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Chapter 1177 Are there any life-saving straws?

For more than three hours, Lu Junnian locked himself in the office without seeing anyone or saying a word. The only thing he did was watch the news.

He would read online news, print media, and TV media news carefully from beginning to end as long as they were related to Jingjiang.

There was a piece of news on a well-known website last night. By this morning, there were overwhelming reports on the Internet about the existence of industry chain corruption and serious internal problems in Jingjiang Shipyard.

In addition to the Internet, print media also followed suit. Influential newspapers published early this morning, including well-known newspapers such as Beijing Daily and Nanfang Daily, all published reports that senior officials of Jingjiang Shipyard were suspected of inciting employees to go on strike and cause trouble, and to discredit the leaders of the municipal party committee.

News reports that threaten the party and government and obstruct further deepening of reforms.

The on-site photos about the December 26 incident that were circulated online, as well as various criticisms of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and Chen Jing, disappeared overnight.

In addition, other news also arrived one after another.

Chen Jing announced through the media that his specific investigation work has made breakthrough progress in targeting the corruption problem at Jingjiang Shipyard.

Then, a number of senior executives from Jingjiang Shipyard were taken away by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for investigation.

Not only that, the Provincial People's Congress and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference also received notes from the Procuratorate and the Public Security Bureau. They each convened a standing committee and announced the disqualification of a group of members and People's Congress deputies to facilitate the investigation and evidence collection of the parties by the public prosecutors and law enforcement agencies.

Judging from the lists published by the Provincial People's Congress and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, as many as 11 people in Jingjiang have been disqualified from being deputies to the National People's Congress or members of the CPPCC.

These people were immediately arrested by the procuratorate. Lu Ming, the chief prosecutor of the Jingjiang Procuratorate, who is considered by Jingjiang people to be the only honest official in Jingjiang and known as the "Jingjiang Bao Zheng", spoke to the media. He said that the Jingjiang Procuratorate had received the case as early as October.

The order requires them to organize a dedicated working group to go deep into state-owned enterprises to investigate corruption, malfeasance and other issues within state-owned enterprises.

Lu Ming said that regarding the 12.26 incident, within a week after the incident, the procuratorial organs and public security organs basically figured out the cause of the incident and had fully monitored the relevant responsible persons.

However, the Municipal Party Committee attached great importance to the incident at the Jingjiang Shipyard, and leaders formulated a detailed and comprehensive investigation plan for this incident.

The leaders of the Municipal Party Committee have instructed that through a investigation, we must truly grasp the various shady stories of the entire Jingjiang Shipyard's interest chain. We must find out all these shady stories, make them clear, and resolutely investigate and deal with the ** elements hidden deeper.

An in-depth investigation of a case should be used to warn and educate the cadres and the masses, and the decision to purge the industrial chain of state-owned enterprises should be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although Lu Ming's speech did not mention Chen Jing's name, it was obvious that everyone could tell that he was acting on Chen Jing's orders.

In response to the 12.26 incident, Chen Jing's strategy has always been to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish. He has laid out a dragnet and a huge game of chess. He is trying to get rid of all kinds of people such as those with vested interests, ** elements, malfeasance elements, etc.

All jumped out.

When these people can no longer hold back and jump out, it will be his perfect opportunity to close the net. He will wipe out the corruption and crimes in the entire industrial chain of the shipyard.

And he also wants to use this to educate the broad masses of cadres and the masses. He must make everyone realize the urgency of rectifying state-owned enterprises and give provincial and municipal leaders determination!

Lu Junnian looked at these things and was in a trance.

All kinds of thoughts were racing in his mind. Among the leaders of Chujiang Province, Lu Junnian had the worst image. The standard was that he was full of fat.

But if you judge a person's ability and personality just by looking at their appearance, you'll be missing the mark by a thousand miles.

Lu Junnian has the most flexible mind, but at this moment, no matter how flexible his mind is, he can't think of any way to deal with the current situation.

Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee Feng Boyu has just issued a notice that the Provincial Party Committee will hold an emergency enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee to study the problems of the Jingjiang Shipyard. The reason why it is so urgent is because Secretary Wu of the Provincial Party Committee met with Mr. Li in the morning and reported on the situation in Jingjiang

The entire story of the December 26 incident at the shipyard.

This incident aroused Mr. Li's strong interest, and he immediately decided to postpone his trip to Chujiang for one day. He wanted to attend the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to further deepen his understanding of the problems existing in the entire industry chain of Chujiang state-owned enterprises.

There will be a meeting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and today the whole situation has completely reversed.

There are various signs that this is really a big plan, although Lu Junnian deep down does not want to admit that this plan was planned and implemented by Chen Jing.

But if this is not the case, how can it be explained?

Lu Junnian has been running the provincial party committee for so many years. If this matter was really ordered by Wu Daming, how could he not know about it at all?

It could only be that Chen Jing, who was far away in Jingjiang, was making small moves below, and Lu Junnian was beyond his reach and did not grasp the entire situation, otherwise all this would be unexplainable.

At this time, Lu Junnian already knew that through the Jingjiang Shipyard incident, Jingjiang's state-owned enterprises and official circles would have an unprecedented shock.

Among them, there are at least dozens of officials who were dismissed.

This is not the point. The point is to expose all the inside stories of Jingjiang Shipyard’s operation and losses for so many years. This will definitely shock the whole society. The sensational effect caused by this, and the resulting public resentment and anger will inevitably

influence the province’s comprehensive actions against state-owned enterprises.

Chen Jing is focusing on one point and then taking advantage of the overall situation. If this matter is completely successful, Jingjiang's history may turn a new page.

"Ding, ding!"

When Lu Junnian heard the phone ringing, he felt inexplicably irritable.

He grabbed the phone and said coldly: "Who?"

"Secretary...I...Xu Bing, I will report to you all the situation in Jingjiang. Last night I..." Xu Bing stammered on the other end of the phone, as if he had a stutter.

Lu Junnian was suddenly startled, and then the anger in his stomach suddenly rose.

What a great Xu Bing, so many things have happened. Such a big thing, but it’s only now that we reported it. What did he do last night?

Feng Boyu lied and said that his phone number was not working. Could it be that Xu Bing also said that he could not be contacted?

Thinking of this, Lu Junnian thought of how he ran to Yushan Hot Spring like a fool this morning, thinking he was full of confidence, but he didn't know that in front of others, he was like a monkey who didn't know the heights of the sky, which was ridiculous.

Lu Junnian felt that he had lost all face today, and all this was because of Xu Bing's hindsight.

Lu Junnian cursed wildly into the phone. Xu Bing was a little dizzy from being scolded on the other end of the phone, but he didn't reply a word.

He still vaguely remembered that just a few days ago, Lu Junnian taught him tips over the phone. Xu Bing was also completely implementing Lu Junnian's will. Lu Junnian wanted to expand his power to Jingjiang, and Xu Bing was his spokesperson.

But now, when problems arise, he turns his back and puts all the blame on Xu Bing, saying that all faults are due to Xu Bing's incompetence and stupidity.

Xu Bing couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

He couldn't beat Chen Jing in Jingjiang, and was far from Chen Jing's opponent.

At the provincial party committee level, Lu Junnian seemed to have unlimited glory and was very popular. However, no matter how he changed, he could not stop Wu Daming's seemingly gentle, but actually full of murderous Tai Chi pusher.

Now everything has been completely defeated from top to bottom. Could it be that I have to bear the entire blame? If so, it would all be too heavy.

After venting his anger, Lu Junnian gradually felt better and regained some sense.

He tried to slow down his tone and said: "Xu Bing, there is another question that I think is a top priority. Some of you people in Jingjiang say it better than you sing, saying that you should put a long line to catch big fish. Now I just want to

Let me ask you, how will the restructuring of Jingjiang Shipyard be carried out?

Is Jingjiang going to be split up and sold? If so, if this is the way to go, how will the resettlement of tens of thousands of employees in Jingjiang Shipyard be completed?

Let me tell you Xu Bing, if you don't do this job well, your work will be flashy. Talking about cracking down on corruption and purging state-owned enterprises is actually using the influence of public opinion to suppress people's speech and fool the people. This characterization will be very serious.

Have you considered this issue? Have you considered this in the decision-making of your Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee?"

Xu Bing was stunned. He seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and said: "Secretary Lu, I really haven't considered this issue. This is indeed a very important issue. If we work so hard, in the end,

Still cannot solve the restructuring problem of Jingjiang Shipyard.

We still have to split it up and sell it, disband all employees, and force them to be laid off. We cannot be considered successful!"

Xu Bing's mind was racing, and he felt that he had finally caught one of Chen Jing's weaknesses.

Chen Jing vowed at the Standing Committee that of the two large enterprises in Jingjiang, one should be given key support and the other should be decisively cut off.

Jingjiang Shipyard is an enterprise that must decisively throw away its burdens. It is precisely because of this that it gave many people a loophole to take advantage of, and the 12.26 incident shocked the entire province.

If Chen Jing has gone full circle now and still can't solve this problem, then aren't all the fancy tricks he does?

Xu Bing took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He needed to sort out all the scattered thoughts in his mind immediately.

At this time, Lu Junnian had already hung up the phone.

Hearing the blind beeping sound coming from the other end of the phone, Xu Bing dropped the phone and was about to curse.

When he looked up, he found that Du Xiushen had already arrived in front of him. He glared at him: "Old Du, do you want to scare people to death? Like a ghost, coming and going silently?"

Du Xiushen scratched his head in embarrassment. He had deliberately stepped harder just now, but Xu Bing didn't even notice.

He swallowed, moved closer to Xu Bing, and lowered his voice: "Mayor, the author of the article you asked me to check, I... I think it should be the secretary himself. The secretary..."


Xu Bing's expression suddenly changed, and his whole body slumped on the seat like a deflated rubber ball.

Last night, when he read the nearly 10,000-word so-called documentary report on the website, he felt like the pores on his body stood up and he shuddered.

His first thought was who wrote this thing? He asked Du Xiushen to investigate this matter when he went to work, but he didn't expect...

Xu Bing suddenly remembered that Chen Jing's nickname "Chen Yama" came from Lingnan. He used to have the false title of "the most talented man in Chujiang" in Chujiang. In terms of speaking skills and writing skills, Chen Jing was definitely a genius.

Waiting for a strong player... (To be continued. If you like this work, (.) vote for recommendation, monthly vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m... to read.

This chapter has been completed!
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