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Chapter 770

In the dilapidated woods, there was a hidden cabin with fences on both sides. There were many magical herbs and medicinal herbs planted inside the fence. They looked lush and thriving.

At this moment, a white light emitted from the cabin, covering the entire area, making it difficult to see the scene inside clearly.

Seeing this, a handsome man in a silver robe showed a guarded smile on his face. He entered the white light area without hesitation and opened the wooden door of the cabin.


An extremely cold breath hit my face, making people panic.

The white light gradually faded away, and a huge piece of fairy jade cold crystal was seen standing in the middle of the cabin. On top of the fairy jade cold crystal, there was a girl in red lying quietly, with a faint cold air.

She wraps.

Her hands were folded on her abdomen, her eyebrows were like ink paintings, and her facial features were exquisite, giving off a somewhat tranquil atmosphere.

She was not breathing and had no heartbeat.

Just like a dead person.

Yun Junyue saw that the girl still had no reaction, and a look of depression and disappointment flashed in his eyes. Do you need to wait any longer?

He took a deep look at her and then withdrew his gaze. He couldn't stay in for too long, because he would bring the turbid air into the cabin and affect Zheng'er's resurrection...

The moment he turned around and took steps forward, he suddenly heard subtle sounds coming from the cabin.




The heartbeat gradually became stronger from weak.

Yun Junyue suddenly looked back and looked at the girl lying on the fairy jade cold crystal. Her long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, and the fingers on her abdomen curled up a few times.

Yun Junyue strode forward and stood next to Xianyu Hanjing, looking down at Yunzheng with nervousness and joy in his eyes.


At this time, Yunzheng suddenly became conscious. She felt that her body was very heavy, and she also heard many voices.

Isn't she already dead?

Suddenly a "Zheng'er" sound came, which made her heart tremble, and her eyebrows furrowed tightly. Was this... daddy's voice?

"Zheng'er, it's time for you to wake up."

When Yunzheng heard this, she slowly opened her heavy eyelids. The light that came in was a bit dazzling, making her frown slightly.

The things in front of her gradually became clear from haziness, and she saw a handsome face that was unfamiliar yet familiar. She was stunned for several seconds.


When Yun Junyue heard the words 'Daddy', she was just happy when she was caught off guard and heard the next sentence of her serious inquiry.

"Are you dead too?"

Yun Junyue: "..."

He explained patiently: "I didn't die, but you died again."

After hearing what he said, Yunzheng lowered her eyes and fell into a long silence. Yes, she died twice in total. The first time she died was in the Hua Kingdom in her previous life, and the second time was...at the Tianling Conference.

"Dad, are you the one who dressed up as Yan Chen a few days ago?"

Yun Junyue's face paused slightly.

A few days ago…

He explained: "The person pretending to be your friend is indeed your father, and the person who gave you the elixir is also your father. In fact, it is not a healing elixir, but two kinds of medicine. One is that it can completely cover up all the breath and soul.

The Immortal Breath Pill, and the second is the Death-Destroying Phantom Pill, which will cause you to become severely comatose when you are on the verge of death, creating the illusion of complete death."

When Yunzheng heard these words, there was doubt in her eyes. She tried to sit up hard, but her body was very heavy.

She couldn't move at all.

This may be a sequelae.

Seeing this, Yun Junyue leaned over and helped her up, and then used a small technique to make her back lean on the vine net woven from wood elements.

"Thank you, daddy."

She said with a smile, then her eyes flickered, she looked up at Yun Junyue, and asked seriously: "Dad, did you do this in advance because you knew I would die? Or what?"

Yun Junyue looked slightly solemn: "Do you still remember the things I left for you at Shen'an Sect in Zhongling Prefecture? There is the ancient artifact Blood Bell Umbrella, and there is also a letter."

"The letter said that daddy will fight for your destiny..."

Yunzheng nodded: "I remember."

"When you were just born, your mother divined your destiny for you. If you embark on the path of cultivation, you are destined to have a death disaster. There is almost no possibility of resolving this death disaster. In order to avoid you

You came into contact with cultivation, so your mother sent you to another world first."

"I didn't expect you to come back and embark on the journey of cultivation. This death disaster is unavoidable and coming fiercely, so your mother and I made complete preparations in advance to let you escape from death and resurrect. So I said

, your previous aura has been completely covered up."

Yun Junyue said, thinking of the man in the ghost mask. He was so strong that even the top experts in Qiongtian Continent could not match him.

His appearance was the source of Zheng'er's death.

Why do people from the Tian Clan want to kill Zheng'er?!

Yun Junyue pursed her lips. As long as Zheng'er didn't expose her soul, the forces behind the man in the ghost mask wouldn't find out that she still existed.

"Actually, after your mother sent you to another world, it wasn't long before your mother wanted to take you back, but during this period some accidents happened."

Yunzheng frowned slightly and asked worriedly: "What accident? Dad, where is mother now?"

Yun Junyue fell silent.

Because he couldn't find any trace of Lan'er either.

He found the Immortal Breath Pill, and Lan'er suddenly appeared and gave it to him a few years ago. He was still happy that she was back, but he didn't expect that she would leave a letter the next day.

, and left.

Yunzheng noticed her father's depressed mood and said with a smile: "Dad, we will definitely find my mother. Then we will go back to see my grandpa, aunt, and grandpa together."


Yun Junyue laughed, nodded solemnly, raised his hand and touched Yunzheng's head.

"Dad, I still have two questions?"

Yun Junyue smiled fondly and said, "Ask."

She hesitated to speak, and after secretly glancing at her father's expression, she asked uncomfortably: "Dad, if this elixir only causes the illusion of death, then why are my and Ashuo's horoscopes still disconnected?"


In the chaos, before she died, she also wanted to disconnect from Ah Shuo's life chart, but he refused to let her go. In the end, she only broke off the contractual relationship with her Zazai.

The natal charts are in harmony, and the two understand each other.

However, if one of the people whose natal charts are fused is lower than the Spiritual Emperor, no matter which party dies, the other party will die.

If both of them are higher than the Spiritual Emperor, then the death of one of them will greatly shorten the lifespan of the other.

There was a hint of sadness in her eyes, is A Shuo okay now?

Yun Junyue was not surprised when he heard the name 'A Shuo', because he was not blind. His daughter actually blocked his sword, which was enough to illustrate the relationship between the two of them.

This chapter has been completed!
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