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Chapter 545 The Battle of the White House

The monitor was showing the scene of Jayden Armstrong leaving the cabin.

"Earth, are you ready for my rule?"

Jayden Armstrong's words, which seemed to sound a bit out of place, also came from the loudspeaker.

Lin Xiao's eyes were calm and he made a very calm evaluation.

"Tsk, so when ordinary people gain powerful abilities in an instant, there is a high probability that this will happen, right?"

He shook his head, and then asked Xiaomi, "Can you control the intelligence in him?"

Xiaomi replied: "It's not possible yet, I still need him to be close enough to my body, and then I can mobilize all the computing power to snipe that intelligence, and only in this way can I control it 100%.


"And if it doesn't succeed once, it is very likely that the other party will notice it. In that case, it will be more difficult for me to control it again."

"At that time, it will be able to hide in the dark and wreak havoc on the earth."

"Well, I understand."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly: "Anyway, just don't let it successfully control other nuclear weapons."

"Don't worry, Master. The intelligence now thinks it is controlling all the nuclear weapons in the world. In fact, it is just an illusion disguised by me. Hmm, what it can rely on now is the person it is on.


Xiaomi answered confidently.

"Yeah." Lin Xiao nodded slightly, feeling more reassured.

In fact, he had been well prepared to deal with it since Nie Exu started trying to invade the earth's network.

First, let Xiaomi cover up the traces it left on the earth's network.

Xiaomi will leave traces when passing by on the Internet. If it is not cleared away, it will be noticed by other intelligences.

In order to ensure their advantage in the dark, they naturally cannot let these traces attract the attention of the Martian intelligence.

In addition to this matter, the most critical thing is the control of global nuclear weapons.

As they had expected, the Martian intelligence had not even landed yet, but had already begun to connect to the Earth's network while still in orbit, and then invaded military bases around the world.

Faced with the invasion of an intelligent life, those military bases had no way of detecting it, so the Martian intelligence successfully accessed all the weapons arsenals and took control.

However, Xiaomi has noticed all this a long time ago, and Xiaomi has already turned the earth network into its home. How can another guy run wild in its home?

So the current weapons are controlled by Mars intelligence in the sense of it, but in fact Xiaomi has absolute control.

Once that Martian intelligence tries to launch a nuclear weapon, it will be surprised to find that nothing happens.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Xiao also wanted to know what the arrogant figure on the monitor would look like if he later discovered that he did not control the nuclear weapons.

He is looking forward to it.

Of course, he was also curious about what this guy would do next.

Then he looked at the monitor again, waiting for what would happen next.

Jayden Armstrong's scene.

Facing so many people in the audience, after saying those arrogant words, he felt an unprecedented sense of relief. This was probably the feeling that emperors in the past felt when they faced countless subjects.


And he is about to become such an emperor.

Just like that, with an evil smile on his face, he walked out and stepped on the land under his feet.

The NASA personnel present had incredible expressions on their faces. Jayden Armstrong has been on Mars for so long, not to mention riding on a spacecraft for so long, but why can he still stand up now?

And it seems like he has a lot of strength?

He must have been the one who blew off the cabin door just now, right?

Where does this strength come from?

At this time, they simply couldn't believe the scenes just now.

And at this moment, someone suddenly stood up and shouted: "Armstrong, what are you doing? Come down quickly! People all over the world are watching you now."

This person was the director of NASA, and he also came to pick up Armstrong.

However, what almost drove him crazy was what on earth was this guy Armstrong doing!

To be able to say such wild words in front of so many cameras.

Now he, the director, may be in bad luck.

At this time, he didn't think about the abnormal situation shown by Jayden Armstrong's flying of the cabin door just now. At this time, he just wanted to let this guy stop.

However, after Jayden Armstrong heard these words, he looked over coldly.

He had just made that declaration, and now a person appeared and disgraced him.

It's really unforgivable.

Of course, this person is also used to scare the monkeys.

As for the identity of this person, he didn't care at all. He seemed to be a big shot, but now in his eyes, he was just an inferior race.

So then, he stretched out a finger, and the tip of that finger split apart in front of everyone's surprised eyes, and finally a small hole appeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone present and watching the live broadcast were stunned.

What on earth is this?

The next moment, a laser shot out from there and shone on the head of the NASA director.

Then, everyone heard a scream, and the NASA director covered his forehead and fell to the ground, and there was no sound after a moment.

The hand covering his forehead weakly spread to the other side. When everyone took a look, they saw a hole the size of a finger suddenly appeared in this man's forehead, and even brain tissue could be seen inside the hole.

Seeing this scene, everyone present immediately realized that Jayden Armstrong was not the Martian hero they knew, but a monster whose body could even be turned into a weapon!

The ordinary people present shouted in horror, and then fled in all directions, fearing that the terrifying laser would shine on them.

Of course, the soldiers who were originally there to protect Jayden Armstrong had already received orders to subdue Jayden Armstrong.

As a result, the muzzles of dozens of M4A1 rifles were pointed at Jayden Armstrong.

"Armstrong! Surrender quickly!" an officer shouted.

In their opinion, so many of their guns have been aimed at each other, does Jayden Armstrong still dare to resist?

However, facing these guns pointed at him, Jayden Armstrong had no worries at all.

"Okay, then let me show you what the ability to rule the world is."

He twisted his neck and shoulders, then jumped suddenly on his feet, and rushed towards the officer with a grin.

He was extremely fast and rushed towards the officer almost instantly.

Then he opened his hands, and the mantis knives on both sides of his arms separated in an instant.

The officer's eyes widened with the tip of the knife, and his head was cut in half starting from his chin.

And the middle time is only half a second.

Of course, it also reaches human reaction time.

When the other soldiers discovered that Jayden had jumped away, they immediately turned the muzzles of their guns and fired at the same time.

However, as the flames tilted, they found that they were completely unable to keep up with the monster whose arms had turned into weapons.

Jayden finished executing the officer by waving the mantis knife on his arm.

However, he did not immediately rush to the next target, but turned his head leisurely, waiting until the other soldiers' guns were about to be aimed at him in a cross pattern, and the bullets that were shot out at an angle were about to hit him.

"Next, let's let you guys understand what the Cianweis prosthetic body is!"

His arms hung down, and then, the nervous system prosthesis located next to his brainstem suddenly activated.

In an instant, his nerve reaction speed increased several times, and at the same time, the power of his limbs that had been modified throughout his body also increased several times.

At this time, everything around him slowed down, including bullets.

His eyes saw the traces of bullets streaking through the air.

Then, a smile appeared on his face, and he walked slowly towards the trajectory of those bullets.

In the eyes of the other soldiers, it was as if he was walking towards where their guns were aimed, or even... deliberately catching their bullets.

The next moment, their guns were finally pointed at Jayden, but they were horrified to find that Jayden had just crossed the line of fire, but not a single "line of fire" hit him, and all the bullets seemed to have been actively avoided.


This scene made these soldiers panic, but they tightened the triggers in their hands harder, praying that one shot would really hit the opponent, right?

However, they were all disappointed, because until the end, all their thirty-round magazines were empty, but not a single shot was hit.

They hurriedly began to change ammunition, and Jayden Armstrong once again showed the mantis knives on his arms and shouted: "It's my turn."

Then he showed no mercy, turned into a killing machine again, and rushed towards the remaining soldiers in an instant.

There were not many soldiers who came to the scene to maintain order, only about twenty. They were left behind because of their mission, and eventually they all died here.

As for the other ordinary people, they had already run away in their cars, leaving the scene a mess.

Of course, there are still a lot of cameras left at the scene, and the live broadcast is still going on.

Then, Jayden Armstrong suddenly appeared in front of the cameras.

He once again showed a smile that he thought was cruel, and then said: "Mr. President, you must wait for me at the White House. I will come to find you soon."

Then he dodged and disappeared from the camera.

And as these pictures spread, the whole world was shocked.,

What did they see?

A monster whose hands can turn into knives and can even dodge bullets with its reflexes?

And then he killed all the soldiers at the scene?

At first, almost all the audience didn't believe it. They were more willing to believe that it was just a movie clip, or it was just an act.

However, it wasn't until people discovered that other media outlets who were also broadcasting the live broadcast were actually showing the same scene from different angles that they realized that it was really happening.

In a matter of seconds, in less than ten minutes, the whole world was shocked.

Other countries asked the United States to explain what exactly Jayden Armstrong encountered on Mars.

Of course, for all ordinary people, a feeling of panic is beginning to spread.

In this way, this incident has set off a violent wave in the global society.

Of course, no one has forgotten the final announcement made by Jayden Armstrong, the White House!

He's going to the White House!

Everyone heard about this, so everyone began to pay attention to the White House.

Jayden Armstrong has disappeared. He is obviously going to the White House now. So does the White House have the ability to intercept him?

No one knows, but for the time being they still believe in the capabilities of the White House.

No matter what, this is also the political center of the United States.

It will certainly be possible to set up a strong enough defensive position.

At this time, in the White House, the president was extremely angry.

"What is going on? Can any of you give me an explanation?"

However, in the face of the president's roar, no one could give him an answer.

Who the hell can answer this? If I could answer this, wouldn’t I become a Martian?

The president snorted for a moment, and then said: "Okay, now that monster is coming to find me, and is going to attack our White House."

"I have nothing else to say. I only have one request. Capture that guy alive, and then find out the skills he possesses."

"Hmph, if you use lasers on your fingers, two knives can emerge from your arms, and your speed and reaction can be so fast that you can dodge bullets in a fancy way."

"I'm afraid what this guy got on Mars is not as simple as we imagined."

"If we can copy his ability to our soldiers, then we will create the strongest army in the world. So, do you understand?"

"Yes! Understood!" Others nodded.

"As long as you understand." The president waved his hand, "Then everyone can go down."

"Yes, Mr. President."

Afterwards, everyone else left the presidential office.

In the next few days, they will build the entire White House into a perfect fortress, and then let the guy who thinks he is invincible know what regret is.

Of course, they are also worried that Jayden Armstrong just made empty words and then ran away.

But no matter what, they must protect the White House and their common boss, so they can only act according to the plan.

However, it is obvious that their worries are unnecessary.

Because today's Jayden Armstrong simply doesn't bother to engage in so many conspiracies.

So just two days later, Jayden Armstrong appeared on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

The white building built in a green vegetation has been covered with various defensive measures.

At the gate, Jayden Armstrong also appeared here.

When the guard at the door recognized him, he immediately sounded the alarm.

Subsequently, the entire White House woke up to the sound of sirens.

Several gunshots sounded from a distance, and the snipers who were hiding in the dark opened fire. There were more than twenty gunshots, and not all of them were aimed at Jayden. Only three of them were really aimed at him, and the rest were

, then completely blocks all the space around him.

However, the next moment, Jayden's body twisted into a completely irregular shape and successfully avoided all the bullets. None of them hit him. Then his figure disappeared. When he reappeared, everyone only saw

The guard whose head is missing.

After that, Jayden officially rushed to the White House.

This battle to defend the White House, which has attracted worldwide attention, has officially begun.

People all over the world are now looking forward to the fact that all evil will eventually be brought to justice.

Let this crisis go away.

This chapter has been completed!
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