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Chapter 233 Big Chips

Chen Jing is thinking about two questions.

The first question is, why did Wu Daming carry out a surprise attack? Such a silent change of schedule can be said to be the opposite.

The three northern counties of Degao City, Lihe, Linhe, and Xiumei, are all counties that have just completed the adjustment of top leaders, and they are all counties with relatively backward economies. It is said that the biggest test for Wu Daming now is the party committee of each district and county.

There must be a plan for the adjustment of top political leaders.[]

When Wu Daming took office, he appointed the top leaders of the party and government in all districts and counties of Degao. This was not only a test of his ability, but also an opportunity for him.

The test of his ability is because every time there is a change of office, the game is at its most intense. People from all walks of life try their best to gain enough benefits for their own faction. How does Wu Daming balance the rights of each faction?

Fighting while successfully implementing your own will is a great test.

It is natural to say that it is an opportunity. If Wu Daming can make good use of this opportunity to adjust the team in the district and county, and successfully select a group of cadres who are able to do things, know how to do things, and can be controlled by him, this will be a great opportunity for Degao.

A big benefit, for Wu Daming personally, he will get twice the result with half the effort in his future work.

If we follow this idea, the three northwest counties of Degao are not the focus at present. The focus is on the remaining Wanshou County, Huayuan County, Leshan County and Qianhe, Houhe, Wuxing and Deshui districts. There are ten districts in Degao.

County, and there are seven districts and counties where the party and government leaders have not yet been established.

It is no exaggeration to say that the establishment of the top leaders of the district and county party and government has been brewing for almost a year. The depth of the situation is unimaginable. How, how, when and who will lift the lid.

, this all touches the hearts of countless people.

The motorcade was moving very fast, and soon it entered the boundary of Xiumei. Chen Jing straightened his waist and finally saw the vehicle coming to greet Xiumei at the fork of the national highway.

Viewed from a distance, Ma Buping was standing at the front... Behind him were dense crowds of people and cars. Chen Jing visually observed the formation from a distance, and it seemed that all four teams were present!

"Secretary Wu, Xiumei is here! Secretary Buping is leading the Xiumei team to greet you on the road!" Chen Jing turned around and said... He felt a little guilty. Ma Buping's battle was too big. Wu Daming's character is not someone who likes extravagance.

,Besides, it was said that this was a surprise attack, how could the people below grasp the itinerary so accurately?

"Go down! Let them go back together. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it when we go back... What's the point of seeing people with gray heads and faces on the road?" Wu Daming said. His eyes were still closed. He didn't seem to see what was going on outside at all.

, of course, it's possible that he doesn't want to see it.

Chen Jing signaled the driver to stop, and he slipped out of the passenger seat and jogged all the way to the direction where Ma Buping and others were standing.

Ma Buping and County Magistrate Duan Xiaoran rushed over to greet him... Ma Buping had a smile on his face, Duan Xiaoran was half a body behind him and said: "Director Chen... thank you for your hard work! How will the secretary arrange it?"

Before Chen Jing had time to reply, the two parties came closer. Chen Jing shook hands with Ma Buping, and Ma Buping also put his other hand up and said: "The Secretary's surprise attack was very sudden. I was really nervous!"

Ma Buping's words had profound meaning. On the one hand, he was grateful to Chen Jing for tipping him off. On the other hand, he still wanted Chen Jing to reveal some more information to him. After all, the municipal party committee secretary paid a sudden visit without receiving any notice in advance...

As a person below, I still feel a lot of pressure.

Chen Jing didn't know Wu Daming's intention either. He squeezed Ma Buping's hand tightly and said, "Follow the convoy back first, and we'll talk about it after we get back!"

Chen Jing let go of Ma Buping's hand. Duan Xiaoran had already reached out and they shook hands... There were people coming from behind, so Ma Buping stopped him and turned around and said: "Everyone get in the car, everyone get in the car! Go back! Go back!"

Everyone moved quickly, found their respective positions, and got into the car. Because of the addition of Xiumei's local car, the convoy became larger and larger. With such a huge convoy entering the county town, people on both sides of the county town streets rushed

Stop and watch, like looking at a peep show.

All the people in Xiumei County knew that high-ranking officials were coming to the county, and the fleet of dozens of cars made the traffic in this small county very difficult for a time.

"How does Xumei compare with Lihe?" Wu Daming asked sitting behind the car.

Chen Jing looked at the streets of Xiumei. They were quite dilapidated and the roads on both sides were messy. This mess had nothing to do with sanitation and was entirely caused by the old roads and backward layout. But Chen Jing knew in his heart that Xiumei was still better than Lihe.


He said: "Lihe is not as good as Xiumei. Lihe County is smaller and has a smaller population!"

Wu Daming remained silent, tapping the car window gently with his hand. After a while, he said: "If we get rid of poverty, how to improve the living standards of people in backward places is as important as developing the economy. Xiumei, Linhe and Lihe three

County, I have to visit and take a look!

To judge how Degao City is, we don’t have to look at how the urban areas of Degao are, but how the three northwest counties are. Did you know that the poverty-stricken population in the three northwest Degao counties exceeds one million?

-More than one-fifth of the entire Chujiang population is poor.

There are more than 90 districts and counties in Chujiang, and our three counties account for more than one-fifth of the province's poor population. Should we pay attention to these three counties?"

Chen Jing was speechless. Wu Daming was indeed assigned by the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, and he had all kinds of receipts at his fingertips. After what he said, the three northwest counties of Degao were really a tricky matter.

"Secretary, Secretary Xiu Meima used to be the county magistrate in Lihe and was my old superior!" Chen Jing said.

"So you revealed my itinerary to him, and then created a macro scene of a convoy of dozens of cars. It was so majestic! In such a poor county, I came down to see such a huge scene.

During the battle, wouldn’t the common people poke their backs and scold them?” Wu Da Ming said in a buzzing voice.

Chen Jing kept silent, but secretly blamed Ma Buping for going too far!

Wu Daming and his party went straight to the county party committee guest house. Things like guest houses have long been on the verge of being eliminated, and now they are rare.

But in Xiumei, the county party committee guest house is unique. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with an elegant environment. The key to receiving leaders is the small courtyard. It is not a villa, but the courtyard is more luxurious than the villa.

It was in such a courtyard that Wu Daming met with members of the Xiumei County Standing Committee.

Wu Daming did not mention the extravagance and waste of the reception. He only said that his sudden visit had caused inconvenience to everyone. Then he said that the original intention of the sudden visit was to see how poor the poorest place in Degao was.

Fortunately, he walked all the way and saw it!

Wu Daming said: "Now in our Xiumei County, the leaders of the party and government are all new people, just like me, they are all new officials who have just taken office. When people have changed, how to take the road is a very important issue. Develop the economy and seek development.

, I hope to see it in action!

The head of the Southern Inspection Patrol once said that a black cat or a white cat, the one that catches mice is a good cat. I will repeat this again on this occasion. As far as our Xiumei County is concerned, the most important thing is to develop the economy and strive to improve the people's

Living standards, I hope you can understand what I say and listen to what I say!"

After Wu Daming finished his speech, bang, bang, everyone applauded warmly.

After meeting with the Standing Committee, Wu Daming wanted to go down and have a look according to the schedule. But at this moment, he called Chen Jing over and said: "Let's make arrangements. I want to meet the comrades of the Lihe People's Congress and the CPPCC, as well as the old comrades. They are not going to be there tonight.

Are you going to have a dinner party? Why not make it bigger and leave some seats for the old comrades?"

Wu Daming proposed to meet with old comrades from the National People's Congress, the Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress. Chen Jing felt pressured at first, but as soon as he came out of the secretary's courtyard of the guest house, the two big guys from the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress were looking at him eagerly. Chen Jing said to them: "Two of them

Leader, the secretary wants to meet you alone, and also wants to meet the old comrade Xiu Mei, could you please make arrangements?"

When the two big bosses heard this, they were overjoyed. Isn't it easy for old comrades? They themselves were about to become old comrades. With a phone call, several veteran cadres who had retired from the county party committee came within a few minutes.

Wu Daming held a round-table tea party with them, and the conversation was very enthusiastic. It took him less than an hour to meet with the county party committee team, but he spent nearly two hours talking with these old comrades.

At the dinner in the evening, Wu Daming opened the banquet. Director Wang of the National People's Congress and Chairman Zhang of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference were sitting at the table with him, as well as a few old cadres. They have been away from the front line for a long time. Today, they can get the attention of the municipal party committee secretary. They are very excited. There are two old comrades.

His voice trembled when he spoke.

At the wine table, Wu Daming once again emphasized that the CPPCC National People's Congress must play its role, and veteran cadres and comrades must use their remaining energy to truly make suggestions for the work of the party committee and government.

Chen Shuan sat aside, took off his glasses and wiped them vigorously, somewhat understanding Wu Daming's intention!

Wu Daming inspected the three counties in the northwest. On the one hand, the top party and government leaders in the three counties were confirmed. He came to take a look and take a look, so that others would not interpret them randomly.

However, through such inspections, Wu Daming first began to develop his own governing ideas and concepts. Through such an opportunity, he was able to express his political ideas.

In addition, Wu Daming may use the CPPCC National People's Congress as his focus. On the one hand, he wants to let them play a role in making the power of the German-German political arena more balanced. In addition, he also wants to use the CPPCC National People's Congress to isolate some of his potential opponents.

What is the CPPCC and National People's Congress? In a sense, they are public opinion.

Wu Daming focuses on "public opinion", which may be his big bargaining chip...

In the big game of Degao, Wu Daming's focus is really different. It seems that it is a misunderstanding to blindly emphasize Wu Daming's personality. Politically, he is also extremely experienced and powerful, far beyond Chen Jing's imagination...



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