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Chapter 701

Yuan Haocang's face was gloomy. He raised his hand and pulled down the seaweed and dead fish above his head, and then used his spiritual power to crush them into ashes.

"I'm going to fuck you to death today, you little bastard!" he roared angrily.

After he said that, he frantically raised his palms to attack the island-protecting formation, one blow after another.

Members of the Night Killing Pirates Group: "..." The last time the leader was driven crazy was the Emperor's Crazy Dog a few years ago.

The power of the entire holy world continued to attack the island-protecting formation, causing the already stable island-protecting formation to suddenly become shaky.

Yunzheng's eyes flashed, and she turned around and shouted: "Zhongli."

Zhongli Wuyuan immediately nodded knowingly, and in a flash, he immediately came to Yunzheng's side, and then stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

The two of them drew formations at the same time and headed towards the formation to protect the island.

One side attacks and the other defends.

And when those night-killing pirates wanted to attack the island-protecting formation, they were held back by the ferocious and violent sea beasts and sea monsters.

The strange trio of men in orange also quickly stepped forward to help.

Seeing this, other people also consciously helped to defend the formation.

‘Bang bang bang——’

The two sides remained in a stalemate, which lasted for two quarters of an hour.

The spiritual power of both sides has been depleted a lot. The further back they go, the less spiritual power they contain.

Suddenly, Yunzheng keenly felt the ground shaking slightly, and a bad premonition filled her heart.


Before she could finish her sentence, she felt a strong restraining force pressing on her body, and her body suddenly became weightless.

The others also seemed to have encountered something terrifying, and their expressions were slightly horrifying.

A second later, all the people on both sides of the attack and defense disappeared, and there was an eerie silence on the islands.

At this moment, somewhere on the island, a woman in white robe was kneeling in front of this carved stone statue, her hands covered in blood were attached to the base of the stone statue.

Meng Xiaoxiao's expression was almost crazy, her eyes were full of greed and joy, and she couldn't help but murmur repeatedly:

"The believer Meng Xiaoxiao sacrifices thousands of lives to pray for the Demon Lord to come to the world and lead us, the descendants of the Demon Clan, to regain our glory..."

"The letter girl dreams of Xiaoxiao..."

The blood from her hands continued to invade the carved stone statues, and her face became weaker and weaker, but she seemed unaware of it.

Gradually, her eyes became dull, the flesh and blood under her skin withered, her face suddenly became thinner, and her hair suddenly turned white.

She was still muttering weakly: "The letter girl Meng Xiaoxiao..."

Not long after, Meng Xiaoxiao changed from a living person to a skeleton. Suddenly, the skeleton was scattered on the ground.

Just then——

A human-shaped black mist floated out from the carved stone statue. It was difficult to see clearly its gender and appearance. An indistinguishable male and female voice sounded in the silent space.

"I finally came out..."

The black mist quickly swept out of the two-sided island and headed in a certain direction.

At this moment, Shenye Sect_

The beautiful young man wearing a dark blue robe seemed to sense something. He slightly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

His fair and voluptuous face revealed a somewhat unknown expression.

Suddenly, a voice came, "Junior Brother Yan! Did you know? Feng Xinglan and the others actually broke the record of the Demon Gathering Tower again..."

"So what?" Yan Kongye said with an indifferent smile.

The male disciple in white robe who spoke just now asked doubtfully: "Junior brother Yan, are you really not afraid of losing the limelight to them?"

There was a dark flash in Yan Kongye's eyes. Anyway, he had lost the limelight to a few of them not once or twice, so he didn't care about it.

Someone's figure flashed through his mind, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of irritation on his face, and he frowned impatiently.

The male disciple opposite noticed that he didn't look good, and thought that although he said he didn't care about Feng Xinglan and the others, he was extremely unhappy with Feng Xinglan and the others in his heart.

He suddenly showed a look of understanding.

The male disciple comforted him softly: "Junior Brother Yan, you are all rising stars of the Shenye Sect. It is inevitable that you will be compared together. I understand."

Yan Kongye glanced at him and blurted out with red lips: "Idiot."

Male disciple: "?!"

Forbidden Sea Area_

Yunzheng once again experienced being suddenly transported to an unknown place, but this time there were some differences from the previous times.

She went into the bottom of the sea.

If she hadn't found the water-proof beads from the pirates' storage rings, she would have drowned now.

Deep under the sea, it is not dark, but instead emits a faint soft light.

She saw an underwater palace, carved with beautiful pearls, and various corals and sea plants became decorations.

She put the water-proof bead necklace around her neck and began to swim towards the underwater palace.

Suddenly, two sharks appeared in front of me.

I saw that their upper body was a human body, and their lower body was a huge blue tail.

There was a man and a woman. The male Mermaid had his bare chest and his long light blue hair was brushed behind his shoulders. He was holding a plate in his hand, and the contents of the plate were covered with something.

The female mermaid wore cooler clothes on her upper body, with a white pearl hanging around her neck. Her hair was pulled up, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised, giving people a gentle feeling.

The male shark looked at Yunzheng, frowned and said displeasedly: "Zhengzheng, the banquet is about to begin! Why don't you come over and help?"

Yunzheng: "?"

"Anan, stop talking about Zheng Zheng." The female shark gave the male shark a helpless look, then turned to look at Yunzheng, and said with a gentle smile: "Zheng Zheng, be obedient and go to the banquet with your sister to help. Today

This is the day when the king invites people from all ethnic groups to discuss how to slay the devil, so we cannot delay it."

Yunzheng frowned slightly, what's going on?!

The next moment, her face changed slightly, and she suddenly looked down at her legs, only to see that her legs had turned into a beautiful light blue tail.

Her upper body was changed into a set of vest-like pearl clothing, which covered her breasts and barely covered her slender waist.

However, a large portion of her fair and smooth arms were exposed.

She wanted to move around twice, but she never thought that her big tail would snap and sweep around her. Her expression was a little subtle and awkward.

Yunzheng tried to break through this seemingly real illusion, but to no avail. Moreover, she also found that she could not contact Dajuan and the others.

The female mermaid looked at her doubtfully, "Zheng Zheng?"

Yunzheng suppressed the confusion in her heart, smiled and shouted: "Sister."

The male mermaid urged: "Let's go, let's go, we need to send this token to the banquet quickly."

The female shark swam over and reached out to hold Yunzheng's hand. She looked sideways at Yunzheng with a gentle and demure look on her face, "Don't be afraid, my sister is here."

This chapter has been completed!
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