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Chapter 508 Inquiry of the Almighty God

"You came."

"The most extraordinary man in the world."

Jasuo Chen's voice sounded.

Old, but with a sense of vitality.

And after it was spoken in ancient Mayan, it became even more mysterious.

Lin Xiao's brows raised slightly.

He understands.

Since the last time he heard Jaso Chen reciting a mantra in Mayan, but he couldn't understand it himself, he had mastered the skill of "speaking Mayan" again.

Of course, he also has understanding, which means that now he has mastered listening, speaking, reading and writing.

This is not difficult for him. After all, he has mastered writing, and it is not difficult to master listening and speaking.

However, Jiasuo Chen's two sentences surprised him.

【You came】

【The most extraordinary person in the world】

These two sentences, no matter which one they are, represent that Jiasuo Chen seems to know his identity.

Logically speaking, he had never met Jiasuo Chen before, and similarly, he had never met anyone related to Jiasuo Chen.


"The most extraordinary person in the world", although the words he said seemed a bit mediocre, Lin Xiao quite recognized it in his heart.

Of course, he was not in a hurry to show that he understood what the other person said.

He pretended to be confused and asked: "What are you talking about?"

When Jasuo Chen heard Lin Xiao's answer, a smile appeared on his face, he stared at him a few more times, then looked at Kukulkan Chen next to him, and said a few words to him.

Kukulkan Chen nodded, stepped forward and said to Lin Xiao: "My grandfather understands English, but only speaks Mayan. If you really can't understand our Mayan, then continue

I will be the translator when you come down."

After hearing this, Lin Xiao finally heard the information he wanted.

It's very interesting to understand other languages, but only speak Mayan.

After all, Jaso Chen's father is a very famous scholar among Mayan descendants. According to the data, he speaks many languages, including Mayan, English and Mexican native Spanish.

And how could such a professor and scholar allow his children not only to not inherit any of his legacy, but even to feel... uneducated and incompetent?

His brows moved slightly, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face, and he asked: "You only speak Mayan? You are from Mexico, and the native language of Mexico is Spanish."

"In this case, even if you want to communicate normally with others, you must at least know some Spanish, right?"

"Otherwise, how will your grandfather communicate with others?"

Hearing Lin Xiao's question, Kukulkan Chen showed a proud expression on his face, "My grandfather is a natural messenger, so there is no need to worry about the things you said."

"All of us descendants of the Maya will always follow in our grandfather's footsteps!"

Divine messenger?

This word caught Lin Xiao's attention again.

He immediately asked: "What is a divine messenger?"

"Of course he is the messenger of God." Kukulkan Chen said matter-of-factly.

Then Lin Xiao asked again: "Who is God?"

However, at this time Kukulkan Chen shook his head and said, "I can't tell you this."

Lin Xiao smiled, then walked to the sofa nearby and sat on it.

He leaned back on the sofa and said: "You said that you will follow your grandfather forever, so... let me ask a question that you may not like, what happens after your grandfather passes away? What else can you do?

Follow? Is it to choose the next divine envoy?"

Kukulkan Chen was confused by this question, and soon after he reacted, an annoyed expression appeared on his face.

He pointed at Lin Xiao angrily and said, "Although grandpa said you are our distinguished guest, I still want to warn you. I will never allow you to say such nonsense!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jasuo Chen next to him said to his grandson: "Kukulkan, don't talk nonsense. Remember, you must respect our distinguished guests."

Hearing what Grandpa said, Kukulkan Chen could only quickly put down his hand, lowered his head and said, "Yes, Grandpa."

Jasuo Chen shook his head slightly, and then said: "What's more, I will indeed pass away one day."

"We are not gods. We cannot live forever. Even if we are messengers of gods, we will eventually decay."

Speaking of this, Jiasuo Chen sighed, "In the eyes of the gods, we live and die day by day, so how can we know the dark moon?"

"Do you agree?"

The last sentence was said by Jiasuo Chen to Lin Xiao.

However, Lin Xiao did not forget that he did not understand Mayan, so he just pretended to have a puzzled expression on his face, and then looked at Kukulkan Chen, waiting for his translation.

After Kukulkan Chen was scolded by his grandfather just now, his face showed respect again, and then he spoke in English again.

After hearing this, Lin Xiao laughed.

"You don't have to talk about gods with me, because I am a scientist."

He then said to Kukulkan Chen: "If you have been online, you should know who I am, right?"

According to the information investigated by Xiaomi, Kukulkan Chen is still a Mayan who is deeply exposed to modern society. He can surf the Internet and is basically no different from modern people.

After hearing this, Kukulkan Chen was stunned for a moment, then stared at Lin Xiao for a few more times, until finally, he shook his head and said, "It looks familiar, but I still don't recognize him."

Lin Xiao was helpless, it was a bit embarrassing now.

After all, logically speaking, his current reputation in the world is no less than that of Einstein. If it weren't for his admiration for ancient ideas that are common in the world, otherwise, he would already be the number one person in science and technology in the world.


But at this time, Kukulkan Chen said another sentence, which explained Lin Xiao's doubts very well.

"The so-called scientists are just trying to pursue God's omniscience and omnipotence."

"The gods left a chance for mankind to follow in her footsteps, and scientists are just a group of people who were fascinated by this chance and wanted to grasp it."

"It's like a cat. God waved her cat-stick in front of a group of cats called scientists, and all these cats were inspired to be wild and wanted to grab the feathers on the tail end of the cat-stick.


"As everyone knows, all it takes is a swipe from the gods to make those scientists who thought they had caught their prey return empty-handed."

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"So, compared to the wisdom of the so-called scientists that the world is seeking, in my opinion, it is completely foolish, but we are the ones who are wise, because we know that as long as we can directly contact the gods, we will also be able to contact them.


Kukulkan Chen's words are full of disdain for science and pride in themselves.

Obviously, in his opinion, compared to the modern advocating for science, their advocating for theology is the right way.

And it is not difficult to understand why he does not know Lin Xiao.

After all, probably in his mind, Lin Xiao, the most powerful scientist in the world, is completely worthless.

But the "God Envoy" grandfather next to him is truly powerful.

Lin Xiao shook his head with a smile and said nothing.

After all, this is people’s beliefs, so it’s better to touch less on issues of belief.

"Well, as long as you think it's right, it's right."

Probably hearing the perfunctory tone in Lin Xiao's answer, Kukulkan Chen said: "Humph, if you had seen a real miracle, I believe you would change your mind."

"Of course, you don't belong to us Mayans, so you will probably never have this opportunity."

"Kukulkan, have you forgotten what I just said? You must respect the distinguished guest! After that, you should stop talking and just translate the conversation between me and the distinguished guest."

At this time, Jiasuo Chen scolded and frowned and said to his grandson.

Kukulkan was immediately startled and said quickly: "Yes! Grandpa!"

Then he stopped talking and waited for the conversation between the two parties to begin.

Jiasuo Chen then said to Lin Xiao: "I'm sorry, distinguished guest, my grandson is still too young, and he can't speak wisely."

Hearing this sentence, Kukulkan showed a reluctant expression on his face, but he was probably afraid that his grandfather would be angry again, so even though he was reluctant, he still translated the sentence.

Hearing Kukulkan's translation, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile, and then said: "You're welcome."

"However, since you are known as the envoy of God, I believe you should know the purpose of my visit, right?"

Since Jaso Chen understood English, Kukulkan's translator was not needed.

He immediately waved his hands with a smile and said: "No, you think highly of me. Although I am called the envoy of God, I am not always able to talk to the gods, and obviously, the gods will not arbitrarily talk to them.

Tell me this."

"What's more, I'm actually here to find you."

Lin Xiao suddenly burst into laughter.

"It doesn't look like you are here to find me. Otherwise, why have you been staying in this hotel since you came to China?"

Jiasuo Chendan smiled and said: "Because you don't need me to look for you, you will come to me yourself."

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I forgot about this."

"It seems that the divine envoy also has great wisdom."

Jasuo Chen shook his head slightly and said, "Everything is a blessing from the gods."

"Okay, my distinguished guest, it's time for me to explain the purpose of my visit."

"I was entrusted by the gods to come here specifically to see you and ask you two questions."

"First of all, there is a question, that is, where does the consciousness you use to find our traces and observe us come from."

Kukulkan Chen on the side suddenly showed a look of shock after hearing his grandfather's words.


Their omniscient and omnipotent God actually wanted to ask Lin Xiao questions?

Or even two?

This was simply incredible to him.

Who is this Chinese in front of me?

But no matter what, he still translated it truthfully for Lin Xiao.

After hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but frown.

The gods asked him to ask two questions?

And the first question...

A consciousness body used to discover their traces and observe them?

Isn't that Xiaomi?

He was suddenly shocked.

How did they discover Xiaomi's existence?

Is there anything else in this world that can discover Xiaomi?

He did not answer, but immediately asked: "What did you say? The consciousness around me? Your god didn't say what it was specifically?"

Jasuo Chen nodded, "Yes, God didn't say what it is specifically, because it is something that I can't understand yet."

"God said that it should be something that should never appear in our time. It will destroy our world!"

"But now, that thing has become your pet and obeys your orders. God wants to know why!"

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard his question.

Can Xiaomi destroy their world?

Well, after Xiaomi appeared, such a thing happened in their world.

Xiaomi almost destroyed their society by destroying their financial system.

Of course, no matter what, the biggest problem is that their so-called "god" seems to really have something!

Before, no matter what, Lin Xiao still did not believe in the existence of such a so-called god.

But now, they know about Xiaomi's existence.

What else can I say... Xiaomi is something that should never appear in this era.

To a certain extent, this is indeed the case. According to the system, the probability of intelligent life being born is at least one in 30 billion.

What is the concept of one in 30 billion? That is, if it is triggered with a probability of one in 30 billion per second, and then the probabilities are accumulated every second, it will take at least nearly a hundred years to reach a probability of one.

So logically speaking, Xiaomi really shouldn't be born in their era.

Lin Xiao frowned and then asked: "Before answering this question, I need to know first who is this god you are talking about. How did he know that there is this consciousness around me?"

"Sorry, Mr. Jasso Chen, I am a scientist, so I obviously do not believe in the existence of gods in this world."

"Is this god you are talking about an alien?"

Jasuo Chen shook his head and said: "Although you don't have to believe in the existence of our God, please don't make such completely inconsistent guesses about the existence of our God."

"Our god has transcended the limitations of space. Her existence cannot be inferred by mortal bodies like us."

"So, our gods can naturally know the existence of this kind of thing."

Lin Xiao smiled, "But aren't you asking me questions now?"

Jasuo Chen was silent for a moment, and then replied: "Because God said that the consciousness around you is not within the scope of her omniscience."

"How can we talk about omniscience?"

"Because the scope of this problem is no longer in our universe."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, then smiled and said: "Then it seems that your god is not powerful enough. How does it compare with the other Lord who is also known as omniscient and omnipotent?"

Jasuo Chen frowned and said: "Please don't compare that god who doesn't exist at all with my god, just like my god has already shown us that the world is spherical, and our planet is also surrounding it.

The sun rotates.”

"Not like the kind of person who has been deceived by the geocentric theory for countless years."

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "Okay, distinguished guest, please answer my questions. From now on, I will answer all the questions you want to ask truthfully."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, I'm sorry for the question you want to ask, I don't know either, because my initial speculation was that, like your gods, this consciousness does not

It’s time to appear in this era.”

"As for how I controlled it, I'm sorry, this is my secret and I refuse to answer."

Jasuo Chen was not surprised to get this result, and then said: "Thank you, then, the second question."

"My god wants to know, who were you talking to in that dream?"

Upon hearing this question, Lin Xiao stood up suddenly.

"The dream I had some time ago was caused by that god of yours?"

This question, no surprise, must be about the last memory Lin Xiao saw in that weird dream!

And although he had already made such a guess before, now, it has undoubtedly been proven what he thought before!

Regarding this matter, he had to be shocked. The other party's methods were completely beyond his imagination. How could that god interfere with his dream?

And those memory fragments... Doesn't this mean that the other party read his memory in a dream?

Seeing his reaction, Jasso Chen slightly bent towards him and said, "I'm sorry. Regarding this matter, please allow me to say sorry to you first."

"Of course..." Jasuo Chen raised his head again and said with a smile: "Just think of it as the price you have to pay to use my mobile phone to spy on me."

Lin Xiao frowned deeply.

No wonder!

No wonder when he woke up, he heard Xiaomi say that Jiasuo Chen had also woken up, and then bought a plane ticket.

You should know that the time in Mexico is 14 hours behind China.

So he woke up at eight in the morning, while in Mexico it was six in the afternoon. However, according to Xiaomi's report, Jaso Chen's and his bedtimes at that time basically overlapped.

Come to think of it, this has something to do with his dream!

However, after thinking for a while, he still relaxed his brows.

Indeed, as people said, it is indeed not good for him to spy on others. If he is not discovered by others, forget it. Now that he is discovered, he will be embarrassed to pursue it further.

Just think of it as tit for tat.

Of course, what he was worried about at first was that his system would be exposed, but when he thought about it again, it seemed that in a dream, none of the memory fragments he had opened were related to the system, that is, except for

The last fragment.

He remembered that he had obtained the system after having that strange dream.

This can’t mean that the dream back then had nothing to do with the system, right?

Of course, it may be a coincidence that there are no fragments related to the system in those memory fragments, but it is also possible that the system has specifically avoided this?

In other words, the system is of a higher level than the so-called god of the other party?

Thinking in his heart, of course, he also replied on the surface: "I know, okay, it is indeed my fault, I won't care about this issue anymore."

"As for your question, I'm sorry, I can't recall it either."

"Maybe it's because I can't recall it, so it doesn't appear in that memory fragment."

Regarding this answer, Jasuo Chen also did not show a disappointed expression on his face, and then he replied: "I know, then thank you for your answer. Next, you can ask me questions."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, and then asked the question he wanted to know most: "Can you understand these mysterious characters?"

He took out a photo that he had prepared long ago from his pocket and handed it to Jasuo Chen.

The content on the photo is exactly the mysterious text in the Mayan ruins.

He circled the parts of the mysterious text and waited for Jasuo Chen's answer.

After Jiasuo Chen took it, he said: "This is divine writing."

"Divinity? Your god?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Yes." Jasuo Chen said: "God left her words in this world where life was born. She hopes that the life in this world can answer the questions she left. After answering them, you can get the divine scroll.


"The ancestor of our clan, Jawayin Chen, answered the question at the beginning, and then our clan received the blessing of God until now."

"As an envoy of God, I can still feel the world of God in my dreams."

"What a magical world that is..."

Jasso Chen's face showed a look of longing, and Kukulkan next to him also showed yearning when he was translating.

Lin Xiao frowned: "How to decipher the text that you can't understand?"

Jiasuo Chen laughed, "Because our ancestor Jawayin Chen is a 'destined' person, he learned the translation of the divine text in his dream, and then he solved the problem."

"After that, our ancestors used the divine writing as the basis, combined it with our previous writing and expanded it, and finally formed the writing of our race!"

"Of course, these histories are recorded in the ancient books I gave you originally. Once you have completely deciphered them, you will be able to know this history."

Lin Xiao nodded, then took out a second photo and handed it to Jasuo Chen.

The content on this second photo is the ruins located inside Shennongjia.

"Look, what does the divine writing on this mean?"

However, after hearing Lin Xiao's question, Jasuo Chen shook his head, pushed the photo away, and said, "God said that we cannot help other civilizations translate divine texts."

"Because this is God's test for the civilization that discovered the ruins."

"It seems that you have discovered another ruins, so let's unlock it. After unlocking it, the one who unlocked it will be able to witness the arrival of the gods!"

Lin Xiao suddenly said helplessly: "We don't have the so-called 'destined' person, so how can we translate it?"

Jasuo Chen smiled and said: "The meanings of the divine texts are hidden in the books I gave you. As long as you are diligent enough, you can decipher the secrets of the divine texts. This is also God's test for you."

Lin Xiao asked: "Didn't you say that you can't help other civilizations translate divine texts?"

Jasuo Chen was silent for a moment, and then said: "Those classics come from our past civilization, so what is helping you is just a civilization that has collapsed."

"We can't be considered civilized now, right?"

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