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Chapter 1234 Heavy inspection!

Quansheng Textile Factory.

The newly built factory buildings have been completed and the entire site has fully restored normal production order.

When Chen Jing arrived at the textile factory workshop, the front-line workers were working selflessly, and they did not flock over because of the arrival of the secretary.

Factory director Zou Mingshun pointed to the rinsing workshop with some pride and said: "Secretary, these equipments are all brand new and are first-class in the world. At present, the Republic is a big textile country. We started from the Tang Dynasty, and the technology of cloth dyeing workshops,

It is world famous.

Although times have developed, the domestic textile industry still has strong advantages, all of which benefit from "Made in the Republic".

Our country's manufacturing industry is world-famous, and many international high-end brands of clothing, shoes, and sofas are manufactured domestically, so we have inherent advantages in the textile industry!"

Chen Jing nodded gently and listened with great interest to Zou Mingshun explaining some key points of textile technology to him. He also occasionally went over to chat with workers working in the workshop to learn about their work conditions, health conditions, and family life.

The textile industry is a polluting industry and is extremely harmful to the human body. Most textile workers suffer from occupational diseases. The state has explicit requirements and employees in the textile industry have early retirement regulations.

Chen Jing made requests to Zou Mingshun on site, asking him to pay attention to workers' physical examinations, pay attention to reasonable diet and job matching, and work hard to protect workers' legitimate rights and interests.

Chen Jing told them that the key to business management is the management of people.

Manage labor rather than exploit labor.

The key to whether a company can run well is whether it has core competitiveness.

Enterprises should focus on innovation and management. This is the correct way to run an enterprise.

Chen Jing pointed to Shan Jiaqiang beside him and said: "I brought Secretary Shan here today, mainly to investigate the mechanism of flexible salary and performance salary for corporate leaders. We want to break the old way of corporate administrative management. First of all, we must start from the perspective of remuneration.

Above to mobilize the enthusiasm of business leaders.

Where did our state-owned enterprises suffer in the past? I think the key is that they suffered from eating from the same big pot.

The top management and middle and low-level management personnel of the enterprise are paid according to the administrative level and finance.

How can such a management mechanism mobilize everyone's enthusiasm?"

Chen Jing waved his hand and said: "So, we must resolutely break this traditional and unreasonable system. I think we must first break it in terms of salary and reform the salary structure of state-owned enterprises. You, Lao Zou, are very capable. You can achieve good results by leading Quan Sheng."

Achievements. Enterprises can make greater profits.

Your personal remuneration should be linked to your performance. You should be rewarded for your merits and punished for your mistakes.

The same goes for other senior leaders and middle-level cadres. No place in the province has yet implemented such a method. We in Jingjiang must be the first to try it!"

After Chen Jing finished speaking, everyone around him applauded.

Especially the entourage of Quansheng Company applauded fiercely.

The flexible wage system and the reform of the wage system of state-owned enterprises have been proposed many years ago.

But all this time, this system only blows but never rains, and has never been truly implemented.

Today, Chen Jing, as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, put forward this idea in such a public place, which can't help but give everyone hope.

Next, Chen Jing inspected other workshops in Quansheng. Seeing that it was almost noon, Zou Mingshun came over and looked at Chen Jing eagerly and said: "Secretary, just stay for lunch! We are all working lunch, and arrangements have been made.

Okay, it’s in the staff canteen!”

Chen Jing turned to the Shan family and smiled, saying: "The master is so kind, Secretary Shan, what do you mean?"

Shan Jiaqiang said: "Mingshun seems to be very attentive. I just looked outside and the iron gates in the factory area were closed. It seems that the secretary will not let you go if you don't stay for a meal!"

Chen Jing laughed and said: "Okay, let's go to the cafeteria to eat and wait in line to eat!"

At noon, there were many people in the cafeteria. Chen Jing asked to eat with the employees. How could Zou Mingshun dare to disobey?

So everyone was carrying stainless steel plates and food on one plate. Chen Jing finished the meal and dove straight into the crowd of workers.

There was only one seat there, and when the other people saw this, they were all dumbfounded.

Zou Mingshun wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to go over to ask away a group of employees eating there.

Shan Jiaqiang grabbed him and said, "Old Zou, what are you doing? The secretary has set an example. Let's eat separately. What's wrong?"

Zou Mingshun grimaced and nodded, holding food in his hand, but he couldn't eat it.

The last time Chen Jing inspected the progress of the new factory, Zou Mingshun arranged a reception with great fanfare, with colorful flags flying throughout the factory.

There are dozens of slogans and banners.

That time Chen Jing got angry and scolded him severely.

He learned his lesson today, and he arranged the reception based on the principle of being low-key and then low-key.

Factory production continues as usual, and there is not a single banner hanging at the door.

Originally, he thought that today's matter should be able to pass smoothly, but he didn't expect that Chen Jing would suddenly come up with such a trick.

Most of the workers in these factories are female workers. These people generally have low educational levels and are ordinary working class people. They probably don't know Secretary Chen, because when Chen Jing sat over, the people around him didn't even make much noise.

He secretly cursed himself for being negligent.

No matter how low-key you are, you still have to be tight on the outside and tight on the inside! How come the news of the secretary’s inspection is not conveyed?

Chen Jing sat down to eat, and sitting opposite him was a woman in her thirties.

The woman grinned at him, and Chen Jing said: "Life is not bad, and there are fruits?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't quite understand. At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly heard a child shouting from behind: "There are apples, there are apples. Mom, I want to eat apples!"

The speaker was a little girl of four or five years old, her face was as stained as a kitten, and the stains on her clothes dyed her originally blue coat black.

The hair is fluffy and tangled.

The woman called mother smiled slightly, took the apple on the stainless steel plate and handed it to her: "Xiaohua, here, you have to eat some food too!"

The little girl happily took the apple, looked at the people around her, and muttered: "So small?"

The woman blushed, feeling very embarrassed.

A woman in her forties next to her picked up the fruit on her plate and said to the child: "Xiaohua, can Auntie change it for you?"

The little girl said happily: "Really?"

The middle-aged woman nodded and said, "Really!"

The little girl said: "But aunt hasn't eaten apples for a long time. Give me a bigger one, because you won't have enough for yourself!"

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "The little flowers are so cute. Auntie likes to eat little apples!"

The little girl seemed hesitant, but in the end she couldn't resist the temptation of the big apple, so she came over and gave the middle-aged woman an apple instead.

Her mother said to the child: "Why don't you thank Auntie?"

"Thank you, auntie!" the little girl said sweetly.

Chen Jing frowned and turned to look to the side. There was a girl in her twenties sitting next to him. He said, "Little girl, how often do you eat apples?"

The little girl was a little shy and said with a blushing face: "It only happens when the leaders come to visit our factory. Normally there is no meat!"

The little girl was talking and eating with great relish.

Chen Jing pursed his lips and stopped talking, burying his head in eating.

After finishing the last bite of rice, he looked up and saw Zou Mingshun standing in front of him in great embarrassment.

Before Chen Jing could speak, he said: "Secretary, I... we are indeed in a lot of difficulties in the factory now. We... our capital turnover is particularly difficult, so, so..."

Chen Jing slowly took out a napkin and wiped his mouth. He looked around and saw that everyone around him was gone.

Zou Mingshun has a great aura. Once he comes, which worker will dare to eat here?

"What happened to the little girl just now?" Chen Jing said.

Zou Mingshun was stunned and said: "That's right, we have a female worker, and her family is very difficult. Her husband died in a car accident last year, and the two elderly people in the family have difficulty taking care of themselves. And a daughter who is over four years old really has no place to go, so during the day

Just come over to work.


Chen Jing nodded without saying a word.

Zou Mingshun felt so uncomfortable that he said: "Secretary, you can criticize me! It was me who committed fraud. I...I made a mistake again. I shouldn't have whitewashed the peace!"

Chen Jing waved his hand and said: "You should contact Mayor Liu and ask him to find a way for you, and then find a way to borrow some money from the bank. Now we are all in difficulty, you are in difficulty, and the city is in difficulty. But no matter how difficult it is,

I still hope that the workers can have enough to eat.

It's not easy for workers. These female workers just now still have a job and can earn some income at least for a month.

How many laid-off workers do we still have in Jingjiang? What is their living standard?"


Zou Ming stared at Chen Jing eagerly, and his mood suddenly became excited. He hesitated for a long time and said: "I...I promise to run the textile factory well. I will not let you down!"

Chen Jing waved his hand and said: "It's not to disappoint me, but you have thousands of workers. They are the burden on your shoulders. If the textile factory does not run well, thousands of our families will fall into a more difficult situation. You have to understand

This responsibility!”

After an episode, Chen Jing came out of the textile factory feeling very depressed.

As a city secretary, Chen Jing usually comes and goes, so it is difficult for him to understand their living conditions as ordinary members of Jingjiang.

Now that the country's economy is on the upswing, the central government has even put forward the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. People say that people's lives are better and their living conditions have improved.

But what is the real situation?

Chen Jing felt that his title as the most promising municipal party secretary in Chujiang was ridiculous.

Because the lives of the people in Jingjiang are obviously still below the national level, the secretary of the municipal party committee of this city is actually the most promising secretary in the province? (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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