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Chapter 113 A Strange Book

Nan Hua vomited blood three times and was really not in the mood to work at night, so he finished the chapter as soon as possible]

Chen Jing recently read behind closed doors

The conversation between Ma Buping and him that day left a deep impression on his mind, and what Chen Jing recently read was precisely the book "International Finance" that Ma Buping gave him as a gift.

Chen Jing had seen this book before, but he did not observe it carefully at that time. Only now did Chen Jing realize that this book was extraordinary.

This book "International Finance" was published by Beijing University Press in 1988. On the title page, Ma Buping's handwriting reads: "Purchased in Beijing in 1988."

On the title page, not only the time and place of purchase of this book are recorded, but also the reason and process of purchase are recorded.

That year, Ma Buping was just an ordinary cadre. His family traveled to the capital and listened to a lecture by an economics professor at Beijing University. In the speech, the professor denounced the low cultural quality of today's officials and their lack of social science knowledge.

At that time, Ma Buping was young and vigorous. He raised his hand to debate with the professor in class. Ma Buping proposed at that time that as a grassroots cadre, the most important thing is to work pragmatically at the grassroots level in rural areas. High cultural quality is important, but without high cultural quality, as long as you are down-to-earth and diligent, you can succeed.

You can also do a good job and do it to the satisfaction of the people.

Faced with Ma Buping's question, the professor did not answer directly, but asked several questions that he often encounters in daily life. Ma Buping did not answer any of them correctly in class.

Taking this as an example, the professor said: “Our cadres often have misunderstandings and believe that social science is far away. However, they do not know that many small things in our daily lives are related to social science. The amount of cultural knowledge our cadres have may not be related to the amount of cultural knowledge they have.

Work ability has little to do with it

But cadres with rich knowledge must be able to help people get rid of poverty and become rich, and they must have strategic vision, so they can stand high and see far.”

The professor told Ma Buping on the spot that the knowledge involved in several of the questions he just asked fell into the category of "International Finance"

Ma Buping was greatly stimulated after listening to this lecture. He bought a copy of "International Finance" at the Capital Store that night and vowed to master this subject.

Chen Jing was deeply moved after reading this record. Only then did he realize that this book had such an origin.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ma Buping's book is more than just a book. It is an important spiritual sustenance for Ma Buping to spur himself on to make progress and study hard.

To be honest, Chen Jing felt that Ma Buping's gift was a bit too heavy.

Ma Buping takes very detailed notes. The gaps in the entire book are written in red fly-headed regular script. The handwriting is very small, but very clear and clear. It is completely meticulous and highly recognizable.

And Ma Buping's records are not limited to this knowledge. Many of them are his random insights.

For example, in a passage, Ma Buping recorded this: "The core of the balance of payments is the word 'balance'. The word 'balance' is the foundation of all things. First of all, the human heart must seek balance. The balance of my heart must be done in order to do things down-to-earth and for the people."

Seeking profit, Yuan Lijie's inner balance is the scene, the external magnificence is the grandeur, Shu Zhiguo's inner balance is the understanding of the eight-character numerology..."

Chen Jing read this passage carefully many times. Ma Buping's passage is very concise, but it is less than a hundred words long, but it contains extremely deep connotations.

Yuan Lijie was the former secretary of the Lihe County Party Committee. Ma Buping told him about his good face and his faults in pomp and circumstance. Shu Zhiguo was the current county Party committee secretary. Ma Buping told the secret of his belief in superstition. There were also many people who recorded it in total.

as many as twenty people

Each person, Ma Buping, only recorded one sentence, but this sentence, just a few words, suddenly made the whole person come alive. Chen Jing suddenly felt that the leaders of the Lihe County Party Committee and the government were not so mysterious anymore.


The most interesting record in this passage is: "Huang Xiaohua's inner balance needs to be flattered every day. Otherwise, he can just plot and punish people every day."

When Chen Jing saw these words, he burst into laughter. Huang Xiaohua's ever-changing face immediately appeared in his mind. Everyone said that Sichuan opera changes faces quickly, but how can Sichuan opera's face changes compare to Director Huang?

Ma Buping's few words captured Huang Xiaohua's soul, giving people the impression that these living people were standing in front of them like that.

Also, although Ma Buping uses very few words, a few words clearly reveal the arrogance, conceitedness, and contempt for the world's heroes in his character. People can clearly feel it after reading it.

its broad-mindedness

It was only then that Chen Jing finally understood Ma Buping's intention of giving the gift.

Ma Buping left Lihe, but this book that recorded tens of millions of information about Lihe remained. By reading this book, Chen Jing can share the people and things in Lihe in Ma Buping's eyes. Ma Buping has been operating in Lihe for most of his life.

And most of his life's insights have been condensed into a strange book, and this book is now in Chen Jing's hands.

Yi Zhouzhen finally calmed down, and Caishui Group resumed production. Zhao Yiping, who had been nervous and anxious during this period, finally had a chance to breathe.

Huang Xiaohua is really a genius. He can really find the key points when dealing with a very difficult problem. However, the methods he uses are all emergency strategies and cannot fundamentally solve the problem. The so-called "not caring about the end" roughly refers to this situation.

But no matter what, the calmness of Yizhou Town, one handsome man covering up all the ugly ones, has temporarily covered up the many problems in that area. As for the various situations in the future, how can Huang Xiaohua be able to control so much?

Besides, if the cunning rabbit is dead and the lackey is cooked, everything is done in one step to solve the leader's problems. In the future, the leader will no longer have troubles. What use does Huang Xiaohua have to do?

Huang Xiaohua is not able to completely solve Yi Zhouzhen's problems, and he doesn't want to completely solve them from the bottom of his heart. It's fine just like this. He often comforts himself that the world exists in contradictions. Isn't it normal for Yi Zhouzhen to have all kinds of problems?


As soon as Zhao Yiping had a chance to breathe, his energy immediately focused on personnel issues.

Before the Standing Committee convened, at the personnel meeting, Organization Minister Bian Zhaonan reported the candidates recommended by the organization. Zhao Yiping frowned and said: "Zhaonan, if there is a problem with your list, take Comrade Chen Jing as an example. I have met this comrade."

, he does have the ability, but he is too young after all. He is appointed as the top leader of the township at the age of 25. Is there a problem with his qualifications?

Besides, the top leader of a township manages tens of thousands of people. In addition to ability, organizational and ideological consciousness is also very important. We must consider this."

Bian Zhaonan was not mentally prepared and was caught off guard by Zhao Yiping's words.

Huang Xiaohua hid behind Shu Zhiguo. Originally, he was not qualified to participate in such a meeting, but today he happened to report to the reporter. When the meeting was held, Zhiguo Ji asked him to come over and review the details together. The reporter asked Huang Xiaohua to participate. Huang Xiaohua was originally the county party committee member.

Standing Committee member, that’s why there was one more person in today’s meeting.

Bian Zhaonan turned his attention to Huang Xiaohua for help, but Huang Xiaohua was immersed in writing and drawing. He had never seen him so serious before.

The meeting suddenly became a little cold. Shu Zhiguo held the coffee in his hand, like Jiang Taigong, and said for a long time: "Besides Chen Jing's questions, what other questions are there?"

Zhao Yiping's arrogance dropped. As soon as Shu Zhiguo spoke, he immediately lost his aggressiveness and said seriously: "I just went through it briefly, and I don't have any questions yet."

Shu Zhiguo took a sip of coffee, looked at Zhao Yiping, and said: "Old Zhao, didn't I tell you to work out a plan with Zhaonan? Haven't you seen the plan Zhaonan just made?


Shu Zhiguo was stunned for a moment, and his face turned a bit ugly.

Some time ago, he was too busy and worried about Yi Zhouzhen's affairs. When Bian Zhaonan asked him for instructions, he asked Bian Zhaonan to make more decisions.

But he did not expect that Bian Zhaonan's idea was so different from his intention, especially regarding the use of Chen Jing. Bian Zhaonan proposed to transfer Chen Jing to the position of Party Committee Secretary of Pingdong Township. This proposal surprised Zhao Yiping

Nowadays, there are many towns and villages in the county. If you look around, they are either named Shu or named Ma. In the past, this situation was fine, but now that Ma Buping has gone, do these places with the surname Ma still have the surname Ma?

"I generally agree with Zhaonan's plan. I have also seen this plan, but recent events have given me some opinions on the job adjustments of individual comrades, so I proposed it today," Zhao Yiping said

Shu Zhiguo responded with a hum and did not express his opinion.

Bian Zhaonan pondered for a while and said: "As for Yi Pingji, what do you mean, Comrade Chen Jing, how should we arrange it?"

Bian Zhaonan asked this question skillfully. The premise of his asking this question was that Chen Jing must have arrangements. If Chen Jing is not arranged to be the secretary of the Pingdong Party Committee, where does Zhao Yiping want to arrange him?

Huang Xiaohua's eyelids twitched. After listening to Bian Zhaonan's words, he knew in his heart that Chen Jing really had some background.

Bian Zhaonan must have noticed it. Judging from Shu Zhiguo's expression, he must have been the same. Huang Xiaohua was secretly ashamed that he was blind, but he didn't realize it until later.

Zhao Yiping was also a little confused by Bian Zhaonan's question. He couldn't react for a while. Why did Chen Jing have to arrange it? Why did Bian Zhaonan put Chen Jing in such a position?

If this is the case, if Chen Jing does not go to Pingdong and asks Bian Zhaonan to find a way, where can he go? Can he still go to Yizhou Town?

Zhao Yiping suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He keenly felt that the atmosphere at the scene was abnormal. He felt that several people at the scene seemed to be hiding something from him.

What exactly is it? Zhao Yiping really couldn't think of it for a moment. Could it be that this matter is related to Chen Jing?

This chapter has been completed!
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