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Chapter 531 Final preparations

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Liao Cheng and Ren Guohua did not react for a moment, but when they reacted, their faces showed shock.

"You mean, Jayden Armstrong actually has a relationship with that high-dimensional civilization? And that civilization on Mars actually still has technological remnants?"

In addition to being shocked, they were still shocked.

How long has it been since the civilization on Mars actually still left behind past technologies? What kind of technology would that be?

It's a little hard for them to imagine, but what can be speculated is that it will definitely be a very powerful technology, a technology that they can't even imagine.

Lin Xiao also nodded, "Yes, according to what the higher-dimensional being said, except for his brain, today's Jayden Armstrong's body is no longer human at all."

"He was completely transformed into a mechanical human being."

"You should know about a technology I invented for disabled people before, which is mechanical prosthetic technology."

"Of course I know that."

Ren Guohua and Liao Cheng both nodded. It goes without saying that the greatness of this technology in modern times goes without saying. Countless disabled people around the world can regain their freedom of movement by replacing them with mechanical prostheses.

Just like Alexander Wolf before, after one of his legs was broken, he naturally replaced it with a mechanical prosthesis.

Lin Xiao nodded, "So, this Jaden Armstrong is like this, but his mechanical prosthetic technology is countless times ahead of theirs. In other words, their technology can no longer be called mechanical prosthetic technology."

, it should be directly called human body mechanical transformation technology."

"And the mechanical limbs on Jayden Armstrong can give him the same power as the mechanically modified humans in those science fiction works."

"Well, it's like the Terminator. You two should know it, right?"

"Of course I know this."

Both men nodded.

But at this time, Liao Cheng raised another question: "Even so, he can't pose any threat, right?"

"After all, no matter what, he is just a weapon with extremely strong individual combat capabilities. At best, he has an advantage in tactics, but in terms of strategy, he should be nothing, right?"

"When the missile passes by, he will probably be gone, right?"

However, Lin Xiao shook his head, "No, no, no, he himself is not a threat. The technology left for him on Mars, in addition to the machine, also has a real strategic weapon."

"what is that?"

"Do you know about intelligent life?"

"Of course we know this...wait! What did you say? Intelligent life?"

Even if Lin Xiao didn't say it out loud, both Ren Guohua and Liao Cheng knew what he was going to say, and then they both had incredible expressions on their faces.

Is there actually an intelligent life on Mars?

How can this be?

The two of them never thought that they would actually be able to hear the existence of such a thing in their lifetime?

That is intelligent life!

They are simply unimaginable.

"This thing... can this thing really exist?"

"Hey, everything is possible."

Lin Xiao shook his head. Although he certainly knew that intelligent life could exist, after all, there was a Xiaomi beside him, but in front of others, he naturally had to pretend not to know about it.

And this is what he is worried about. According to what the four-dimensional life Bicaro said, the intelligent life on Mars has been born long enough, and it knows how to attack other intelligent life.

On the other hand, Xiaomi is just an intelligent life that was born not long ago. It has never even seen other intelligent life. How will it resist the attack of that Martian intelligence?

Therefore, this is also the guarantee for the four-dimensional life when it knows that Lin Xiao controls an intelligent life. There is a 99% chance that the Martian intelligence will eat Xiaomi alive.

Lin Xiao would obviously not accept such a result no matter what, because for him, Xiaomi had become his friend, relative, and even his own child. After all, he had been cultivating Xiaomi.

However, he has no idea how to deal with this intelligent life.

Because the most important thing is that the intelligent life on Mars exists within a kind of biological computer.

This is a special computer composed of biological cells as chips, which can ensure that it will not malfunction even when it is hit by EMP, which is an electromagnetic pulse.

But now Jayden Armstrong has no other cells except brain cells. This means that it is certain that the intelligent life is now completely living in Jayden Armstrong's brain.

Once it enters their network, it is simply unimaginable what will happen.

I'm afraid Xiaomi can't resist the other party.

Once their quantum computers are invaded and occupied, they will be completely under the threat of this intelligent life.

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As for the trap program he used to capture Xiaomi, it will be useless when facing this intelligence.

Because Xiaomi belongs to the first generation of intelligent life, it can be captured by this program. As for the non-first generation intelligent life on Mars, its original creator wanted to prevent his own intelligent life from falling into that

When trapping intelligent life, some preparations are often made.

For example, consciousness replication, another example is being able to directly break through this trap, etc.

And this Martian intelligence has the function of consciousness replication.

This is also what the four-dimensional life said.

Therefore, even if Lin Xiao successfully captures one of the consciousnesses, the copied consciousness will definitely be able to detect it. If he still wants to use this trap to trap him, he will have no chance at all.

Therefore, Lin Xiao now knows very well what kind of crisis they will face.

Liao Cheng asked with some doubts at this time: "Chief Lin, did that high-dimensional being really reveal such crucial information to you? Isn't it possible that he deliberately tricked us? After all, this is such crucial information.


However, Lin Xiao shook his head, sighed, and then told the other party's "little game" mentality to the two people.

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Ren Guohua and Liao Cheng both fell silent, and finally sighed.

“Is this the attitude of high dimensions towards low dimensions?”

"Although I feel very unhappy, there is...no way."


Both of them showed helpless expressions.

This is probably a kind of mentality that when walking on the road, you don't care how many ants are crushed under your feet, right?

Lin Xiao didn't say anything. Although he gave a good lesson to the unbeatable Bicaro in that dream, in any case, he only relied on the opponent's technical shortcomings to counterattack the opponent. After all,

The other party also had no idea that his brain development could reach such a high level.

But in the end, the other party was always a high-dimensional life, coming from a high-dimensional civilization. He could not imagine what kind of civilization this would be.

"Okay, Chief Lin, I understand what you mean. I will try to prevent Jayden Armstrong from returning."

At this time, Ren Guohua stood up and said very solemnly.

"Yes." Lin Xiao nodded to him, "If necessary, come to me."

"Of course." Ren Guohua laughed, but soon his face darkened again, and then he said: "But, Chief Lin, it is difficult to achieve this step, and I can't guarantee it.


"I know, but you still need to try it after all."

Lin Xiao said.

Of course he knows how difficult it is to accomplish this thing. All the difficulties, or resistance, come from politics.

It is certainly impossible for the United States to agree to their request.

After all, Americans now regard Jayden Armstrong as a symbol of their return to space. In addition, there is also Jayden Armstrong's information about the ruins of Mars.

So the Americans will definitely do their best to ensure the return of Jayden Armstrong.

Even their original Mars Savior rocket is almost ready and is expected to be launched within two months, finally bringing Jayden Armstrong back around July next year.

They even named this plan directly as Saving Armstrong.

This also shows their determination.

At this time, if they block it, the US government will definitely not agree.

After all, this matter means votes and whether they can be re-elected for them, and once it gets involved with this kind of thing, the situation will become more difficult.

If capitalists would even sell their own nooses for enough profits, then politicians would even be willing to bring about the end of the world for enough votes.

What's more, they have previously cooperated with the United States to study Jayden Armstrong's eye problems, but now this matter has been denied by the United States. If they come out again and say that Jayden Armstrong has a problem, then the Americans may

You will suspect that they are the real problem.

For example, it is suspected that they may have some ulterior purpose to prevent Jayden Armstrong from returning.

"Well, then we can only give it a try."

Ren Guohua nodded.

"Chief Lin, is there anything else?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "There's one more thing."

As he said that, he looked at Liao Cheng beside him.

"How is the search for the ruins in Bermuda going?"

Liao Cheng shook his head, obviously not doing well.

"We have already sent people to search with the moon monument, but it is still in the sea after all. Although with the help of the moon monument, it is still like finding a needle in a haystack. To be honest, we were able to find Mariana so quickly.

The ruins in the trench, without the help of the moon monument, are simply a miracle."

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, and then said: "Then continue to speed up, we must find the last one."

Hearing Lin Xiao's serious tone, Liao Cheng couldn't help but ask: "What's going on? Why are you so anxious?"

"Are those ruins actually not simple?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "It's not a simple matter... In short, let's find it first and then talk about it."

"Oh well."

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Liao Cheng wanted to ask a few more questions, but after seeing Lin Xiao's serious expression, he temporarily put his doubts back in his stomach.

Perhaps, once he asks, he may get something he doesn't want to hear anyway.

Just like that, the secret meeting between the three of them ended.

When they left the conference room and went out, other people saw their worried faces and couldn't help but whisper in their hearts. What did Chief Lin know in the dream?

Lin Xiao returned to his office and opened the 3D model. The model inside was of the earth, but the locations of the seven ruins were also marked on it.

He shook the mouse, rotating the earth above, and then deleted the earth model inside, leaving only the punctuation points of the seven ruins.

Then, he began to connect the lines on the seven punctuation points, until finally, the seven punctuation points were connected and finally combined into one.

It's like a special symbol.

In fact, this is a word.

A three-dimensional word, not a two-dimensional word written on paper.

This word is exactly the word for four-dimensional civilization.

It means, [anchor point]!

Looking at this word, Lin Xiao felt a chill in his heart.

No wonder he felt familiar when he first learned this word.

It turned out to be because he had seen it on the earth a long time ago.

That's right, those seven ruins on the earth are actually the anchor points left by the four-dimensional civilization.

And its purpose is to enable their anchor point destruction technology to be positioned!

Who would have thought?

The four-dimensional beings that are above the three-dimensional world use their three-dimensional characters and use a planet as a grid to write their characters?

Therefore, Lin Xiao must now find all the relics and destroy them so that their anchor point destruction technology cannot work on them because they have lost the anchor point.

Lin Xiao feels the most urgent about this matter, because who knows when the opponent's anchor point destruction technology will arrive?

In addition, there was also Picaro. Lin Xiao always felt that he had something else he was hiding from him, about this anchor point destruction technology.

But no matter how much he tortured the other party, it was all to no avail in the end.

"No matter what, the high-dimensional interference theory must be completed."

"I now fully understand four dimensions and the difference between four dimensions and three dimensions."

"But I also need to know what the opponent's anchoring technology looks like."

Lin Xiao frowned, but after a moment, his brows relaxed again, and then he took out something from his arms.

It was something that looked like a pen.

The pen body is extremely white and smooth.

Truth recorder.

The system originally rewarded him with this, which could be used twice, but he had only used it once before, and then he never used it.

However, he always carried it with him.

And now, he is finally going to use this last chance.

As for its function, it is also very magical, that is, it can record the truth of the universe reflected by the things around it.

Therefore, he should be able to use this pen to figure out how those ruins function as anchor points.

"Baby, baby, I hope you can play a role."

Lin Xiao began to think in his heart.

Of course, there is another question, and that is how to ensure that he can record what he wants.

And he quickly thought of a way.

That is to use the truth recorder when destroying the ruins.

His purpose is to block the anchor point left by the higher-dimensional life here.

And when the ruins are destroyed, this anchor point will definitely be able to produce a disconnection reaction.

As long as the truth of this reaction can be recorded, it will definitely be of great help to him in studying high-dimensional interference theory.

After confirming the future plan, his eyes were determined.

Everything depends on what happens later.

Of course, the matter of destroying the ruins still needs to be considered in the long term.

All ruins still need to be destroyed, and they can destroy other ruins directly, but the ruins in the Mayan ruins are not easy to destroy. After all, let alone the Mayans who will definitely go crazy.

Well, even the Mexicans may not agree.

So in the end, Lin Xiao shook his head.

Let’s wait until we have a chance and then talk about it.

What's more, even if the four-dimensional civilization really wants to activate the anchor destruction technology, it will definitely wait until Jayden Armstrong's plan fails.

Because the four-dimensional life Bicaro has already said that the cost of activating an anchor point destruction technology is very high, so basically they will not use this technology.

And the reason why they used it this time was because of Lin Xiao's special characteristics.

Although Lin Xiao felt very stupid about this, since the other party had already shown that they had bad intentions, naturally they could not wait for fate to come, and they had to resist when it was time to resist.

In addition, due to the time gap between the four-dimensional and the three-dimensional, even if the four-dimensional civilization activates the anchor point destruction technology and reflects it to the three-dimensional universe, it will take more than a year for it to be effective on their earth.

Therefore, he still has at least three years to complete all preparations.

"Then let's see if it's the high dimension that's playing with the low dimension, or the low dimension that beats the high dimension."

This chapter has been completed!
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