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Chapter 1096 Zhou Haidong's attitude!

Chen Jing returned to Lingnan, one after another, and the other working groups also came back.

This time, the Discipline Inspection Commission's rectification office mobilized so many people, scaled the operation, and dealt with so many cases that it was unprecedented.

This is also the most powerful practical action taken by the Correction Office to change its working methods after the launch of the online reporting platform.

Zhou Haidong personally presided over the summary work meeting of the rectification room. At the meeting, he spoke highly of the positive changes in the rectification work. The rectification room has changed from waiting to take the initiative, from the central government to making requests to concrete implementation, creating a record of policy implementation.

At the same time, he emphasized that through such large-scale actions, the Discipline Inspection Commission's Correction Office frequently took the initiative to handle cases, which also objectively improved the prestige of the Commission for Discipline Inspection within the party and trained the work team for correction of misconduct.

We encourage all staff in the rectification office to make persistent efforts in future work and strive to do a better job in rectification work.

After the meeting, the Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Transformation of the Work Methods of Correcting Work Styles in All Provinces and Municipalities", which requires all parts of the country to pay attention to the strict implementation of the requirements of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, especially the requirements of the Central State Council to clean up various unhealthy practices.

All localities must improve the status of work on work style and truly make work on work style a sharp sword for solving and rectifying local party and government conduct.

The timing of the issuance of the "Notice" is very clever.

The actions of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection’s Correction Office in recent months have set a good blueprint for local Commission for Discipline Inspection’s rectification work.

The strengthening of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's rectification work will inevitably affect local governments to strengthen their rectification work. This is a completely coherent action.

This action was not covered in the last national video and telephone conference on rectification of work ethics.

Obviously, this action is a recent decision made by the Central Committee and the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The fundamental reason for making this decision is that the work of the Correction Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has been relatively effective recently and has been praised by knowledgeable people within the party.

Supervision Department.

Office of Vice Minister Zhou Haidong.

Zhou Haidong warmly greeted Chen Jing to sit down, handed Chen Jing a cigarette and said: "Xiao Chen, you can't tell. You have never worked for the Discipline Inspection Commission before, but you got into work very quickly. And you have your own opinion.

The ability to withstand pressure from all parties is a valuable quality for our Discipline Inspection Commission workers.

What happened in Lingang is that I did not fully understand the situation and caused some interference to your work. I sincerely apologize today!"

Chen Jingdao: "Minister Zhou, you are too polite. You have your difficulties and concerns. I understand all of this. At that time, the comrades of the Sixth Office asked us to cooperate. To be honest, I also hesitated. But the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision are the same family, and they

If we can be used, we have no reason to refuse."

He paused and said: "Fortunately, the brother departments did not let our efforts go in vain. They handled the Lingang case beautifully. Our pressure is also reduced!"

Zhou Haidong laughed and said: "Yes, the eight offices of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission are all very capable of handling cases. Their actions are highly confidential and sometimes require our cooperation. This Lingang case is very complicated and involves many interest groups.


The Sixth Supervision Office withstood the pressure, cooperated skillfully with the correction work, and finally got the matter done.

The central leaders were very satisfied with this, and the internal meeting of the Commission for Discipline Inspection also gave them high praise. In addition, through this case, the Commission for Discipline Inspection is also preparing to study it intensively. The leaders intend to regard this case as a typical case. In the future, the Commission for Discipline Inspection will

Communication between various departments must be strengthened, especially joint handling of cases, and cooperation must be normalized.”

Zhou Haidong waved his hand vigorously and said: "Chen Jing, you played an important role in this case, so you should give more ideas on forming a long-term mechanism. This is not my personal intention. Minister Shen came to me specifically. Had a conversation.

You are one of the members of the Internal Work Coordination Group of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and we have added another burden to you!"

Chen Jing smoked with his head down and said nothing.

Judging from Zhou Haidong's tone, Chen Jing had a great victory this time, and the leaders were very satisfied.

But what is it actually like?

Chen Jing himself knew clearly that this time he went to Lingnan to work, which would offend more interest groups and offend more people.

Especially Huang Xiao, who has very deep connections with various ministries and commissions in the capital and even within the central government. Chen Jing and his opponents have already aroused many people's opinions on him.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection handles major and important cases and gets a moment of limelight, but in the end there are countless people who end up badly.

Chen Jing is not optimistic in his heart, he is quite cautious.

Zhou Haidong is someone who has been here before, so Chen Jing's worries cannot be hidden from him, and there is nothing he can do to comfort him.

The particularity of disciplinary inspection work determines the high risks of the work. A successful disciplinary inspection cadre must not only be able to work and handle cases, but more importantly, he must also have a firm will and sometimes a spirit of sacrifice.

The spiritual realm of disciplinary inspection cadres is higher than that of other cadres. Sometimes they are aggrieved, and this is when their realm is reflected.

"Chen Jing, there is a report about you. This matter has caused a relatively large response. Although the report is false, you should pay more attention to it yourself!" Zhou Haidong said.

He handed Chen Jing a report material.

Chen Jing took it in his hand and glanced at it, his expression changed.

This report material was exactly the one concocted by Qin Shanhe, reporting that Chen Jing met friends of the opposite sex in Lingnan and had close contact with Qiu Ruohan.

In fact, Chen Jing has felt the side effects of this report in recent days.

After Qiu Ruohan settled the matter in Lingnan, she talked to Chen Jing on the phone about the matter. She sounded very angry and said that she must investigate the matter thoroughly.

It's okay that Qiu Ruohan's attitude is this, the key is that this matter has aroused people's jealousy.

Qiu Ruohan's husband is Hao Ming, director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance. He is the same age as Chen Jing and is the most promising official of the younger generation in Beijing and Tianjin.

He has been in charge of the Economic Construction Department for three years at a young age, and it is estimated that he will make progress again in one or two years. By that time, he will most likely be the youngest ministerial-level leading cadre in the Republic.

Chen Jing heard some gossip that Hao Ming was very concerned about the groundless report.

And it seems that there was a quarrel with Qiu Ruohan because of this incident.

Of course, Hao Ming will definitely point the finger at Chen Jing in the end, because Chen Jing also heard that Hao Ming asked someone to find information about Chen Jing.

On the other hand, Huang Xiao is said to be leaving Lingang. One theory is that Huang Xiao is going to East China to serve as the deputy governor.

But a more reliable theory is that Huang Xiao studied at the Central Party School. Looking at Huang Xiao objectively, his political achievements in Lingang in the past few years are still remarkable. The only thing that makes him passive now is that he carries a surveillance commission from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The working group's scapegoat.

But this matter is just a suspicion after all, and there is a lack of evidence to prove it.

Huang Xiao is a strong man in East China, and important leaders in the central government admire him.

Therefore, Huang Xiao's political life will only take one turn at most. After studying at the Central Party School, he is bound to make a comeback.

Because of the Lingang matter, Chen Jing and Huang Xiao were finally settled. It is taboo in official circles to make too many enemies.

Chen Jing inexplicably offended two of the republic's future political stars, and his situation is indeed somewhat difficult to describe.

These are all the sequelae of Chen Jing's failure to retreat in Lingang. If he had retreated earlier, would this have happened?

It's a pity that there are no assumptions about things in the world. Things have come to this, and the chess game has reached this point, and he can only continue to move forward.

When a person dies, his eggs will rise to the sky, and he will not die for tens of millions of years.

Chen Jing's character and his personality make it easy for him to fall, and his nature is hard to change. It is already impossible for him to correct himself in a short period of time.

Dinner in the correction room.

The dinner will be held at the Discipline Inspection Commission’s reception hotel.

In the past few months that Chen Jing has been in charge of the correction office, its team has grown, although it is only a gathering for cadres above the deputy department level.

But five tables were actually filled.

Chen Jing seems to have become the protagonist today. Chen Jing has been in Lingnan for more than half a month and has been in trouble many times. However, in the end, he completed the task beautifully and successfully cooperated with the Sixth Office to handle a major case.

Received a notification and commendation from the senior leadership of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Many people toasted Chen Jing. The cadres of the agency group headed by Hou Suguang took turns to join the battle, and the two bureau-level inspectors Huang Xiaoguang and Guo Yu also showed great activity.

In such an atmosphere, even if Yu Haojie had a grudge against Chen Jing, he had to express it.

In fact, Chen Jing treated him well and gave him a chance to speak at the last national teleconference. But now Chen Jing's prestige in the correction room is increasing day by day, and his control is not the same as before.

It is undoubtedly quite unwise for Yu Haojie to confront Chen Jing again. People who work in government agencies have high emotional intelligence and will definitely not do stupid things.

Therefore, the current correctional room is at least quite united on the surface.

During the dinner party, Chen Jing took advantage of the wine to express his position immediately. For cadres who have outstanding performance at work, the correction office must prepare materials and report them.

During the year-end assessment and evaluation, these cadres must also give priority to salary and professional title issues.

Chen Jing knows very well that when managing a department, the most important thing is to make rewards and punishments clear. Only in this way can there be unity among the top and bottom.

Otherwise, good and bad work will be the same, and there is no system in the assessment and evaluation of cadres. The leaders will completely rely on their personal likes and dislikes to deal with problems. There will be no problems in a short period of time, but over time, serious problems will inevitably be exposed.

In fact, now that Chen Jing has to do the following work well, the construction of the entire correction room team is an important test he needs to face.

It is necessary to cultivate a new generation of supervisory cadres, and at the same time eliminate some old comrades who are older and cannot keep up with their fighting spirit.

How to properly replace the old with the new? If there is a working atmosphere in the unit where the old leads the new and everyone strives for progress, this problem must be solved.

Internal problems need to be solved, but the external environment is not optimistic.

There is currently a lot of controversy over the role that the Discipline Inspection Commission plays in the entire discipline inspection work.

How to stand firm in disputes and how to do a good job is a big test! (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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