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Chapter 289 The secretary is angry

Chapter 289: Secretary gets angry

After the municipal party committee's economic work meeting, Wu Daming chose to immediately start grassroots research.

Wu Daming chose Lihe as the first stop, which surprised Chen Jing. When Wu Daming went down to inspect, he found that it was a King Long minibus, followed by at most a safety car. It can be said that it was a very light and simple journey.

Chen Jing called Hong Renbo about the situation of Wu Daming's entourage this time, but he did not inform Yi Minghua or Lu Quan. For Hong Renbo, this was an opportunity to show his face in the team and stand up.

, Chen Jing has such a unique advantage as the leadership secretary.

When you are with the leader, you can know the leader's dynamics at the first time, and this information is often what the people below want to know.

Among the ten districts and counties of Degao, Lihe is the county with the slowest response. After Wu Daming took office, he made many new economic measures, especially for the three northern counties. Wu Daming attached great importance to the development of the three northern counties!

It is no exaggeration to say that most districts and counties in Degao are now actively working hard on economic construction. Wu Daming advocates the concept of economy as the core and cadre promotion based on performance evaluation. This concept can be said to be gradually gaining popularity in Degao politics.

It penetrated.

The result is that districts and counties are vying for development, and districts and counties are vying for resources. In the past, Degao was criticized for having too many overseas offices, offices in Beijing, and offices in the provinces. Now not many people criticize it.


What the districts and counties in Degao are doing now is not to cancel these overseas agencies, but to adjust the personnel composition of these overseas agencies. Each county has sent elite soldiers and generals to find ways outside and build connections. It can be said that they are very busy.


Compared with the enthusiasm in other districts and counties, Lihe seems to be tepid. Yi Minghua was a disciplinary inspection cadre and placed special emphasis on party style and clean government. After he took office, he launched two or three waves of anti-corruption activities throughout the county.


However, there is no competition for the resources that Lihe should compete for, and there is no development plan for Lihe's economy. This has caused considerable differences among the Lihe team.

In particular, the neighboring counties of Xiumei and Linhe are currently investing in infrastructure construction in full swing, and their development momentum has obviously exceeded that of previous years. This makes the people of Lihe even more secretly anxious, and Yi Minghua's prestige has been greatly reduced.

Yi Minghua himself was anxious. In fact, in his opinion, Lihe's development had been proceeding step by step, but Xiumei's development momentum was too strong, and the municipal party committee had obviously given Xiumei a huge policy preference. In this way

In comparison, Lihe seems to be lagging behind.

In addition, Yi Minghua had not long been appointed Secretary of the County Party Committee. He had not yet fully established his prestige within Lihe. If he wanted to implement his will, there were always obstacles.

In particular, his relationship with Chen Jing was not good, which directly affected his communication with Secretary Wu of the municipal party committee, and communication with the city's top leaders was not smooth. This is where Yi Minghua was very passive.

There are problems communicating with the top leaders of the city, but there are other people in the team who can always have insight into the dynamics of the municipal party committee. Can the prestige of his county party committee secretary not be damaged?

Yi Minghua attached great importance to Wu Daming's inspection of Lihe. He didn't care about being scolded and directly led all members of his team to greet him outside the county town.

Wu Daming parked the car outside the city and asked Chen Jing to go down and ask Yi Minghua and Lu Quan to get in the car, while the others returned the same way.

At this time, Yi Minghua finally couldn't hold himself back and began to take the initiative to show his kindness to Chen Jing. He said: "Director Chen, welcome back. Since you left Lihe, Lihe's development has been stagnant. You have been questioned quite a bit.

Duo, it seems, this is all my fault, I was too conservative! You young people are right."

Yi Minghua said this skillfully. It sounded like he was talking about development issues, but in fact he was talking about the past between him and Chen Jing.

When Chen Jing was in Lihe, Yi Minghua was trying to kill Chen Jing and would not give up until Chen Jing's head was pushed down.

But in the end, not only did he not push Chen Jing down, but he allowed Chen Jing to break out of the prison in Lihe, jump into the city, and become the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary.

However, Yi Minghua's initial actions against Chen Jing not only failed to enhance his prestige, but also attracted criticism.

Today, Yi Minghua finally spoke face to face with Chen Jing and admitted his mistake.

Chen Jing smiled lightly and said: "Secretary Yi, let's not talk about the past. We should grasp the present and look forward to the future! Okay, the secretary invites you to get in his car, and County Magistrate Lu, the secretary also invites you!"

Yi Minghua waved to Lu Quan, then turned to the others and said, "You all go back first, Lao Lu, let's get on the bus!"

At this moment, Hong Renbo squeezed out and shook hands with Chen Jing. He said: "Director Chen, it's been a hard journey. Let's have a few more drinks tonight!"

Chen Jing held hands with him and said: "I'm not good at drinking, but if you, Lao Hong, want to drink, I will definitely accompany you!"

When he said this, he and Hong Renbo looked at each other, and they both laughed at the same time.

Hong Renbo retreated under everyone's envious eyes, waved to others, and said: "Let's go back. The secretary and the county magistrate will go to Secretary Wu's car!"

Under Hong Renbo's greeting, everyone got on the bus one after another. Chen Jing pursed his lips and was very satisfied that Hong Renbo was able to find the right position and find every opportunity to gain a foothold in such a short time since he came to Lihe!

It seems that Hong Renbo is indeed a talent who has been tested in Linhe for a long time!

Wu Daming did not save any face for the Lihe team. He criticized the Lihe team for being ununited, not serious, and without a sense of responsibility!

He spoke very emotionally. He said: "We have always emphasized that we must focus on economic construction and pursue development wholeheartedly. However, many people do not understand the truth, that is, where we need development and progress most.

In fact, it is not a coastal area or a big city.

It should be our underdeveloped and backward regions.

Why do you say that? Take Lihe as an example. As Lihe cadres, you should know the production and living conditions of the people in Lihe, and what kind of life the people live?"

He was speaking to Yi Minghua with an almost livid face, and his momentum was aggressive:

"It is no exaggeration to say that the people in Lihe, especially those in remote areas, are still living in dire straits. Several Tujia villages still need relief from the civil administration every year to survive the difficult years.

In a place like this, as a parent official, if we do not focus on the welfare of the people and solve development problems, what value does such a team have?"

The entire conference room was silent, and Wu Daming's speech could be said to make everyone unable to lift their heads.

From Lihe to Linhe is National Highway 109. The road surface of this section of the national highway has been damaged in many places.

Along the way, the car was bumpy and the speed could not be increased.

Wu Daming had just left Lihe. He held three meetings in Lihe and inspected two towns. In each meeting, Wu Daming was very angry. The entire Lihe team was trained very badly by him. Finally, Yi Ming

Hua and Lu Quan didn't even dare to sit next to him!

Lihe's cadres and all walks of life know that Secretary Wu is very dissatisfied with the current situation in Lihe. Although he did not say that if there is no improvement, he will tell the secretary and county magistrate to get out, but it can be felt from the words in his speech.

Wu Daming was indeed angry!

The Municipal Party Committee Secretary was furious. This was a matter of great concern not only in Lihe, but also throughout Degao.

From Degao to Lihe, you need to pass through Xiumei and Linhe counties. Wu Daming passed through these two counties to inspect Lihe first, and then went to Linhe. And he got angry in Lihe just because he was dissatisfied with the Lihe team.

Are you dissatisfied?

All walks of life in Lihe will definitely think so, but outsiders have more interpretations.

Chen Jing knew clearly that Wu Daming had been annoyed by more than just Lihe recently. Compared with Lihe's stagnation, Wu Daming was most annoyed by the Linxing Tractor Factory and the Zhu Enyu case in Linhe.

Zhu Enyu died, and he died in disgrace. But before Zhu Enyu died, he was very active in the Linhe team, and in terms of ideological tendencies, he was also quite inclined to Wu Daming.

After Wu Daming's governing philosophy came out, Zhu Enyu was the first in Linhe to propose reforming the Linxing Tractor Branch No. 1 or splitting the Linxing Tractor Factory, and split all the core businesses of the current tractor factory.

Cut off some projects that are unprofitable and have poor development prospects, and focus on projects with good prospects and high profits.

These speeches by Zhu Enyu caused considerable controversy at the time, because within Linxing Tractor Factory, some people believed that Zhu Enyu had left the leadership position of the tractor factory and should not interfere too much in the operation of the tractor.

Zhu Enyu also publicly stated to the outside world that Linxing Tractor Factory can never lose money, and the core reason for its continuous losses is the large and abnormal loss of state-owned assets.

Zhu Enyu's speech was very shocking at the time, and the entire Degao City was shocked.

In order to understand the real situation, Mayor Qin Feihua specially interviewed Zhu Enyu. The two had extensive and in-depth exchanges. In the end, Zhu Enyu began to restrain his rhetoric.

And just when these turmoil seemed calm, Zhu Enyu died suddenly!

The way Zhu Enyu died made all his previous speeches become ridiculous nonsense. No one would believe his speech, and it was too late for the people to scorn him. Who would trust the things he said before?

All of these are the source of Wu Daming's anger. Zhu Enyu's incident shocked him so much, and at the same time made him feel so much in danger!

This sense of crisis is not limited to a certain thing or a few people.

Rather, it is his sense of crisis about the entire Degao political arena, the atmosphere of the political arena, the extent to which the cadres have become corrupted, and what exactly there is in Linxing Tractor Factory and how many doubts there are. This may be what Wu Daming is really worried about!



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