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Chapter 1150 Kill or not?

Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee, Secretary General Xiao Han carefully closed the door, came to Chen Jing and said: "Secretary, the Investment Promotion Bureau has made several reports saying that they want to increase the number of establishments. The editorial board sent the report to me, and I feel a little confident.

Not good!"

"Bring it to me and take a look? Why, are you thinking of increasing the number of employees now? Are you feeling pressure?" Chen Jing took the report from Xiao Han.

He glanced at it, put the report on the table, and said: "By the way, Lao Xiao, what happened to my driver? Why did you change it for me?"

Xiao Han was stunned and said: "Secretary, this Lao He is old. He is a veteran in the driver's class. He does not work seriously and carefully. Last time, your car broke down during the inspection. I asked some people from the logistics department to

The leaders have conducted serious inspections.

The Logistics Department held a meeting to discuss Lao He's problem and thought..."

Chen Jing frowned, waved his hands and said: "That's all nonsense! If the car breaks down, can you blame the driver? He is a nice guy and the car drives well. You say he is a veteran, but I think he is honest. The driver's fault

If things don’t change, Mr. He will still drive in the future!”

Xiao Han nodded and said: "Yes, Secretary, you don't care. I'll thank you on Lao He's behalf! In fact, he is an old comrade in the driver's class. This time when there was a problem, we were supposed to arrange for him to retire early. Yesterday

He also came to me to intercede. He said that his daughter was in college and his family was in trouble.

If I retire, I can only get 70% of my salary, no bonuses at all, and a loss of more than 10,000 yuan a year. He has no other skills, which makes me feel bad!"

Chen Jing smiled, took out a piece of material from his desk and handed it to Xiao Han: "Old Xiao, these are the opinions given to you by comrades. Take a look, some of the opinions are quite sharp, and you have to understand them correctly. Correct

Treating criticism is the ladder of progress. The reason why we *** people can succeed is that we have the awareness to face criticism! "

Xiao Han took the material in his hand and looked at it carefully. He only looked at a short section. Cold sweat started to fall from his forehead.

The opinions of all the Standing Committee members are included in the materials, and their opinions are quite sharp.

Most leaders think that Xiao Han pursues methods too much and pays little attention to the actual feelings of his comrades. Some also say that Xiao Han is not principled and lacks a stable stance when facing key issues. Also, they say that Xiao Han often fails to grasp his work.

Stay focused...

Xiao Han is not a newbie who just entered the officialdom. He can see through the content behind these words at a glance.

The so-called emphasis on methods in doing things is actually criticizing Xiao Han for being too insidious in doing things, with endless conspiracies and tricks. Isn't this too focused on methods?

As for not being principled, in fact, this is also Xiao Han's style. What Xiao Han is good at is judging the situation. Which way the wind blows, he will fall. Otherwise, how could he be so versatile and become Jingjiang's iron-clad secretary-general for so many years?


Xiao Han's face turned pale. He looked up at Chen Jing and found that the other party was also looking at him.

He hurriedly put down the documents and said: "Secretary..."

Chen Jing frowned and said, "Don't have any psychological burden. You and I have been cooperating for a long time, and you know my character. I always grasp two points when doing things. The first is to seek truth from facts. The second is to face difficulties.

I will share these two points with you today.

The current situation in Jingjiang is very difficult. In the face of difficulties, if we do not face the difficulties and if we do not have a strong sense of responsibility and mission, we will not be able to do our job well.

Using some small tricks and gimmicks is just a trivial approach and cannot reach the level of elegance. It cannot solve practical problems. If we want to do big things, we first need to have the mind and tolerance to do big things. I believe you will understand!"

Xiao Han only felt that his face was burning.

Every word Chen Jing said struck a chord in his heart. He felt like he had become a transparent person, and Chen Jing could see through him at a glance.

This feeling made him feel like a thorn in his back, making him restless and restless.

Chen Jing stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently, saying: "Okay! That's it. The material you showed me just now. Just give Secretary Shan instructions. Don't show these small things to me in the future.



Watching Xiao Han go out, Chen Jing frowned.

Xiao Han didn't seem to listen to what he said. This person is Taiyin. He loves to play politics and thinks he is smart. In fact, his vision is too narrow and he can only see the big nose of a needle. He is a very talented person, but he can't adapt to the current situation.

of Jingjiang.

After replacing Xiao Han, Chen Jing is currently having difficulty making up his mind.

On the one hand, Xiao Han has no obvious fault, and on the other hand, Chen Jing has not fully established himself in Jingjiang. He still has many concerns about undergoing a major operation within the municipal party committee. On the other hand, Xiao Han somehow has great powers and has developed a relationship with Wang Mingfeng.

Not long ago, Wang Mingfeng called Chen Jing and somehow ended up talking about Xiao Han.

Wang Mingfeng said: "I know Xiao Han, he is a talented person. Sometimes he is just a little too clever, and you have to work harder. Not long ago, he was worried that he would not be able to cooperate with your work, so he came to me to learn from me, and I gave him a hard blow.

I was given a meal.

I told him that it is very simple to cooperate with Secretary Chen. Secretary Chen doesn’t like those clever people, so I asked him to be more magnanimous and not just focus on those three walnuts and two dates. What can he accomplish?”

Chen Jing was surprised at the time, thinking that Xiao Han was hiding so much that he, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, had such a close relationship with Wang Mingfeng. Later, Chen Jing carefully compared their resumes and found no clues. He decided on this matter

Feeling bored in my heart.

Regarding the China Investment Bureau, Chen Jing understood that the government had placed a heavy burden on the China Investment Bureau this year. Executive Vice Mayor Liu Decai personally took charge of the investment work. Not long ago, he made major adjustments to the main cadres of the Investment Bureau, and the posture was to work hard.


The current director of the Investment Promotion Bureau is Xie Jinxian, who was recently promoted from the deputy director of the Economic and Trade Bureau.

Xie Jinxian and Xiao Han don't seem to be able to deal with this. Now the China Merchants Bureau wants to establish a staff, but the municipal party committee has been reluctant to approve it. Next, if the China Merchants Bureau increases its staff, as long as it does not involve the addition of cadres above the deputy department, it will not be considered as a member of the Municipal Editorial Committee.


However, this supplementary report could not be approved. Liu Decai reported to Chen Jing two days ago and mentioned this matter tactfully. Chen Jing knew clearly that Xiao Han played a role in it.

Chen Jing smiled and wondered why he had become so indecisive.

When encountering such a situation before, where would there be so many nonsense worries? What to do has already been done!

Could it be that when our people arrived in Jingjiang, they were no longer as energetic as before?

He knocked on the table with his hand and thought to himself, let's give him another chance.

After all, the situation in Jingjiang is not good, and it is not easy to be a leading cadre. In difficult times, we still need to be more tolerant.

"Ding, ding!" The phone on the table rang.

Chen Jing grabbed the phone and said, "I'm Chen Jing, who is this?"

"Secretary Chen Jing! Can you hear my voice?" A hoarse male voice, Chen Jing's mind turned around, he smiled casually and said: "Of course you can, Mr. Zheng, why did you think of calling me?"

Did you find out about our Jingjiang problem again?"

The call was from Zheng Yuankun, which surprised Chen Jing.

Zheng Yuankun smiled on the phone and said: "Secretary Chen, I'm calling you to ask you to read an article. There is an article in our Chujiang.com forum that is very popular now! The author is said to be a college student of your Jingjiang College, with a good standard

Very high.

I just read it and felt baptized, how about you read it too?"

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment and said: "Chujiang Net Forum? I really want to read the article you recommended. Okay, I'll read the article first and report my experience to you later!"

After hanging up the phone call from Zheng Yuankun, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel curious, and opened the webpage and went directly to the Chujiang.com forum.

This forum is the most popular forum in Chujiang. Local netizens in Chujiang chat here, chat, complain, etc. There are many posts every day. Chen Jing has also been on it once or twice before.

I feel that there are a lot of young writers here, and many scholars who have pointed out the country and promoted writing have written articles in it, which is very eye-catching.

Entering the forum, Chen Jing saw a title at the top of the forum: "Jingjiang's Tears - Where will you go?"

Chen Jing judged that this article was what Zheng Yuankun was talking about. It was very popular, with hundreds of thousands of clicks and tens of thousands of comments.

Chen Jing clicked on the article and after reading just one sentence, he was attracted by the author's writing style.

It seems that the author is young, has solid writing skills, and the writing style is quite sharp. The content of the article refers directly to the embarrassing experience of Jingjiang being lost along the way and being overtaken by other cities since the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in 1998.

The article lamented that Jingjiang has become a completely lost city among the cities in Chujiang. Without the support of industry, what is left in Jingjiang is a fragmented environment, and no future can be seen clearly.

Jingjiang is a place without resources, and it is also a city without agriculture and forestry, the traditional advantageous industries of Chujiang. Jingjiang has the largest number of laid-off workers in the province, has the largest burden in the province, and has the worst environment in the province...

At the end of the article, the article wrote: "Jingjiang is just a so-called industrial city artificially constructed under the planned economic system. Jingjiang's false prosperity seems to be a deformity born of the bumpy revival practice since the founding of the Republic. With the advent of reform and opening up,

, Jingjiang urban civilization collapsed, and all the emptiness was finally eliminated in the ruins of the backward planned economy system.

In prosperity, the people suffer; in death, the people suffer. More than five million people in Jingjiang walked from one besieged city into another, larger besieged city..."

Chen Jing read the entire text and was in a daze.

This article is obviously still young, but judging from the writing style alone, the writing skills are extremely solid. Zheng Yuankun said that this article was written by a student, so he should be right.

What shocked Chen Jing was that this article was written from the perspective of ordinary people, an old Jingjiang person. The writing has a romantic atmosphere and is full of pathos that is sad for the collapse of urban civilization. It is really moving.


For Chen Jing, he felt ashamed. After all, he was Jingjiang's parent official... (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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