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Chapter 1297 Differentiation and win!

I met Ma Baikun and Chen Jing many years ago.

At that time, Ma Baikun gave Chen Jing the impression of a very strong and arrogant person. He was a Northeastern man, tall and dignified. When he met people, he would look up to the sky and have a very high airs.

But today, Ma Baikun has overturned Chen Jing's previous impression.

I haven't seen him for several years. Ma Baikun has become much older, the hair on his temples has turned gray, and his formerly straight waist has become a little rickety.

When he saw Chen Jing when he entered the door, he was slightly stunned. He quickly stretched out his hands, with a big smile on his face, and said very politely: "It's Secretary-General Chen, hello, hello! The secretary even tried to cheat on me this morning, saying yes.

The important accompanying person turns out to be you!"

Chen Jing's ears were very sharp, and he was startled when he heard the word "you".

In terms of seniority, Ma Baikun is much older than Chen Jing. They have the same rank, deputy ministerial level. In terms of age, Ma Baikun is twenty years older than Chen Jing.

But Ma Baikun said the word "you" so naturally, which exactly reflects his current mentality.

He no longer has authority, he has faded out of the center of power, and the previous aura is no longer visible in him.

This is the ecology of officialdom, and this is also the reason why people in officialdom pursue power so much. For some people, power is more important than life, and it is their soul.

Once the scepter is lost, the soul is gone and the person will completely change.

Chen Jing was suddenly filled with emotion, and he warmly asked Ma Baikun to sit down.

Wu Daming also walked out of the study at this time, and Ma Baikun stood up again.

Wu Da rang like a bell and laughed loudly. He said: "Old Ma, today's iron frog is your favorite. I just called from the kitchen and the arrangements have been made. Let's go directly to eat!"

There are not many dishes for three people, but every dish is excellent.

The sizzling frog is the main dish, and this ingredient is hard to come by.

Generally, stone frogs live in cold and humid wild environments and are not suitable for artificial feeding. Generally, mountain people go to these places to catch them at night in summer.

The weather is hot in summer. This cold and cool place is full of snakes and insects. When Chen Jing used to work in Lihe, he often heard that mountain people died after being bitten by venomous snakes while catching stone frogs.

The meat of the stone frog is tender and contains a natural fragrance. If cooked well, the taste will be endless.

Chen Jing just saw this pot of stone frog. If you convert money into money, you would need at least a thousand yuan to eat it in an ordinary restaurant.

If there is good food, it must be paired with good wine.

Wu Daming suggested drinking Maotai. Two bottles of Maotai were specially provided for the three of them, so Ma Baikun naturally did not refuse.

At the wine table, Ma Baikun kept lamenting Chen Jing, saying that he was very optimistic about Chen Jing's future back then, but he still didn't expect Chen Jing to grow up so fast and now become a member of the top leadership of Chujiang Province.

He also said that now the country is governed by experts, talented people are in charge, and talented people emerge from the Chu River.

First of all, Wu Daming is a great talent, and Chen Jing is also known as the best talent in Chujiang. He writes beautiful articles and has a comprehensive mind. They are all talented people. In the future, the cause and future of the party will be focused on Chen Jing and this group of people.

On young people who have made a difference.

Ma Baikun is very talkative, well-spoken and well-rounded.

Chen Jing was just secretly amused. He remembered that when he was the deputy secretary of the district committee in Degao, he once met Ma Baikun at the gate of the Finance Department when he was doing business.

He greeted him politely, but Ma Baikun just glanced at him, nodded reservedly, and then ignored Chen Jing again.

Now he says that he was optimistic about his future back then. Isn't this obviously nonsense?

But here's the interesting thing about officialdom. Both sides know it's nonsense, but the person speaking is sincere. Chen Jing has to be humble and polite, otherwise how can he maintain friendship?

In officialdom, friendship is relationship and connection.

Even if everyone has the same interests, we still have to start with friendship. If there is no friendship, we have to build friendship. Even if it is far-fetched, we have to build it.

It seems that only in this way can everything be justified and cooperation can be happy for everyone.

This is the cultural expression of the Chinese people, and this is why many factions in the Republic are centered on fellow citizens, family ties, classmates, and regional ties.

Of course, all friendships are just superficial, and the real substance is interests.

It is said that if people have different paths, we should not seek each other's interests. If everyone has different interests and demands, there will be no basis for cooperation, and naturally we will never come together.

No matter how deep the friendship is, no matter how good classmates or brothers they are, if there is a conflict of interest, they will turn against each other and have to fight to the death.

At this table, Wu Daming has a special status. He is the top leader of the provincial party committee and speaks concisely and to the point. Naturally, the main speakers are Chen Jing and Ma Baikun. Both of them toasted to Wu Daming, and they exchanged glasses with each other. The more they chatted, the more speculative they became.


After the meal, the relationship between the two became much closer.

After the meal, Chen Jing personally sat in the village to make tea and chat. After drinking tea for more than an hour, it was time for Wu Daming to soak in the hot spring.

Chen Jing and Ma Baikun also changed their clothes and went to the hot spring pool. Because Wu Daming had a skin disease, he had a dedicated small pool. Chen Jing and Ma Baikun enjoyed themselves in the large pool.

The water mist in the hot spring room was steaming. They were lying on their backs in the pool, with a skilled massage technician beside them massaging their bodies. There was no one else around.

Chen Jingdao: "Director Ma, you have a good capacity for drinking. Is this little wine just enough to warm your stomach?"

Ma Baikun shook his head and said: "No, secretary-general, things are not as good as they used to be. People get old and sick, and I am now in the third grade of high school. I usually don't drink. Today I am accompanying the secretary and the secretary-general. I am risking my life to accompany a gentleman!"

Chen Jing sighed: "Director Ma, it's still early to retire. Sixty-five is the limit, and you seem to have almost ten years left!"

Chen Jing paused and said: "The secretary told me this morning that you and he are of the same age. You have similar qualifications and your talents are even higher than his. Now that you are old, he hopes that you will be strong and strong again."

Let us contribute more to the construction of Chujiang River!"

Ma Baikun laughed loudly, waved his hands and said: "Secretary, you are being modest. Secretary-General, you are wearing such a high hat that I feel very proud. But what you said later, the Secretary has touched my heart. Now our Chujiang is in a state of development."

During the critical period, people's hearts were a little unstable, and some cadres were not very correct in their thinking.

Even some leading comrades still have selfish motives and cannot concentrate on their work, which sometimes makes people sigh!"

Chen Jingdao: "Director Ma, this time the Provincial Party Committee has given great support to the work of the National People's Congress. One of the policies specifically encourages comrades to show their magical powers and give full play to their own initiative. That is to strengthen the authority of leaders in charge and regulate

the exercise of power.

In particular, top leaders should not interfere too much in the work they are in charge of, and should not seize power too much. I think this decision is of great significance.

Now our four teams should work together to promote the reform of the cadre system, what do you think?"

Ma Baikun did not hesitate and nodded repeatedly: "This reform is good, it reflects the secretary's ambition and courage, and it reflects the high integrity of our provincial party committee leaders. I personally support such positive reforms, and our National People's Congress must also support such positive reforms!"


Ma Baikun is the first deputy director of the National People's Congress. His statement was very clear, although his tone did not reveal any dissatisfaction with Lu Junnian.

But what kind of person is Chen Jinghe? When an official reaches this level, he is very particular about speaking to the point. There are some things that can only be done but not said, and there are some things that can only be thought but not spoken.

Some words can only be said at the beginning but not at the end. Nothing can be said clearly and clearly. This is the so-called official language.

Ma Baikun expressed his positive attitude. Of course Chen Jing could not help but express his opinion. He stretched his arms and said:

"Director Ma, I can make this statement to you. I personally and the provincial party committee absolutely fully support the work of the National People's Congress. I will fight for the policies that can be obtained. If you need any support, just ask.

Whether you want people or money, if you say a word, I will support you immediately if you can, and if you can't, I will support you even if you create conditions!"

"Haha!" Ma Baikun laughed loudly, with a very loud voice. He waved his hand and said: "Okay, Secretary General, you are a cheerful person. Although we have not had much contact with each other before, I have heard of your name.

They say you have courage and ambition in doing things, and it is true. I don’t obey others, so today I obey you!"

His mood seemed to suddenly rise. He waved his hand to the massage technician and said: "Come on, Secretary-General, let's go to the pool and take a bath. Yushan Hot Spring is said to beautify and nourish the skin. I have rough skin and a lot of bubbles."

Maybe you can become a child again!"

Chen Jing also laughed and said with a pun: "That's really possible. After taking a dip in Yushan Hot Spring today, your second spring is about to arrive!"

After saying that, he jumped into the pool. The temperature of the hot spring water was moderate, and the whole body felt lazily soaked in it. Every pore in the whole province felt ironed to the extreme.

Ma Baikun was really strong in the water. He slapped the water with his hands, causing countless splashes. The water splashed down from the air and made his head wet, but he never tired of it and laughed.

When we came out of Yushan Villa, it was already dark outside.

As the car weaved like a dragon on the nine-turn mountain road in Yushan, Chen Jing slowly closed his eyes.

After a while, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Wu Daming. Wu Daming seemed to have just woken up from a nap, and his speech was still a little unclear.

He asked Chen Jing, "Chen Jing, how was your dinner today? Is the food to your liking?"

Chen Jingdao: "Secretary, I have eaten so much, and the hot spring is even better. After soaking in the hot spring for an hour, all the fatigue in my body has been eliminated, and my spirit is relaxed. Yushan is really a geomantic treasure!"

Wu Daming laughed aloud and said: "That's good. It's a Feng Shui treasure place so I'll come here often. By the way, remember that inscription and don't ruin it. I won't inscribe it twice!"

During this phone call between the two of them, not a single word was mentioned about Ma Baikun, but they had a clear understanding of each other... (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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