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Chapter 1316 Is it the beginning or the end?

Time is like a group of wild horses running wild, passing quickly...

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

To everyone's surprise, and shocking to many people, in this year's economic rankings of cities in Chujiang Province, Jingjiang's GDP in the last quarter surpassed Chujiang, the provincial capital, and proudly ranked first in the province.

The economy of a satellite prefecture-level city exceeds that of a provincial capital. This has never happened in the history of Chujiang.

And this achievement of Jingjiang will surely go down in history.

Jingjiang went from a problem city to the fastest growing and best developing city in the province in only three years.

Over the past three years, Jingjiang has firmly followed a development path that suits its own needs, and has now achieved great success in many aspects such as reforming state-owned enterprises, attracting investment, and establishing logistics centers.

The construction of Zuomapu Wharf has made Jingjiang the main hub of sea, land and air transportation for the entire Chujiang River.

Relying on its unique geographical advantages, the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government proposed a huge plan at the end of the year to build Jingjiang into a goods wholesale center and commercial center in the Central Plains region.

This plan is estimated to bring tens of billions of yuan in output value to Jingjiang City, and nearly one billion yuan in fiscal and tax revenue every year.

The plan mainly relies on Jingjiang's traditional advantages in the garment industry. On the premise of establishing Jingjiang City's goods distribution center, the government vigorously develops commerce and encourages business prosperity. The purpose is to build Jingjiang into the first goods distribution center in the Central Plains and welcome goods to the south.

The merchants traveling to and from the north thus boosted the economic vitality of the entire Jingjiang River.

This plan is huge, but its implementation will not happen overnight, but this plan is very tempting.

Once this plan is implemented, Jingjiang's urban prosperity and urban scale will be greatly expanded. And with the rapid development of Chucheng, the process of Jingchu integration will be further accelerated.

Perhaps ten years from now, the Jingchu Economic Circle in Chujiang Province will become the largest and most successful economic circle in the entire Central Plains region.

Jingjiang is telling the whole country its own potential and value in this way.

Driven by Jingjiang's economy, the province's economy as a whole is improving this year. Although the national economic data has not yet been released, Chujiang Province will definitely move forward steadily. This is basically a certainty.


Jingjiang Shipyard.

Secretary Wu of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General Chen Jing of the Provincial Party Committee visited the shipyard today to inspect and express condolences.

Although many foreign media have interpreted it, Jingjiang Shipyard has now become the general production base of the Republic's medium and low-tonnage military ships.

But Jingjiang Shipyard is still a civilian enterprise after all. Now after reorganization, Jingjiang Shipyard has become the largest enterprise in Chujiang Province.

Secretary Wu and Secretary Chen came here to inspect, and the main leaders of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee accompanied them throughout the process.

After visiting the shipyard, the group climbed up Yushan Mountain together.

Yushan is now a real military zone, and the important experts and confidential technicians of the shipyard all live in Yushan.

Yushan has signs indicating military restricted areas all year round. Radar positions can be seen everywhere on the mountain and are heavily guarded.

Otherwise, the entire Yushan garrison is composed of the Shipyard Security Office, a regiment, and the person in charge is Chen Jing's nemesis, Colonel Qiu Ruohan.

The Jingjiang Shipyard has now changed from a shotgun to a cannon. Looking from the top of Yushan Mountain, the entire shipyard area is bustling and busy, with workers everywhere busy at various construction sites.

Due to the successful introduction of Jingjiang Shipyard, the scale of Jingjiang Military Division was further expanded.

He Shoushan, the commander of the military division, also serves as the commander of the provincial military region. At the conferment ceremony of the military region this year, he was also awarded the rank of major general in a high-profile manner.

It can be foreseen that He Shoushan's current position is definitely only a temporary position. He will definitely serve at the top level of a main group army in the military region. A general who has leapt on the battlefield of the Republic has never left Jingjiang. It must be said that this is also Jingjiang's.


In Yushan, He Shoushan held Chen Jing's hand tightly and said with deep emotion:

"A few years ago, Jingjiang was still like a child, and Jingjiang Shipyard was a bad boy who was seriously ill. A few years later, everything has changed. Even the barren mountain of Yushan has completely changed its appearance. To put it bluntly,

To be honest, these achievements were beyond our imagination at the beginning, and we did not dare to think about them.

In peacetime, our Jingjiang has re-entered the perspective of national defense construction and military construction, which has to be said to be a miracle. Secretary-General, you are the creator of miracles!"

Chen Jingdao: "Commander He, you are too flattering to say so! I just did some work of connecting people and making connections. To be honest, it is nothing. The achievements are all achieved by the hard work of the comrades. This is what I am waiting for in the Provincial Party Committee."

But I hear good news about Jingjiang every day!

As a cadre who has worked in Jingjiang, I feel very proud and very gratified!"

He Shoushan laughed and said nothing.

Although he is a military cadre, he is also quite well-informed about Chujiang politics.

Now Chen Jing is no longer the struggling Municipal Party Committee Secretary in Jingjiang in the past. Chen Jing has great influence on the Provincial Party Committee. Jingjiang cadres have also been gathered by him to create the Jingjiang Clique, which is currently the most powerful in Chujiang politics. Now there is more news.

, saying that Chen Jing could not stay in Jingjiang for long.

The central government's personnel deployment across the country is about to begin, and Chen Jing has already entered the central organization's sight.

An important leader of the Central Organization Department has communicated with Wu Daming several times regarding Chen Jing's whereabouts.

Wu Daming is said to have relented because of Chen Jing's future.

Now many people in Chujiang are discussing where Chen Jing’s next stop will be!

It is obvious that Chen Jing has been very successful in Chujiang in the past few years and has outstanding political achievements.

After such a long period of sedimentation and accumulation, Chujiang finally got out of the quagmire and began to move forward steadily.

At this time, the position of secretary-general seemed to have seriously restricted Chen Jing's talents.

This time, at the request of the Central Committee, the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China compiled a list of more than 20 key provincial cadres at or above the provincial deputy minister level across the country, and Chen Jing's name was said to be at the top of the list.

There are even rumors that top leaders in Lingnan, Northern Jiangsu and other provinces are already asking the central government for people. Chen Jing has entered the central circle of the Republic's political arena and is getting closer and closer.

Of course, now is not the time to discuss these issues, but the number of inspections that Chen Jing accompanied Wu Daming has become less and less. This is an objective fact.

More often than not, Chen Jing inspects alone. Every inspection he makes is almost the focus of the province's media. His exposure in the media is second only to Governor Qiu Zizhong, and even exceeds that of Deputy Secretary Sun Qianshi.


Today, after a few months, Chen Jing accompanied the secretary to inspect Jingjiang and Jingjiang Shipyard. Some senior people familiar with Chujiang politics have interpreted that this may be Chen Jing saying goodbye to everyone in a very obscure way.

Although this statement is a bit far-fetched, it is obvious that Chen Jing has received a lot of attention today.

At the morning press conference between the Provincial Party Committee and Jingjiang City.

Some people from other provinces even asked Chen Jing directly and bluntly: "Secretary-General Chen, there are many rumors outside that you are about to leave Chujiang. What is your comment on this?"

Chen Jing immediately replied: "I have deep feelings for Chujiang and I am willing to work in Chujiang for the rest of my life!"

Chen Jing's answer obviously has an official tone, which is not enough to prove anything. On the contrary, it makes everyone pay more attention to it.

After having dinner in Yushan, Wu Daming hadn't been to the hot spring villa for a long time, so he went directly to the hot spring villa to rest that night.

In the hot spring pool, Chen Jing and Wu Daming faced each other, soaking in the pool together and enjoying the recuperation of the hot spring.

The scene was very quiet. Neither Chen Jing nor Wu Daming spoke. They seemed to be thinking about their own problems.

After a long time, Wu Daming said: "Chen Jing, I am more than twenty years older than you. I will work in Chujiang until the end of my life. It is my biggest wish to be able to completely develop Chujiang's economy. I don't have much hope."

I have so many thoughts. Even now that I am old enough, I can stand up for a day. My whole life of working for the party has been worth it.

After retirement in the future, I will live in Laogan Sanatorium, soak in this hot spring every day, take care of myself, and return to the old mountains and forests!"

He paused and said: "But you are different from me. You are very young and still have a lot of time to show your talents. The future future and destiny of the Republic will be controlled by your generation.

Now among the cadres of your age, you are considered the best. Minister Mi has made up his mind this time and called me twice through the red phone. He has become more peaceful in recent years, but he shouted at me.

It has become popular at least twice, saying that I am building a small hill, regardless of the overall situation, and only care about my one-third of an acre of land in Chujiang."

He sighed softly and said: "I have thought about the old leader's words repeatedly, and I understand his thoughts very well. If you continue to stay in Chujiang, it will hinder your development..."

Chen Jing remained silent. After a while, he said: "Secretary, there is a problem with our province's confidentiality work. Things that haven't been revealed yet have already caused commotion outside. Such things must be investigated strictly!"

"Hehe!" Wu Daming turned around and smiled and said: "That's your job. You go back and investigate thoroughly. If the problem is solved, report it to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deal with it seriously!"

Chen Jing smiled and shook his head helplessly.

It's not that Chen Jing hasn't considered leaving Chujiang, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

I had just worked for the Chujiang Provincial Party Committee for a year and had just found some sense. Now I was suddenly considering leaving Chujiang. I have to say that this news shocked Chen Jing and was a little caught off guard.

Finally, the work in Chujiang has been spread out, and I am doing it smoothly. I am familiar with all aspects of the work, and my results are improving and I can see hope.

But he has to leave at this time. Although this kind of leaving is an honor and a success, Chen Jing will inevitably have a lot of emotions in his heart.

He has lived in Chujiang since he was a child and has lived here for decades.

My feelings for this place and the city of Chucheng are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

But Wu Daming said it right. As a cadre from Chucheng, it is impossible to serve as the top leader in Chujiang. In this case, how can Chen Jing not consider his own development future? (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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