not much, he could clearly feel that he had become smarter again.

Of course, people around you cannot feel such changes. Others are still immersed in the joy of the successful launch of Qiankun One.

At this time, Lin Xiao also turned his attention to the special rewards just given by the system.

“What is this quantum informatics knowledge gift package?”

He asked in his heart.

"When you open this gift package, the host will automatically obtain a piece of knowledge related to quantum information science."

The system replied.

"Knowledge related to quantum information science?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel surprised.

He didn't expect that the system would come to distribute benefits. Such a reward was completely unexpected to him. After all, it was equivalent to giving him a reward directly.

However, the only pity is that it is limited to quantum information science. If it were replaced by quantum mechanics, or quantum field theory, maybe something more useful could be developed?

For example, it may be a theory that directly unifies the four forces, or it may be the reason why the world is discontinuous, or it may be something else.

Wei Wei shook his head, forget it, why are you thinking so much, just open this gift package.

But at this moment, he hesitated again, and then asked: "System, this gift package will not give out some existing knowledge, or uh... too powerful knowledge, right?... Oh, advanced knowledge is also


Of course, the system quickly gave an answer, "This gift pack has a high probability of obtaining knowledge that can be used by the host under the current era and technical conditions. There is also a very small chance of obtaining knowledge that is too advanced and will not issue existing knowledge."


Hearing the sound of the system, Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "Then it should be stable."

It will not give out existing knowledge. This is what satisfies Lin Xiao, as long as it does not deceive people.

Of course, he is also very interested in the advanced knowledge that can be obtained with a very small probability, but since it is said to be a very small probability, he does not need to think too much, just don't have too high expectations, and even if it is true,

They have developed some knowledge that is too advanced. Whether they can use it now is a question.

For example, if you tell him how to build a curvature engine, he will know how to build it by then, but if the production technology cannot keep up, he will have no idea.

Only those with purely theoretical and advanced knowledge can take a look at it and improve their understanding of the universe.

Then he no longer hesitated and gave the command in his mind, "Open the gift bag!"

After a while, the system responded.

"The [Quantum Informatics Knowledge Gift Pack] has been opened. Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Quantum Artificial Intelligence Information Technology. Do you want to withdraw it immediately?"

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard the reward offered.

Quantum artificial intelligence information technology?

It was actually artificial intelligence, which had to make him interested in how powerful artificial intelligence based on quantum computers would be.

He felt a little curious in his heart, and then he directly said in his heart: "Extract."

Then, he felt a sinking feeling in his mind, and that familiar feeling also poured into his mind.

That was the feeling of influx of knowledge that came to his mind every time he spent truth points to purchase knowledge.

But what made him feel a little strange was that the images of many mathematical symbols did not appear in his mind, but only darkness.

Of course, maybe this is just different because it was originally purchased with truth points, but now it is a reward directly given by the system.

He was just confused for a moment, and then he stopped thinking about it.

Just like that, after a while, this feeling finally stopped, and besides that, he also felt that there was a lot more knowledge in his mind.

And this knowledge is precisely the knowledge about quantum artificial intelligence.

With a little curiosity, he "read" this knowledge directly in his mind.

For him, it is indeed like reading directly, because now in order to better sort out the complex and deep knowledge base in his mind, he practiced the memory palace in his mind some time ago.

Special skills.

Now that he has obtained this knowledge, it is automatically stored in the memory palace in his mind. If he wants to read it, he can just pull it out of the memory palace and read it.

After watching it for a while, he soon became surprised.

Because the knowledge of this quantum artificial intelligence technology involves all aspects, it can fully unleash the capabilities of artificial intelligence and quantum computers.

Quantum computers have very powerful computing power, and obviously this is very important for artificial intelligence. Computing power is one of the three key indicators of artificial intelligence. The more powerful the computing power, the more intelligence can be processed at the same time.

More data, of course, means that the intelligence can learn more things in the learning process.

Therefore, quantum computers are very suitable for artificial intelligence, not to mention the quantum computer in front of them with 100 qubits.

Of course, in addition to this knowledge, there are other things about algorithms. For example, in order for an artificial intelligence to achieve a certain ability, it needs to use algorithms, and this knowledge is also provided in the gift package.

"Well, not bad, not bad."

After browsing most of the content, Lin Xiao showed a satisfied expression.

This quantum artificial intelligence information knowledge is very good, and he has gained a lot.

"Well, let's take a look at the last part now."

With this thought in his mind, he also pulled out the last knowledge from the memory palace and started reading.

However, the first time he saw it, he was stunned.

"Intelligent self-awareness control method?"

He was shocked.

Intelligent self-awareness?

Control Method?

What the hell is this? Why did an intelligent self-awareness control method suddenly appear?

Finally, he thought about it, could it be that he had picked up that extremely advanced knowledge with a very small probability?

This is not impossible, but in this case, doesn't it mean that he has opened two kinds of knowledge from the gift bag?

After feeling doubtful for a while, he finally shook his head and stopped thinking about it. It was just a good thing anyway.

Then he looked at the content of this knowledge.

However, when he read the first paragraph, he was even more surprised, "A quantum computer with 77 qubits or more is the first condition for artificial intelligence to develop self-awareness!?"

“Making artificial intelligence…self-aware?”

Lin Xiao was sincerely surprised by this sentence. In this way, without a quantum computer with at least 77 qubits, it is impossible to make artificial intelligence self-aware.

He couldn't help but look at Qiankun No. 1 outside. Is this thing a breeding ground for intelligent life?

Of course, in addition to this quantum computer, several conditions are needed to create artificial intelligence's self-awareness.

Including but not limited to a good enough processor, a sufficient network environment, a genius artificial intelligence algorithm, and enough luck.

And here, the knowledge given by the system is also specially emphasized with parentheses, [For civilizations that have not yet mastered consciousness technology, if they want intelligence to give birth to consciousness, they need to use the quantum computer to calculate the closed state after the above conditions are met.

The probability of the reciprocal of the time required for a time-like curve to return once occurs, and at the same time, the lowest probability is 2.99792458 one in ten billion].

After seeing this emphasis, Lin Xiao was even more stunned.

"What is closed class time curve regression?"

This probably involves knowledge that is too advanced.

Of course, this question is discussed elsewhere, but it seems that the probability is not too high. After all, as mentioned above, the lowest probability is nearly one in 30 billion, which is so low that it is shockingly low.

To a certain extent.

"All in all, with the capabilities of Qiankun No. 1, there should be no need to worry."

Lin Xiao was temporarily relieved. With such a low probability and other conditions, he shouldn't have to worry about this kind of thing.

At this time, he could understand why in some science fiction works, originally good intelligence suddenly emerged from self-awareness and then overthrew all mankind.

Judging from this situation, it is really possible.

"But why? Why does it have to be a 77-qubit quantum computer?"

Lin Xiao felt some doubts in his heart, so he continued to look down. Soon, he also got the answer.

“Because computing power is like a brain, only a powerful enough computing power can provide space for the birth of intelligence and self-awareness. On the contrary, the lower the computing power, it will be like those creatures with a very low brain capacity.

If you don’t have any IQ, or even if you have a little IQ, you can treat it as nothing.”

After seeing this explanation, Lin Xiao understood a little bit more.

"So there must be enough computing power to ensure the thinking ability of artificial intelligence?"

After seeing this, his mind became clearer.

After all, whether it is artificial intelligence consciousness or human consciousness, if you want to think normally, you need a healthy and powerful brain.

Just like a fetus that has just developed a brain, its brain has not yet fully developed, so it cannot even think. Only after it has developed to a certain level can the brain think; as for the consciousness of artificial intelligence,

The computing power represented by 77 qubits has developed to a certain level and is ready for thinking.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, that's it.

However, he still has a question: why does artificial intelligence automatically give birth to consciousness?

What kind of mechanism is this?

Is it really possible, as he thought when he once chatted with Kong Huaan about intelligent life, that artificial intelligence produces consciousness, just like the birth of human consciousness, it can be produced when certain conditions are met?

And at this moment, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Huh? Why is it running so slowly? This does not fully utilize the ability of 100 qubits!"

These words brought Lin Xiao back to his senses immediately.

He turned his head and looked forward, and saw that in front of the main control monitor, these researchers were looking at the data displayed on the screen with puzzled faces.

Just now when Lin Xiao was thinking about the problem in his mind, these people started to test this quantum computer. The test method is naturally very simple, just let it run a large computing program.

But, what were they shouting just now?

Running very slowly?

Didn’t realize the power of 100 qubits?

How could this happen!

The system has already recognized their success and has given him the reward after all. There is absolutely no reason why this should happen now.

Pang Wei, who was still smiling, walked up quickly when he heard this situation.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Academician Pang, look, the S12 computing power test program we are running, the result is that this computing power is only slightly stronger than Sunway TaihuLight, which is completely inconsistent with the computing power of Qiankun One."

One researcher explained.


Pang Wei frowned and looked at the situation displayed on the screen. The current computing power was very small, even less than the theoretical computing power of 0.00000%...1, which was only comparable to the computing power of Sunway TaihuLight.

A little higher, which is completely inconsistent with what they want to do.

After thinking for a moment, Pang Wei asked: "Are you sure that all one hundred qubits are stably in the entangled state?"

"Confirm, everything is stable."

Pang Wei shook his head. If it was unstable, their system interface would definitely not be displayed.

“Are all quantum signal transmission channels normal?”

"Everything is normal and there are no problems."

Pang Wei's frown deepened. Since it wasn't because of this problem, what exactly was the problem?

Which part of the device failed, causing this to happen?

It can be opened normally, but it can only use a small part of the computing power.

If he puts this on his own PC or mobile phone, he can quickly think that there must be some software that takes up too much, but now this is a 100 qubit quantum computer, and he can't imagine what can occupy it.

So many.

And the most important thing is that they have only launched Qiankun No. 1 now, so how could there be such a situation of Gao Zhanyong?

Obviously there is no such truth.

But in the end, he still said: "Let's take a look at the usage and see if there are other programs that are taking up a higher amount of computing power."

Hearing what Academician Pang said, others felt it was a bit impossible, but they still did it.

After entering the command to check the occupancy rate, a corresponding window will pop up on the interface soon.

After seeing the occupancy rate above, they were all stunned.

Because the occupancy rate here is really 99%. Of course, 99% is because the maximum can only be displayed to 99%, and the real occupancy situation must be infinitely close to

hundred percent.

Suddenly someone said in confusion: "What program can take up so much?"

"Check it out."

As they said this, they were about to open the details page next to them to see what program was taking up so much.

However, at this moment, the 99% occupancy rate suddenly jumped to 1%.

Everyone was immediately stunned again.

"What's happening here?"

Some people couldn't help but ask, why did it suddenly jump to 1% when it was still 99% occupied just now?

"Didn't you add a system self-test program when writing the system?" Pang Wei couldn't help but ask at this time.

If it is a self-test process, this may actually happen.

However, everyone present who had participated in writing operating systems shook their heads.


"I do not know."

Kong Huaan, who was also very confused, also shook his head, "I don't have it either, and I remember that no one should have written this self-test program. What's more, the self-test should be completed before starting up."

"Let's see how the program runs first. Now that the computing power usage has reduced to 1%, the S12 test program should be able to run normally, right?"

Someone also suggested this, and others agreed, and then they opened the previous test program again.

However, what surprised them was that the computing power displayed on it was still only at the original level, which was only slightly stronger than Sunway TaihuLight.

At this time, everyone present suddenly became more confused.

What on earth is going on?!

This question completely stumped everyone present.

Because this situation is completely beyond their understanding.

All situations are obviously normal, but why did this happen?

Everyone found it a bit difficult to understand.

Including Lin Xiao.

Logically speaking, since the system has already approved it, such unexpected situations should not occur?

So, after they struggled for nearly five hours without making any progress, they decided to use an ancient and traditional solution-restart.

As we all know, restarting can solve 80% of the problems, reinstalling can solve 99% of the problems, and repurchasing can solve 100% of the problems.

Regarding the two situations of reinstallation and repurchase, they obviously do not consider it here. Repurchase will definitely not find a place to repurchase. As for reinstallation, whether it is reinstalling the system or reinstalling the computer, they will need to spend a lot of money.

There is no time, so the only option is to restart.

So soon, they restarted directly.

"Okay, the restart is complete, let's try the S12 test program again."

Pang Wei opened his mouth and said.

Soon, they started testing again.

But this time, they became excited.

"Restarting works! The computing power has reached 10%!"

100 qubits 10% of the computing power!

This is obviously an extremely terrifying computing power. It is at least tens of billions of times that of the Divine Taihu Light. Yes, it is tens of billions of times! (Note: The billions of times in the previous chapter is calculated by Hu Tu. It has been done.


Therefore, in terms of the program, the data generated during the operation process is like brushing it, turning the supporting bar next to it into a thin line as thick as a thin line.

"This is a quantum computer!"

Everyone present cheered.

But after a moment of excitement, they remembered a question again.

"But why is there still only 10% of the computing power? What about the remaining 90%?"

"I do not know."

"Then... how about trying to restart again?"

"Just try it."

So with that said, they restarted again.

But this time it actually worked again. Their program’s computing power reached 30%!

Then, they happily restarted several times. In the end, they successfully restarted the available computing power to 99%. At this time, they gave up and continued to restart. Anyway, 99%

They don't know how much of the area above nine is occupied.

However, when looking at the expressions of the people present who were as excited as if they had achieved glorious results in the negotiation, Lin Xiao felt that it was extremely ridiculous. What kind of bug, or malfunction, could actually change the number of restarts and the available calculations?

Force hook?

This does not conform to computer logic at all!

"This is just a joke."

Lin Xiao frowned, completely unable to believe that there were such weird things in this world.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the 99% occupancy that suddenly appeared when he checked the occupancy for the first time.

What is the cause of this shown before?

This chapter has been completed!
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