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Chapter 254 Surfaced!

Zhou Qing's office is on the third floor. The first office at the top of the stairs is his office. Next to his office is the Municipal Party Committee Secretary's Department.

As usual, Chen Jing received a call from Zhou Qing and asked him to go over and get the documents for the secretary's instructions.

Chen Jing had just walked to the stairs on the third floor when he heard the voice of Ke Bo in the corridor on the third floor: "The issue of cadre appointment must not be hasty. We cannot put some cadres who are not strong enough in their own qualities and not strong in ideas.

In a key position, such behavior is irresponsible to the party and people!"

Zhou Qing's voice said: "Yes, Secretary Fang. I will definitely follow your instructions and secure promotions in our municipal party committee office!"

"What does the municipal party committee have to do with it? Our city's cadre issues should be taken seriously and responsibly. You are also a city leader. You must dare to point out some phenomena that you don't understand. You can't hinder your face and be a good gentleman!" Fang Ke

Bo's voice was very unpleasant. He paused and then said: "For example, this time our Deshui Public Security Bureau's crackdown on pornography and illegal activities has uncovered how many problematic cadres? It's shocking! How should we deal with these cadres? Criticize and educate them.

Should we continue to use it in the future, or should we consider catching a few examples to correct the trend?"

Zhou Qing's voice was much lower and he said: "It's time to correct the atmosphere, it's time to correct the atmosphere!"

"Don't just keep talking. If you really think so, why hasn't the report been sent to the secretary for approval? A report was suppressed for three days. What was the basis for this?" Fang Kebo said loudly.

Chen Jing understood at this point that the document Zhou Qing asked him to take was a report on several cadre issues investigated and dealt with by the Deshui Public Security Bureau in this special operation. This report shocked the entire Deshui. It is said that the Deshui side was involved in that incident.

Three reports were issued.

One report is submitted to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, one report is submitted to the municipal government, and the other is delivered to the municipal party committee.

The contents of the three reports are different. It is said that the report delivered to the Municipal Party Committee is mainly to report to the Municipal Party Committee the list of all officials at all levels who were caught engaging in prostitution and gambling during the raid in Deshui, as well as their confessions!

This rumor had a huge impact on the public opinion circles in Degao and even the whole province. All districts and counties in the city began to conduct self-examination and standardize the behavior of cadres.

As for the issue of the early change of party and government leaders in the seven districts and counties, the variables have greatly increased for this reason. Many people who thought they had no hope before saw hope because of this incident and began to become active again.

The activities and statements of the Municipal Party Committee in the recent period have also received great attention. Not only are there interpretations of these activities and statements within the system, but the media also have their own interpretations of these statements.

Chen Jing calmed down, deliberately amplified the sound of his footsteps, and walked downstairs step by step. Zhou Qing and Fang Kebo, who were talking in the corridor below, stopped talking.

Chen Jing walked closer and greeted Fang Kebo first.

Fang Kebo's eyes swept across Chen Jing's face, the seriousness on his face not diminishing, and he just nodded slightly.

When Zhou Qing saw Chen Jing, he hurriedly waved and said, "Xiao Chen, you came just in time. Please bring this document to the secretary for approval!"

Zhou Qing handed Chen Jing a document. Chen Jing looked up and saw that it was the document delivered by Deshui on the special campaign to crack down on pornography, gambling and drugs.

Chen Jing took the document in his hand and said, "Secretary-General, do you have any other instructions?"

Zhou Qing bowed his hand and said: "Go and do your work! Remember to remind the secretary that this document is very important and needs to be approved quickly!"

Chen Jing nodded and just as he turned around, Fang Kebo called out: "Wait a moment!"

Chen Jing stood still, looked up at Fang Kebo, and said: "Secretary Fang..."

Fang Kebo suddenly turned to look at Zhou Qing and said: "I heard there are many rumors in the municipal party committee that Xiao Chen can last up to one month as secretary. I think this statement is completely wrong. Some people have misunderstood the truth.


He smiled softly and showed his teeth that were slightly blackened by the smoke: "I heard that Deputy Secretary-General Man once inspected Xiao Chen. The result of the inspection was that Xiao Chen was not capable, could not join the municipal party committee, and was not qualified for the job.

The work of the Municipal Party Committee Secretariat!

Haha, what a huge irony, isn’t Xiao Chen doing a good job now? Not only is he doing a good job, but he also holds the most important position in the secretarial department!”

"So, some of our cadres are not scientific at all in judging people. They all rely on personal likes and dislikes. How can this be a serious attitude when promoting cadres based on personal likes and dislikes? This is an irresponsible attitude!"

Fang Kebo greatly praised Chen Jing, but secretly hurt Man Yanbo.

Among the deputy secretaries-general of the Municipal Party Committee, Manyan Bo used to have a very high prestige, but since Chen Jing entered the Municipal Party Committee, someone spread the story about Chen Jing and Manyan Bo in the Municipal Party Committee. This has a great impact on Manyan Bo's prestige.

Big damage.

Because, through this rumor, others can easily imagine that scene.

Man Yanbo pretended to ask questions to Chen Jing, but in the end he definitely made things difficult for Chen Jing in every possible way.

The irony is that Chen Jing's gold shines everywhere, but it was discovered and excavated by the secretary himself. Not only did Man F Yanbo not block Chen Jing's progress, but he played a negative role in Chen Jing's progress.

character, what is this if not irony?

Regarding the raid by the Deshui Public Security Bureau, it was fed back to the Municipal Party Committee and turned into a report. The specific content submitted to the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wu Daming was a list of officials suspected of having problematic styles. As for the special public security operations, it was reflected in the report.

Very vague.

Wu Daming's final report included nine words of instructions: "I agree with the party's opinion and forward it to the mayor for review!"

With just these nine words, the document needs to be passed from the municipal party committee to the government. Qin Feihua's secretary Wang Yang came over to pick up the document. As soon as he came up, he held Chen Jing's hand and said: "Where is Director Chen! I haven't had a drink with you for a long time, so I just wanted to

If I have a chance to have a drink with you, would you be willing to give me a favor?"

Wang Yang is more than ten years older than Chen Jing, but he sounds like Director Chen and is very affectionate!

In the circle of municipal party committee secretaries, some people know the details of Wang Yang and say that Wang Yang's background is very tough. It is said that he is the nephew and son-in-law of a certain big boss in the province. In the early years, he had made style problems and was dealt with.

Later, after Qin Feihua entered Degao, he was re-employed. Wang Yang quickly grew into Qin Feihua's right-hand man, and his career was also favored by many outsiders. They believed that if Qin Feihua was renewed this term, he would most likely be decentralized.

Chen Shuan had a good impression of Wang Yang, and he certainly couldn't refuse Wang Yang's invitation, so he said: "Old Wang, people like you and I can't always be sure! When you have time, you can invite me and I will be sure.

Kudos to you!"

Chen Jing handed the document to Wang Yang as he spoke, but Wang Yang didn't even glance at the document!

Chen Jing has also heard some rumors. The most popular rumor outside is that Qin Feihua is behind Degao Linjiang Pavilion. And this time the Deshui Public Security Bureau investigated Linjiang Pavilion, it was Fang Kebo’s instruction!

The reason why Fang Kebo did this is that Qin Feihua and Fang Kebo had a disagreement over the bidding issue of the Deyong Expressway project, and the conflict became serious. Fang Kebo wanted to retaliate against Qin Feihua this time, and at the same time, he wanted to take this opportunity.

He wanted to take advantage of the chaos to put his own people in charge of the adjustment of the seven district and county teams.

Chen Jing has never taken these rumors lightly, but today Wang Yang's expression seems to be very calm, and there is no trace of how much emotion he has!

Chen Jing and Wang Yang were chatting. The door of Wu Daming's office suddenly opened, and Wu Daming walked out: "Xiao Chen, get ready. Later, Xiu Mei|The County Ma Secretary will come over to report on work, and you will participate in the simple record!"

Chen Jing responded "Yes!", and Wang Yang took a step forward and shouted: "Hello, Secretary!"

Wu Daming saw Wang Yang, he smiled and said: "Xiao Wang! Your belly is getting bigger and bigger. This is not good. If you follow the mayor, others will think you are the mayor!"

Wang Yang's face turned red and he said: "Report to the secretary, I am working hard to lose weight and try to reduce the weight to a suitable weight!"

Wu Daming bowed his hand and said: "It's a joke, just a joke! Why are you young people so funny now? Is it necessary to be so serious all day long?"

When Wang Yangjing and Wu Daming said this, he felt even more frightened, while Chen Jing just smiled and didn't feel any embarrassment at all.

Wang Yang couldn't help but envied Chen Jing. At least the relationship between Chen Jing and Secretary Wu was much more natural than the relationship between him and Mayor Qin. Mayor Qin had always been a serious person. How could he behave like this to the secretary?

Are you joking?

He suddenly remembered that Qin Feihua hinted to him to let him know Wu Daming's views and attitude towards the Linjiang Pavilion inspection incident.

Looking at Wu Daming's attitude now, how could he see even the slightest clue? He just came over to get the document and had already glanced at the content of the document. Wu Daming's instructions on it were concise and clear.

Wu Daming supported Fang Kebo's instructions and asked Qin Feihua to also read the documents.

What does it mean?

Does he support Fang Kebo's strict organizational discipline and catching a few typical cases to handle?

Wang Yang was a little confused. But at this moment, Chen Jing had a guest!

Xiumei | County Party Committee Secretary Ma Buping is here!

Ma Buping walked in and saw Wu Daming. He walked over quickly, smiling from afar, and said: "Secretary..."

The two shook hands tightly, and Wu Daming extended his hand and said: "Let's go in, go in! I asked Xiao Chen to come over and make Kung Fu tea for us. We drank tea and chatted. Xiao Chen is very good at making tea!"

Ma Buping followed Wu Daming into his office. Neither Chen Jing nor Wang Yang had the chance to say hello to him.

Wang Yang couldn't stay any longer, so he left immediately. Before leaving, he didn't forget to say hello to Chen Jing, saying that he would treat Chen Jing to dinner!

Chen Jing walked Wang Yang to the door, and when he turned around, he was a little surprised.

When did Ma Buping join Degao? There is no meeting with Ma Buping on today's schedule. What's going on?!


This chapter has been completed!
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