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Chapter 817

"You're right, it's you." Zhao Jintong said, approaching Yunzheng and taking a sniff, just like a gangster old man.

Yunzheng wanted to step back, but Lady Nine noticed her movements and guessed that Yunzheng was afraid of Zhao Jintong, an old and dishonest drunkard. Then she silently reached out and led Yunzheng back.

Ninth Lady frowned and stared at Zhao entering the passage: "Take back your wretched look, don't scare this little girl."

Zhao Jintong was stunned for a moment, then he chuckled and said, "I'm not being vulgar, I'm kind."

At this time, the old man in a plain robe and two other middle-aged men also came over.

At this time, five big guys surrounded the weak and innocent Yunzheng.

Yunzheng: "..."

"Do you still remember that you once picked out stones to choose a master in the branch hall of the college?" Zhan Lunhuan, a middle-aged man in black robe, asked with a serious look on his face and went straight to the point.

When Yunzheng heard this, she remembered that she and Elder Kou Daiyu entered a secret room. In the secret room, Elder Kou took seven stones for her to sense...

Could it be that the elders she sensed on the stone were the ones in front of her?

However, besides Elder Kou Daiyu, there is one person missing.

Because she and the seven stones all had a spiritual connection.

"I remembered." Yunzheng stood weakly in the middle, raised his eyes and looked at the five of them and said: "It turns out they are five elders, but the students have blind eyes and cannot recognize Mount Tai."

Jiu Niangzi said: "You have a spiritual connection with us, but you don't choose us as your master. Does this mean that you have 'began to be in trouble but have finally given up'?"

"You little girl, you are quite capable of stimulating the spiritual power of several of us." Jun Feng, a middle-aged man in gray robe, said with a smile. He wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to investigate her.

Talent, but before she got close, she felt an inexplicable fog enveloped her. She couldn't break through the fog and couldn't get in.

Jun Feng raised his eyebrows, which was strange.

Zhao Jintong held the wine jar and took another sip of wine. When he opened his mouth to speak, bursts of alcohol odor came out, making everyone present frown.

"Girl, why didn't you choose me?" Zhao Jintong stared at Yunzheng, clearly feeling that the spiritual connection between him and this girl was very strong.

Over the years, he has rarely encountered a good candidate whose skills are compatible with his, but in the end, this good candidate chose someone else!

"You should take me as your teacher." Zuo Bufan, an old man in plain robes, glanced at Zhao Jintong with disgust, then said to Yunzheng with a smile.

Zuo Bufan continued to laugh and said: "You should follow me to refine the talisman, instead of following a drunkard to do drunken fist tricks."

"Learn swordsmanship from this elder." Zhan Lunhuan said with a serious face.

Jiu Niangzi sneered: "I think this little girl would be good at learning illusions from me."

Jun Feng squinted his eyes and smiled like a scheming fox. He said unhurriedly: "I am involved in all kinds of martial arts and combat skills. Little girl, I can teach you anything."

Zhao Jintong was anxious and quickly looked at Yunzheng, smiling brightly and saying: "You learn boxing from me, kick and kick scumbags, defend your love, and walk on the road of life. There are so many beautiful men in the clouds. You can hold two in three years, and you can hold two in five years."


Yunzheng's expression was subtle: "..."

How to give birth to eleven children in five years?

"That's enough, Zhao Jintong, don't say what you said in the storybook, it's insulting to the gentlemen!" Ninth Lady frowned and continued: "You don't need a man in your cultivation."

Zhao Jintong disagreed and snorted coldly: "Ninth Lady, did you learn this from Dai Yu?"

Speaking of Kou Daiyu, their eyes seemed to meet, and then subtly fell on Yunzheng.

Zuo Bufan laughed: "Little girl, you are very brave, you actually dare to refuse Elder Kou Daiyu's invitation to become a disciple, hahaha..."

The five of them have been away all year round. After having a spiritual connection with the little girl that day, they immediately went to ask Mr. Jin.

They didn't ask Kou Daiyu because they were all a little timid when facing Kou Daiyu.

At that time, Mr. Jin hesitated and said: "Dai Yu didn't accept that little girl as his apprentice, so don't even think about it. The little girl didn't choose you either..."

Therefore, the five of them thought that Yunzheng had rejected Elder Kou's invitation to become a disciple. If he could have a spiritual connection with all six of them, he must be an extremely talented young man.

Kou Daiyu failed to recruit a disciple...

The five of them returned to Qiongtian Academy at the same time, just for this good prospect.

The five bosses all looked at Yunzheng, "What? Which elder do you want to be your disciple?"

When Yunzheng heard the words "Reject Elder Kou...", she felt something was wrong. Because Elder Kou never said these words to her, how could she reject Elder Kou?

Moreover, she still doesn't know who owns the stone she picked.

Yunzheng explained: "Five elders, I think you must have recognized the wrong person. I have selected stones in the secret room, but Elder Kou did not invite me to become a disciple."

As soon as these words came out, Jiu Niangzi and the others frowned slightly.

Zhao Jintong looked at Yunzheng suspiciously, "Really?"

"It's absolutely true." Yunzheng nodded. One thing she was sure of was that Elder Kou never told her that he wanted to accept her as his disciple.

"Did you admit the wrong person?" Zhao Jintong scratched his messy hair and looked at Jiu Niangzi and the others with doubts on his face.

"Sorry for wasting the elders' time." Yunzheng did not feel disappointed. She only felt relieved. She asked with a smile: "Student, I would like to know the direction of the library. How to get there?"

"That." Zhao Jintong subconsciously pointed to the deep road. This is the fastest way to reach the library, and it is also the most remote way.

"Thank you, elder." Yunzheng silently walked out of the encirclement, and then respectfully bowed to them as a junior.

Immediately, she walked forward briskly.

"Zhao Jintong, did you really admit the wrong person?" Zhan Lunhuan frowned. In fact, they came back late and Zhao Jintong came back early, so they also thought he was the person Zhao Jintong identified.

After all, they quite trust Zhao Jintong.

"Maybe." Zhao Jintong was also confused while holding the wine jar. His mind was a little confused. He had forgotten how he found this little girl.

"Drinking will cause trouble!" Jiu Niangzi said coldly. In fact, she quite likes the little girl just now. If she meets her next time, let's see if we can form a master-disciple relationship.

Suddenly, a scene flashed through Zhao Jintong's mind. He habitually slapped the wine jar with his hand, and it exploded with a 'click, click, click', and a piece of tile fell off, accompanied by the splashing sound of wine.

Zhao Jintong's eyes widened, "I remember, because those students said she was an extraordinary genius, I thought she was that..."

Before he could finish speaking, the four figures in front of him quickly disappeared, their auras obviously heading towards the library in front.

"Holy shit!" Zhao Jintong reacted and gave himself a slap. He had known better not to say it.

What an extraordinary genius!

An extraordinary genius like Emperor Zun Rong Shuo!

This chapter has been completed!
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