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Chapter 137 Add another fire!

Fang Wanheng was laughing with her belly full, right at the gate of Lingquan Temple... the flower branches were trembling wildly, and the people in Junzayoudong looked sideways.

Chen Jing was so embarrassed. He just explained to Fang Wanqi one by one the main reasons for the rumors about himself and Vice Governor Chen of the province, and Fang Wanqi started to laugh without any image.

Especially when Fang Wanqi heard that Chen Jing's father was called Chen Zhidong and Vice Governor Chen was called Chen Zhide, she burst out laughing. She also asked Chen Jing's father how old he was. After comparing their ages, his father was older than Vice Governor Chen Zhide.

He was only a year older, so Fang Wanqi laughed at him, saying that his father and Vice Provincial Officer Chen were just the right ones, because if they were close in age, they would have to be twins to explain it.

Fang Wanqi also smiled and said, "No wonder you have such a prosperous official career this year. It turns out you have a great uncle! Also, the article I helped you publish was a great success, so you have to thank me..."

Chen Jing was really embarrassed by her teasing. He stretched out his hand to pull her away from the main gate of Lingquan Temple and said, "Is it that funny? Don't you know that laughing in the temple will frighten the Bodhisattva."

Fang Wanqi's smile gradually faded, but her eyes quickly roamed Chen Jing's face.

Chen Jing let her hand go, feeling a strange fragrance lingering on it. He took a step back, not daring to meet her eyes, and said, "Okay, that's it for one question. You can ask for the second one."


"You have no sense of humor. You don't laugh at such an interesting thing..."

Fang Wanqi raised her hand to look at her watch and said, "Have you just had lunch? How do you arrange the afternoon interview?"

"There is still half an hour for lunch. Director Huang of our county party committee will come to pick you up in the afternoon and arrange the interview with him..." Chen Jing said.

Fang Wanqi rolled her eyes and said, "Chen Jing, you said that if I were to interview you in the afternoon, all the questions asked would be out of line. What will happen to you, the escort who has been with me for three days? What is your identity as the nephew of Vice Governor Chen?"

Can it be your gold medal to avoid death?"

Chen Jing smiled softly and said, "What's wrong with your visit depends on the nature of your job and has nothing to do with me. I'll take you for a walk around Lihe River to have a look. I just want you to see it."

Look at the "real" Lihe River. A very dedicated reporter saw the "real" Lihe River, and then went to interview the administrative and party committee leaders of this place. Can he have anything to do with the tour guide?"

Fang Wanqi said coldly, "Don't be so careless with me. Do you really think it won't matter?"

Chen Jing didn't speak, but he was also thinking in his mind about how Shu Zhiguo would deal with him if it was true as Fang Wantao said.

Chen Jing often reads novels. In the novels, there are talented people with strong backgrounds and strong backgrounds. The young princes go down to the grassroots to coax the county magistrate and even the mayor. When they see them, they are respectful and want to have sex with them. Only those who have experienced it can know it.

That is simply an absurd imagination in a novel. In reality, let alone the mayor or county magistrate, he is the secretary of the party committee of a township. They were able to get to that position only after a bloody fight.

They have great power, and they will become unprincipled if they have a certain identity. Besides, there are a few people these days who have no background. No matter how awesome the little prince is, if he is too domineering, he will eventually be unable to move forward if he does not know how to behave. Politics is not

If you go head-to-head and look down on the county magistrates and mayors at the grassroots level, very few of them will be killed in the end.

The officialdom is a big network, and everyone is a node in the network. The mysterious part is that no one knows who is standing behind anyone. This fact also makes the game in the officialdom full of variables and full of officials.

The situation was treacherous, "What are you thinking about in your foolishness..." Fang Wanqi shouted at Chen Jing, she stretched out her white jade-like hand and waved it in front of Chen Jing's eyes.

Chen Jing quickly pulled himself out of his thoughts, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said, "It's time to eat soon. I was wondering about your second question, why you haven't come out yet..."

"Really?" Fang Wanqi frowned slightly. Chen Jing called to the driver to drive over. He stretched out his hand to let Fang Wanqi get in the car.

The two entered the car. Chen Jing sat in the passenger seat and said to the driver, "Go back and eat at the same place..."

Fang Wanqi said from the back seat, "Okay, Chen Jing, my second question is that I really don't want to eat at Jinyu Restaurant at noon. Let's decide on a different restaurant..."

Chen Jing turned around in astonishment, and even the driver turned his head. Fang Wanqi raised her voice and said, "What? Can't you do the second question?"

Chen Jing was dumbfounded by this. He waved his hand to the driver and said, "Listen to reporter Fang, you can choose a place..."

Fang Wanqi sat in the back seat and said, "Chen Jing, you go to Jinyu Restaurant every day to eat. I think it's fake for you to eat, but it's real for you to meet your girlfriend frequently. You are being dishonest with others, so you'd better take this test when treating guests in the future."


Chen Jing sighed. He had been studying with the prince every day these days, running around all day long, and had no time to talk to Jin Lu. He only had two meals at Jinyu Restaurant in the past three days. Anyway, it was provided by the county committee.

In terms of hospitality, Chen Jing took care of Jinyu Restaurant, which is a reasonable use of resources. When he asked a question, Fang Wanqi insisted on being dishonest. Fortunately, Fang Wanqi's two problems were solved, and Chen Jing felt relieved.

In one breath, I had a hard time pretending to be my grandson for the past three days. This result is considered a success. At the same time, Chen Jing’s opinion of Fang Wanqi also changed after three days. Fang Wanqi’s intelligence is extremely high and her background is amazing. This woman

It's amazing that Huang Xiaohua has been watching Fang Wanqi's interview with cold eyes. He knows that this interview with Shu Zhiguo is so nervous, because Shu Zhiguo made a special trip to reconfirm with Huang Xiaohua in order to arrange the interview time.

It is rare for Shu Zhiguo to confirm his schedule.

The last time he confirmed his schedule was on the day when Deputy Secretary Fang of the Municipal Party Committee came to Lihe for an inspection. He confirmed the time Deputy Secretary Fang arrived at Fangshan Hotel.

The last time it was an inspection and investigation by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Deputy Secretary, this time it was just an interview by a reporter. Can these two things be equated? But in Shu Zhiguo's heart, he regards these two things as very important.


There was no tense scene. Fang Wanqi's questions were relatively mild. She didn't ask any of the sharp questions that had appeared in the "Strange Stories" program. She only asked about the Tujia culture that Lihe is proud of.

Issues such as multi-ethnic integration, local economic development, etc.

The interview lasted for fifteen minutes in total. At the end of the interview, Fang Wanqi and Shu Zhiguo drank coffee and chatted. At this time, Huang Xiaohua also participated in the process.

Fang Wanqi smiled at Huang Xiaohua and said, "Director Huang, thank you very much for arranging a good tour guide for me. Chen Ji really can't tell. He used to be careless and ignorant, but after staying in Lihe for several years, he has changed so much."


"No, no, I just thought that Deputy Director Chen is from Chucheng and it might be easier for you to communicate..." Huang Xiaohua said humbly. But there was a storm in his heart. The information revealed by Fang Wanqi's words was extremely rich.


First of all, what Fang Wanqi revealed is that she and Chen Jing have known each other for a long time, so what conditions must Chen Jing have to have the opportunity to know Fang Wanqi very early.

Huang Xiaohua has long known in his heart that Fang Wanqi is definitely not an easy person, otherwise Shu Zhiguo would not be so nervous. Every year, Shu Zhiguo is not allowed to use any of the methods used by the Promotion Department for public relations and media management. If Fang Wanqi is just an ordinary reporter,

Shu Zhi will be so cautious.

Huang Xiaohua glanced at Shu Zhiguo. Shu Zhiguo's expression was very dull, but Huang Xiaohua could tell that he was also very surprised in his heart.

Only one of the three people was smiling, Fang Wanqi's smile was as bright as a dimple, and she was holding her belly like a sheep.

Chen Jing, the nephew of Vice Governor Chen, was a man-made coincidence. Fang Wanqi didn't mind adding another fire. With this fire, Chen Jing should have set up a stage to perform in Lihe and made a big splash.

Bo, eliminated invisibly, the provincial TV station launched a special program to discuss whether it was reasonable for the local government to film the reward film and what the pros and cons were. A group of experts, social celebrities, and college students were invited to debate on the spot.

At the same time, the Degao Municipal Party Committee's Appreciation Department released the "Impression of Lihe" promotional film shot by Lihe to the outside world. It is a promotional film with a promotional area and an advertising nature. It is appropriately artistically amplified.

This aspect is reasonable and reasonable. If you don't do it, it is a strange talk, and it is not a strange theory for officials.

The host of the Provincial TV Station's strange talk program also specifically mentioned Impression Lihe and admitted that if you view Impression Lihe as a commercial, there is indeed no problem in itself. How to view it depends on everyone's correct perspective.


A public relations crisis about Lihe was solved in this way. Many people in Lihe were shaking their glasses. While they were shaking their glasses, Chen Jing's role in it gradually came to light.

Chen Jing's "background", which was previously only known to a handful of county standing committee members, gradually began to expand in scope. There were many rumors about Chen Jing's "background" in the government team and among the leaders of a county-level unit.

All Chen Jing's performances in the past three years in Lihe have been reinterpreted one by one. He was silent for two years, and then suddenly made a surprise move. People who love to talk about things are desperately trying to figure out why he was silent for two years.

Well. In those two years, Chen Jing did not show off his strength in the Lihe River, and he really fell into silence.

There is also this person who blames Lin Zhongze's downfall on Chen Jing, thinking that Chen Jing's continued silence may be to fully collect evidence of Lin Zhongze's crime.

Some officials made subjective assumptions, saying that Chen Jing came to Lihe because the leaders above were disappointed with the Lihe team and asked Chen Jing to come to understand the situation on the spot, get the inside story, and then perform major surgery on Lihe!


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