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Chapter 131 The secretary of the county party committee urgently recruits!

Huang Xiaohua's spirit has always been in a state of high tension.

He has followed Shu Zhiguo for so many years, and he is well aware of Shu Zhiguo's temper. Whenever Shu Zhiguo encounters a major event, he will never sleep well, and it is common to stay up all night.

Shu Zhiguo couldn't sleep well these days, so Huang Xiaohua would go to Shu Zhiguo's place every night to talk to him.

He knew very well what made Shu Zhiguo nervous. For an official, the period of time when he was organizing inspections and preparing for promotion was the most important and critical, and Shu Zhiguo was exactly in this period now.

Moreover, Shu Zhiguo's promotion this year is his last chance. If he misses it this time, there may not be another one. Age is a heavy shackle around his neck, and he happens to be stepping on this critical point.


"Sanjiang Media!"

Huang Xiaohua shook his head. This company was personally selected by Shu Zhiguo. The mainstream theory outside is that Sanjiang Media may be Shu Zhiguo's roots in the provincial capital. Even if it is not that, it must be related to his connections in the provincial capital.

But Huang Xiaohua is more willing to believe that Shu Zhiguo likes the number "three" in his heart.

Confucius once said, "One is born from two, two begets three, and three begets all things."

Shu Zhiguo likes to talk about this sentence, and many things in Shu Zhi's country are related to the three, and Sanjiang Media may just fit Shu Zhiguo's love for the three.

But in Huang Xiaohua’s view, the problem lies with Sanjiang Media.

"Three. is indeed good, but the term Sanjiang is not good.

The topography of the Lihe River happens to be the shape of the confluence of three rivers. Huang Xiaohua also likes Feng Shui. In his opinion, because of the shape of the confluence of the three rivers, the luck of the Lihe River has been washed away by the river. In history, when the Lihe River was full of outstanding people, it was all when the three rivers met.

In times of disaster, rivers may be blocked, causing waterlogging.

In order to prevent the Japanese from going south, Chiang Kai-shek blew up the embankments of the Yellow River in the north. Later, some Kuomintang officers followed suit and blew up the embankments of the Three Rivers on the Chu River.

As soon as the Sanjiang Dam exploded, talents in Lihe River sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Until many years after liberation, Lihe River continued to suffer from waterlogging and floods, but there were more and more talents.

Later, the country made great efforts to dredge the rivers and built the Sanjiang River Embankment in Hongjing. The water of the Sanjiang River in Lihe River was able to flow backwards, but the luck was gone!

Now that Shu Zhiguo has found Sanjiang Media, how can there not be problems?

Huang Xiaohua thought so in his heart, but he could only keep all these thoughts in his stomach. Shu Zhiguo loved misbelief the most, and loved the mysterious and mysterious way most.

But he is also most afraid of others mentioning this in front of him. If anyone says this to him, he will be very unhappy!

When Huang Xiaohua arrived at Shu Zhiguo, Shu Zhiguo was taking a nap on the sofa. This so-called home was actually a house belonging to the old family members of the county party committee.

The houses in this area are all old ones, and they were originally the site of the Lihe County Tea Factory. Later, the tea factory closed down, and the county came forward to divide and auction the tea factory property.

The previous team left several buildings of the tea factory guest house in a quiet environment, and Shu Zhiguo arranged an office building for himself here.

Huang Xiaohua walked in quietly and slowly looked at the coffee in the cup in front of Shu Zhiguo.

As soon as he approached, Shu Zhiguo opened his eyes and said, "You just came back from Fangshan Hotel, right? How was it? The situation!"

Huang Xiao...hua shook his head and said: "It seems they broke up on bad terms. Xiao Chen came out first. The female reporter had an ugly face when she came out. She went straight back to her hunchbacked place and thanked guests behind closed doors!"

Shu Zhiguo rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes again.

After a long while, he said: "Xiaohua, tonight my head is throbbing and aching, and I feel that my energy is not as good as before. It seems that I may be really old!"

Huang Xiaohua was shocked and said: "Secretary, what are you talking about? If you are old, our Lihe team should retire! You are the most energetic and youngest among our team!"

Shu Zhiguo hummed and said nothing. He kept rubbing his head.

He had a headache, but mostly it was because he was anxious. Just before Huang Xiaohua arrived, he made several calls, one of which was directly to the provincial capital.

The reply from the provincial capital was very direct, saying: "Fang Wanqi is not an ordinary reporter. There must be no restrictions on him at all, let alone any other uncivilized things!"

When Shu Zhiguo heard this, he was immediately confused.

What he was calling to ask for permission was his own matter, and he wanted to ask if anyone was involved in causing trouble. But the other party went straight to the point and called reporters. He said three sentences in total, each of which was an exhortation and warning.

Shu Zhiguo had heard that this reporter had a lot of background, but what exactly was it? Why did she have to be at odds with him?

Shu Zhiguo was tortured by this problem so much that he couldn't sleep, and his meals tasted tasteless.

He smelled danger. With his many years of experience as an official, he could naturally sense the danger coming.

His relationship in the provincial capital has been made very clear. Shu Zhiguo's only correct approach now is to do nothing and let nature take its course. What is the difference between this statement and waiting for death?

If it wasn't a last resort, how could the person above let Shu Zhiguo be so passive and wait for death?

Shu Zhiguo is not a person who just sits back and waits for death, but with warning in advance, he dare not act rashly.

And letting Chen Jing and Fang Wanqi get in touch first was because he accepted other people's suggestions with his subtle mind. He didn't have high expectations for Chen Jing, but Chen Jing and Fang Wanqi broke up on bad terms.

He didn't expect it.

I have to say that this result brought by Huang Xiaohua is very frustrating.

"Recorder, we might as well look at this issue from another angle," Huang Xiaohua tried.

Shu Zhiguo raised his eyebrows and stared at Huang Xiaohua. Huang Xiaohua's tense heart relaxed and he said: "I have seen the female reporter named Fang Wanqi. She is an authentic Beijing film. Based on her demeanor and temperament, I doubt

she is……"

Huang Xiaohua pointed at the sky with one finger.

Shu Zhiguo's face changed slightly, Huang Xiaohua pointed to the sky, the sky was the capital, Fang Wanqi was a noble person in the capital?

Shu Zhiguo kept silent, quietly waiting for Huang Xiaohua's subsequent analysis and inference.

This is what Huang Xiaohua is very good at. He has been Shu Zhiguo's staff for so many years. With his clever ideas, small knives, small tricks, and cleverness in understanding people's hearts, Huang Xiaohua can be said to be unmatched. At this moment, Shu Zhiguo really wants to

Huang Xiaohua can say amazing things.

"Ji Ji, if that's the case, here comes the problem! Xiao Chen and Reporter Fang broke up on bad terms. How could they break up on bad terms? What happened to cause them to break up on bad terms?" Huang Xiaohua said, he was right.

He moved and blurted out: "Or if I say it another way, the Lihe Lous will randomly send anyone to meet this reporter Fang. Who has the ability to break up with her on bad terms?"

Shu Zhiguo's face was expressionless and his posture remained unchanged. After a long time, he slowly sat up straight, and his eyes that were slightly closed suddenly opened.

"I want to call Chen Jing to the county committee tomorrow. I want to talk to him!" Shu Zhiguo said, his words were extremely firm and could be said to be categorical.

Huang Xiaohua's words were a bit cryptic, but his meaning was made very clear. As long as Fang Wanqi met her, he could easily tell that her background was extraordinary, and her appearance and appearance were so refined that it would have been difficult for anyone else.

, no matter what, I dare not and cannot bear to break up with Fang Wanqi on bad terms.

However, Chen Jing and her parted ways without exchanging words, and he left first in the most ungraceful manner. Didn't this convey some useful information?

Shu Zhiguo gently clenched his fist, and he recalled his meeting with Chen Jing. In that meeting, he felt that he had a very thorough understanding of this young man. Later, there was another meeting, and that time he

I feel like I can see more clearly.

But now, when Shu Zhiguo thought about Chen Jing's face and conversation, he suddenly felt a little blurry and couldn't figure it out...

Chen Jing received two notifications at work.

A notice was sent by Director Huang of the County Party Committee Office, asking him to go to the County Party Committee immediately after work to take up matters.

The other notice was more serious. It was an urgent message conveyed by the General Manager Office of Caishui Group to all units in Lihe. The employees of Caishui Group were on strike and causing trouble!

When Chen Jing saw the news, he jumped up from the chair where he had just sat down.

Caishui Group employees are causing trouble? How is this possible?

The current employees of Caishui Group are all re-recruited after Caishui entered Lihe. The old employees of Yizhou Cement Factory in the past were basically useless because they were worried that they would be difficult to manage and difficult to manage!

Caishui Group's problems have always been centered on the old employees of Yizhou Cement Factory who interfered with their construction. In addition, the people around the cement factory obstructed their mining of stones, collectively blocked their doors, and so on.

There has never been a strike by Caishui Group employees.

Chen Jing keenly felt the difficulty of the matter and what was behind it.

He lit a cigarette for himself and wanted to calmly sort out his thoughts. The phone on the table rang. He grabbed the phone and Huang Xiaohua's voice rang: "What's wrong? Xiao Chen, you didn't receive my call."


Chen Jing was stunned and said: "I know, but Director Huang, something happened over Caishui. The notice has been sent to my desk. You said this..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for about three seconds, and then Huang Xiaohua said: "Shu Ji wants to see you, and he wants to see you right away! You decide for yourself whether you go to Caishui first or the county committee first!"

Chen Jing's heart sank suddenly, "Shu Zhiguo wants to see him? Why?"

Chen Jing was unsure, and even felt a little guilty. He thought of Fang Wanqi's elegant and outstanding temperament last night, and he suddenly thought, did Shu Zhiguo have a relationship with this woman when he saw me? What kind of relationship is it? Is all his old background covered?

Revealed? If so, could Shu Zhiguo spare himself?!

This chapter has been completed!
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