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Chapter 295 Political exchange!

Chapter 295 Political Exchange!

There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends in politics.

Chen Jing and Yi Minghua were once bitter rivals. When they were in Lihe, Chen Jing suffered so much from Yi Minghua that he was almost driven into despair by Yi Minghua.

After Chen Jing entered the municipal party committee, Yi Minghua did not live in peace for a few days, and the people inside were unstable. Yi Minghua's backer in the municipal party committee, Fang Kebo, was completely under the aura of Wu Daming, and with him, he could not find anything at the municipal party committee level.

Support is almost zero.

After Wu Daming took office, he made a series of reforms and changes, as well as the large number of preferential policies and resources that Wu Daming secured for Degao. Lihe, represented by Yi Minghua, did not receive any of them. This is what Yi Minghua did in Lihe

The river is the main aspect that people criticize.

The municipal party committee mixed sand into the Lihe team, which also made Yi Minghua miserable. First of all, the county magistrate Lu Quan did not listen to Yi Minghua at all. Regarding the development of Lihe, Yi Minghua had ideas, and the government

But there is another set of ideas, and the two ideas cannot be unified.

Lu Quan's background was stronger than that of Yi Minghua, and his economic level was higher than that of Yi Minghua. Based on these two points, Lu Quan attracted many people in the Lihe team, and he was implicitly competing with Yi Minghua.

In addition to Lu Quan, although the newly appointed deputy secretary of the county party committee Hong Renbo was an official who made mistakes in Linhe, Hong Renbo was the deputy secretary recommended by Wu Daming. More importantly, Hong Renbo had a close relationship with Chen Jing.

When Hong Renbo came to Lihe, it was obvious that he was here to mix sand. How could Yi Minghua dare to trust him?

Yi Minghua couldn't control several key members of the team. His role as team leader was really miserable.

Yi Minghua is in such a miserable state today. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can only blame him for doing things too well. If he had not punished Chen Jing to death. Chen Jing is now the secretary of the municipal party committee. It is said that there are people in the government who are easy to do.

Officer, Chen Jing is a cadre trained by Lihe. Does he have any local concept?

Lihe Yi Minghua's mistakes can be seen from Xiumei's success. Xiumei was able to quickly keep up with Wu Daming's pace and gain a lot of support from the province and city. Isn't this due to the special relationship between Chen Jing and Ma Buping?

Xiumei's development momentum is unprecedentedly hot, which makes Lihe River feel lifeless.

For so many years, Xiumei and Lihe are adjacent to each other. Not only the officials are competing with each other, but also the private sector and ordinary people are competing with each other. Now Xiumei and Lihe are in the sky and the other is in the ground. It is not just the political circles that are shaken.

Confidence comes more from the voices of ordinary people, who have many doubts about the abilities of the county party committee and government leaders.

Among the people in Lihe, some people called Yi Minghua "Yi Mingshu", and even more unpleasantly, "Yi Fawen". This was something that made Yi Minghua very embarrassed and helpless at the same time.

He himself never thought that just because of Chen Jing, it would bring him so much trouble and make it difficult for him to move forward in Lihe!

More than once, he thought about easing the relationship with Chen Jing, but how could he humble himself and let go of his arrogance about such a thing? After all, he was a leader in his own right.

When Yi Minghua received the call from Chen Jing, he couldn't believe his ears. His voice even trembled a little, and he was more excited than when he received the call from the leader of the municipal party committee.

Chen Jing accompanied Wu Daming to inspect Lihe. Although Wu Daming was very angry, Yi Minghua was very polite.

Moreover, he also used special thought to ask the county committee to prepare a good souvenir for Chen Jing and send it to Chen Jing's house. Chen Jing is a knowledgeable person and understands the value of this gift.

Now, he finally received a call from Chen Jing. It seemed that his thoughts were not in vain.

Chen Jing was very familiar with Yi Minghua. He got straight to the point and told Yi Minghua directly: "Secretary Yi, what you said last time about investing funds to build the Lihe River Highway should be a little clearer this time! This year's province

The road hardening target of the Department of Transportation is more than 10,000 kilometers.

Whether these specific indicators can fall on us is still unknown. Firstly, you need to work hard, and secondly, you must also consider the current actual road conditions and actual needs. I will give you an idea today, and I hope you can grasp it.

This opportunity!”

Yi Minghua was stunned, and a burst of ecstasy surged in his heart. For Lihe, the most important thing now is basic investment in transportation.

In recent years, the roads on several main arterial roads around Lihe River have become very aging. Especially the road connecting Lihe River and Linhe River is narrow and difficult to travel. It is only 50 to 60 kilometers long, but it takes several kilometers to walk.

hours, and even more time-consuming on rainy days.

Because of this road, communication between Lihe and Linhe counties is extremely difficult, severely restricting the economic development of the two counties.

Last year, Lihe proposed to build a new express line from Lihe to Linhe, with a road width of four lanes and an investment plan of nearly 100 million yuan for the entire road. However, this project has not yet been approved.

At the beginning of this year, when Wu Daming fought for the approval of the Department of Transportation project, the project submitted by Lihe was not approved. This was a major setback for Lihe and Yi Minghua personally.

Yi Minghua said excitedly: "Director Chen, the news you brought is so exciting! On behalf of the people of Lihe, thank you!"

Chen Jing said calmly: "I won't say thank you. I am a cadre from Lihe. It is the happiest thing to see Lihe getting better day by day!"

Thoughts were running through Yi Minghua's mind, and he felt indescribably happy. He jumped on the pole and asked: "Director Chen, you work next to the secretary. How confident do you think you are at the Transportation Department this time?"


Chen Jingdao: "You are really asking me what you are saying! Let me make some arrangements for you. It is best to have the opportunity for you to accompany the secretary to the provincial office. In this case, the chance will be much greater!"

"Thank you so much! If you have this opportunity, I believe the provincial leaders will consider us in Lihe!" Yi Minghua said.

He was elated, and he knew in his heart that if there was really a chance to accompany Secretary Wu to the provincial capital, then it would be a certainty that this road would be approved.

After all, Wu Daming is the secretary of the municipal party committee of a city, and he is a well-known figure in the entire Chujiang political arena. If he can come to the door to ask for help in person, it is impossible that there will be no hint in the hall. A casual gesture will be enough to fund the Lihe River road.

Got it!

After hanging up the phone from Chen Jing, Yi Minghua was in a good mood. He got a piece of good news, and the good news was sent by Chen Jing. This meant that the relationship between him and Chen Jing was slowly easing, and the easing of the relationship was good for him.

It means so much to him.

This may be an opportunity for the entire Lihe, and Xiu Mei is a good example. If the Lihe team can quickly adjust its strategy and immediately move closer to Wu Daming, maybe Lihe will have more and greater development opportunities.

"Boom, boom!" The secretary knocked on the door.

Yi Minghua said loudly: "Come in! What's going on?"

Secretary Xiao Wang sneaked in and said: "Secretary, Deputy Secretary Hong called just now and asked if you have time. Look..."

"Deputy Secretary Hong?" Yi Minghua frowned. In his memory, after Hong Renbo came to Lihe, he never took the initiative to ask for instructions on the phone to report work. Is this true?

Yi Minghua thought in his heart. He has been in the officialdom for a long time. If he thought about it carefully, he would understand that Chen Jing had just given him a sweet treat, and Hong Renbo came over to explain the conditions. Where in the world can you get a free lunch?

When he thought of this, Yi Minghua felt calm, as long as Chen Jing had the conditions.

Yi Minghua is afraid that Chen Jing has no desires and needs. If Chen Jing has the conditions, it means that Yi Minghua is still useful. Being able to play a role these days is actually value. Only valuable people will not be

People forget!

Hong Renbo came over with a smile on his face, and Yi Minghua, the old face of the Discipline Inspection Commission, also smiled particularly brightly today.

The two of them drank tea and chatted when they came in. They talked about the international and foreign situation, and they talked about anything. Hong Renbo suddenly transformed into Kanye, but he never got to the topic.

Yi Minghua also kept his composure and turned down several schedules. In any case, this was a very pleasant contact between the secretary and the deputy secretary. This was something he had never seen in the past few months.

Yi Minghua understood that this was a signal. In the future, Hong Renbo would definitely take a big step forward in cooperating with his work. The two of them chatting today were actually exchanging feelings!

This may also be a gesture of goodwill from Chen Jing. Chen Jing supports Yi Minghua's work in Lihe. What does he want Yi Minghua to do?

The question in Yi Minghua's heart slowly rose, and he became more curious.

"Secretary Yi, I was looking through the information today and saw all the files on the restructuring of Yizhou Cement Factory. The restructuring of Yizhou Cement Factory has really gone through a lot of twists and turns. Now Caishui has so many experiences. It's surprising.

!" Hong Renbo took the lead in bringing the topic to the point.

Before Yi Minghua could react, he added: "I discovered that there is a key figure in the process of ruining the Yizhou Cement Factory and making Caishui very passive, and this figure is Shao Bingying!"

"We have lost the entire team, but Shao Bingying is still unharmed. This matter is very strange and incomprehensible. Especially recently, something seems to have happened in Caishui. Is there a figure of their main shareholder behind this? I think so.

Yes!" Hong Renbo talked eloquently.

Yi Minghua frowned and said, "Lao Hong, what do you think?"

Hong Renbo said: "Secretary, it is not easy for Lihe to have the stable situation it has today. We must not repeat the same mistakes as Caishui Group! I think we must nip the danger in the bud!"

"That's a good suggestion. It's exactly what I want!" Yi Minghua said, "In that case, you, Lao Hong, will be solely responsible for this task! If you have any requests, feel free to ask for them. I will support you if I have conditions. If there are no conditions, I will create it.

The conditions must support you, so just go ahead and do it boldly!"



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