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Chapter 140 Gathering Eyes

Rong Shuo raised his hand and stroked her soft hair, and his deep voice sounded softly: "You have done a good job, the demonic energy is much stronger than you, and didn't you defeat the demonic energy once?"

"Devil energy?" Yunzheng was confused.

He explained patiently: "Well, that is demonic energy, which is more powerful than the evil cultivator, and... the demonic energy should not exist in a low-level continent like Dongzhou."

"If you encounter demonic energy again in the future, you must be vigilant, because it can confuse people's hearts and throw out temptations, so that the consequences will be inner demons, and they will eventually be controlled by inner demons."

Listening to Rong Shuo's words, Yunzheng had some definitions of demonic energy.

Rong Shuo chatted with Yunzheng for a few more words, and then he reluctantly said to Yunzheng: "They are coming in soon. I will send you back to the central area later and let them take you out."

‘They’ refers to the people on the grounds of the Holy Academy and others.

Yunzheng nodded, "Okay."

Rong Shuo hugged Yunzheng's waist and disappeared instantly.

Arriving at the central area quietly, they saw the black-red mist still filling the air, but Feng Xinglan and others seemed to have some powerful holy weapons to resist the attack of the black-red mist.

It's quite peaceful.

After all, the most powerful skeleton demon has been destroyed.

"I'm leaving." Rong Shuo said.

The moment he turned around, Yunzheng reached out and scratched his palm, curled her lips and said, "A-Shuo, thank you."

The two of them looked at each other for a thousand years.

Yunzheng didn't notice that the tips of Rong Shuo's ears turned red.

As soon as Rong Shuo left, Dean Song and the five vice-deans came to the center of the secret realm.

Seeing that the twenty or so geniuses were safe and sound, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they discovered that one person was missing.


The first thing the old man Junfang said was: "Where is that girl Yunzheng?"

The tone sounded very familiar.

The twenty or so geniuses had different expressions upon hearing this.

Song Ji, who was very powerful, immediately discovered Yunzheng's location. He coughed twice and pretended to be serious: "Still not coming out yet?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a red figure walked out from behind the trees in the distance.

"Azheng." Mu Yin waved excitedly. He thought she...

Just live well, live well.

Yunzheng smiled back.

When she came to them, she found several eyes staring closely at her, which made her feel a little nervous.

I secretly wondered, does this powerful man from the Holy Court have the habit of staring at people?

Suddenly, the middle-aged man who seemed tall and mighty slapped Yunzheng on the shoulder, and said with a smile on Grandma Lang's face: "You girl, you have amazing bones, why don't you go to my martial arts academy to practice?"

Xiao Xumo pushed away Nan Batian's big hand on Yunzheng's shoulder, then glared at Nan Batian and said, "Nan Batian, that's enough for you, treating a girl so rudely."

"Let's go out first." Song Ji made a decision immediately. After all, he knew what he was doing.

These vice-deans all took a fancy to this girl.

Who doesn’t love a complete genius?

Finally, Song Ji led a group of people out.

Hundreds of thousands of spectators were still at their original positions. Seeing that the twenty or so geniuses were not injured, they guessed that Song Ji and others had taken care of it.

Everyone's eyes were on Yunzheng.

Countless eyes were staring at Yunzheng, and she thought to herself: Did I do something in there that would make people and gods angry? Why are everyone looking at me.

Those geniuses felt a little unhappy when they saw that everyone was paying so much attention to Yunzheng, and no one wanted to stand out?

Who doesn’t want to be noticed?

Obviously she is not first in the standings, nor is she in the top ten. She is stuck in the top thirteen, which is not very high.

Why does she have so many people paying attention?

They are not convinced!

Later, when they heard that Yunzheng was a full cultivator, they felt even more depressed and unhappy.

Why can a woman from a small country overwhelm them?

Nangong Junze took another look at Yunzheng and found that she was attracted by everyone's attention, but she did not flinch or act submissive at all, but was relaxed and natural.

It's more of a nonchalance.

The mentality is really...unlike a girl from a small country!

Lou Chuyue was so angry that she almost vomited blood. As expected, all her premonitions were true.

Yunzheng really stole her limelight.

She regretted not attacking Yunzheng secretly so that she could not enter the Holy Courtyard.

Nangong Qingqing looked at Yunzheng, with a hint of unknown meaning flashing in his eyes.

Song Ji announced: "This enrollment assessment is officially over. The first 800 new students recruited to the Holy Court will report to the Holy Court three days later. The rewards can be collected after reporting."

Those present were slowly leaving.

When Yunzheng left, Mu Yin grabbed her by the corner of her clothes, and her delicate little face was filled with joy: "Azheng, where do you live? I'll go and play with you."

Yunzheng declined politely: "I don't have time these three days. When I go to the Holy Courtyard, we will have more time to get together."

There was a trace of disappointment on Mu Yin's face, "Okay then."

Yunzheng smiled.

At this time, Zhongli Wuyuan came over and asked: "Yunzheng, do you need me to go back with you?"

What he meant was that many people were already eyeing her. If she left alone, others would be even more unscrupulous if they wanted to kill her.

If he accompanied her, the people behind him would also consider it.

Yunzheng knew his good intentions, but still refused.

"No, I'll go back by myself."

"Then please pay attention to your safety." Zhongli Wuyuan did not force it. He also knew Yunzheng's temperament, and once he made a decision, it was difficult to change it.

Yunzheng nodded slightly: "Okay."

As soon as Yan Chen came out, he was escorted away by his family members not long after.

After all, Yan Chen is too important.

At this moment, Lou Chuyue returned to her family, and then quietly said a few words to her father. The sharp eyes of the head of the Lou family instantly burst out with murderous intent.

He made a family gesture, and the Lou family's secret guard understood it instantly.

There are more and more situations like this.

"Fengxian, this girl is so eye-catching that she provoked one after another to kill her." Old man Jun Fang frowned.

After saying that, he added: "How about I go protect her?"

Nan Batian said: "With your level of cultivation, forget it. I, Nan Batian's disciple, don't need your protection. I will go there myself."

Xiao Xumo also wanted to argue. After all, if that girl Yunzheng performed better, she would definitely choose him as her teacher.

The reason why they want to protect Yunzheng is because Yunzheng has no background and no strong person to protect him...

If such a complete cultivation genius dies, it will be a great regret for Dongzhou.

"No one is allowed to go." Song Ji said in a deep voice.

Lou Fengxian raised her eyes and glanced at Song Ji, then said quietly: "I also agree, no one is allowed to go."

You can protect it for a while, but you can't protect it for a lifetime.

Since he is a complete genius, he has to bear the pressure he deserves.

That girl Yunzheng came out of a small country and was able to get in front of everyone in one fell swoop. She must have some trump cards and strength!

Moreover, there was a lot of rumors about the sixth-grade rune master incident before. Many forces wanted to find her, but they couldn't find her...

Let's wait and see. If she can appear in the Holy Court in three days, it will prove that she is a talent.

At this time——

As Yunzheng walked among the crowd, she noticed countless eyes looking at her.

She lowered her head and curled her lips.

[The author has something to say]

Next we went to the Holy Monastery.

It’s also very exciting in the holy courtyard~

Happy National Day, little cuties~

Will add another chapter tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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