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Chapter 1156 Do it!

The Provincial Party Committee accepted the candidate recommended by the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and officially appointed Liu Xinlin, deputy mayor of Jingjiang City, as member of the Standing Committee of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor of the People's Government.

At the Standing Committee of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee, Chen Jing made clear requirements for Liu Xinlin, that is, the reform of Jingjiang Industrial Enterprises must be implemented as soon as possible without any further delay.

Liu Xinlin should take the lead in conducting in-depth investigations and then come up with specific plans to fully relieve the burden of the government. At the same time, he should strongly support core enterprises to quickly get out of trouble and strive to build Jingjiang's status as a new industrial center.

Liu Xinlin, a new official, took office and was very motivated. He issued a military order at the Standing Committee. He stated that he would complete the major changes in the entire industrial enterprise within one year.

The burdens that the government should get rid of were resolutely thrown away. Several powerful and capable large enterprises in Jingjiang achieved real growth within one year, laying a solid foundation for the comprehensive revitalization of Jingjiang's industry.

In addition, the Standing Committee also passed a resolution to publicly report on the work of the top leaders of the municipal bureau. This resolution was passed by a show of hands.

The 13 Standing Committee members voted 8 to 5, and in accordance with the principle of the minority obeying the majority, the resolution was formally made, and the date for the public report of work was set on the Wednesday of the first week after the New Year's Day holiday.

The entire public work report is expected to take two days. Chen Jing asked Xiao Han, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Ye, Director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, to personally arrange the deployment. They must talk to and communicate with the main leaders of each bureau one by one to let them correct their thinking and make full preparations.

, if they make a fool of themselves in front of the people of the city because of insufficient preparation, then they are making a fool of themselves.

At the same time, Chen Jing requested that from now on, the preparatory work for the economic work of the Municipal Party Committee in the new year will begin. The economic work meeting of the Municipal Party Committee in the new year is scheduled to be on the tenth day of the first lunar month after the Lunar New Year. The economic work meeting will last for three days. For this time

The city must attach great importance to the economic work conference.

It is necessary to conduct detailed statistics on the agenda of the economic work conference, economic development goals, various indicators, etc., and make a broad layout for the strategic direction of economic development for the year.

Before that, the Municipal People's Congress meeting will be held. Chen Jing, who is also the director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress, said that this time the National People's Congress meeting will strictly review the political work report, and the political work report must fully reflect the focus and focus of the new year's political work.


It is necessary to use construction thinking to think about the changes in Jingjiang in the new year, and on this basis, the goals and direction of political work must be strengthened.

In a sense, the success of the new year's government work report is a good warm-up for the upcoming city-wide economic work conference, so the government must spend a lot of energy and efforts on this.

The Standing Committee disbanded, and Chen Jing left behind Mayor Xu Bing, Deputy Secretary Shan Jianhua, Executive Vice Mayor Liu Decai, Secretary-General Xiao Han and others to make further discussions and arrangements for the implementation of the work of the Standing Committee.

Once most of the standing committee members left, leaving only four or five people, the atmosphere at the venue became very subtle.

Today's Standing Committee meeting lasted a long time, three hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon, a total of seven hours.

During the seven-hour meeting, the Jingjiang team saw for the first time Chen Jing's vigorous and bold style of doing things.

Chen Jing has been in Jingjiang for a short period of time, and his work pace has always been thought-provoking.

Chen Jing's working style is slow and hurried and unpredictable, making it difficult for people to grasp his thinking.

And just as this rhythm was changing, Jingjiang was quietly changing day by day. When Chen Jing parachuted into Jingjiang, he was still alone.

But now Chen Jing has promoted capable cadres on all fronts. Who in Jingjiang still questions the authority of Secretary Chen?

If Chen Jing's previous work methods were compared to guerrilla warfare or mobile warfare, Chen Jing's strategy was to avoid reality and focus on breakthroughs. No matter how complex the situation in Jingjiang was, Chen Jing only focused on one or a few points.

By implementing the work at several points and arranging the personnel at several points, he found a fulcrum amidst the complexity.

You may not be able to tell much from one fulcrum, but now that there are more and more fulcrums, the context of Jingjiang is becoming increasingly clear.

But today, through this meeting, Chen Jing made it clear to Jingjiang cadres that Chen Jing, who is increasingly consolidating his position, is no longer satisfied with small-scale mobile warfare. He is now deploying a grand strategy of all-out attack in the new year.

In Chen Jing's grand strategy, the four teams in Jingjiang need to act simultaneously and play their unique roles on all fronts in the city.

Jingjiang's various aspects of work, from economics to politics, as well as social security, have been included in the grand strategy. Jingjiang's great purge and the era of great changes have arrived with lightning speed.

Regarding the arrival of this change, the decision-making atmosphere at today's Standing Committee seems to be a good reflection of everyone's mood.

During the vote on Chen Jing's resolution, eight people voted in favor, five voted against, and not a single person abstained.

What does this mean?

This at least shows that Jingjiang's interest groups are being divided. Jingjiang is not a monolith. In the past few months since he took office in Jingjiang, Chen Jing has successfully divided people. Under his chaotic and complicated methods of pulling and fighting, he has a vague understanding of Jingjiang's influence.

The situation is actually under control.

So today's meeting is a victorious and successful meeting for Chen Jing.

Some people are really happy and some are worried. At the moment when Jingjiang's political arena is facing a comprehensive reshuffle, vested interest groups are unwilling to give in, while those forces that have always been in a weak position and have been unable to raise their heads are eager to move and try. The balance in all aspects is collapsing on the tightrope. It can be

It is foreseen that the new year in Jingjiang will be a turbulent one.

Xu Bing kept his head down, writing and drawing in his notebook with a pen, his expression extremely serious.

What he is thinking about right now is that since Chen Jing took over, Lu Junnian has been nagging in his ears, telling him to be more careful and more cautious.

He was asked not to seek merit but to seek no faults. For this reason, Lu Junnian even severely beat and criticized Xu Bing many times.

Now that Xu Bing thought about it, it turned out to be so!

During the Anti-Japanese War [***] there was a classic saying: “It’s not that we are incompetent, it’s that the Communist Army is too cunning!”

Chen Jing is really a very capable person. Xu Bing served as the mayor of Jingjiang for several years and has been fighting for the rights that the political ax deserves.

Fortunately, now, Chen Jing has taken the initiative to delegate power to the government and publicly proposed to clarify the functions of the government so that the government can play a greater and more critical role in Jingjiang's great changes.

After Chen Jing let go, Xu Bing discovered that what he had always wanted to get was not so optimistic after getting it.

The government is not monolithic. In the past, Xu Bing only had to pay attention to Liu Decai and maintain a balance with Liu Decai.

But now Liu Xinlin has appeared halfway, and then the other seven deputy mayors have to make a difference in their respective fields. The two core leadership roles are political and political. Until now, everyone has done so.

Xu Bing could almost predict how the next meeting with mayors would be filled with chatter and chatter.

Chen Jing's requirements for cadres are very clear, that is, no matter who they are, they must work hard and do what they say. Those cadres who are obscene, boastful, and big-talking are strictly prohibited from occupying leadership positions.

Chen Jing's skills have already been used by the top leaders of various districts and counties. After the new adjustments to the top leaders of districts and counties this year, each district and county must formulate a development outline in the new year.

All these documents are strictly archived by the Municipal Party Committee and will be publicly reported at the end of the year. Chen Jing has already announced that in the new year's report, these documents will be compared one by one to see who is talking about porn and who is bragging.

It's clear at a glance.

The work reports of cadres can be seen clearly by the people in the city through television. Those leading cadres who brag and speak pornographically can shamelessly continue to work in leadership positions this year. Will they dare to continue to work shamelessly next year?

The districts and counties have set a precedent, and he will soon target all municipal units. It can be foreseen that Chen Jing will use all these methods on these people again.

The cadres below are all keeping an eye on the leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government. These people are all under Chen Jing's eyes. How can they not sacrifice their lives and go all out?

"The meeting is over. I'll leave you here. I know you're not very willing. People are like iron, and food is like steel. We all have consumed a lot of energy today. I asked the municipal party committee canteen to prepare a working meal for each of us. I'll eat it first.

Let’s order something and then we’ll talk!” Chen Jing said calmly.

He waved his hand gently, and Secretary-General Xiao Han stood up and opened the door.

Five work meals are neatly placed on the desk.

Chen Jing took the lead in opening the lunch box and said with a smile: "It's not bad, comrades. Red pork belly, chicken legs, and fruits. Let's get started!"

Xiao Han took a mouthful of rice, glanced up at the other people, and found that everyone was busy eating, so he quickly buried his head.

He has been the secretary-general of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee for some years, and today is the first time he has seen such a scene. The secretary sent the working meal to the office of the Standing Committee, and everyone ate and then continued the meeting. This style is only possessed by Secretary Chen.

It's rare that Chen Jing was able to organize Jingjiang's scattered team into such a short period of time.

If it were in the past, it is estimated that no one would be honest at this time.

We are all leaders of the municipal party committee. Isn't it easy to find an opportunity to run away? But who ran away today?

Xiao Han studied Chen Jing before and found that Chen Jing has a sharp style of work, quick actions, and extremely ruthless methods.

Especially when he first takes up his new job in a local area, the new official's three-fire passion for virtue is particularly strong. In order to eliminate dissidents, killing chickens to scare monkeys is his specialty.

But this time, Chen Jing did not do that. Jingjiang still has the same team up to now. Chen Jing did not move anyone, but added one person to the regular team.

But looking at the effect now, it is no worse than killing a chicken to scare a monkey.

It seems that Chen Jing has changed his job so much from Lingnan to the central government. These resumes are not for nothing. He has really realized his own set of unique skills. This ability to control people is really amazing! (To be continued)


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