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Chapter 513 Find the Martian ruins! Cooperation? Non-cooperation?

On Mars.

"Okay, everyone in the live broadcast room."

"Our preliminary work after landing today is temporarily over, and we also need to rest."

"After all, I've been on a plane for two months, and now I'm here again."

"Of course, although we can't see the situation in the live broadcast room, nor can we see everyone's comments, but as I said before, as the first Martian, I welcome you to come in the future."

"And I also believe that this day will eventually come."

"Then, I'll add you all."

Facing the camera, Zhang Wei said with a smile.

More than two hours have passed since they landed on Mars.

For more than two hours, their live broadcast never stopped, and the high-quality live broadcast of Gaohu was given to the earth.

For people on earth, although the picture quality is poor, even if a quantum computer is used for real-time picture quality optimization, it cannot change the poor picture quality of the film source, which is less than 144P, but almost no one among netizens

I have the idea of ​​turning off the live broadcast.

On the contrary, the number of people watching the live broadcast has stabilized at nearly 200 million.

Of course, this is the total number of people in the world, but obviously, one forty people in the world have spent more than two hours in this live broadcast room, which is very amazing anyway.

And as Zhang Wei said that their live broadcast was going to end today, the barrage suddenly flashed across the screen again, and the audience kindly shouted "Viagra, don't stop."

But obviously, Zhang Wei couldn't see their barrage, so after saying goodbye, they turned off the camera and stopped filming.

As for the person responsible for cutting off the live broadcast, the Earth Command Center needs to be responsible. Anyway, they are only responsible for filming on Mars.

After putting down the camera, Zhang Wei shook his head, "It's finally done."

"Can't you tell, Lao Zhang, you are quite talented in live broadcasting."

Zheng Annan, who was standing next to her, said with a smile that she and Guo Jianwei had not spoken much just now, but it was Zhang Wei who talked almost from the beginning to the end.

Zhang Wei waved his hand and said: "Okay, it's over now anyway. I'm an astronaut now, not an anchor."

The other two people laughed.

Zhang Wei saw the laughter of the two people and shook his head. Then he put away the camera again, turned and walked towards the Tiannian. At the same time, he did not forget to say to the two teammates: "Still laughing? Okay, let's take a rest and let's start.

Let’s prepare for our mission.”

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Hearing Zhang Wei's words, the two of them immediately stopped smiling, and then quickly followed them back to the Tiannian.

Now the Tiannian is their Mars base. Anyway, the Tiannian has an endless supply of power. If it is not used, it will be wasted.

Soon, after making full use of the Tiannian, they took a good rest and set off again.

Of course, if they set off, they will naturally need to use driving tools.

The driving tool is the Mars rover they brought from the earth.

There are three Mars rovers brought, one manned Mars rover and two unmanned Mars rovers.

The specifications of the manned Mars rover are similar to their lunar rover on the moon, except that this one is larger, can accommodate three people at the same time, and is more suitable for the Martian environment.

The two unmanned Mars rovers completely adopt intelligent driving systems. At the same time, because they do not require a manned cabin, the total battery energy they have inside is double that of the manned Mars rovers. When all the power is used up, they will

It can travel tens of thousands of kilometers on Mars.

You must know that the circumference of Mars is only a little over 21,000 kilometers, which means that as long as these two unmanned Martians walk opposite each other without taking a detour, they can circle Mars half a circle and meet at the other end.

In addition, these two unmanned Mars rovers are also equipped with solar panels, so even if the power in the battery is used up, they can still rely on solar panels to provide power.

So just like that, they brought three Mars rovers to the surface of Mars, and then started the two intelligent driving Mars rovers.

Then, the intelligence installed inside by Xiaobai started up directly, and the two Mars rovers quickly started up and left here.

Next, the two Mars rovers will be intelligently controlled and conduct free searches within a predetermined range.

Seeing that the two vehicles had left on their own, Zhang Wei called his two teammates to board their manned rover and began to search for their predetermined search range.

In this way, time passed quickly.

Until one day later.

After the fruitless search the day before, Zhang Wei and the others were preparing to set off again today.

Of course, they never thought that they would be so lucky to find something.

They knew about the moon monument. After all, their mission to land on the moon included this part.

Through the moon monument, they can know the location of the mysterious ruins on the earth, but they do not have a fire monument on Mars, so they can only rely on luck to find it.

"Hey, tell me, if there are mysterious ruins like those on Earth on Mars, then Lao Zhang, you wouldn't be the first Martian in the world."

Before preparing to set off, Guo Jianwei put on his helmet and said to Zhang Wei with a smile.

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and said: "God knows that you know that I know it, but people on the earth don't know it. How dare you tell the public that there are mysterious man-made ruins on Mars?"

Guo Jianwei chuckled, "I don't dare, this is just a joke."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, "Then let's go and wait until we find it first."

However, at this moment, Zheng Annan over there suddenly exclaimed: "Come and see! Firefly One seems to have discovered..."

Firefly 1 is one of the two unmanned Mars rovers.

When they heard Zheng Annan's voice, Zhang Wei and Guo Jianwei were both stunned.

"What did you find?"

"Relics were discovered..." Zheng Annan looked at what was displayed on the monitor, with shock on his face.

Upon hearing his words, Zhang Wei and Guo Jianwei were immediately shocked, and then quickly walked over and looked at the monitor.

This display receives exactly the message from Firefly 1.

What Firefly No. 1 transmitted was a photo. The content in the photo was a pillar buried deep in the soil!

Needless to say, this pillar is obviously a man-made object. In addition, there are some mysterious runes carved on the surface of this pillar. Needless to say, they are obviously the same divine runes as those on the earth!

The three people present were immediately shocked.

It has only been a day, and then their unmanned Mars rover was so lucky to find it?

Could it be that in this day and age, not only people can be lucky, but also electronic devices like this can be lucky?

Of course, they were shocked for a while and finally came to their senses.

Now is not the time to dwell on these issues.

Zhang Wei immediately said: "An Nan, transmit the photos and messages to Earth immediately!"


Zheng Annan responded immediately, and then quickly operated the computer, sending the message back first, and then transferring the photos.

The photos taken are 1080p and the size of the photos is just over 1 MB, so the transfer takes a lot of time.

Of course, it just needs to be faster than radio waves anyway.

And Zhang Wei and Guo Jianwei didn't just wait here.

"An Nan, you stay here and are responsible for communicating with the earth. Lao Guo and I will go there now to have a look."

Zhang Wei gave the order, and Zheng Annan quickly nodded in agreement.

Then Zhang Wei and Guo Jianwei quickly put on the Mars EVA suits, left the Tiannian, got in the car and quickly headed to the target location.

It took Firefly 1 a day to find it, but this was because Firefly 1 went through all kinds of twists and turns and did not go in a straight line, so it would probably take them ten hours to get there.

And they also use the intelligent driving function on the manned Mars rover, so they don't have to worry about their rest.

As for why intelligent driving technology is used, it is really because the intelligent driving technology of the Mars rover is no worse than their human operation, and is even better.

Although they are reluctant to admit it, it is the fact.

As they set off, the discovery of mysterious ruins on Mars quickly reached the Earth command center.

After receiving this news, the entire Yueshi Division was immediately shocked.

They actually discovered another mysterious ruins on Mars!

Subsequently, the news reached Tianting directly, and at the same time, Yue Shisi immediately held an important meeting for discussion.

"The fact that we can also find such mysterious relics on Mars proves that our previous guesses are not necessarily correct. The civilization that left these mysterious relics may not be the prehistoric civilization of the earth as we thought before, but is more likely to be

It’s an extraterrestrial civilization.”

People present were talking a lot, and the expressions on their faces were very serious.

"Maybe it's a Martian civilization."

"It is indeed possible. Tsk, do you think there is a possibility that we earthlings are actually the descendants of Martians? Then the Martians left relics on their Mars, so they also left relics on our earth.


"There is absolutely no way this is possible."

"Then what other possibilities do you think are possible?"

"Don't forget, when Jasuo Chen came to see our Chief Lin, he said that it was their gods who left the mysterious ruins."

"Please, you don't really think there is any god, do you? You're not very Marxist."

"It's better to ask Chief Lin what he thinks."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present fell silent and then looked at Lin Xiao on the other side.

After Lin Xiao and Jasuo Chen met, they did get a lot of useful information. Of course, no one knew if Lin Xiao knew anything else, especially about that "god".

Those words were actually left by the "gods", and the Mayans could actually understand those mysterious words.

No matter which one it is, it is enough to surprise them.

So, maybe Lin Xiao knows something else?

Lin Xiao, who was suddenly called out, was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand and said: "You don't have to look at me, I already said it before, I only asked Jiasuo Chen two questions, and then he drove me away.

, so I don’t know anything about Mars either.”

After hearing Lin Xiao's answer, everyone present sighed.

"Can't you contact that Jasso Chen again?"

"No, we have sent people several times to find Jia Suo Chen, but they always turned down the door."

Everyone else shook their heads.

While listening to their conversation, Lin Xiao's thoughts drifted back to the issues he had been thinking about before.

If that "god" only left traces on the world where life was born, or on the planet, then it obviously means that there is life on Mars too.

I just don’t know if I need to add “once”.

Of course, judging from the current situation of Mars, it seems certain that a "once" must be added.

After all, it is impossible for life to exist on such a desolate planet. It was probably only eons ago that life could exist on Mars.

But in this case, there is a problem.

How did life on Mars become extinct?

As what Earth astronomers say, a large-scale meteorite attack caused the internal magnetic field of the planet to disappear, eventually leading to the destruction of life on the planet?

Or is it that a very brilliant civilization once developed on Mars, but was destroyed due to some problems?

The most critical question is whether the extinction of life above is related to...

Does “god” matter?

This point will determine the relationship between humans on earth and this "god" civilization.

Although for now, there is not much relationship between the two civilizations.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened.

No matter what, since the other party is a high-dimensional life, if the other party can really directly interfere with them from the physical level, it will really be a dimensionality reduction blow.

At this moment, his phone suddenly vibrated. He took it out and took a look, and was stunned.

It was from Xiaomi, about the information from the White House.

The White House has discovered them.

Of course, he had already prepared for this.

Then, he raised his head and said: "Everyone, let's not talk about these things now. The American Viking 2 lander is not far from the location where the Firefly 1 discovered the ruins."

"So, we must now consider the possibility that Americans have already discovered these relics on Mars."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, everyone present was stunned. Then someone called up the relevant information and projected it on the big screen at the front.

The results show that the American Viking 2 lander does have the possibility of discovering this ruins!

The Viking 2 lander is not a Mars rover, it is located about a few kilometers away.

And with the camera of Pirate 2, there is almost a 90% chance that this pillar can be found.

After all, this pillar is much more regular than the things around it, and it is obviously a man-made object.

Although it is close to a big rock, judging from the angle of the camera, it is basically certain that it can be found.

Thinking of this, everyone present suddenly frowned and felt unhappy.

If this thing is true, it would be really bad.

After all, sharing secrets is never pleasant in any way.

"Those American bastards, the Corsair 2 was sent up in 1975. If that's the case, wouldn't they have discovered it half a century earlier than we did?"

"But fortunately they haven't found any ruins on the earth yet."


However, at this time, Liao Cheng, who was sitting in front, interrupted their conversation and said: "Okay everyone, I think if nothing unexpected happens, the Americans may already know that we have discovered it."

"Firefly 1 is so big, their satellite must be able to detect that Firefly 1 is staying at the ruins."

"There's no way they wouldn't have discovered this."

Upon hearing the news, everyone present suddenly became even more unhappy.

I am very happy that I discovered the secret.

But I wouldn't be happy if I found out that someone else, and even my sworn enemy, had discovered the secret.

And it would be even more unpleasant if the sworn enemy found out that he had discovered the secret as well.

But Lin Xiao on the side smiled and said: "Don't be sad, at least we are the only ones who know that there are ruins on the earth."

"Anyway, the Americans have known about the Martian ruins for a long time. Maybe we can get some information from them."

Firefly No. 1 discovered the ruins, and it was he who asked Xiaomi to guide him there.

Because Viking 2 is a lander, it cannot run around like a Mars rover. From this, we can definitely infer that Viking 2 discovered this relic pillar.

Naturally, Yue Shisi was able to know that the Americans had discovered mysterious ruins on Mars a long time ago.

As for what impact it will have in the future, he doesn't care, as long as everyone in their group knows about it.

No matter what, when facing this kind of non-terrestrial civilization, cooperation between the two major countries is still very necessary.

Just like the question Lin Xiao was thinking about, they still don't know what attitude this "godly" civilization has towards them.

Is it the dark forest, measuring the physical strength of the earth, the joy of joining civilization, or the mercy of the strong towards the weak.

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, everyone present had no choice but to nod. It seemed that this was the only way to go.

White House.

Office of the President.

"Mr. President, what's wrong, the Chinese Mars rover discovered the remains of Mars on Utopia!"

The Secretary of State ran into the office in a hurry and told the president the news.

The president's face suddenly looked shocked.

"What? They've already found out?"

"Well, yes, their unmanned Mars rover Firefly 1 happened to discover it while it was exploring. Now, I'm afraid the Chinese already know about it."

The Secretary of State frowned. This can be said to be the worst outcome.

Of course they are the same, they don't want the secrets they know to be discovered by others.

The most important thing is, why?

How come the Chinese people were able to discover it just one day after arriving?

It’s like killing Jesus’ father!

"Also, Mr. President, our Viking 2 lander, the one that was launched in 1975, has always been located near there, so they should have discovered it too."

"In other words, they must have discovered that we also discovered this ruins."

"Of course, for them, in turn, they must also know that we have discovered that they have discovered us..."

"Stop, stop, stop, don't find out here." The president stopped the Secretary of State's tongue twister, and then frowned and asked: "I know what you mean, so tell me, what should we do best now?"

The Secretary of State sighed and said: "Their team members have already passed, which means they will excavate these ruins before us."

"Maybe it's best to cooperate with them."

The president said: "But we have issued regulations prohibiting aerospace cooperation with them."

The Secretary of State spread his hands and said, "Maybe we should repeal this regulation."

"No, once this news gets out, a lot of votes will be lost."

The president shook his head. This behavior of lowering his head was simply seeking death.

Then a bored expression appeared on his face and he said: "Where are those idiots Jaden Armstrong? How long until they arrive?"

The Secretary of State was not surprised by the President's expression, because after learning that the Tiannian was on fire first, the Mars Project was like a fly dung to the President, and he had to swallow it.

"They'll probably need another two weeks."

"Hmph, then let them atone for their sins and quickly dig out other ruins we discovered after arriving on Mars."


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