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Chapter Sixteen Who is it?

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Chen Jing is not a person with overflowing sympathy. Those knights who hate evil and fight against injustice only exist in novels and scripts.

People who live in reality are more accustomed to doing more than doing less. It is generally wise for everyone to take care of themselves.

But there was one thing that Chen Jing had to admit from the bottom of his heart, that is, a pitiful and charming young woman was crying and begging on her knees. It was indeed a scene that was difficult to refuse. Chen Jing did not refuse Xu Lifeng's request.

Of course not for the reasons behind.

Taking a closer look at the most worthwhile things that happened in the two years since Chen Jing came to Lihe, after much deliberation, it turned out to be that he got to know Lao Xu and his wife.

I have to say that this answer is a bit funny, even a bit absurd.

A young man who is in the prime age of career struggle has made no achievements in his career and has nothing worth remembering in his work and life for several years. However, he was deeply impressed by a meal shared by a strange couple.

"Tell me the name of that person! I wonder who in Lihe still does this thing of bullying men and dominating women." Chen Jing said in an indifferent tone.

The woman was a little embarrassed, and her face was stained with two red clouds. She hesitated for a long time before she said a name: "His name is... Zheng... Zheng... Shuang..."

"Zheng Shuang? Is this the Zheng Shuang who opened a local restaurant in Hexi?" Chen Jing was a little surprised.

The woman nodded vigorously, with an affirmative look on her face.

Chen Jing frowned and hit his head with his hand, feeling confused.

At this moment, the child in the woman's arms woke up. When the child woke up and saw Chen Jing, he opened his mouth and cried "Wow!" and shouted: "Bad guy, bad guy!"

The woman patted the child's back hard and said, "Uncle is not a bad person. Uncle is here to help grandpa."

The woman's eyes moved and she looked at Chen Jing and said: "The child is young and ignorant!"

Chen Jing was a little embarrassed and reached out to touch the child's head. The child's dark eyes looked at Chen Jing warily.

"What's your name?" Chen Jing tried his best to make his tone gentler.

"Xu Bin!" The boy looked timid, but his voice was loud. He had just woken up, his eyes were still swollen, and he looked very cute.

Chen Jing didn't say much, and he didn't ask the two women how they were going to spend the night tonight, when would the car leave tomorrow, and where would they go, etc.

The world of women has nothing to do with him. In fact, he is self-aware and knows that he is not capable of dealing with those things. He agreed to the woman's request not because of the woman, but because of Mr. Xu and his wife. They were Chen Jing's only two friends in Lihe for two years.

People who feel warm.

It was late at night, and the woman left with her child and simple luggage in the direction of the county long-distance bus station, saying she wanted to catch the earliest bus to the provincial capital.

Chen Jing naturally didn't know how to see guests off, but after the woman left, he tossed and turned in bed but couldn't fall asleep.

Zheng Shuang!

When Chen Jing thinks of this name, he will think of that enthusiastic and kind-hearted owner of a local restaurant. He always gives people face and makes people feel valued. He is a typical businessman who has a backing but is not arrogant. Such a person has a bright future.

, the most easy to get along with.

How could such a person have such an unbearable and complicated side behind him?

Meng Hu is over 1.80 meters tall. Sitting opposite Chen Jing, he is as thick as a hill. He is a big man.

The action of Meng Hu leading the law enforcement team in Pingdong was regarded as his surrender to Chen Jing, and he investigated the matter in Pingdong. From then on, he and Chen Jing were tied to a rope, and it was difficult to separate them again.

In this incident, Meng Hu also saw the decisiveness and ruthlessness behind Chen Jing's gentle mask.

For Zhu Senlin and Ma Wenhua, it was a matter of turning their hands to make clouds and rain. They made promises in front of them, but turned around and stabbed them at the fatal place, leaving both of them unlucky but miserable.

What's even more powerful is that Chen Jing confiscated more than 400 cubic meters of wood that was investigated and dealt with in Pingdong, and confiscated all the money for processing the wood to use as special funds for mountain closure and forestation. This move was interpreted by the outside world as enriching the bureau and losing money to the countryside. This Forestry Bureau

Over the past few years, shouting for funds and asking for money has always been an important task for the main leaders of the bureau.

A leader who can win money is actually a great manifestation of his ability. Everyone in the bureau will look high on such a leader.

Now it would be better for Chen Jing to directly confiscate the illegally felled timber in the countryside, which would cost hundreds of thousands of silver.

This money is private money that many people have accumulated for many years. Meng Hu is very aware of this. Chen Jing confiscated this money, and I don't know how many people are bleeding in their hearts.

In recent days, there have been more and more reports about what happened between the Forestry Bureau and Chen Jing. Naturally, some people became angry and started to think of ways to make things right!

Meng Hu admired Chen Jing very much for making decisive decisions and daring to offend others.

In turn, Chen Jing used these two points to teach Meng Hu a lesson. What Meng Hu needs now is to offend people. The law enforcement captain does the job of offending people.

If the forestry bureau's law enforcement captain is always graceful, amiable, and acting like a good guy, and says there is nothing wrong with the forestry bureau, who in the world will believe it?

So for Chen Jing's request, Meng Hu just closed his eyes and stamped his feet to do it. Now that he has done it, looking back, he feels really comfortable. And the reputation of the Forestry Bureau is also due to this case in Pingdong.

It rose a lot at once.

In several villages and towns near Pingdong, such as Changtiyan, Dadianhe, Wufangping, and Hongyuxi, after hearing about the case in Pingdong, the secretary and township head were highly nervous and personally deployed to severely crack down on private logging. In this sense,

It was said that the raid in Pingdong had the effect of knocking the mountain out of the way and making a positive contribution to the maintenance of forestry order in the county.

As the captain of the law enforcement team, Meng Hu acted as a vanguard in this positive contribution. For him who is currently in trouble, such a contribution is too great.

"Bureau Chen, we did a good job on the Pingdong case and did it thoroughly! Speaking of which, this is all because of your good decision-making. We are just errands. The main credit is yours." Meng Hu said with a smile.

Having had more contact with Chen Jing, Meng Hu became very natural when facing him. The two of them got along well with each other, and they were not too serious usually.

"Captain Meng, you are the law enforcement captain. You were the first to rush to the front line. When it comes to credit, you are the first!" Chen Jing said. He changed the subject, "It is said that you and Zhu Senlin have a good relationship. This matter will affect

Your relationship?"

Meng Hu sighed and nodded: "It has some influence. Everyone in the forest is nice and the work is reassuring, but the principles are sometimes lacking."

"No one is perfect! I have an immature idea. I want to bring Lao Zhu into the bureau. You must have a good relationship in the future!" Chen Jing said.

"In the bureau? Which department? Are there any free positions in the bureau now?" Meng Hu asked curiously.

Chen Jing smiled faintly and said: "If there is nothing ready-made, just squeeze in! Lao Zhu is a good business accountant, so let him calculate financial stocks!"

Meng Hu's expression changed and he stopped talking. The current section chief of the financial planning unit is Guan Zhang. Zhu Senlin has gone to the financial planning unit. Who will be the head of the unit? When it comes to qualifications, Zhu Senlin is not weaker than Guan Zhang.

, when it comes to ability, Zhu Senlin is only strong, not to mention his background.

Zhu Senlin went to the accounting and financial sector, so Guan Zhang's position must be awkward and delicate.

Meng Hu took a deep look at Chen Jing and felt solemn in his heart. Since Chen Jing took over Zhao Wenlong's work, he has successively recruited Yan Qing, himself and others, but Guan Zhang's attitude is not very clear. Chen Jing finally wants to deal with

He took action.

In the current Forestry Bureau, it is not difficult for Chen Jing to do this. Guan Zhang has been in charge of finances for so many years. Not to mention other things, the cigarettes and alcohol given to him by the following stations every year are not a small amount.

Chen Jing used this to make excuses, and no one dared to protect Guanzhang at the director meeting.

The Discipline Inspection Commission is watching from above, and the main leaders in the bureau are very nervous. Who will get into trouble for Guan Zhang?

Thinking of this, Meng Hu's heart was complicated. He knew very well that if he hadn't turned the helm in time, I'm afraid he would be the same as Guan Zhang!

"Lao Meng, at three o'clock later, I will go to the director's office to report on my work. At that time, I will give him a detailed report on my recent work and strive to compete with you for an overall report award. In addition, you will be awarded the outstanding post at the end of this year.

The hope is also great, you must seize the opportunity!" Chen Jing said.

"Thank you Bureau Chen, I will continue to work hard!" Meng Hu said, his attitude was unusually sincere.

"That's right. When you have a goal in your work, you will be motivated! There is another news for you. I am considering adding a new law enforcement vehicle to your law enforcement team. How about the new Cheetah? That guy has plenty of power and four wheels.

Driving is the most convenient way to go to the mountains and countryside!" Chen Jing said with a smile.

Meng Hu suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "Thank you very much! I think we are crazy about the car. Now that we have the car, our team will end the history of slash-and-burn farming. But this funding..."

"Why is there no funding? Didn't you get the funding back?" Chen Jing stared at Meng Hu.

Meng Hu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, Chen Jing laughed loudly, but suddenly his smile stopped, he stepped forward and lowered his voice: "There is one more thing you have to investigate, and you have to get to the bottom of it!"

Meng Hu's expression became serious and he said seriously: "What's going on!"

Chen Jing leaned over and said a few words to Meng Huer, then stepped away and said, "Do you understand?"

Meng Hu nodded numbly, but his face turned pale. He looked at Chen Jing blankly, as if he wanted to speak, but couldn't.

"What? You don't dare?" Chen Jing raised his voice!

"Dare, there's nothing to dare! It's just..."

"Since you have the courage, just go ahead and do it boldly. If there is a problem, I will take care of it. This investigation must be rigorous and meticulous, law enforcement actions must be quick and sudden, and influence must be exerted..." Chen Jing looked serious and spoke in a serious tone.


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