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Chapter 289 Seeing Sky Night Again

When you open the cork of the bottle, a strong fragrance of red pepper comes out, making you feel relaxed unconsciously.

The surrounding vendors and passers-by were all attracted by the fragrance.

One person stared straight at the jade bottle and asked in shock: "What kind of elixir is this? It's so fragrant. Just smelling it makes me feel much better physically and mentally."

"It seems to be a level-breaking pill! When I smell this, my cultivation barrier that was loosened a few days ago moves again. I feel like I'm about to break through!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the pedestrian who just spoke immediately sat down on the ground, his whole body exuding the light of breakthrough.

Everyone was shocked.

They all retreated to an open space to allow the man to break through.

Their eyes wandered back and forth between the jade bottle and the person who was making the breakthrough, thinking to themselves, this elixir is so powerful?!

The young vendor was also shocked. Not only did he smell the strong fragrance of red pills, but he also saw red pill patterns.

The presence of elixir patterns indicates that the elixir is of a super grade!

He quickly put the cork back on the bottle without checking the remaining two bottles of elixir.

Because the other two bottles are very likely to be of this grade! If they are opened again, it will cause a small sensation around them.

"The level of your elixirs is too high. I can't accept three bottles." The young vendor looked at Yunzheng seriously. He handed one of the three bottles back to Yunzheng and said, "I'll give this one back to you."


Yunzheng lowered his eyes, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

At this time, just as Yunzheng was about to say something, a voice as cold and sweet as a poisonous snake interspersed in——

"This spiritual grass and elixir looks good. Stall owner, I can exchange all your spiritual herbs and elixirs with the same number of eighth-grade elixirs!"

Xun Sheng looked around and saw a green-eyed young man wearing a cross-dressing with his left arm exposed, staring at Yunzheng with provocative and smiling eyes.

Behind him were two green-eyed women, probably maids.

Nangong Qingqing recognized this person and secretly pulled Yunzheng's hand to remind her.

"It's a foreign race!" someone around said with a frown.

The young vendor did not show any repulsion or contempt, but said calmly: "This guest, all the magical herbs and elixirs in my stall have been exchanged for this girl."

"Now, all the magical herbs and elixirs on this stall belong to this girl."

As soon as the words fell, the green-eyed boy replied regretfully: "Really? It's really unlucky."

The green-eyed boy stared straight at Yunzheng. He stepped closer to Yunzheng, leaned down, and got close to Yunzheng's ear. He smiled teasingly: "Long time no see, Zhengzheng. I was really hurt by you last time."


Yunzheng raised his head and raised his eyes. At the same time, the fist in his hand landed firmly on his abdomen, causing his body that was approaching him to take a few steps back.

Amuta Kongye frowned slightly in pain, and then the corners of his lips curled up even more.

Still...a familiar pain.


An angry female voice came from not far away, and everyone saw a woman in revealing cross-dressing quickly teleporting over. Green light was stored in her palms, and she attacked Yunzheng unprepared.

Yunzheng's eyes narrowed, and he raised his palm to block it. All the elixirs on the two shelves in one hand were put into the storage space. He couldn't let these elixirs go to waste.


The forces collided, creating a strong wind.

‘Crack, click, click’, the table at the stall where the magical herbs and elixirs were placed was broken into pieces.

If Yunzheng had not received the spiritual herbs and elixirs in the storage space earlier, I am afraid that they would no longer be immune to the poisonous hands.

The cross-dressed green-eyed woman was forced back a few steps by the force, her eyes showing surprise. This human girl in red was actually stronger than her!

Amuta Kongye called out slowly.

"Lu Ling."

Hearing this, Ximorsa Lu Ling glared at Yunzheng reluctantly, then turned back and walked towards Amuta Kongye.

Ximorsa Lu Ling glanced at Yunzheng and said, "Kongye, this human girl actually dares to hit you, I'll help you teach her a lesson!"

"Mind your own business." Kong Ye glanced at her coldly.

Lu Ling's dissatisfied words were swallowed silently when she saw Kong Ye's warning eyes.

Yunzheng took out the jade bottle again and handed it to the young vendor, saying apologetically: "I ruined your stall, and this elixir will be considered as compensation for you."

The young vendor was shocked. The long table was just a worthless item. How could it be worth buying this bottle of seventh-grade super-grade elixir?

The young vendor wanted to refuse, but Yunzheng had already turned around and walked towards the foreigners.

Nangong Qingqing looked at the young vendor and said slowly: "Take it, it doesn't matter."

The young vendor held the jade bottle tightly.

More and more people around are paying attention, some are watching the fun, some want to trade with Yunzheng...

Above the Yinzu Inn, someone opened the window and took in this scene.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit tense.

There is a sense that the battle is about to break out!

Although Cang Haiyan did not explicitly prohibit private fights, all major forces were silently abiding by the invisible rules.

Nangong Qingqing couldn't see what Yunzheng wanted to do, but now she could only risk her life to accompany Junzi.

Amuta Kongye looked at Yunzheng who was getting closer and closer, and the blood in his body was intensely excited.

Ximorsa Luling glanced sideways at the faintly smiling young man, and then at the two beautiful women in front of her, with a vague feeling of bad premonition in her heart.

Could it be that Kong Ye knew them?

"Long time no see, Bai Lianye." Yunzheng greeted Amuta Kongyehe with a smile.

Amuta Kongye's face stiffened.

Next to Yunzheng, Nangong Qingqing couldn't help but laugh. Yunzheng was so heart-wrenching as soon as he opened his mouth.

People don't know why.

Bailianye? Why does it sound like a woman’s name?

Lu Ling said coldly: "His name is not Bai Lianye, his name is Amuta Kongye! You ignorant woman!"

Only then did Yunzheng's eyes fall on Ximorsa Luling.

She is on the short side, but her appearance is not that aggressive. She is also a beauty. Judging from her status among the aliens, she should be considered good because she is followed by two alien maids and two aliens.

Lu Ling said shyly: "What are you looking at?"

"Lu Ling, step back." Amuta Kongye's voice was deep.

Lu Ling heard the displeasure in his voice, bit her lip, and reluctantly stepped aside. The fondness in her eyes turned into disappointment and discomfort.

Yunzheng was not interested in exploring their love affair. She took out a stack of slips of paper, waved them in front of him, and asked with a smile: "You should pay back the debt that you have owed for so long, right?!"

Nangong Qingqing laughed: "..." Yunzheng is really a big creditor, and the friends of Fengyun Team all owe her a lot of debt.

Especially - Lan.

Now, she took out another stack of IOUs...

Seeing this, Kong Ye's face suddenly became filled with black lines, his eyes were gloomy and aggrieved, and his mind instantly recalled the humiliating scene.

Kong Ye couldn't help but cursed in his heart. Every glass of water and fruit he drank when he was captured before cost ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones...

The crucial glass of water is in the smallest wine glass.

This woman is really good at shedding wool!

If Yunzheng knew what he was thinking at this moment, he would probably say with a smile: The enemy's wool, as long as it doesn't kill him, he will kill it!

[The author has something to say]

The name Luling was provided by @叶叶士. this little cutie

The surname Ximorsa is provided by the cute @おいしい

This chapter has been completed!
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