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Chapter 574: The Art of Illusory Shadow

"Do you have any hidden illness?" Yunzheng looked up at him and asked with great concern.

When Yuan Shu heard this, he felt a surge of embarrassment in his heart. In an instant, the pain was almost eliminated, and he didn't have any hidden illness.

Men cannot be said to have hidden diseases!

Yuan Shu gritted his teeth and said: "Yuzheng, I won't lose to you!"

After saying that, his other hand was filled with wood elemental spiritual power and swatted at Yunzheng, trying to break free from Yunzheng's restraints.

Yunzheng quickly turned sideways and dodged the attack.

"Yuanshu, let me ask you again, do you really have no hidden diseases? Or do you feel pain several times or dozens of times higher than ordinary people?!"

Hearing Yunzheng's serious question, Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment, followed by a look of shame. He was not in the situation Yunzheng said.

He is simply...

Afraid of pain.

"No." Yuan Shu shook his head.

Yunzheng: "..." That must be a psychological disorder or a problem caused by being spoiled. To cure this, it will take a few more beatings.

The geniuses looked at the fight between the two of them and were speechless for a moment. Why were they still chatting while fighting? And it seemed that neither of them used any powerful moves.

And at the next moment, Yunzheng took action.

She was moving so fast that people couldn't see her traces. They only heard a fierce cry of pain, and the boy in pink fell to the ground.

His eyebrows were furrowed tightly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he looked extremely painful. He raised his hand to cover his chest.

Yunzheng did not attack again, she was waiting for him to stand up again.

"I admit..." Defeat. Before Yuan Shu could finish his words, a spiritual fruit was suddenly thrown into his mouth, blocking his mouth.

Let him have something to say.

"Didn't I say that you won't lose? Stand up, how can such a little pain defeat you?"

Yunzheng said, gesturing towards him as far as a fingernail, showing him what a little bit means.

Yuan Shu was so painful that he shed tears. This was definitely the most serious injury he had suffered in the past three years, but Yunzheng said it was just a little pain...

This is simply... humiliating!

Yuan Shu glared at Yunzheng resentfully, then stood up despite the pain, and fiercely attacked Yunzheng.

"Uh uh... uh..." I really missed it, you actually hit me so hard!

His mouth was still stuck with the spirit fruit, so he couldn't speak clearly and could only barely pronounce a few syllables.

Yunzheng couldn't hear clearly what he was talking about, but she could guess a thing or two.

She smiled, then raised her leg and kicked him, hitting him right in the abdomen.


it hurts!

With a "Gulu" sound, half of the spirit fruit fell from his mouth, and the other half remained in his mouth. His eyes filled with tears again, and the tears in the corners of his eyes fell to the ground like big beans.

Yunzheng is so cruel!

"It hurts just a little bit, and you're crying again?" Yunzheng looked at Yuanshu with feigned surprise.

Yuan Shu's emotions were suddenly freed from the pain, and he stared at Yunzheng angrily. Didn't she say that she would do it step by step?!

How unreasonable, she actually lied to herself!

Yuan Shu thought so, stood up again, chewed up half of the spiritual fruit in his mouth and swallowed it into his belly. This scene made him look as vicious as eating human flesh.

Yuan Shu was angry and annoyed, "Yunzheng, I treat you as a friend, but you actually beat me up?"

"You can also beat me up." Yunzheng smiled.


The boy in pink snorted coldly, concentrated his attention again, condensed dozens of light cyan needles with his hands, and then stepped forward.

Just when the geniuses thought he would directly attack Yunzheng again, he made a few feints, and then his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot!

"In the back!" One of the geniuses said in shock, pointing behind Yunzheng.

Someone said doubtfully: "He actually knows the art of phantom. Isn't this art already lost?"

"What is the Art of Shadow?"

At this time, someone explained: "It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was a very prominent family in Tiandu. Their family was very weird. The people were peace-loving and liked to persuade people with reason. They would never do anything if they could talk."

"In order to escape the pain caused by the battle, they created the art of shadow."

"The art of phantom is to transform an existence like a clone during the battle to blind the opponent's vision and prevent the opponent from hitting them..."

When the geniuses heard this, their expressions were quite subtle. Although this shadow technique was very powerful, was it overkill for its purpose?!

On the stage, Yunzheng was almost deceived by him.

Unexpectedly, this Yuan Shu would still make a feint?

Yunzheng turned around in an instant, condensing a barrier of wood elemental spiritual power in his palm to block the attacking wooden needles.

When Yuan Shu saw this, his face turned slightly solemn.

He suddenly increased the output of his spiritual power, and in an instant, hundreds more wooden needles were shot towards Yunzheng.

Yunzheng took half a step back, frowning tightly, as if she was struggling from the impact of the force.

Yuan Shu's eyes lit up, he would definitely defeat Yunzheng this time, and he excitedly increased the output of his spiritual power.


The two forces collided with each other, and their residual power clashed.

The light blue light dissipated. Yuan Shu raised his eyes and was shocked. Where is the Yunzheng man?

Could she have been kicked off the ring?!

In this case, wouldn't he have already won? He could finally return the point of discussion. He thought so and let out a long sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a fist struck him from behind, causing him to almost fly to the ground.


"It hurts!"

Yuan Shu shouted hysterically, his facial features becoming twisted and ferocious again, as if he was wearing a mask of pain.

"Yuan Shu, get up." Yunzheng said with a genuine smile.

Yuan Shu was in so much pain that he could hardly speak. Once he heard Yunzheng's brisk voice, he became increasingly angry and aggrieved. Wasn't it gradual? It really hurt!

He stood up with a grin on his face and glared at the girl in red, "Yun! Zheng!"

"Okay, come again!" Yunzheng nodded.

Yuanshu took a deep breath, and then attacked in the direction of Yunzheng with all his strength. In the process, he used the shadow technique many times, from two or three shadows at the beginning, and then to more than ten shadows.


All the geniuses: "..." Why do they think that the young master of the Imperial family, Yunzheng, is working as a sparring partner for that unknown boy?

No, we should put it another way, that is, Yunzheng is cultivating ‘human sandbags’.

other side_


A big thing happened in Zhongling Prefecture recently, that is, a group of mysterious organizations kept snatching away cultivators...

This incident made people in Zhonglingzhou panic.

The leaders of the major forces were troubled by this. Most of their attention was focused on tracking down the mysterious organization, and they had no time to pay attention to the young geniuses in the demon-slaying battlefield.

This is what they thought. Fortunately, those young geniuses entered the demon-slaying battlefield and would not be kidnapped by the mysterious organization, otherwise they would be even more worried!

This chapter has been completed!
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