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Chapter 1175 Sleepless nights!

Jingjiang News and Chujiang Satellite TV News Broadcast, two TV stations of different levels, have surprisingly unified news broadcasts on the hour tonight.

The hourly news on both TV stations heavily reported the news that the Secretary of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee visited the Jingjiang Shipyard, had cordial discussions with workers' representatives, and met with the leadership of the Jingjiang Shipyard to gauge the company's operations and production.

In news reports, many of Chen Jing's original speeches were broadcast meticulously.

Chen Jing made three points at the workers' representatives symposium. Chen Jing first promised that the municipal party committee and the municipal government will find the best future and way out for the shipyard. The scale of Jingjiang Shipyard will only be larger than before and will not shrink.

, the salary of Jingjiang Shipyard employees will only increase, not decrease. The future of Jingjiang Shipyard will only be better, not worse!

Chen Jing said that the municipal party committee has initially completed the planning for the future and prospects of Jingjiang Shipyard, and has reached constructive agreements with certain units and enterprises. However, due to commercial confidentiality reasons, the current agreement cannot be disclosed.

Chen Jing also said that once the municipal committee's plan is completed, it will definitely herald an unprecedented period of brilliant development for the Jingjiang Shipyard. The shipyard will not only become the symbol and pride of Jingjiang, but also the symbol and pride of Chujiang.

Second, Chen Jing spoke out about the riot that occurred at the shipyard last year. He made it clear that during the group time, someone was deliberately sowing discord and deliberately creating trouble for their own benefit. The case has now been investigated by the public security organs and is progressing.


The municipal committee will announce the entire investigation process and results of the case to the public at the appropriate time, and the municipal committee will severely punish the initiator of this incident and the pro-democracy elements and behind-the-scenes promoters hiding behind the initiator.

Chen Jing said that Yangguan is the world of beauty, and now the new sun of hope in Jingjiang is rising slowly, and this first ray of sunshine is shining on the Jingjiang Shipyard.

Under the shining of the sun, the prostitutes in Jingjiang Shipyard will be able to hide, and the entire proletariat hidden in the entire profit chain of Jingjiang state-owned enterprises will also be able to hide...

Third, when Chen Jing met with the shipyard team, he emphasized that Jingjiang Shipyard is the carrier of the spirit of Jingjiang people. It was once the symbol and pride of Jingjiang. The team of Jingjiang Shipyard should keep this in mind at all times and use it in their own work.

Push yourself to be strict with yourself, work hard and pursue dedication.

The leadership team of Jingjiang Shipyard should have a high sense of mission and responsibility, and should always keep the workers of Jingjiang Shipyard in mind. Any decision-making and any action should keep in mind the interests of workers first.

These three points of Chen Jing's speech were all broadcast in the original voice on the hourly news. It can be seen that Chen Jing's speech was very powerful, confident and sonorous.

Xu Bing came home from get off work and received a call from Secretary-General Du Xiushen. He turned on the TV and saw Chen Jing's high-profile and passionate speech at the shipyard, and he was in a trance.

It feels like the northwest wind was blowing yesterday, but now it has only been a few hours, and it seems that the sun is warm and the southeast breeze is pleasant.

This night was destined to be difficult for Xu Bing because reports came one after another.

The first report is just news.

Next, I reported that the Provincial Public Security Department has implemented strict supervision over the online dissemination of news about the Jingjiang Shipyard Massacre. All news about the Shipyard Massacre that was active on the Internet overnight completely disappeared from the Internet.

On major provincial websites, highly targeted articles addressing the issue of cracking down on the industrial chain of state-owned enterprises and brave and inherently stubborn forces declaring war have appeared.

In addition, major media across the country have focused on the problem of corruption in the industrial chain of state-owned enterprises. Among them, a well-known portal website has a documentary report on a state-owned enterprise in Jingjiang that has suffered long-term losses and workers live in hardship and poverty, but the company leaders drive luxury cars and spend huge sums of money on image projects.

Although the entire report did not mention the word Jingjiang Shipyard, judging from the text and content of the report, it clearly pointed to Jingjiang Shipyard.

In the report, it focused on the irresponsibility and corruption problems of some state-owned enterprises, collusion between government and businessmen to defraud state property, and officials participating in the profit chain of state-owned enterprises to make profits. In addition, there are also phenomena of state-owned enterprises that are too big to lose and rely on various reasons to challenge the government.

Finally, the article also mentioned that in order to put pressure on the government, protect the rights of vested interests, and resist reforms, state-owned enterprises even had senior officials inciting workers to cause trouble, creating group time, disrupting social order, and discrediting the party committee and the government.

When Xu Bing saw such reports, he couldn't help but break down in cold sweat.

The first thought that came to his mind was who wrote these articles?

Every word in the article points directly to the deepest dark side of Jingjiang society. Normally, anyone who mentions these things in Jingjiang would be embarrassed and would not dare to bring it up and discuss it on the table.

Fortunately, now, such an article is published in a conspicuous position on a well-known domestic portal website. Within a few hours of the news being uploaded, it has received hundreds of thousands of clicks and thousands of replies. If this news hangs for a few more days, Jingjiang will definitely

Famous throughout the country.

But the news was not over yet. In the early morning, Xu Bing was confused and had just fallen asleep for a while when Du Xiushen's call came again.

This time Du Xiushen brought news that surprised Xu Bing even more.

Du Xiushen told him that after Secretary Chen visited the shipyard today, he had a separate conversation with certain executives of the shipyard.

After the visit, these executives all disappeared at the same time. Family members who contacted them received a reply that they had not returned home, and all their communication tools could not reach them. It was initially suspected that they might have been taken away by the disciplinary inspection department.

Xu Bing suddenly opened the quilt. Regardless of the fact that there was no heating in the south and it was very cold outside, he jumped out of bed and said angrily: "The Discipline Inspection Commission took them away? Are you talking nonsense? How is that possible? How many people are missing?"

Du Xiushen coughed dryly and said: "Currently, there should be five people, the highest-ranking of whom is the deputy director Hu Youlin. Hu Youlin likes to engage in dangerous actions, and he has a close relationship with Hong Chengang, so he is an unclean person.

Now these five people have disappeared inexplicably. Their families have gathered at the factory to ask for their help. Zhou Chongwang came back today and he doesn't know where they are. At present, this is the only possibility.

Why don't you, mayor, call Secretary Qiu of the Discipline Inspection Commission and ask?"

Xu Bing hung up Du Xiushen's phone and couldn't sleep anymore.

He was alone in the living room with the light on and smoking one cigarette after another. He wanted to call Qiu Yangdong several times to ask about the situation.

But he never made the call.

First of all, it was inappropriate to call Qiu Yangdong in the middle of the night, even though he was considered the leader and the deputy monitor.

But his relationship with Qiu Yangdong is not very close, and Qiu Yangdong's identity as secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission is also sensitive. If I call him rashly at this time, will others think that I have lost my temper?

The relationship between people in the officialdom is not as simple as superiors and subordinates.

Rather, they are all thinking about each other, you are thinking about me, and I am thinking about you.

Everyone pays attention to Shuimo's Tai Chi Kung Fu in their interactions. No one can let himself be figured out by others, and at the same time desperately wants to figure out others.

To achieve this, it is absolutely impossible without a city and unable to calm down.

There is another reason. Xu Bing feels very unsafe now, very scared and uneasy.

Starting tonight, everything seems to have changed.

The entire climate reversed overnight. The news one after another dazzled him. Faced with the news that came one after another, he had to think that this might be the overall situation.

He still can't see clearly how this situation is arranged.

But someone who can lay out such a big picture must have a clear understanding of all aspects. Xu Bing has done so many small tricks recently, how can this be hidden from others' eyes and ears?

Xu Bing is thinking about a question right now, that is, was this situation arranged by Chen Jing?

If it was really arranged by Chen Jing, then Chen Jing would be too scary. He had such a cruel trick and a terrifying plan.

What does he want to do? Does he want to take over the state-owned enterprises in Jingjiang? Or does he want to comprehensively create a so-called New Deal in Jingjiang with him as the center?

Xu Bing couldn't understand these things.

He thought over and over about the ins and outs of the matter, and he did not think that everything that happened today was a hasty action.

First there was Chen Jing's inspection, and then the provincial and municipal TV stations reported it extensively. Among them, such a powerful TV station as the provincial TV station was allocated so much time to report on the itinerary of a prefecture-level city secretary in Jingjiang. This was shocking.

Next, news came out from the Provincial Public Security Department that all negative information about it on the Internet disappeared.

Next, the media attention inside and outside the province shifted. In particular, the most influential domestic websites published comment articles on the interest chain of Jingjiang state-owned enterprises in key positions.

Now the shipyard executives are collectively missing again.

With so many things happening almost at the same time, how many people's actions were involved? And there was no warning about these actions in advance. Even before getting off work today, Xu Bing didn't have even the slightest bit of information.

This is incredible.

If it was a hasty action, an emergency action, it would be impossible to be so weird and uniform.

Xu Bing kept smoking, and his brain was running at high speed, but no matter how hard it worked, he couldn't figure out the various reasons behind it.

He couldn't help but wanted to call Lu Junnian several times, but due to some strange reasons and concerns, the call was still not made.

When his wife saw him getting up in the middle of the night and wandering around the living room alone, she thought he was possessed or sleepwalking, so she rushed out of the room and scolded him.

Xu Bing was even more annoyed. When he looked up at the clock on the wall, it was only half past four in the morning.

For the first time, he felt that time was so difficult. It would take at least three more hours before he could have a chance to face his subordinates in the city government... (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome

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