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Chapter 695: Imprison them

The fat man was stunned for a moment. When he came to his senses, he angrily cursed in front of him: "You bastard, stop here and see if I don't kill you!"

He raised his hand angrily and wiped his face, then shook the water droplets fiercely.

Then, the fat man yelled and rowed hard to catch up.

After a while, the young man from the giant race had the same experience. He was splashed with sea water, making him a little confused.


A high-pitched voice came from the young man of the giant race. He tightened his grip on the oar, but accidentally broke it.

"My paddle!"

The young giant man's pupils shrank, and he wanted to lean over and reach out to pick it up, but his movement almost caused him and the boat to capsize.

He could only watch as the oar floated away and then sank into the sea.

"Damn it! Give me back my oar!"

At this moment, Yunzheng has far surpassed all the small boats, and even surpassed the boat of the man in orange.

Everyone couldn't help but be attracted by this sudden appearance of the boat, and they were secretly shocked, how could there be such a powerful boat?

Yunzheng secretly weakened the power of the rune. She couldn't go too fast now. She raised her eyes and looked ahead.

The closer you get to the island, the more you can find that the island occupies an extremely wide area, and the small islands are connected to each other.

At a glance, there are many flags on the island, which seem to represent different pirate groups.

The double-sided islands include islands with green mountains and green forests, as well as deserted islands, and more of them are architectural islands with traces of time.

There are many practitioners on the island who are relatively naked, and their skin is slightly darker than that of ordinary practitioners. They have fierce looks on their faces, and there are countless scars on their bodies.

There is a mysterious power in the sea areas on both sides of the island, which is equivalent to a forbidden area, which generally means there is no return. Therefore, you can only pass through this place by relying on the route of the double-sided island.

Yunzheng saw the two nearest islands ahead, with pirates armed with weapons guarding the edges, their faces filled with ferocious looks.

However, the flag on the left is the Night Slayer Pirates Group, and the flag on the right is the Pirateless Group.

At this time, most of the cultivators flying in boats and weapons will go to the right direction and consciously hand over a lot of red jade.

After they handed over the red jade, they were taken aboard a huge ship by the bandits.

The members of the Night Pirate Killing Group did not react when they saw this scene. Instead, there was a faint smile with unknown meaning in their eyes.

Yunzheng frowned slightly, feeling something was not right.

She first suppressed her doubts and quickly went ashore. After placing the boat in the storage space, she lined up on the small island on the right to hand over the ruby.

"Thirty thousand rubies."

She handed the ruby ​​​​to a pirate without a band of pirates.

The pirate said impatiently: "Let's go, get on the boat over there."

Yunzheng looked in the direction he said and saw many practitioners waiting on the huge ship. It seemed that they were waiting for everyone to start setting off.

"Okay." She nodded with a smile, but the look in her eyes was very cold.

Yunzheng walked towards the giant ship. Along the way, she quietly observed the surrounding environment and found that there were no traces of blood or battle on the ground.


There hasn't been a fight here for a long time.

Yunzheng's eyes turned sharp, something was wrong.

If there has been friction between the two pirate groups for a long time, it is impossible that they have not fought during this period of time. A sense of vigilance suddenly surged in her heart.

She decided to stay put for now. After all, she was not familiar with this place, so she would observe it secretly first.

Yunzheng stepped onto the giant ship. Her appearance and figure did not attract the attention of other practitioners, and she also deliberately weakened her sense of existence.

Just then——

A fat man and a young man from the giant tribe also boarded the giant ship. Their eyes quickly searched the surroundings, and soon their eyes fell on Yunzheng who was hiding in the corner.

The two men rushed towards her with angry faces and surrounded her.

"You brat, did you do that on purpose?!" the fat man roared.

The young man from the giant tribe looked down at her, clenched his big fist suddenly, and said through gritted teeth: "Boy, if you are a man, come and fight with me! I want to avenge that water!"

Before Yunzheng could answer, the pirates on the giant ship stared at them with displeasure and impatiently threatened: "If you make any more noise, get off!"

The fat man and the young giant man looked at each other, as if they were spineless, and immediately closed their mouths.

When the pirates saw that they knew each other, they left them alone.

Although the fat man and the young giant man did not dare to speak, they surrounded Yunzheng on both sides with their absolute height advantage, and then gave Yunzheng a death stare.

Yunzheng: "..."

"Can you step aside?"

"Haha." The fat man and the young man sneered in unison.

Faced with their strange aura, Yunzheng stretched out her hands and pushed them away easily.

This process takes less than a second.

The fat man looked confused: "?!" What happened?

The young giant man's pupils shrank and he was about to scream when the man in orange quickly stuffed a steamed bun directly into his mouth.

"Uh...uh uh..."

The man in orange looked at Yunzheng and said apologetically: "Little brother, my two junior brothers with low IQs have caused trouble for you. I will take good care of them next."

When the fat man heard this and wanted to say something unconvinced, the man in orange grabbed his ear and pulled him away.

"Brother! It hurts, it hurts!"

After the young giant man tried hard to swallow the steamed bun, he glared at Yunzheng fiercely, then turned around and followed the man in orange.

Yunzheng looked at the backs of the three of them, thoughtfully.

Not long after, the giant ship was filled with practitioners.

The giant ship began to move towards the middle of the two small islands. On the way, Yunzheng observed that the pirates on both sides of the island seemed to be familiar to each other.

The sea road between the two islands is very narrow, and there are some rocks that they encounter from time to time, causing the giant ship to rock.

About two quarters of an hour later.

The giant ship sailed to the center of the island, and there were more and more pirates around. At the same time, various noisy sounds continued to be heard, sometimes accompanied by slightly arrogant laughter.

At this time, there was a high platform on the island on the left, and a tall man with a ferocious face, sinister eyes and his upper body was standing on top.

He exuded a faint and terrifying coercion, and at least he had the cultivation level of the entire holy world.

The burly man looked down and said in a deep voice: "Lock them in!"

"Why should we be imprisoned?!" The cultivators' faces changed slightly and they shouted one after another.

This chapter has been completed!
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