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Chapter 1264 Declaration of victory?

Chujiang Provincial Party Committee, today the Provincial Party Committee held the Jingchu Coordinated Development Coordination Meeting, and the atmosphere of the meeting was quite strange.

Before the meeting started, Chen Jing brought good news to the meeting.

Jingjiang's Langzhou development project has made breakthrough progress. Oulang Group purchased more than 7,000 acres of land in the Yushan section of Langzhou at a price of 1.8 billion yuan. In the next three to five years, Oulang Group will invest another 5 billion

Yuan was used for the development of Langzhou.

The Langzhou development project will be positioned in real estate, tourism and leisure, entertainment, etc. The goal of Langzhou development is to build Langzhou into a beautiful back garden for Jingchu and Jingchu cities.

The province's half-year work summary meeting will soon be held. This time, Jingjiang reported a GDP growth rate of 15%, and an investment quota of more than 10 billion yuan. In the first half of the year alone, Jingjiang's employment population reached more than 80,000.

When Chen Jing submitted this report to the provincial party committee, he boldly stated that starting next year, Jingjiang will completely solve the employment problem.

Not only that, Jingjiang will become a big city for labor importation. Within the next three years, Jingjiang will completely enter the fast lane of development. Jingjiang's revitalization strategy is expected to achieve its predetermined goals within five years.

According to the data submitted by Chen Jing, Jingjiang has jumped from the lower position to first place in terms of economic development growth rate and total amount of investment in the province. At present, Jingjiang's fiscal revenue has also increased significantly, ranking third in the province, and has also surpassed

Entered the top three.

Not only the leaders of the provincial party committee, but also the top leaders of various departments and bureaus in the province could not help but sigh that the main theme of the development of Chujiang Province this year is the development of Jingjiang, and this year is a veritable year of Jingjiang.

Compared to Chen Jing's spring breeze, Lei Mingfeng is much more low-key today.

Now people all over the province are making fun of him, saying that he has the overall situation in mind and has made great contributions to the coordinated development of Jingchu.

From the second half of last year to the first half of this year, Lei Mingfeng worked hard to build the Chucheng Expressway.

Now that the construction of the express trunk line has been completely completed, the Yushan project has failed, which indirectly promoted the launch of the Jingjiang Langzhou project. Isn't his approach high-minded and upright, focusing on the overall situation of the coordinated development of Jingchu and Chu?

Also, Chucheng has stepped up its investment promotion this year. A large number of entrepreneurs from all over the country have been invited to Chucheng for on-the-spot inspections.

What's interesting is that many companies did not choose to invest in Chucheng in the end, but were very enthusiastic about investing in Jingjiang.

Jingjiang's new industrial park has now been fully completed, and the scale of investment promotion has grown exponentially. Jingjiang has a very clear strategy in terms of investment promotion.

Jingjiang's investment promotion is mainly concentrated in the electronic production and processing industry, machinery, especially internal combustion engine peripheral industries, shipbuilding peripheral industries, and foreign trade and commercial trade peripheral industries.

Jingjiang's development strategy is to develop a complete industrial chain economy, taking advantage of government policies, resources and other advantages. To create strong industries and allow enterprises to develop together and develop complementarily, there is no doubt that such a clear positioning makes Jingjiang far better than Chu in terms of investment promotion.


In this regard, Lei Mingfeng once again demonstrated his "high integrity".

People in Chucheng even made up a jingle for him now: "With great ambition and talent, there is thunder and wind, when you brag and talk, a wind blows. In Chucheng, the wind blows to Jingjiang, and Jingjiang develops like a wind..."

There is also: "The wind is strong and bright, the wind is thundering, the construction of Chucheng is not letting up, the opportunity is passed to Jingjiang, and the development of Jingjiang is moving forward."

Undoubtedly, the recent period has been very difficult for Lei Mingfeng.

The contrast between the development of Jingjiang and the development of Chucheng is too strong. How much confidence does he have to talk about the coordinated development of Jingjiang and Chucheng at this time?

Compared to Lei Mingfeng, Xu Ziqing, the governor of Chujiang Province, has also been very depressed recently.

Criticism from within the province and from within the Northwest Department made him very troubled.

Especially within the Northwest Department, the conflict between him and Chen Jing is now well known, but his control over Chu Jiang is getting worse day by day.

Some veterans of the Northwest Department even began to openly question Xu Ziqing's ability to work.

How good is Chujiang for Lei Mingfeng? The Northwest Clan has been operating in Chujiang for a long time. It should be that among the provinces in the Central Plains, the Northwest Clan has the strongest power in Chujiang.

Moreover, Chen Jing parachuted into Chujiang from the Central Government. This should be an excellent opportunity for the Northwest Department to continue to take root and develop.

However, Xu Ziqing failed to seize this opportunity, and instead turned against Chen Jing. Chen Jing now made Jingjiang prosperous, and embarrassingly, it became the Northwest Department. It must be said that this was a huge failure of Xu Ziqing's work.

Of course, some people also criticized Chen Jing.

But can Chen Jing and Xu Ziqing be the same? Putting aside the fact that Chen Jing is the son-in-law of the Fang family, the power Chen Jing relies on alone is not comparable to that of Xu Ziqing.

How much halo does Chen Jing have on his head now?

First of all, he is a disciple of Professor Lu, a famous economist in China. Professor Lu is famous all over the world. If he really wants to establish friendship, all the central ministries and commissions will be Chen Jing's senior brother. In addition, Chen Jing used to be a direct descendant of Sha Mingde.

Although the Central Plains faction that Mingde belongs to is weak.

But people like Wu Daming and Mi Qian are the backbone, especially Mi Qian, who has considerable influence above.

Also, Chen Jing is a well-rounded person. He has worked in Lingnan for several years and has a good relationship with Miao Qiang. Now the newly promoted Hu Junzhong also praises Chen Jing. Needless to say, Mr. Miao is already the highest leadership of the Republic.

The person in it.

People like Hu Junzhong are veritable princes. No matter in terms of qualifications or weight, they are not comparable to Xu Ziqing.

Chen Jing's family doesn't have bright lights in the east and bright in the west. Without the northwest system, he doesn't need to care at all.

So what impact can the so-called criticism from the Northwest Department have on him?

In fact, the personal relationship between Chen Jing and Wu Daming was unbreakable. Chen Jing never thought about how much power he would have for the Northwest Department.

Only then did Xu Ziqing realize that he might have made a mistake in his strategy. Using Thunder Wind to suppress Chen Jing was a complete mistake.

Thunderous winds cannot suppress Chen Jing, and there are probably not many people in Chujiang Province who can suppress Chen Jing now.

In this case, Xu Ziqing underestimated Chen Jing's ability and energy.

It's better now, because of Xu Ziqing's fierce reaction, the originally proactive situation has become very passive.

Wu Daming's daughter-in-law became a mother-in-law after many years, and her voice in the province became more and more important. Lu Junnian, who had not dealt with Wu Daming in the past, was forced by Xu Ziqing to join the team.

Politics is never an all-or-nothing game. Xu Ziqing's emotions blinded his reason, and he moved too hastily, too fast, and deviated from the direction.

Today's meeting was not as boring as imagined.

The meeting was personally chaired by Wu Daming.

The first part of the meeting was to discuss issues. During this part, he got angry and severely criticized Lei Mingfeng and Chen Jing. The criticism he gave was quite severe.

It is pointed out that the two people turned a blind eye to the provincial party committee's macro plan for the coordinated development of the two cities, secretly engaged in fighting, and secretly engaged in their own little ninety-nine affairs.

Both of them were senior cadres in the province. They did not have the ambition and magnanimity of senior cadres. They just tried to tear each other down and made a lot of jokes, which only made people laugh at them.

After harshly criticizing the two people, Wu Daming proposed the idea of ​​developing the two cities of Jingchu and Chucheng. He also proposed that priority should be given to the development of provincial cities and the establishment of surrounding economic circles with the provincial cities as the center.

When talking about this issue, Wu Daming was very frank.

He said that the largest city in Chujiang is Chucheng. Chucheng is a thousand-year-old city with resource advantages and humanistic advantages accumulated over thousands of years. It should become a business card of the province.

Therefore, the provincial party committee and the provincial government should first have new strategies and new policies for the development of Chucheng, and reasonably plan the development direction and strategies of Chucheng in the new era.

On the other hand, the development of Jingjiang cannot be relaxed. The development speed of Jingjiang must be as fast as that of Chucheng.

For the future urban integration of Jingchu, we must lay a solid foundation now.

As soon as Xu Ziqing heard Wu Daming's emphasis, he sighed inwardly, it's over!

He knows Wu Daming's style best. On this occasion, Wu Daming talked about focusing on the development of provincial cities and creating advantages for provincial cities. What does this mean?

This obviously forced Lei Mingfeng to change his attitude.

In the dispute between Lei Mingfeng and Chen Jing, he was completely defeated and became the laughing stock of the people of the whole province. He could hardly stand down.

Now Wu Daming proposes to focus on the development of provincial cities and develop the economy with provincial cities as the center. This is a consolation prize for Lei Mingfeng.

Let him quickly change his mentality and get out of the dead end of confrontation with Chen Jing.

In other words, Wu Daming is trying to pull off a sidebar, but he pulls it off cleverly, giving Lei Mingfeng hope and pointing out a way for him at the same time.

What is left for Lei Mingfeng now? His political resources are disappearing rapidly. If he continues to lose his footing, he may not be able to survive as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

At this time, he no longer had any leverage to compete with Wu Daming.

In this case, Lei Mingfeng has only two options left. One is to continue to go his own way, wait for him to be taken down, then stand aside and find a quiet place to retire.

The other way is to quickly recognize the situation and follow Wu Daming's footsteps. Wu Daming can consider letting him live.

Xu Ziqing knows best who Lei Mingfeng is.

On the surface, this person is frank and direct, giving people the impression of being very capable and upright.

In fact, deep down, this guy bullies the weak and fears the strong. He is just a faggot, and the most unscrupulous.

This time Chen Jing taught him a severe lesson, and he might not be able to muster up the courage to challenge Chen Jing again in the future.

At this time, Wu Daming gave him a chance, how could he let it go?

Sure enough, as Xu Ziqing expected, Lei Mingfeng began to talk about Chucheng's future development plan after Wu Daming's speech. During the conversation, he launched profound criticism and self-criticism.

For the first time, he publicly admitted that on the issue of cooperation between Jing and Chu, first of all, he failed to position himself correctly and failed to treat it with the correct mentality.

As a result, the resources of Jingchu and Chu cities did not complement each other, resulting in a lot of unnecessary losses, waste and misunderstandings. He must bear the main responsibility... (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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