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The first thousand one hundred and sixty chapters, although thousands of people, I will go

Taking the national highway from Jingjiang to Chujiang, there are very few cars at night.

This national highway is full of potholes, and cars go up and down on it, making it very slow.

Chen Jing sat in the passenger seat today. The driver, Lao He, drove the car without saying a word and looking unusually serious.

"Lao He, what's wrong? What's on your mind? Don't say a word?" Chen Jing said with a smile.

Lao He pursed his lips and said: "Secretary, those workers in the shipyard are a bunch of bastards. These people should have the Public Security Bureau arrest them and detain them all!"

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud and said: "Lao He, what's wrong with you? They are so angry, they have offended you!"

Lao He smashed the steering wheel with his hand and said: "Secretary, do you know what these people are scolding you for? They're calling you a corrupt official, a prodigal son, and you don't care about the life and death of the people. You said their consciences have been eaten by dogs?

Before you came to Jingjiang, Jingjiang was in chaos, and you had only been here a few months.

The weather in Jingjiang has improved a lot in all aspects, especially social security. We can all feel it, but they..."

The more Lao He talked, the angrier he became, his face turned livid and extremely ugly.

"I said why are you so angry? It turns out you are complaining about me!" Chen Jing said, he paused and his tone slowed down: "Old He, ordinary workers are innocent. Do you think any of them know me? Some people

They didn't even look at me. They said I was a corrupt official and a prodigal. It was all nonsense.

Since it’s nonsense, do I need to be angry?”

Lao He said: "That's right. Talking nonsense without knowing the situation is slander. Charge them with slander and lock them up for a few days. I'll see if they are honest or not!"

Chen Jing burst into laughter and said: "You also know the law, yes, and you also know about the crime of defamation!"

Lao He smiled sheepishly and scratched his head with his hand: "That's what I said. I was very angry. You are such a good leader. You lead our Jingjiang people, which is a blessing to the people of Jingjiang. But these people, success

It’s really infuriating that it’s not enough but it’s more than enough to expose you!”

Chen Jing turned to look at Lao He, but he hadn't noticed yet that Lao He was not young, but he was quite cute.

He pointed to the front and said: "Old He, stop at the Qingshui gas station. This road is really difficult!"

"Okay, secretary! I told you that the national highway is difficult to walk on. If you take the expressway, you will be home!" Lao He said.

Chen Jing sighed and said: "You have to take the national highway even if it is difficult to walk. Lao He, don't underestimate this difficult national highway. This national highway is a true portrayal of our Jingjiang situation. Our Jingjiang is a city without resources, and our coal

, minerals and other resources come from other places.

This national highway, which is run over by heavy trucks, is a testimony to our lack of resources in Jingjiang. I walked on this road, which was bumpy and uncomfortable, and my heart was even heavier!"

Lao He was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Chen Jing, pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Secretary Chen has a high level of leadership and leadership thinking. He can connect with Jingjiang's development plans on every broken road. How can Lao He get involved?

What made Lao He even more admired was that Secretary Chen focused all his thoughts on the development of Jingjiang, worried about the development of Jingjiang, planned for the development of Jingjiang, and thought about the future of Jingjiang wholeheartedly.

How many leaders like this are there in the world?

Thinking of this, he felt even more resentful towards Chen Jingming. He felt that those bastards in the shipyard were going too far and being so heartless!

Lao He drove into the Qingjiang gas station.

A Changfeng Cheetah off-road vehicle is parked in the rest area of ​​the gas station.

Chen Jing pointed to the location and Lao He parked the car.

A tall man got off the off-road vehicle. He came over and said, "Secretary Chen!"

Chen Jing opened the car door and said, "Sit in the back, you've had a hard day today!"

Lao He got out of the car in a daze and went to open the door. When he got closer, he saw that it was Director Tang Yiyang of the Municipal Bureau. He hurriedly said: "Director Tang, hello!"

Tang Yiyang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Why bother driving here at this late hour!"

Lao He smiled naively and said: "The leaders don't say it's hard, so why are we working hard?"

Chen Jing and Tang Yiyang were sitting in the back seat. Chen Jing said: "How is the situation? The right way is to raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while. You should have gained something today, right?"

Tang Yiyang said: "Secretary, I didn't expect them to move so fast. I went a little late and almost made a mistake. But fortunately, the situation is under control. We have organized a working group and mobilized comrades from the local police station to go deep into

Go down there and do some work, I think this matter should be over soon!"

Chen Jing closed his eyes, lay on his back in the back seat of the car, and said: "I didn't ask you this, I already understand these things!"

Tang Yiyang cleared his throat and said: "Secretary, according to your arrangement, I have placed a total of twelve informants in the shipyard. Their identities vary greatly, some are front-line workers, some are corporate managers, and some are engineers. According to their

Based on the information provided, we can now basically confirm that this incident was deliberately instigated by someone.

I already have a list in hand, involving shipyard executives, and one of them is particularly active, Hu Youlin, deputy director of the shipyard. Based on all aspects of information, we can basically judge that Hu Youlin is the person directly responsible for this incident. If

If necessary, we can arrest him immediately."

"No rush!" Chen Jing pressed his hands, "Do you think Zhou Wangjun will have any problems?"

Tang Yiyang said: "Does this need to be said? Hu Youlin is Zhou Wangjun's confidant. The relationship between the two of them is extremely close. Hu Youlin instigated this incident. Can Zhou Wangjun get rid of the involvement?"

Chen Jing shook his head and said: "You can't be so arbitrary in doing things. You have to talk about evidence in everything, and you have to understand the evidence before you can draw a conclusion. I don't think this matter will be that simple. Your informant can't provide information only on this one matter.

I want to know everything about the shipyard's operations in the past few years, including their raw material procurement, production and processing, and product sales.

Yiyang, a shipyard seems simple, but in fact it is a whole chain of interests. Now that the shipyard is about to be restructured, whose nai cheese is passive at this time, this is the key point of the case. You have to follow this clue to investigate,

Make bold assumptions and verify carefully.

Finally, confidentiality work must be at the highest level, and you cannot touch any of the original members of the Public Security Bureau, do you understand what I mean?"

Tang Yiyang puffed up his chest and said: "I understand, Secretary. The people I have used this time are absolutely reliable. Regarding the investigation and surveillance work of the shipyard, I personally handle all matters, no matter how big or small, and there is absolutely no problem in keeping them confidential!"

Chen Jing chuckled and said: "That's good, let them come over. Let's engage in a battle of annihilation. I still want to tell you that your opponent will be very cunning and hidden. You must not make your own decisions. What's the problem?

You report to me directly, do you understand?"

After talking about work, Chen Jing and Tang Yiyang chatted for a while.

After Tang Yiyang arrived in Jingjiang, he investigated a large number of major and important cases, and his reputation in Jingjiang rose rapidly. The people nicknamed him "Detective Tang".

Among them, in particular, a major murder case at the dock was investigated, which involved a key figure in a certain gang-related force at the dock.

It has been four or five years since the case occurred. This year, when Tang Yiyang became deputy director, he began to organize the investigation of this case. From taking over to solving the case to arresting the suspect, it only took two weeks.

On the day when the Jingjiang Intermediate People's Court sentenced four key figures suspected of murder, the whole city was shocked, and Tang Yiyang almost became famous in one battle.

Chen Jing commented that Tang Yiyang was born to be a good detective. He received professional education, strict training, and was very meticulous. He was born to pay attention to details. Such a person is perfect for criminal investigation work.

"Secretary, it's getting late, you should go home and rest early!" Tang Yiyang said.

Chen Jing nodded and raised his hand to look at his watch. It was already three o'clock in the morning.

There was a trace of guilt in his heart, and he waved his hand to Lao He and said: "Lao He, let's drive! I am a failure as a secretary. I work day and night. Even my family can't live in peace with me."

When Fang Wanqi and her daughter arrived in Chucheng, Chen Jing had no time to contact her. As a husband and father, Chen Jing felt that he had really neglected his duty.

He turned on the car's dome light.

He took out the list that Tang Yiyang handed him and he looked at it one by one.

Suddenly a name caught his attention, and that name was Hong Chengang.

Hong Chengang and Chen Jing knew that this man was very famous in Jingjiang and was known as one of the top entrepreneurs in Jingjiang.

Chen Jing had met him once. He had a fair life and looked a little soft.

At that time, Hong Xin, deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee, was beside Chen Jing. Hong Xin introduced Hong Chengang as his brother, and Chen Jing even shook hands with this man.

How could this person be connected with the shipyard? And he was also listed by Tang Yiyang on the list of suspects suspected of inciting a riot in the shipyard?

Chen Jing keenly sensed that there might be some problem here. Maybe things at the shipyard were more complicated than he thought. He took out a pen from his pocket and drew a circle on the name Hong Chengang.

"Dip, beep, beep!"

The phone in his pocket beeped.

He took out his cell phone, thinking it was Fang Wanqi who had sent a text message, but was surprised when he opened the message.

The message is very simple, just one sentence: "When it comes to the shipyard, be careful not to take it for granted!"

The person who sent the message was surprisingly Zheng Yuankun.

The corner of Chen Jing's mouth curled up slightly, and he replied with a message: "Read the songbook while riding a donkey! You have a stubborn mind, it's best not to be taken advantage of!"

Only a few seconds after the message was sent, the other party replied: "We are not talking about speculation. I am just complaining for the workers. You'd better not abandon the shipyard workers, otherwise we will not be finished!"

Chen Jing snorted softly, deleted the text message, leaned his head on the back seat, and closed his eyes.

His heart was heavier than his physical fatigue. The curtain had just opened in Jingjiang, and now he was immediately faced with such a difficult problem.

What he told Xiao Han was right, this was just the beginning, there were still many difficulties and dangers ahead.

He suddenly remembered a sentence in "Mencius": "Although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

Chen Jing clenched his fists vigorously, and boundless pride surged in his heart. (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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