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Chapter 1027 Yue Yunsong's annoyance!

The aroma of tea was lingering, Chen Jing was sitting on the sofa, and Yue Yunsong, who was sitting in the main seat, looked a little ugly.

He pointed to the thick piles of documents on the table, hesitated to speak, and sighed for a long time: "Secretary Chen, your recent shift in work focus has brought a lot of difficulties to the work of the municipal party committee. You

Now that I'm back, I finally have a chance to take a break from my busy schedule!"

He paused and said: "We are in a bit of chaos in Guancheng right now. There are some cadres who have very serious problems with their ideological consciousness. They are too stubborn and arrogant. That's fine. The key is that some of our comrades are too hasty and too arbitrary in handling things and just move forward blindly.

Chong, don’t know how to look at the overall situation, this is what we must be vigilant about!”

Chen Jing didn't say anything. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table, lit it, took a deep breath, and then said:

"Secretary, it is my responsibility that I have not done a good job in improving the ideological development of cadres. I will work hard to correct this and correct this unhealthy trend as soon as possible!"

Yue Yunsong smiled faintly and said: "Secretary Chen, I am not trying to flatter you. What we in Guancheng need are this kind of hard-working cadres. There are more than ten people in our team. If there are two or three cadres like you, Guancheng

It has a great future! It’s a pity..."

Yue Yunsong snorted softly, stood up and said: "Okay! I've delayed you enough, go and get busy! Some things become more and more infuriating the more we talk about them, so it's okay not to talk about them!"

Coming out of Yue Yunsong's office, Chen Jing felt puzzled.

Yue Yunsong's attitude today shows that he has obviously encountered something unpleasant recently. Who made him unhappy? What did he do to make him unhappy?

Chen Jing indeed paid less attention to the work of the Municipal Party Committee during this period, and he has not yet realized it.

As deputy secretary, Chen Jing must have a strong ability to understand the leader's intentions. There are some things that the top leader will not explain clearly. When he points it out, Chen Jing has to grasp it.

If the top leader refuses to show up, he needs to be brave enough to step in. What can he do if he can't understand the top leader's intentions?

Chen Jing sighed and shook his head slowly.

He is really not used to being the deputy, and sometimes he fails to grasp some issues properly.

Back in his office, Chen Jing picked up the phone and wanted to call Secretary-General Wang Qihua over to investigate the situation, but he hesitated. Still did not act rashly.

Political matters are sometimes grinding and require patience.

Chen Jing really didn't believe it. Yue Yunsong had this attitude. What else could not come to light?

Just when he was thinking this, Zhang Guomin opened the door and came in. He said that Secretary Jin of the Discipline Inspection Commission wanted to report on his work.

Chen Jing's heart moved. The corners of his mouth curved, and he suddenly understood.

Just now he said he had to wait, but now it seems there is no need to wait. He wants to wait but can't wait!

Chen Jing has never taken charge of the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Kim Jong Mian always turns to Yue Yunsong when he has something to do.

The sun came out from the west today, and he took the initiative to report to me?

Kim Jong-myeon is very thin, with a narrow face, which makes him look a bit feminine.

In Wancheng, Kim Jong-mian had a typical Discipline Inspection Commission face, serious in speech and expression.

However, his reputation among the people is not high. Corruption incidents have occurred frequently in Guancheng in recent years. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection led by Kim Jong-mian seems to be unable to keep up with the pace of anti-corruption.

The society generally thinks that Kim Jong-myeon is a bit weak, he does not dare to touch interest groups, he only shouts slogans, and does not do practical things.

As for Chen Jing, he has a pretty good opinion of Kim Jong Mian.

It is difficult to be the secretary of the Guancheng Discipline Inspection Commission. It can be said that he is dancing with shackles. When it comes to any rape case, he faces pressure from all sides.

Kim Jong-myon is sometimes in a difficult position when caught in the competition among interest groups.

Under the current system, the Discipline Inspection Commission also works under the leadership of the Party. How could Kim Jong-myeon be separated from the leadership of the Party committee?

Kim Jong Mian is just smart. He has been at the forefront to bear the pressure for so many years. The achievements and achievements in anti-corruption in Wancheng belong to the party committee. How can the secretary not like such an attitude of not caring about fame and fortune, and being willing to work as a coward?

The report materials Jin Zhengmian handed to Chen Jing were mainly about the construction of party style and clean government in the city in the recent stage.

The most important one mentioned is the Public Security Bureau.

There was a change of leadership in the Public Security Bureau, and Ding Dejun took over the position of Director of the Public Security Bureau amidst loud calls, and his performance was indeed extraordinary.

The first thing he did when he came to power was to pay close attention to the construction of party style and clean government within the Public Security Bureau and rectify the overall atmosphere. Judging from the current situation, Ding Dejun was very tough and uncovered a bunch of gangsters within the Public Security Bureau.

Typical, this work is still in full swing.

Chen Jing browsed through the report materials, knocked on the table with his hand and said: "Lao Jin, the construction of party style and clean government is a very serious problem in Guancheng. Do you have any concerns about your current work?"

Jin Zhengmian pondered for a moment and said: "Secretary Chen, the problem in Wancheng cannot be solved overnight. Some of our units are currently engaged in anti-corruption campaigns, and I am worried that it may be overkill!"

He sighed softly and said: "Recently, our Discipline Inspection Commission has received a lot of reporting materials. Through our work verification, a considerable amount of the materials are false reports. This aspect has caused difficulties in our work and increased the workload.


On the other hand, people have to worry that so many false reports will cause great harm to our serving cadres..."

Chen Jing was silent for a moment, took out a cigarette and lit it, then said for a long time: "Tell me a few examples! The Public Security Bureau has done very well in anti-corruption recently, so just talk about the Public Security Bureau!"

Kim Zhengmian's eyes flashed, then disappeared, and he said: "I am really worried about the Public Security Bureau recently. There is severe internal turmoil. In recent times, we have received more than a dozen letters of complaint against Comrade Ma Haishan, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau.

We attach great importance to such reports and have set up a special investigation team to investigate.

But what about the final investigation results? These reporting letters were basically false reports.

We thought it was abnormal for so many false reports to appear, and I wondered if our party style and clean government construction had gone too far? Has it turned into a criticism movement?"

Chen Jing smiled faintly and put out the cigarette butt without saying a word.

Ma Haishan is the deputy director who was promoted by Yue Yunsong himself. This time, the Public Security Bureau is paying close attention to the construction of party style and clean government, and it has affected Ma Haishan. Isn't this trying to tear Yue Yunsong's face apart?

Ding Dejun is not a gas-saving lamp. His actions this time are aimed at party building, but his deeper purpose may still be to take this opportunity to suppress his opponents and establish his authority as the top leader.

At this point, Chen Jing also somewhat understood Yue Yunsong's complaints.

Ding Dejun's tail is too big to fall off, which may pose a threat to Yue Yunsong.

Besides, Ding Dejun was already very close to Jiang Shaokun. Without Jiang Shaokun's support, how could he dare to fight Yue Yunsong with his strength?

When he thought of this, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh.

Whenever we encounter such conflicts and games, we have to play the role of peacemaker.

It’s not easy to play this role. If you don’t do it well, you won’t be able to please both parties. In the end, your path may become narrower and narrower!

Chen Jing did not speak, but Jin Zhengmian became a little anxious. He sighed and said: "Secretary Chen, we still need your instructions for the next step of our Discipline Inspection Commission's work!"

Chen Jing knocked on the table with his hand and said: "Lao Jin, regarding the Discipline Inspection Commission's efforts to build a clean and honest government, my attitude is to encourage the advanced, set benchmarks, and strengthen publicity. For example, the Public Security Bureau has done a good job in building a clean and honest government this time.

It had an impact.

We must increase publicity efforts, fully encourage their achievements, and guide other units to learn from their experience.

In addition, we must also emphasize openness and transparency, openness and transparency in party style and clean government, involve grassroots comrades, strengthen social supervision, and let the National Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference play an active role. These are all things we need to work hard to strengthen in future work.


Therefore, the focus of our work is to maintain the current enthusiasm, but also work hard to make corrections to ensure that corrections are not excessive. In this regard, the Discipline Inspection Commission must establish the general direction!"

Jin Zhengmian was stunned. He was obviously confused by Chen Jing's big speech.

The real purpose of his coming here today is to discuss the recent affairs of the Public Security Bureau.

Ding Dejun did too much inside the Public Security Bureau, especially his very explicit methods of excluding dissidents. Secretary Yue was furious about this.

Kim Jong Mian faced a dilemma, and his wishful thinking was to leave the matter to Chen Jing and let Chen Jing handle it properly.

But Chen Jing gave such an instruction, what should he do?

Jin Zhengmian left Chen Jing's office gloomily, and Chen Jing smiled coldly.

He knew who Ding Dejun was. Kim Zhengmian couldn't figure it out, Wei Hua couldn't figure it out, and even Yue Yunsong had a headache. How could Chen Jing go to contact him head-on?

Besides, Ding Dejun pays close attention to the construction of clean government. He can be said to be upright and occupies an extremely advantageous position. To suppress him at this time, wouldn't it create possible political stains on himself?

Besides, Kim Jong Mian's calculations were too loud, and he was a little naive in thinking that Chen Jing would be taken advantage of.

Chen Jing called the Propaganda Department and instructed them to strengthen the publicity work on party style and clean government, strive to set off a city-wide movement to build party style and clean government, work hard to set benchmarks, and seriously understand the Qing Municipal Party Committee

and the intent of municipal government-related documents.

After Chen Jing finished giving instructions, a smile appeared on his lips. Just at this moment, the phone on the table rang.

He leaned over and looked at the call, frowning slightly.

Just now that we have sorted out these troublesome things about the Municipal Party Committee, the troublesome things about Zoumahe have arisen again.

He grabbed the phone and said, "Xiaoyu, where are you?"

Tang Yu said in a low voice on the other end of the phone: "Chen Jing, your voice seems to be very defensive. What's wrong? Our reporter has such a big incident in Guancheng, and you don't even want to give an explanation.

Me alone?"

Chen Jing sighed, his tone softened, and said: "Of course I have to explain it to you, but now we are in the process of investigation..."

"I don't care, my people have arrived in Guancheng, you must give me an explanation today..." (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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