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Chapter 1060: Chen Jing's Choice

Chen Jing unexpectedly received a text message from Zhou Zibing.

The number of words in the text message is very small, just five words: "Guancheng should be stable!"

After receiving this message, Chen Jing's first thought was that the current situation in Lingnan might not be stable.

The news that Zhou Zibing is leaving Lingnan is very popular. Zhou Zibing's departure will trigger a series of personnel changes. It is obvious that all forces in Lingnan are currently eyeing it, hoping to seek more benefits from the new changes in the Lingnan team.

Zhou Zibing rarely spoke directly to Chen Jing, and Chen Jing never received direct instructions from Zhou Zibing.

Zhou Zibing had something to do. If he had any requests for Chen Jing, he usually conveyed them to Chen Jing through Huang Hongyuan. This time he sent a text message directly to Chen Jing, which only shows that the situation is more serious.

Chen Jing did not understand the game at the provincial level very well, but this did not prevent him from understanding Zhou Zibing's intentions.

Obviously, Zhou Zibing is preparing for his new post. Before he takes up his new post, ensuring the smooth transition of the old and new teams in Lingnan and ensuring the stability of the entire Lingnan situation are issues he must consider.

Perhaps the current instability in Wancheng has caused a great shock in the province. Under such circumstances, it may be of great significance to ensure that Wancheng remains stable.

Seeing this short message, Chen Jing smiled bitterly and shook his head.

As soon as he raised the sword, Zhou Zibing gave such instructions. Does this mean that he has to take back the arrow he shot?

Obviously, Chen Jing would not have such a superficial understanding.

Political battles are battles without gunpowder.

When the enemy and we are fighting a war, the best way to seek balance and peace is not to compromise or show weakness.

On the contrary, the stronger you are on the battlefield, the more capable you are of controlling the situation and the more you have the right to speak.

The current situation in Wancheng is exactly like this. If Chen Jing wants to compromise, others will push for more. If Chen Jing is stronger and more aggressive, his opponents will be afraid and will be forced to sign an alliance under the city. This is the prerequisite for seeking stability.


Chen Jing knew very well that it was time for him to take action!

It was still a rainy day, so Chen Jing went to work as usual. Halfway through, he met the deputy mayor of the government, Zheng Liaodeng.

When Zheng Liaodeng saw Chen Jing, he walked over quickly and said with a smile: "Secretary Chen, you are so honest. You walk to work every day!"

Chen Jing narrowed his eyes at him and said, "The same goes for Mayor Zheng! Otherwise we wouldn't be able to meet him, right?"

Zheng Liaodeng smiled coquettishly and said: "Secretary Chen, to be honest with you, I came here specifically to meet you today!" He paused and said:

"The situation in Guancheng has been very unstable recently. As the deputy mayor in charge of the government, I feel a lot of pressure. Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that someone is messing up the situation. We have some city leaders who are deliberately spreading rumors for fear of chaos.

Rumors, confusing the situation, we have to be vigilant about this!"

Chen Jing frowned, shook his head and said: "Mayor Liaodeng, you seem to have a point in what you said! If you have anything to say, just say it directly, there is no need to hesitate!"

Zheng Liaodeng took a deep breath and said: "Let me open the skylight and speak out! At this time, Mr. Wan Xin is being raided by the procuratorate. Wan Xin is not sensible. He has been bewitched by others and feels that he is taking advantage of the Zoumahe incident.

I have suffered a loss and want to regain my position.

Isn't this someone taking advantage of you? Some people want to use the incident in Zoumahe to create information about you, so he foolishly let down his guard..."

When Zheng Liodeng said this, he coughed dryly and said: "Wan Xin is my junior. For what happened to him, I sincerely apologize to you!" He took out a document bag from his hand and handed it to Chen Jing, "Chen

Secretary, these materials are the so-called black materials compiled by some people. I have read the contents, and they are very ridiculous! You see, Guancheng is now at a critical stage of development. At this time, are we able to treat investors and entrepreneurs?

Be cautious and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings!"

Chen Jing was silent and took out the materials from the document bag unhurriedly.

You wouldn't know if you didn't look at it, but you were shocked when you saw Chen Jing.

This pile of materials involves a lot of content. There is information about Chen Jing's mistress, but the mistress was named Miao Danfang. There is also information about Chen Jing's talk in Zoumahe and the destruction of democratic centralism.

It was signed by many deputy division-level cadres in Zoumahe, and Chen Jing saw the name of Deputy District Chief Ou Hao in the signature.

In addition, during the process of investing in urban construction, Chen Jing engaged in demolition in violation of regulations and disciplines, forcing the demolished households to sign unequal contracts. Attached below are the signatures of more than 20 demolished households.

In addition, Chen Jing interfered with justice, interfered with the legal system, etc. The material was several inches thick.

Chen Jing scanned it hastily, put the material into a document bag and handed it to Zheng Liaodeng and said: "This thing is very good. I was deeply touched after reading it. Let's do this! Since someone has compiled such material, I think this material

How about sending it to the comrades of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and completing this task?"

Zheng Liaodeng was stunned and speechless.

Chen Jing sneered in his heart, Zheng Liodeng was indeed a two-faced person.

On the one hand, he and Wang Qihua organized their own materials, and on the other hand, they brought this material to themselves to make peace. He had a hard hand and a soft hand. On the one hand, he was protecting Wanxin to death, but on the other hand, it was another kind of

Threat in the way?

Wang Qihua compiled these materials with the purpose of putting himself to death, but he used these materials to play cards with himself. Wang Qihua was indeed blind when he met such a person.

Staring at Zheng Liaodeng's uncertain face, Chen Jing said calmly:

"Mayor Liaodeng, you should know what I, Chen Jing, am like. I dare to do things and I am not afraid of people making irresponsible remarks. Over the years, there have been too many people who have made dirty things about me and made irresponsible remarks against me. Often these people and

Things are opportunities for me, because when I encounter this situation, I will think, why do others hate me so much?

The problem arises immediately. Most cases are very simple. It’s just because my actions interfere with other people’s interest chains and block their financial paths. For such people, if the other person is a law-abiding entrepreneur, I

Generally sincere apology.

If the other party is an official, my way of dealing with it is to punish him severely. Officials are public servants of the people, I remember this very clearly."

Chen Jing stared at Zheng Liaodeng's face for a long time before he turned and left without looking back.

Guancheng TV station news broadcast.

The deputy secretary of Guancheng City investigated Yonghe District, Jianshui District, and Beishui District. During the investigation, Secretary Chen emphasized that Guancheng is now at an unprecedented opportunity. The teams of each district should be proactive and work hard to seize the important opportunities now.

During the period of strategic opportunities, the focus of work should be quickly shifted to paying close attention to economic transformation and development.

While Chen Jing investigated various districts, he also went deep into the front lines of each manufacturing company to inspect the current production and operating conditions of each company.

During the inspection, Chen Jing had a cordial conversation with the relevant person in charge of the company and made it clear that the government should support powerful manufacturing companies in accelerating the pace of transformation and upgrading. At present, the Guangzhou City Committee and the government have detailed relevant support policies. This policy

It will be implemented soon and will be implemented in every enterprise.

Chen Jing encouraged the heads of various enterprises, saying that the municipal party committee and the municipal government will always work together with the enterprises. With joint efforts and collective efforts, we will be able to break through the current difficulties and finally embrace a bright future together.

As the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chen Jing has been frequently inspecting grassroots units recently, signaling a shift in work focus to economic construction, which has attracted considerable attention in Guancheng.

Because although Chen Jing has been in charge of economic macro-planning, since he took up the post of secretary of the Zoumahe District Party Committee, he rarely visited other districts.

But now he has taken this step in a high profile, and he has taken this step after taking Ma He away has initially achieved results, which cannot help but arouse many people's speculation.

Does this mean that the Zoumahe model will be extended to the whole city?

Also, is this Chen Jing paving the way for future work?

Now everyone in Guancheng's senior management knows that Jiang Shaokun and Yue Yunsong are in a fight to the death, and at least one of them will be out in the near future.

Under such circumstances, Chen Jing bravely stepped forward to talk about economic construction. Does this mean that Chen Jing will take the leadership position in Wancheng?

Guancheng City Committee, Yue Yunsong's Office, Wang Qihua demonstrated these news broadcasts to Yue Yunsong one by one. Yue Yunsong's expression remained unchanged, but his brows wrinkled slightly.

A few days ago, Yue Yunsong and Chen Jing had a conversation.

During this conversation, Yue Yunsong tactfully told Chen Jing that the expansion of the Zoumahe series of cases may have many risks, which is not conducive to the stability of Guancheng. For the current Guancheng, the top priority is to reverse the current situation of government inaction.

, we must unify the thinking of the entire district as soon as possible and shift the work of the entire district to economic reform and development.

Chen Jing immediately expressed his full agreement with Yue Yunsong's opinion, but at the same time he raised the question of how to deal with some of the information currently available to the prosecutor.

Yue Yunsong was silent for a long time and did not express his position on this matter.

Because he couldn't answer Chen Jing's question. The prosecutor already had the evidence. If he, as secretary, suppressed the evidence forcibly, how would he explain it if something happened in the future?

It has to be said that Chen Jing's answer put a thorn in Yue Yunsong's heart.

Because for Yue Yunsong, he didn't know how much evidence the prosecution led by Chen Jing had and who's evidence it had.

As for him, it is impossible for him to ask the prosecutor to send all these evidences to his desk, because if so, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he is blatantly interfering with the judiciary. Chen Jing is shouting in the city every day that the judiciary is sacred and inviolable.

If Yue Yunsong didn't pay attention to this, wouldn't it be obvious that he would jump into the hole dug by Chen Jing?

Therefore, that conversation was not very pleasant, but Yue Yunsong never expected that Chen Jing would not take any action in this regard after that, but actually began to implement Yue Yunsong's will to shift the city's work focus to economic construction. This

It surprised him and caught him off guard! (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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