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Chapter 345: Chen Jing's arrangement!

Chapter 345 Chen Jing’s arrangement!

Chen Jing was studying at the party school. The school stipulated that there were three opportunities to ask for leave. Chen Jing thought he would not use it, but on the second day of school after the new year, he received a call from Zhao Ke. On the phone, Zhao Ke said that Secretary Wu had entered the provincial capital.

Yes, I want to see him.

Chen Jing quickly asked for leave from school and went straight to Wu Daming's house.

Before and after the Chinese New Year, Chen Jing went to Wu Daming's house several times. Wu Daming was too busy during the Spring Festival and had no time to come back. So Chen Jing helped him buy various New Year necessities, which was regarded as New Year's goods. To Chen Jing, these things

It can be regarded as a New Year greeting to Wu Daming.

Wu Daming's wife Lu Honglian has now been transferred to work in the Provincial Department of Health, and her work is relatively free. Women of her age will inevitably have bad tempers when they have free work and comfortable life, and they are in menopause.

She always suspected that Wu Daming was far away from the emperor in Degao, Tiangao, and there were other women. Seeing that Wu Daming didn't go home during the New Year, she became even more anxious and had to rush to Degao to argue with Wu Daming.

Wu Daming is very busy during the Spring Festival this year. How can he have time to argue with her?

However, as the secretary of the municipal party committee of a city, Wu Daming cannot be unstable even in his own backyard. If he cannot manage the affairs of his family well and cannot be stable, how can he be a great person like De Gao?

Therefore, Wu Daming had no choice but to call Chen Jing and ask him to persuade his sister-in-law and explain Wu Daming's situation clearly.

When Chen Jing received this task, he naturally put a lot of thought into purchasing various New Year's goods and delivered them to Lu Honglian, saying that it was arranged by the secretary.

As soon as he arrived at Wu Daming's house, he complained to Lu Honglian, saying how hard Secretary Wu was, how many people couldn't stand him, how many people were jealous of his higher grades, and described Wu Daming's situation as if he was walking on thin ice and in danger.

When Lu Honglian heard this, she felt ashamed and worried. All her previous messy thoughts were thrown away, and she stopped making trouble with Wu Daming.

Wu Daming called Chen Jing a few days ago and praised Chen Jing, saying that he can do ideological work. He also laughed and said that with Chen Jing's ability, he is more than enough to be the secretary of the municipal party committee!

When Chen Jing arrived at Wu Daming's house, Zhao Ke came out to pick him up.

Zhao Ke is ten years older than Chen Jing, but he is extremely polite in front of Chen Jing.

He knows that it is not easy to work next to Secretary Wu. Chen Jing has worked next to Secretary Wu for a year and has accumulated rich experience. If Zhao Ke wants to take over his class well, he has to work hard. There are many places, and there are many places where less is needed and more is needed.

Ask Chen Jing.

"How is it? Old Zhao! Why did the secretary enter the provincial capital at this time?" Chen Jing said.

Zhao Kedao: "The secretary came to the provincial capital this time for Linxing. This year, the National Development and Reform Commission plans to establish one or two large-scale automobile manufacturers in the Central Plains region. The provincial party committee attaches great importance to this project and wants to integrate several automobile-related enterprises in the province.

First, let's see if we can build a large-scale leading automobile company in Chujiang.

Secretary Wu is very optimistic about this project and hopes that Linxing Tractor Factory will be the leader in the province's enterprise integration this time. If the entire integration can stand on the province's level, Linxing's future will be quite remarkable!"

Chen Jing nodded. Chen Jing had paid attention to this plan of the National Development and Reform Commission and had also thought about the future of Linxing Factory.

But such a big operation was still too far away from Chen Jing. He just thought about it for a moment and did not go into it further. It seems that Wu Daming and Chen Jing must have thought of going together, and now they have put it into practice so quickly.

Take action!

"Director Chen, you bought so many years' worth of goods for the secretary's family and you didn't communicate with the secretary. He almost exposed himself in front of his sister-in-law just now!" Zhao Ke said.

Chen Jing frowned and said, "Really? Probably not!"

While Chen Jing was talking, he and Zhao Ke entered Wu Daming's house. Lu Honglian greeted him warmly: "Xiao Chen is here. Our old Wu finally came back. No one else will miss you, but you. When you arrive, we will miss you."

, he should be able to sit back and live peacefully at home!"

Chen Jing smiled coquettishly, put on his slippers, walked to Wu Daming's side and said, "Hello Secretary!"

Wu Daming had been squinting at Chen Jing since he walked in. He kept looking away as Chen Jing walked over like this.

"How is it? I see that you have changed a lot. Have you benefited a lot?" Wu Daming said.

Chen Jing nodded: "That's true. This young cadre class in the party school has a very tight focus on learning and strict management. I feel so honored to be able to participate in this class!"

Wu Daming smiled faintly, looking very pleased, and said: "I heard about your performance in the party school. You are a good writer. You also wrote an article in pure classical Chinese. Your skills are really astonishing!"

Chen Jing was a little surprised, Wu Daming smiled and said: "Don't be surprised, none of your classmates are mediocre, they are all noticed! You can stand out from these people, it is difficult for you not to get attention!"


As he spoke, he pointed to the chair and said: "Sit down first, let's have some food while we sit down, and then let Lao Tu take us to Orange Garden Beach. The water temperature has risen today, so we can go to the river to try the pole."

Lu Honglian was a little unhappy and said: "Lao Wu, can't you stay in peace and contentment when you go home? Your butt is not even hot yet, and you want to go fishing again. Are you so addicted?"

Chen Jingdao: "Sister-in-law, you have misunderstood the secretary. Fishing is fake, but visiting guests is real. The secretary came to the provincial capital because he has something on his mind!"

When Chen Jing said this, Lu Honglian thought about Wu Daming's difficulties that Chen Jing mentioned. Her face looked better and she said, "You guys talk, I will arrange a meal for you." She stared at Wu Daming and said, "Old Wu

, you are not young anymore, you have to take care of your health, don’t work too hard!”

She got up and went to the kitchen. Wu Daming looked at Chen Jing in surprise and said: "Hey, Xiao Chen, you are really capable. Your sister-in-law was persuaded very well by you!"

Chen Jing smiled and explained the cause and effect of the matter, and said: "Secretary, I have said a thousand words, but my sister-in-law still cares about you. Only with this foundation can my rhetoric be effective!"

Wu Daming smiled coquettishly, waved his hand and said: "We are an old married couple, why are we talking about these things?"

He paused and said: "But what you just said is really right. We will go to meet someone after dinner, but we must also bring the fishing rod. Fishing is also an important activity for us. This winter has been too long. I haven't fished for a long time.

Yes, I miss it very much!”

Orange Garden is a small peninsula on the Chu River. This place was once an important revolutionary holy place on the Chu River. The command center of the Chujiang Uprising during the Great Revolution was in Orange Garden.

After liberation, Juyuantan was once designated as the construction site for the Provincial Party Committee's reception hotel. At that time, Juyuantan Guesthouse received all important guests from Chujiang Province.

Since the 1990s, Juyuantan has been gradually transformed into a provincial veteran cadre center and a health center for cadres, and some areas have been opened to the public. Juyuantan Park has been built on the peninsula for citizens to take a walk and relax after dinner.

The driver, Lao Tu, drove the car at a fast speed all the way to the back door of Juyuantan Laoqian Station, then passed the path at the back door and drove the car all the way to the riverside.

The Chu River Embankment here is tall and majestic. From the embankment to the river beach, there are bluestone steps, more than a hundred steps.

Standing on the river embankment and looking down, there are many people fishing in twos and threes on the river beach below.

When the Chu River reaches Juyuan Beach, it passes through the interception of the peninsula. The water flow is gentle towards the back of the island. This is a fishing spot that is truly suitable for fishing.

Chen Jing carried a large fishing gear bag and Wu Daming walked down the stone steps. As he walked, he observed the surroundings. He always felt that this place was not simple. The people fishing did not look like ordinary people.

On both sides of the river embankment, there are guard booths with armed police standing guard.

"Okay, you don't have to look around. This is the recuperation base of the provincial cadre office. The people who can come here to fish are all leading cadres, not ordinary people!" Wu Daming said. He paused and said: "Leading cadres

We are also human beings, and leading cadres can also have hobbies, right?"

Chen Jing kept silent and silently walked down the stairs, followed closely by Wu Daming.

The stone steps are long and steep, and you need to be extremely careful step by step. Wu Daming said: "There are a total of 181 steps on this stone step. At first, someone proposed to arrange a gentle road next to the river to get down to the river. The purpose is to

It is convenient for people fishing in the river to come and go.

In the end, this proposal was vetoed by Marshal He from Chujiang. At that time, Mr. He served as the Minister of National Sports. He said that sports cannot be just about athletes. To improve the quality of all citizens, we need to carry out national sports.

Sports for all.

The hundreds of steps at the Chujiang Veteran Cadre Institute are good. Everyone can go up and down along the stone steps. This is a natural exercise. The veteran comrades and cadres have all worked hard on training. What can other people say?..."

"Just because of his words, this step has been preserved and has become a beautiful feature of Orange Garden! Now walking on this step, you can naturally think of what the old marshal said about national sports and national fitness.


It is no exaggeration to say that the craze for national fitness in the Republic started with Marshal He."

Wu Daming told these stories to Chen Jing. Chen Jing listened very carefully and kept nodding. He also felt that it was quite artistic in his heart. With such a story, the meaning of a bluestone staircase road was completely different!

"Chen Jing, have you ever considered where you want to go after you graduate from the party school?" Wu Daming asked abruptly.

Chen Jing was stunned, shook his head subconsciously, looked back at Wu Daming, his lips moved, but closed again.

After pondering for a long time, he said: "I didn't think about that myself, I just relied on the organization's arrangements!"

"Do you know that you are now very famous outside, and you have openly offended Liao Zheyu, which has alarmed many people, and even some leaders of the provincial party committee know your name! How should I arrange for such a famous person?

Where should I arrange you?" Wu Daming said calmly.



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