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Chapter 256 Make a Gamble

Yunzheng's mental power is strong, and she can feel several rays of divine consciousness passing over her body.

She raised her eyes and looked at the heavyweights sitting above her.

Their expressions were indifferent, as if they didn't care about this freshman competition.

What Yunzheng didn't know was that they were already communicating frantically with each other.

Jun Fang: "I haven't seen these new students for half a year, but they have made a lot of progress, especially the Fengyun Team."

Gu Wulan: "I have taken a fancy to Yunzheng and Yu Qiu, you guys don't compete with me later!"

Nan Batian: "Fuck you, that girl Yunzheng is my apprentice!"

Xiao Xumo: "I think that girl Yunzheng looks like my apprentice, and Dongfang Jingyu should be a good apprentice of Xiao."

Lou Fengxian: "You guys are really crazy! I want Yunzheng, so don't even think about it."

Jun Fang: "No...you already have Lou Chuyue, so you can just leave Yunzheng to me, an old man, can't you?"

Lou Fengxian retorted: "I won't accept Lou Chuyue as my disciple. Also, don't you have Yan Chen?"

Jun Fang choked.

Nan Batian: "I don't care. Anyway, Feng Xinglan, Mo Jing, Zhong Li Wuyuan, and Nangong Junze are all mine. If that girl Yunzheng likes our martial arts academy, then she must be mine too!"

Every time there is a contest among freshmen, Nan Batian has the most disciples.

So far, he has eleven disciples, several of whom have left the Holy Academy and become some important figures in Dongzhou.

On the other hand, the other four vice-deans accepted fewer disciples.

As for those who are still studying in the Holy Academy, Jun Fang has two apprentices, three are Gu Wulan, one is Xiao Xumo, one is Lou Fengxian, and five are Nan Batian.

Song Ji never accepted disciples.

The five people were making noisy noises through sound transmission, but on the surface they still looked calm and calm, and there was nothing unusual about them at all.

The old students watching were also talking about it.

At this time, Elder Mu stood up, looked around, and announced in a deep voice: "The freshman competition has officially begun!"

"Using a draw-style arena competition, look at the palm of this elder's hand." He said, raised his hand, spread his palm, and countless lots condensed by spiritual power appeared. At this moment, it was impossible to see what number was on each lot.

"Later, this elder will distribute the random double lottery numbers, from small to large, in turn."

"In addition, you are not allowed to kill people in the arena, and you are not allowed to do anything malicious to destroy people's foundation. If it violates -"

He raised his voice and said with a serious expression, "You should be expelled from the Holy Court!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent for a moment.

Elder Mu glanced around with his eyes seriously and said: "The longest time in the arena match is a quarter of an hour. If it exceeds a quarter of an hour, it will be considered a tie and we will wait for the game after the end."

"Now, the freshman raises one hand to catch the sign."

Nearly eight hundred freshmen raised their hands, and Elder Mu concentrated his spiritual power and dispersed it. In an instant, countless streams of light headed towards the arena waiting area, and bits of starlight fell into the hands of the freshmen.

Yunzheng also caught one.

The sign quickly revealed the number, No. 158.

All the freshmen saw their numbers.

Elder Mu: "If there is no doubt, let's start the competition now!"

In this way, the competition began within such a tight period of time.

The person in the Fengyun Team who drew the smallest number of lots was Nangong Qingqing, number seventeen.

Among the freshmen, there are uneven differences in strength. If the difference in strength is too big, one person will be eliminated within a few rounds.

Yunzheng watched with interest.

Soon, it was Nangong Qingqing's turn.

Yunzheng clenched her fists and made a gesture of cheering for her. She said with a smile: "Come on, great beauty Qingqing!"

Mu Yin waved his fist: "Qingqing kill him!"

The others nodded.

Zhongli Wuyuan raised his eyes, with a smile on his lips, "Come on, Qingqing."

The tips of Nangong Qingqing's ears felt hot and her eyes were a little evasive. She nodded slightly and then came on stage.

Nangong Qingqing's status, appearance, and talent are both extremely outstanding. Not only the freshmen but also the old students present admire her.

Most of the men gave her a hearty cheer.

"Nangong Qingqing!"

"Nangong Qingqing!"


On the other side, Nangong Junze saw his royal sister coming on the stage and concentrated on watching the ring.

Nangong Qingqing's opponent was a man with a fourth-level cultivation level from the Ling Sect.

"Game start!"

Nangong Qingqing's strength is at the seventh level of Lingzong. Adhering to the crisp and clean fighting style of the Fengyun team, she can kill her opponent in seconds with one move.

In the eyes of those who don't know, Nangong Qingqing is the representative of the cold goddess, and she can kill her instantly with one move, which makes them even more excited.

A man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes next to Nangong Junze smiled, turned to ask Nangong Junze: "Is your imperial sister getting married?"

"Not yet." Nangong Junze was stunned for a moment and replied.

"Then what do you think of me?" the handsome man with sword-browed eyebrows and starry eyes asked with a half serious and half teasing smile.

Nangong Junze frowned and said in a slightly serious tone, "Jing Zhan, don't make such a joke."

Jing Zhan is the youngest son of the president of Lingtian Auction. In terms of his status, he is worthy of Nangong Qingqing.

If he appeared in the Secret Realm Admissions Assessment Competition, he would definitely be among the top ten.

Jing Zhan originally attended the Holy Academy three years ago, but for some reason, he stopped studying for three years.

Therefore, Jing Zhan is now among their batch of freshmen.

Jing Zhan was twenty-three years old, and his strength had reached the second level of Lingjun.

Jing Zhan could not deny his words.

He doesn't like the idea of ​​a cold beauty.

After Nangong Qingqing left the stage, Yunzheng gave her a thumbs up.

Nangong Qingqing burst into laughter.

At this time, the five vice-deans above began to comment on Nangong Qingqing again, and they all agreed that she was a talented person!

There are not many top-notch female cultivators in Dongzhou.

It should be cultivated well.

Then, when it came to Yuqiu, it was meaningless to win.

Then, it was Feng Xinglan’s turn,

Feng Xinglan's sword had already been kicked off the ring before it was even unsheathed.

One pair after another changed on the stage, and soon they arrived at Yunzheng.

Yunzheng walked onto the ring and was stunned for a moment when he saw his opponent. He was actually an acquaintance!

what do you say that is?

Oh, it seems to be Dongfang Jingchong.

Dongfang Jingchong stared at Yunzheng with haughty eyes, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Game start!"

Just when Yunzheng wanted to take action——

He spoke, "I'll make a bet with you. If you lose, kneel down and kowtow to Chuyue to apologize! If I lose, I will agree to a condition! Okay?"

Chuyue? Is it Lou Chuyue?

It was rumored that Dongfang Jingchong liked Lou Chuyue, but now it seems that it is not false.

He wants to stand up for Lou Chuyue?!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then realized that this was the first person who dared to make a bet in this freshman competition!

Make that violent little witch Yunzheng kneel down and kowtow to apologize?

It sounds a bit magical, but it is this kind of magical thing that can arouse everyone's interest.

Everyone couldn't help but cheer excitedly.

"Yuzheng, please promise him!"

"Yeah, it's just a bet, nothing special!"

"Promise him!"


It's not a big deal for everyone to watch the fun.

The heavyweights above still had a calm expression, but now they were transmitting messages much faster, and seemed to be discussing the bet crazily.

Yunzheng chuckled and replied casually: "Okay..."

Before Dongfang Jingchong could light up, he heard Yunzheng change the subject:

"If you lose, give me all the property you have! Clothes are considered property. Although they are of no use, they can be used to clean your shoes."

"No need for the underwear, just keep it to yourself."

"Hahaha..." Everyone present couldn't help laughing.

Some people laughed so hard that they almost shed tears.

Dongfang Jingchong's face was stiff. Gradually, his face turned blue and purple, then purple and blue again, and his eyes stared at Yunzheng as if they were burning with fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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